MICROSOFT OFFICE EXCELL 2007Qendra e Kompetences Malishev? Prof: Fatmir Morina Mars 2011Ekonomik Menaxhment dhe Informatik Qendra e kompetencesMars 20111. Hyrje1.1 Startimi dhe karakteristikat e Excel 2007 Excel 2007 , mund ta startojm? n? disa menyra, sikur dhe programet tjera e Office 2007.Getting started with Excel 2007 you will notice that there are many similar features to previous versions. Do t? vini re se Excel 2007 ka karakteristika shum? t? ngjashme me versionet e m?parshme. You will also notice that there are many new features that you'll be able to utilize. There are three features that you should remember as you work within Excel 2007: the Microsoft Office Button, the Quick Access Toolbar, and the Ribbon. Ka tre karakteristika t? veqanta nga versionet tjera: Microsoft Office Button, Quick Access Toolbar, dhe Ribbon. The function of these features will be more fully explored below. Funksionin e k?tyre karakteristikave do t? I hulumtojm? m? posht?. 1. Hyrje1.1 Startimi dhe karakteristikat e Excel 2007 Permbajtja TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1. Hyrje PAGEREF _Toc288865680 \h 12. Opcionet dhe rregullimi i parametrave t? Excell 2007 PAGEREF _Toc288865682 \h 63. T? punuarit me qeliza PAGEREF _Toc288865683 \h 114. T? punuarit me libra punues PAGEREF _Toc288865684 \h 155 Formatizimi i librave punues PAGEREF _Toc288865685 \h 186. Konfigurimi dhe shtypja e faqes PAGEREF _Toc288865686 \h 257. Fletet punuese dhe librat punues PAGEREF _Toc288865687 \h 298. T? punuarit me formula dhe funksione PAGEREF _Toc288865688 \h 369. T? punuarit me diagrame dhe grafika PAGEREF _Toc288865689 \h 39Getting started with Excel 2007 you will notice that there are many similar feaThe function of these features will be more ful1. Hyrje1.1 Startimi dhe karakteristikat e Excel 2007 Excel 2007 , mund ta startojm? n? disa menyra, sikur dhe programet tjera ne Office 2007.Getting started with Excel 2007 you will notice that there are many similar features to previous versions. Do t? vini re se Excel 2007 ka karakteristika shum? t? ngjashme me versionet e m?parshme. You will also notice that there are many new features that you'll be able to utilize. There are three features that you should remember as you work within Excel 2007: the Microsoft Office Button, the Quick Access Toolbar, and the Ribbon. Ka tre karakteristika t? veqanta nga versionet tjera: Microsoft Office Button, Quick Access Toolbar, dhe Ribbon. The function of these features will be more fully explored below. Funksionin e k?tyre karakteristikave do t? I hulumtojm? m? posht?. Kolona ERreshta 5 551.2 Faqja e Excel 2007Me startimin e Exel 2007 do t? paraqitet libri punuese, si m? lart?.A spreadsheet is an electronic document that stores various types of data. Libri punues ?sht? nj? dokument elektronik q? ruan lloje t? ndryshme t? t? dh?nave. Libri punues p?b?het nga fletet punuese(sheet 1,sheet 2,sheet 3 ) etj.The workbook is the holder for related worksheetsThere are vertical columns and horizontal rows.Fleta punuese perban? rresht(row) dhe kolona(column). Rreshtat shenohen me numra , ndersa kolonat me shkronja A,B,C,AA,AB,AC,AAA etj.Nj? Flet? punuese permban 256 kolona dhe 655536 rreshta. A cell is where the column and row intersect. Nj? qeliz? formohet aty ku nd?rthuren kolona dhe rreshti.N? fig. eshte selektuar qeliza A1. A cell can contain data and can be used in calculations of data within the spreadsheet. Nj? qeliz? mund t? p?rmbaj? t? dh?na dhe mund t? p?rdoret p?r llogaritjen e t? dh?nave . An Excel spreadsheet can contain workbooks and worksheets. Microsoft Office Button 1.3. Office Button Microsoft The Microsoft Office Button performs many of the functions that were located in the File menu of older versions of Excel. Microsoft Office Button kryen funksionet q? ishin vendosur n? menyn? File n? versione e vjetra t? Excel 2003. This button allows you to create a new workbook, Open an existing workbook, save and save as, print, send, or close. Ky buton ju mundeson t? krijoni nj? manual t? ri,p?r t? hapur nj? dokument ekzistues, p?r t? ruajturi, shtypur, t? d?rguar, etj. iRibbon 1.4 Shiriti i panelitThe ribbon is the panel at the top portion of the document It has seven tabs: Home, Insert, Page Layouts, Formulas, Data, Review, and View. Shiriti i panelit n? pjes?n e lart? e dokumentit, ka shtat? meny: Home, Insert, Page Layout, formulas, Data, Review, dhe View. Each tab is divided into groups. ?do meny ?sht? e ndar? n? (7)grupe. The groups are logical collections of features designed to perform function that you will utilize in developing or editing your Excel spreadsheets. Grupe jan? koleksionet logjike e karakteristika t? projektuara p?r t? kryer funksione t? ndryshme. Commonly utilized features are displayed on the Ribbon. Karakteristikat e zakonishme jan? t? shfaqura n? shirit. To view additional features within each group, click the arrow at the bottom right corner of each group. P?r t? par? karakteristika t? tjera brenda secilit grup, kliko shigjet?n n? k?nd t? drejt? n? fund t? ?do grupi. Home : Clipboard, Fonts, Alignment, Number, Styles, Cells, Editing View : Workbook Views, ShoQuick Access Toolbar 1.5 Qasja e shpejt? n? Toolbar (quick access toolbar)The quick access toolbar is a customizable toolbar that contains commands that you may want to use. Qasje e shpejt? toolbar ?sht? nj? toolbar I p?rshtatsh?m q? p?rmban komandat q? ju mund t? d?shironi t? p?rdorni. You can place the quick access toolbar above or below the ribbon. Ju mund te vendosni k?te toolbar mbi ose n?n panelin e shiritit.P?r To change the location of the quick access toolbar, click on the arrow at the end of the toolbar and click Show Below the Ribbon . t? ndryshuar vendndodhjen e toolbar, klikoni mbi shigjet?n n? fund t? toolbar dhe kliko Show below the ribbon. You can also add items to the quick access toolbar. Ju mund t? shtoni opsione(vegla) tjera ne Quick access toolbar. Right click on any item in the Office Button or the Ribbon and click Add to Quick Access Toolbar and a shortcut will be added. Right click mbi ?do opsion n? office Button ose Shirit dhe klikoni Add to Quick Access Toolbar. Mini Toolbar 1.6 Mini Toolbar A new feature in Office 2007 is the Mini Toolbar.Nj? karakteristik? e re n? Office 2007 ?sht? Mini Toolbar. This is a floating toolbar that is displayed when you select text or right-click text. Ky ?sht? nj? toolbar lundrues q? shfaqet kur ju zgjidhni tekst ose tekst right-click. It displays common formatting tools, such as Bold, Italics, Fonts, Font Size and Font Color. Ajo tregon mjetet e zakonshme formatimit, t? tilla si Bold, Italics, Fonts, Font Size Font Color etj. 2. Opcionet dhe rregullimi i parametrave t? Excell 2007Excel 2007 ofron nj? gam? t? gjer? t? opsioneve permes t? cilave Excel ju mundeson t? beni pune t? persosur. To access these customizable options: P?r t? hyr? n? k?to opsione: Click the Office Button Klikoni Office Button Click Excel Options Klikoni Excel Options 2.1 Popular Popullore These features allow you to personalize your work environment with the mini toolbar, color schemes, default options for new workbooks, customize sort and fill sequences user name and allow you to access the Live Preview feature. K?to karakteristika ju mundesojn? t? personalizoni mjedisin tuaj t? pun?s me mini toolbar, skemat, ngjyra, opsionet e parazgjedhura p?r faqe t? reja, t? plot?soni emrin e p?rdoruesit dhe sekuenca q? ju lejojn? t? hyni n? funksion Live Previw?. The Live Preview feature allows you to preview the results of applying design and formatting changes without actually applying it. Funksion Live Previe? ju lejon t? vrojtuarit e rezultateve te zbatimit t? projektimit dhe formatimin e ndryshimeve n? fakt pa e aplikuar at?. 2.2 Formulas Formulat This feature allows you to modify calculation options, working with formulas, error checking, and error checking rules. Ky funksion ju lejon t? ndryshoni opsionet e llogaritjes, duke punuar me formula, duke kontrolluar gabimin, dhe rregullat e kontrollit t? gabimit. 2.3 Proofing Korrigjim bocash This feature allows you personalize how word corrects and formats your text. Ky funksion ju lejon t? personalizoni korigjimin e tekstit dhe formatet e tekstit tuaj. You can customize auto correction settings and have word ignore certain words or errors in a document through the Custom Dictionaries. 2.4 Save Ruajtja(Save) This feature allows you personalize how your workbook is saved. Ky funksion ju lejon t? personalizoni ruajtjen e librit punues(workbook). You can specify how often you want auto save to run and where you want the workbooks saved. 2.5 Advanced Advanced This feature allows you to specify options for editing, copying, pasting, printing, displaying, formulas, calculations, and other general settings. Ky funksion ju lejon te specifikoni opsionet p?r editing, copying, pasting, shtypje, duke shfaqur, formula, llogaritjet, dhe p?rcaktimet e tjera t? p?rgjithshme. 2.6 Customize Customize Customize allows you to add features to the Quick Access Toolbar. Customize ju lejon p?r t? shtuar karakteristika t? Quick Access Toolbar. If there are tools that you are utilizing frequently, you may want to add these to the Quick Access Toolbar. . +3. Entering Data T? punuarit me qeliza3.1 Futja e t? dh?naveThere are different ways to enter data in Excel: in an active cell or in the formula bar. Ka m?nyra t? ndryshme p?r t? futur t? dh?nat n? Excel: n? nj? qeliz? aktive ose n? shiritin e formul?s. To enter data in an active cell: P?r t? futur t? dh?na n? nj? qeliz? aktive: Click in the cell where you want the data Klikoni n? qeliz? ku ju doni t? futeni t? dh?naBegin typing Filloni t? shtypni To enter data into the formula bar P?r t? futur t? dh?na n? shiritin e formul?s Click the cell where you would like the data Klikoni n? qeliz? ku ju do t? futeni t? dh?nat Place the cursor in the Formula Bar Vendoseni kursorin n? Formula Bar Type in the data Shtyp te dhenatExcel allows you to move, copy, and paste cells and cell content through cutting and pasting and copying-+Select Data 3.2 Selektimi (zgjedhja) i qelizave me te dh?na Excel ju lejon zhvendosjen, kopjen, e p?rmbajtje se qeliz?s p?rmes prerjes dhe vendosjes (paste) dhe kopjimit dhe vendosjesTo select a cell or data to be copied or cut: P?r t? p?rzgjedhur nj? qeliz? apo disa qeliza: Click the cell Klikoni n? qeliz? Click and drag the cursor to select many cells in a range Cliko dhe terhiq kursorin p?r t? zgjedhur shum? qelizave n? nj? gam? m? t? gjer?. Select a Row or Column Zgjidh nj? Row ose Column To select a row or column click on the row or column header . P?r t? zgjedhur nj? rresht ose kolon? klikoni mbi rresht apo kolon?. 3.3 Kopjimi dhe ngjitja(Copy and Paste) To copy and paste dataSelect the cell(s) that you wish to copy Zgjidhni qelizat q? ju d?shironi t? i kopjoni On the Clipboard group of the Home tab, click Copy N? grupin Clipboard , kliko Copy Select the cell(s) where you would like to copy the data Zgjidhni qelizat, ku do t? donit t? vendosni kopjimin e t? dh?nave On the Clipboard group of the Home tab, click Paste N? grupin Clipboard, kliko Paste Cut and Paste 3.4 Prerja dhe ngjitja (Cut and Paste) P?rTo cut and paste data: t? prer? dhe ngjitur t? dh?nat: Select the cell(s) that you wish to copy Zgjidhni qelizat q? ju d?shironi t? kopjoni On the Clipboard group of the Home tab, click Cut N? grupin Clipboard , kliko Cut Select the cell(s) where you would like to copy the data Zgjidhni qelizat, ku d?shironi t? i vendosni t? dh?nat e kopjuaraOn the Clipboard group of the Home tab, click Paste N? grupin Clipboard, kliko Paste Undo and Redo 3.5 B?rje,Zhb?rje (Undo Redo )To undo or redo your most recent actions: P?r t? zhb?r apo b?r s?rish veprimet tuaja m? t? fundit: On the Quick Access Toolbar N? access quick toolbar Click Undo or Redo Click Undo ose Redo Auto Fill 3.6 Opcioni Auto FillThe Auto Fill feature fills cell data or series of data in a worksheet into a selected range of cells. l Ky opcion na mundeson q? automatikisht t? plotesohen t? dh?nat n? qelizat vijuese . If you want the same data copied into the other cells, you only need to complete one If you want to have a series of data (for example, days of the week) fill in the first two cells in the series and then use the auto fill feature. N?se doni t? keni nj? seri t? t? dh?nave (p?r shembull, dit?t e jav?s, numrat rendor, muajet, etj) plot?somi dy qeliza e para n? seri dhe pastaj vendosni kursorin ne cepin e djatht? n? fund t? qelizes deri sa te paraqitet shenja +(plus) si ne fig. m? posht?, pastaj duke mbajtur te shtypur tasten e miut terhiqeni neper qelizat e caktuara.Ky opcion ka kater funksione:Copy cells ,Fill series,Fill formatting only dhe Fill without fomatting. To use the Auto Click the FDrag the Fill Handle to complete t4. T? punuarit me libra punues 4.1 Krijimi i nj? Lib?r punes (work book) To create a new Workbook: P?r t? krijuar nj? liber pune t? ri: Click the Microsoft Office Toolbar Klikoni Office Toolbar Microsoft Click New Kliko New Choose Blank Document Zgjidhni Dokumenti BlankIf you want to create a new document from a template, explore the templates and choose one that fits your needs. N?se ju doni t? krijoni nj? dokument t? ri nga nj? template, shqyrtoni shabllonet dhe zgjedheni at? q? i p?rshtatet nevojave tuaja. 4.2 Save a Workbook Ruajtja e nj? Lib?ri pune When you save a workbook, you have two choices: Save or Save As . Kur ju doni te ruani, i keni dy zgjedhje: Save ose Save As. To save a document: P?r t? ruajtur nj? dokument: Click the Microsoft Office Button Klikoni Office Button Microsoft Click Save Kliko Ruaj You may need to use the Save As feature when you need to save a workbook under a different name or to save it for earlier versions of Excel. Ju mund t? ken? nevoj? t? p?rdorin opsonin Save As , kur ju doni te ruani nj? manual n?n nj? em?r tjet?r ose p?r t? ruajtur at? n? versionet e m?parshme t? Excel. Remember that older versions of Excel will not be able to open an Excel 2007 worksheet unless you save it as an Excel 97-2003 Format. Mos harroni se versionet e vjetra t? Excel nuk do t? munden me e hap? nj? liber pune Excel 2007 n?se nuk e ruani at? si nj? Format 97-2003 Excel. To use the Save As feature: P?r t? p?rdorur opsionin Ruaje si : Click the Microsoft Office Button Klikoni Office Button Microsoft Click Save As Klikoni Save As Type in the name for the Workbook Type em?rine Lib?rit punuesIn the Save as Type box, choose Excel 97-2003 Workbook N? Ruaj si kuti Type, zgjidhni Excel 97-2003 pune 4.3 Open a Workbook Hapja e nj? Lib?ri punuesTo open an existing workbook: P?r t? hapur nj? dokument ekzistues: Click the Microsoft Office Button Klikoni Office Button Microsoft Click Open Klikoni OpenBrowse to the workbook Brwse t? manuali Click the title of the workbook Klikoni titullin e manualit Click Open Klikoni Open Entering Data 5 Formatizimi i librave punuesModifying fonts in Excel will allow you to emphasize titles and headings. To modify a font: 5.1 formatizimi i tekstit:Select the cell or cells that you would like the font applied Zgjidhni qeliz?n apo qelizat ku doni ta aplikoni formatizimin. On the Font group on the Home tab, choose the font type, size, bold, italics, underline, or color N? grupin Font n? menyn? Home, zgjedhin llojin font, size, bold, italik, theksoj, ose me ngjyra Format Cells Dialog Box In Excel, you can also apply specific formatting to a cell. N? Excel, ju gjithashtu mund t? aplikoni formatimin e ve?ant p?r nj? qeliz?. To apply formatting to a cell or group of cells: P?r t? aplikuar formatimin n? nj? qeliz? ose grup i qelizave: Select the cell or cells that will have the formatting Zgjidhni qeliz?n apo qelizat q? doni t? i formatizoni Click the Dialog Box arrow on the Alignment group of the Home tab Klikoni arrow Box Dialog n? grupi e menys? Home (fig. m? posht?)There are several tabs on this dialog box that allow you to modify properties of the cell or cells. Ka disa opcione n? k?t? dialog q? ju mundesojn? t? ndryshoni vetit? e t? dhenave. Number : Allows for the display of different number types and decimal places Number: Mundeson shfaqjen e llojeve t? ndryshme t? numrave dhe numra pas presjes dhjetore. Alignment : Allows for the horizontal and vertical alignment of text, wrap text, shrink text, merge cells and the direction of the text. Alignment: Mundeson pozitat vertikale dhe horizontale t? tekstit, , kontrollin e tekstit dhe drejtimin e tekstit. Font : Allows for control of font, font style, size, color, and additional features Font: Mundeson kontrollin e font, stili font, size, color, dhe karakteristika t? tjera Border : Border styles and colors Border: kufizimet, stilet dhe ngjyratFill : Cell fill colors and styles Fill: Mbushjen e qelizave me ngjyra.5.2 Tekst Convert Kolumne Sometimes you will want to split data in one cell into two or more cells. Ndonj?her? do t? nevojitet ndarja e t? dh?nave t? nj? qelize n? dy ose m? shum? qeliza. You can do this easily by utilizing the Convert Text to Columns Wizard. Ju mund ta b?ni k?t? me leht?si duke shfryt?zuar Tekst Convert Columns Wizard. Highlight the column in which you wish to split the data Selektoni kolon?n n? t? cil?n ju d?shironi p? t? i ndar? t? dh?nat Click the Text to Columns button on the Data tab Klikoni Tekxt to Columns n? menyn? Data Click Delimited if you have a comma or tab separating the data, or click fixed widths to set the data separation at a specific size. Kliko Delimited n? qoft? se presje apo tab i ndan t? dh?nat, ose klikoni Fixed Widths p?r t? vendosur ndarjen e t? dh?nave n? nj? madh?si specifike. Modify Fonts5.3 Add Borders and Colors to Cells Kufizimet dhe ngjyrosja e qelizaveBorders and colors can be added to cells manually or through the use of styles. Kufizimet dhe ngjyrsja e qelizave mund t? behet me ose veglen Bordes ose p?rmes p?rdorimit t? stileve. To add borders manually: P?rmes vegles Borders(Kufizimet)Click the Borders drop down menu on the Font group of the Home tab Shpalosni opcionin Borders n? grupin Font te meny Home Choose the appropriate border Zgjidhni kufizimet e deshiruara. 1143000topTo apply colors manually: P?r t? aplikuar ngjyrosjen: Click the Fill drop down menu on the Font group of the Home tab Klikoni Fill n? grupin Font te meny Home Choose the appropriate color Zgjidhni ngjyra t? p?rshtatshme .To apply borders and colors using styles: P?r t? aplikuar kufizime dhe ngjyra duke p?rdorur stilet: Click Cell Styles on the Home tab Klikoni Cell styles n? meny Home Choose a style or click New Cell Style Zgjidhni nj? stil ose kliko New Cell Style Change Column Width and Row Height 5.4 Ndryshimi i gjer?sis? s? kolonave dhe lartesis? s? rreshtave To change the width of a column or the height of a row: P?r t? ndryshuar gjersin? e nj? kolone ose lart?sin? e nj? rreshti: Click the Format button on the Cells group of the Home tab Klikoni butonin Format n? grupin Cells n? meny HomeManually adjust the height and width by clicking Row Height or Column Width P? t? rregulluar lart?sin? dhe gjer?sin? klikoni Row Height ose Column width To use AutoFit click AutoFit Row Height or AutoFit Column Width P?r t? p?rdorur Vet?p?rshtatje klikoni AutoFitRowHeight ose AutoFitColumn Width 5.5 Hide or Unhide Rows or Columns Paraqitja dhe fshehja e reshtit dhe kolones To hide or unhide rows or columns: P?r t? fshehur apo paraqitur reshta ose kolona: Select the row or column you wish to hide or unhide Zgjidhni rresht apo kolon? q? ju d?shironi p?r t? fshehur apo t? duket Click the Format button on the Cells group of the Home tab Klikoni butonin Format n? grupin Cells n? Home Click Hide & Unhide Klikoni Hide & Unhide 5.6 Opcioni Merge Cells PerTo merge cells select the cells you want to merge and click the Merge & Center button on the Alignment group of the Home tab. t? bashkuar qelizat e zgjedhura klikoni butonin Merge& Center n? grupin Alignment t? menya Home. OfrohenThe four choices for merging cells are: kat?r zgjedhje : Merge & Center : Combines the cells and centers the contents in the new, larger cell Merge & Center: Bashkon qelizat dhe qenderzon p?rmbajtjen.Merge Across : Combines the cells across columns without centering data Merge Across: Bashkon qelizat t? gjith? kolonat pa qend?rzim t? t? dh?nave.Merge Cells : Combines the cells in a range without centering Merge Cells: Bashkon qelizat n? nj? varg pa qend?rzim. Unmerge Cells : Splits the cell that has been merged Unmerge Cells: Ndahn? qelizat q? kan qen? te bashkuara. 5.7 Align Cell Contents Pozita e e t? dhenave mbrenda qelizez To align cell contents, click the cell or cells you want to align and click on the options within the Alignment group on the Home tab. P?r t? caktuar poziten e te dhenave mbrenda qeliz?s, zgjedhni qeliz?n apo qelizat dhe klikoni n? opsionet brenda grupit Alingment( shtrirjes) n? menyn Home. There are several options for alignment of cell contents: Ka disa opsione: Top Align : Aligns text to the top of the cell Top :Pozita e tekstit n? krye t? qelizave Middle Align : Aligns text between the top and bottom of the celCenter: n? qender t? qelizave Bottom Align : Aligns text to the bottom of the cell Bottom: n? fund te qeliz?s Align Text Left : Aligns text to the left of the cell Text Left: n? t? majt? e qeliz?s Center : Centers the text from left to right in the cell Align Text Right : Aligns text to the right of the cell Text Right: n? t? djatht te qeliz?s Decrease Indent : Decreases the indent between the left border and the text Decraese indent: zvoglon hapsiren n? mes t? kufirit t? majt? dhe t? tekstit n? qeliz?. Increase Indent : Increase the indent between the left border and the text Increase indent: Rrit? e hapsiren n? mes t? kufirit t? majt? dhe t? tekstit n? qeliz?.Orientation : Rotate the text diagonally or vertically Orientimi: Rrotullon tekstin diagonalisht,horizontalisht apo vertikalisht. 6. Konfigurimi dhe shtypja e faqes6.1 Shtypja e titujve(Print Titles)The print titles function allows you to repeat the column and row headings at the beginning of each new page to make reading a multiple page sheet easier to read when printed. Shtypja e titujve ju mundeson te kuptohet leht? permbajtja e nje flete punuese.Kur t? shtypet fleta punuese, ne qdo flete te shtypur paraqiten titujt e kolonave opa te rreshtave. To Print Titles: P?r Print Titllit: Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon Klikoni n? menyn? Layout ne grupin Page Setap Click the Print Titles button Klikoni butonin Print Titles In the Print Titles section, click the box to select the rows/columns to be repeated N? dritaren Page Setup, klikoni SheetSelect the row or column Zgjidhni rresht apo kolon? Click the Select Row/Column Button Klikoni Row Zgjidhni / Button Column Click OK Klikoni OK 6.2 Create a Header or Footer Krijimi nj? Header ose Footer To create a header or footer: P?r t? krijuar nj? Header apo Footer: Click the Header & Footer button on the Insert tab Klikoni Header & Footer n? menyn? Insert This will display the Header & Footer Design Tools Tab Kjo do t? shfaq Header & Footer Design Tools Tab To switch between the Header and Footer, click the Go to Header or Go to Footer button P?r t? kaluar nga Header dhe Footer, klikoni Go to Header apo Go to Footer button To insert text, enter the text in the header or footer P?r t? futur tekst, shkoni n? header apo footer. To enter preprogrammed data such as page numbers, date, time, file name or sheet name, click the appropriate button P?r t? futur t? dh?na si numrat e faqeve, data, koha, emri i file ose emrin e flet?s, kliko butonin e duhur To change the location of data, click the desired cellP? t? ndryshuar vendndodhjen e t? dh?nave, klikoni qeliz?n e d?shiruar 6.3 Set Page Margins MargjinatTo set the page margins: P?r t? konfiguruar margjinat e faqes: Click the Margins button on the Page Layout tab Klikoni butonin Margins n? menyn? Page LayoutSelect one of the give choices, or Zgjidhni konfigurimet e definuara. Click CP?r te caktuar sipas deshires Margjinat:Klikoni Custom MarginsComplete the boxes to set margins Caktoni parametratClick Ok Klikoni Ok Change Page Orientation 6.4 Ndryshimi i orientimit te faqes.To change the page orientation from portrait to landscape: P?r t? ndryshuar orientimin faqes: Click the Orientation button on the Page Layout tab Klikoni butonin Orientation n? sked?n Page LayoutChoose Portrait or Landscape Zgjidhni portret apo Landscape6.5 Thyerja e faqes(Set Page Breaks Breaks Set Page) You can manually set up page breaks in a worksheet for ease of reading when the sheet is printed. N? nj? flet? punuese mund t? behen thyerje t? faqes, ku gjat? shtypjes secila thyerje do t? shtypet n? flet? t? veqant? To set a page break: P?r t? b?r thyerje t? faqes: Click the Breaks button on the Page Layout tab Klikoni butonin Breaks n? sked?n Page Layout Click Insert Page Break Klikoni Insert Page Break6.6 Print a Range Printimi i nj? fushe t? zgjedhur There may be times when you only want to print a portion of a worksheet. Mund t? ket? raste kur doni t? shtypni vet? nj? pjes? t? caktuar n? nj? faqe. This is easily done through the Print Range function. Kjo b?ret me leht?si p?rmes funksionit Print Range. To print a range: Select the area to be printed Zgjidh fush?n q? do t? shtypet Click the Print Area button on the Page Layout tab Klikoni butonin Area Print mbi butonin Page LayoutClick Select Print Area Klikoni Set Print Area 7. Fletet punuese dhe librat punues7.1 Riemrimi i nj? flete puneYou can rename a worksheet or change the color of the tabs to meet your needs. Ju mund ta formatizoni nj? liber pune perkatsisht nj? flet? pune(sheets). To rename a worksheet: T? nd?rroni titullin e nj? flete pune:Open the sheet to be renamed klikoni ne fleten punueseClick the Format button on the Home tab Klikoni butonin Format n? grupin Cells n? menyn? HomeClick Rename sheet Klikoni Rename SheetType in a new name Shtyp n? nj? em?r t? ri Press Enter Shtypni Enter To change the color of a work7.2 Ndryshimi i ngjyres s? butonit t? fletes punueseP?r t? ndryshuar ngjyr?n e butonit t? fletes punuese: Open the sheet to be renamed klikoni fleten punuese. Click the Format button on the Home tab Klikoni butonin Format n? HomeClick Tab Color Klikoni Color Tab Click the color Klikoni mbi ngjyren te cilen doni ta zgjedhni. 7.3 Reposition Worksheets in a WorkbookZhvendosje e fletave punueseTo move worksheets in a workbook: P?r t? zhvendosur fletet punuese: Open the workbook that contains the sheets you want to rearraClick and hold the worksheet tab that will be moved until an arrow appears in the left corner of the sh Kliko dhe terhiq fleten e punes dhe leshoje ne poziten e deshiruar. Drag the worksheet to the desired locati .7.4 Insert and Delete Worksheets Shtimi (insertimi) dhe fshirja e nje flete pune. To insert a worksheet P?r t? shtuar nj? flet?:Open the Click the Insert button on the Cells group of the Home tab Klikoni butonin Insert n? grupin Cells n? meny Home Click Insert She Klikoni Insert Sheet Ose klikoni n? butonin insert worksheetP?r t? fshir? nj? flet? pune: Open the workbook klikoni mbi fleten e punesClick the Delete button on the Cells group of the Home tab Klikoni butonin Delete n? grupin Cells te meny Home Click Delete Sheet Kliko Delete Sheet 7.5 Copy and Paste Worksheets : Copy and Paste te nj? flet? pune To copy and paste a worksheet: T? kopjoni dhe ngjisni nj? flet? pune: Click the tab of the worksheet to be copied Kliko mbi butonin e flet?s punuese t? cilen doni ta kopjoni Right click and choose Move or Copy B?ni klikim djathtas dhe zgjidhni Move ose Copy Choose the desired position of the sheet Zgjidhni pozicionin e d?shiruar Click the check box next to Create a Copy Klikoni kutiz?n Krijoni nj? Kopjo Click OK Klikoni OK 7.6 Ndarja e nj? flete punuese You can split a worksheet into multiple resizable panes for easier viewing of parts of a worksheet. Ju mund ta ndani nj? flet? pune n? disa ndarje ,n? menyr? q? shum? leht? ti shikoni dhe krahasoni pjeset e fletes punuese To split a worksheet: P?r t? ndar? nj? flet? pune: Select any cell in center of the worksheet you want to split Zgjidhni ndonj? qeliz? n? qend?r t? flet?s q? ju doni ta ndani Click the Split button on the View tab Klikoni butonin Split n? sked?n View Notice the split in the screen, you can manipulate each part separately Ju mund t? manipuloni me secil?n pjes? ve? e ve? .Freeze Rows and Columns 7.7 Ngrirja e rreshtave dhe klonave You can select a particular portion of a worksheet to stay static while you work on other parts of the sheet. Ju mund t? p?rzgjidhni nj? rresht apo kolon? t? nj? flete pune p?r t? q?ndruar statike per deri sa ju listoni rreshta dhe kolona t? t?ra. This is accomplished through the Freeze Rows and Columns Function.P?r To Freeze a row or column: t? ngrir? nj? rresht apo kolon?: Click the Freeze Panes button on the View tab Selektoni rreshtin apo kolonen Either select a section to be frozen or click the defaults of top row or left column N? menyn? View klikoni Frreze PanesTo unfreeze, click the Freeze Panes button Nese doni t? ngrini rreshtin e par? apo kolonen e par?Click Unfreeze Klikoni Freeze Top Row apo Freeze First Column Hide Worksheets 7.8 To hide a worksheet: Fshehja dhe paraqitja e fletes punuese Select the tab of the sheet you wish to hide Zgjidhni sked?n e fletes q? ju d?shironi p?r t? fshehur Right-click on the tab Djathtas-klikoni n? sked?n Click Hide Klikoni Hide To unhide a wP?r ta b?r t? dukshme fleten punuese: Right-click on any worksheet tab Djathtas-klikoni n? ndonj? buton t? ndonj? flete pune .Click Unhide Klikoni Unhide. Choose the worksheet to unhide Zgjidhni flet?n e pun?s p?r ta b?r t? dukshme .7.9 Sortimi dhe filtrimi i t? dh?naveSortimi dhe Filtrimi ju mundesojn? per t? manipuluar me t? dh?nat n? flet?n e pun?s n? baz? t? kritereve te caktuara. 7.9.1. Sortimi To execute a basic descending or ascending sort based on one column: P?r t? sortuar(klasifikuar) te dhenat e nje kolone , n? zbritje apo ngritje veprojm?: Highlight the cells that will be sorted selektohet kolona e cila permban te dh?nat ,te cilat duam t? sortojm?. Click the Sort & Filter button on the Home tab Klikoni butonin Sort dhe Filter n? menyn? Home menyn? Home Click the Sort Ascending (AZ) button or Sort Descending (ZA) button Klikoni Ascending Sort (AZ) buton (ose Sort Descending (ZA) button 3094074topCustom STo sort on the basis of more than one column: P?r t? zgjidhur m? shum? se nj? kolon?: Click the Sort & Filter button on the Home tabChoose which column you want to sort by first Zgjidhni kolon?n t? cilen ju doni p?r t? sortuar s? pari Klikoni butonin Sort dhe Filter n? menyn? Home Kliko Custom SortClick Add Level KlikoAdd LevelChoose the next column you want to sort Zgjidhni kolon?n tjet?r q? ju d?shironi p?r t? zgjidhur Click OK Klikoni OK 7.9.2 Filtering Filtrimi Filtering allows you to display only data that meets certain criteria. Filtrimi ju mudeson per t? shfaqur t? dh?na q? p?rmbushin kriteret e caktuara. To filter: P?r t? filtruar: Click the column or columns that contain the data you wish to filter Klikoni kolon? ose kolona q? p?rmbajn? t? dh?nat q? ju d?shironi t? i filtroni.On the Home tab, click on Sort & Filter N? menyn? Home, kliko mbi Sort& Filter Click Filter button Klikoni butonin Filter Click the Arrow at the bottom of the first cell Klikoni Arrow n? fund te qeliza e par? Click the Text Filter Klikoni Tekst Filter Click the Words you wish to Filter Klikoni Fjal? apo te dhena q? d?shironi t? i Filtroni To clear the filter click the Sort & Filter button Per ta pastruar filtrinClick Clear Klikoni Clear 8. Excel Formulas T? punuarit me formula dhe funksioneA formula is a set of mathematical instructions that can be used in Excel to perform calculations. Nj? formul? ?sht? nj? grup i udh?zimeve matematikore q? mund t? p?rdoret n? Excel p? t? kryar llogaritje. FFormals are started in the formula box with an = sign.ormula shkruhet ne shriitin e formulave duke filluar me shenj?n =.8.1. Elemente e formulave n? Excel . References: The cell or range of cells that you want to use in your calculation Referencat: qeliz? apo varg i qelizave q? ju doni t? p?rdorni n? llogaritjen tuaj. Operators : Symbols (+, -, *, /, etc.) that specify the calculation to be performed Operator?t: Simbolet (+, -, *, /, etj), q? p?rcaktojn? llogaritjen q? do t? kryhet.Constants : Numbers or text values that do not change Konstantat: Numrat apo vlerat q? nuk ndryshojn?.Functions : Predefined formulas in Excel FunksioniTo create a basic formula in Excel: P?r t? krijuar nj? formul? baz? n? Excel: Select the cell for the formula Zgjidhni qeliz?n p?r formul?n Type = (the equal sign) and the formula Lloji = (shenj? t? barabart?) dhe formula Click Enter Klikoni Enter 8.2 Calculate with Functions Llogarit? me Funksione A function is a built in formula in Excel. Nj? funksion ?sht? nd?rtuar n? nj? formul? n? Excel. A function has a name and arguments (the mathematical function) in parentheses. Nj? funksion ka nj? em?r dhe argumente (vlera matematikore) Common functions in Sum : Adds all cells in the argument Sum: Mbledhjen e vlerave t? qelizave. Average : Calculates the average of the cells in the argument Average: Llogarit mesataren e qelizaveMin : Finds the minimum value Min: Gjen vlera minimale Max : Finds the maximum value Max: Gjen vlera maksimale Count : Finds the number of cells that contain a numerical value within a range of the argument Count: Gjen numrin e qelizave q? p?rmbajn? nj? vler? numerike brenda nj? gam? t? argumentit 8.3 Aplikimi i nj? funksioni Click the cell where you want the function applied Klikoni n? qeliz? ku ju doni p? t? aplikuar funksionin Click the Insert Function button Klikoni butonin Insert Funksion ne menyn? formulas ose ne shiritin e formules fxChoose the function Zgjidhni funksioninClick OK Klikoni OK Complete the Number 1 box with the first cell in the range that you want calculaComplete the Number 2 box with the last cell in the range that you w8.4 Function Library Libraria e FunksioneveLibraria eThe function library is a large group of functions on the Formula Tab of the Ribbon. funksioneve ?sht? nj? grup i madh i funksioneve . These functions include: K?to funksione p?rfshijn?: AutoSum : Easily calculates the sum of a range AutoSum: llogarit? shum?n e nj? s?rie. Recently Used : All recently used functions Recently used: t? gjitha funksionet e p?rdorur s? fundmi Financial : Accrued interest, cash flow return rates and additional financial functions Financiare: Interesi i p?rllogaritur, kthimi normat e rrjedh?s s? parave t? gatshme dhe financiare funksione shtes?. Logical : And, If, True, False, etc. Logjike: Dhe, n?se, v?rtet?, False, etj Text : Text based functions Text: bazuar funksionet Tekst Date & Time : Functions calculated on date and time Date & Time: Funksionet llogaritur mbi dat?n dhe koh?n Math & Trig : Mathematical Functions Math & Trig: Funksionet matematike 9. T? punuarit me diagrame dhe grafika9.1 Shtimi i nj? Pikture To add a picture: T? shtoni nj? foto: Click the Insert tab Klikoni butonin Insert Click the Picture button Klikoni butonin Picture Browse to the picture from your files Browse n? foto nga dosjet tuaja Click the name of the picture Klikoni emrin e fotosClick Insert Klikoni Insert To move the graphic, click it and drag it to where you want it P?r t? l?vizur pikturen, click dhe zvarrit at? te vendit ku ju doni ta vendosni. Adding Clip Art 9.2 Shtimi i Clip Art To add Clip Art: P?r t? shtuar Clip Art: Click the Insert tab Klikoni butonin Insert Click the Clip Art button Klikoni butonin Clip Art Search for the clip art using the search Clip Art Click the cTo move the graphic, click it and drag it to where you want it P?r t? l?vizur Clip Art, click dhe zvarrit at? te vendit ku ju doni ta vendosni. Editing Pictures and Clip Art 9.3 Editimi i fotografive dhe Clip ArtWhen you add a graphic to the worksheet, an additional tab appears on the Ribbon. Kur ju shtoni nj? grafik? , nj? meny shtes? shfaqet n? shirit. The Format tab allows you to format the pictures and graphics. Menyja Format ju mundeson formatizimin e fotografive dhe grafikave. This tab has four groups: Kjo meny ka kat?r grupe: AdjustAdjust : Controls the picture brightness, contrast, and colors (Rregullo): shk?lqimin, kontrasint, ngjyra etj. Picture Style : Allows you to place a frame or border around the picture and add effects Picture Style: Mundeson vendosjen e korniz?s rreth fotografis? dhe p? t? shtuar efekte. Arrange : Controls the alignment and rotation of the picture Arrange(Organizoni): Kontrollon drejtimin dhe rotacionin e fotografis?.Size : Cropping and size of graphic Size: Prerja dhe madh?sia e grafikeve. Adding Shapes9.4 Shtimi i formave (objekteve t? vizatuara) To add Shape: P?r t? shtuar Forma: Click the Insert tab Klikoni butonin Insert Click the Shapes button Klikoni butonin Shapes Click the shape you choose Klikoni form?n q? ju doni t? zgjidhni Click the Worksheet Me klikim mbi shape( objekt), hapet menyja format Drag the cursor to expand the Shape Mbaj kursorin p?r t? zgjeruar Shape Click the Format Adding Smar 9.5 Shtimi SmartArt SmartArt is a feature in Office 2007 that allows you to choose from a variety of graphics, including flow charts, lists, cycles, and processes. SmartArt ?sht? nj? tipar n? Office 2007 q? ju lejon t? zgjidhni nga nj? shum?llojshm?ri te grafikave, duke p?rfshir? listat, cikle, proceset etj. To add SmartArt: P?r t? shtuar SmartArt: Click the Insert tab Klikoni butonin Insert Click the SmartArt button Klikoni butonin SmartArt Click the SmartArt you chooseSelect the Smart Art Zgjidhni Art Smart Drag it to the desired location in the worksheet Barte at? n? vendin e d?shiruar n? flet?n e pun?s .To format the SmartArt: N? formatin SmartArt: Select the SmartArt Zgjidhni SmartArt Click either the Design or the Format tab Klikoni Design ose Format Click the SmartArt to add text and pictures. Klikoni SmartArt p?r t? shtuar tekstin dhe fotot9.6 Krijimi i diagrameve (grafikut) To create a chart: P?r t? krijuar nj? diagram (grafik): Select the cells that contain the data you want to use in the chart Zgjidhni qelizat q? p?rmbajn? t? dh?nat .Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon Kliko Insert Click the type of Chart you want to createN? skeden Charts klikoni llojin e Grafikut .Modify a Chart 9.7 Modifikimi nj? diagrami Once you have created a chart you can do several things to modify the chart. Pasi t? keni krijuar nj? grafik ju mund ta modifikoni ate. To move the chart: P?r t? l?vizur grafikun: Click the Chart and Drag it another location on the same worksheet, or Klikoni n? Grafik dhe terheqni ate n? nj? vend tjet?r n? flet?n e pun?s , ose Click the Move Chart button on the Design tab Klikoni butonin Leviz Grafik (muve chart) mbi butonin Design Choose the desired location (either a new sheet or a current sheet in the workbook) Zgjidhni vendin e d?shiruar (ose nj? flet? t? re ose n? fleten aktuale te punes. To change the data included in the chart: P?r t? ndryshuar t? dh?nat e p?rfshira n? tabel?: Click the Chart Klikoni mbi Grafik Click the Select Data button on the Design tab Klikoni butonin Design dhe pastaj klikoni Selekt DataTo reverse which data are displayed in the rows and columns: P? t? b?r ndrrimin e kolonave me rreshta dhe anasjelltas: Click the Chart Klikoni mbi Grafik Click the Switch Row/Column button on the Design tab Klikoni Design , dhe pastaj klikoni butonin Switch Row / Column To modify the labels and titles: P?r t? ndryshuar titullin e grafikut,akseve,legjendes, etj: Click the Chart Klikoni mbi Grafik On the Layout tab, click the Chart Title or the Data Labels button N? sked?n Layout, klikoni mbi opcionet deshiruara Change the Title and click Enter Ndryshoni Titullin dhe klikoni Enter Chart Tools 9.8 Chart Tools The Chart Tools appear on the Ribbon when you click on the chart. Lista Tools shfaqet n? shirit kur ju klikoni mbi grafik. The tools are located on three tabs: Design, Layout, and Format. Mjetet jan? t? vendosura n? tri meny: Design, Layout, dhe Format. Within the Design tab you can control the chart type, layout, styles, and location. Brenda menys? Design ju mund t? kontrolloni: type,Data chart layoust, Chart Styles, dhe zhvendosjen. Within the Layout tab you can control inserting pictures, shapes and text boxes, labels, axes, background, and analysis. Brenda Layout ju mund t? kontrolloni: Insert, Labels, Axces, Background, Analysis etj. Within the Format tab you can modify shape styles, word styles and size of the chart. Brenda Format ju mund t? modifikoni: Shape Stiles,WordArt styles,arrange, size. Copy a Chart to Word 9.9 Kopjomi i nj? Grafiku n? Word Select the chart Zgjidhni GrafikunClick Copy on the Home tab N? menyn? Home klikoni CopiGo to the Word document where you want the chart located Shko n? dokument Word ku ju doni ta vendosni grafikunClick Paste on the Home tab Klikoni Paste ................

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