How to do compound interest formula in excel


How to do compound interest formula in excel

Compound interest is one of the most popular functions in economics and finance. It is a standardized method of cumulating the interest accrued within a given time. In compound interest, you don't cash out your interest, but rather, you reinvest it. Here is a typical example, supposing you invested $1000 in a venture that yields 3% interest yearly. After the first year, you will have $30 as interest, and your money will now increase to $1,030. Now, the interest will be compounded every year. By the second year, the amount you will invest will be $1030, and interest of $60 will be accrued in the second year. The year's principal will then be $1060. Now, you can see that for compound interest, the interest is not withdrawn. Instead, it is added to the principal and reinvested. That's how compound interest works, and it is a lot different from simple interest. If you understand the generic formula, you can comfortably input your formulas on excel and calculate for compound interest. Generally, compound interest is calculated using the formula below: FV = PV(1+r)n, FV stands for future value PV is the initial investment or principal amount r is the interest for each compounded period n is the number of compounding periods. Quarterly Compound Interest Formula The formula for finding the quarterly compound interest is almost the same as the general compound interest formula. When solving quarterly, you compound your interest four times yearly. The interest accrued in each quarter is added to the principal, and it is then reinvested in the next quarter. When solving quarterly compound interest, you only include "per quarter," The general formula will become: FV = Principal Amount*((1+Annual Interest Rate/4)^(Total Years of Investment*4))) Now, let's take a look at an example: If $10000 is invested in a business venture that yields a 10% interest quarterly for five years, we will have $16386 at the end of the five years. See the calculation here: First-quarter: FV = 10000*(10%/4) & interest of $250 is realised. Second-quarter: FV = ($10000+$250)*(10%/4) = $256 And we go on and on in adding the interest to the principal in the last quarter. There are 20 quarters in 5 years. Five years: FV = ($10000 x (1+10%/4)^(20) = $16,386. You can quickly calculate quarterly compound interest by using the built-in FV function in excel. Here is the formula: FV=(rate, nper, pmt, pv) Rate is the rate of interest divided by the number of compounding periods per year. nper is the compounding periods per year multiplied by the number of years pmt is an optional argument, and it is an indicator of additional payment in each period. Leave it as "0" if there is no additional payment. Use "1" if additional payments are to be made at the end of the period. PV is the principal The Excel generic formula is easy to use. All you should do is to substitute the right values in the right places. Excel is a handy tool for finding quarterly compound interest. You can harness the quarterly compound interest to predict the result of your investments quickly. Ever wanted to illustrate exactly how powerful compound interest can be? Wanted to have an Excel function to do it for you? This post by contributor Andy Shuler reveals the continuous compound interest formula and how a function built into Excel will calculate it for you. "Compound Interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it...he who doesn't, pays it" ? Albert Einstein This is truly one of my favorite quotes ever. At first, I really didn't understand it. "yeah, you earn interest on your money.... who cares? That happens in a bank account too". Boy, was I wrong. What's the difference between a quote and a saying? Looking at face value, not much really seems different ? they're both just a couple sentences, or maybe even just a few words. But there is one key difference ? inspiration! Quotes INSPIRE you to do something...lose weight, save more, be a better person, anything at all! That's why I love this quote from Einstein. This quote is truly what inspired me to start investing in the stock market. The concept of compounding interest is pretty simple really ? it's simply earning interest on your principal investment, but then continuing to earn interest on top of that principal and the previous interest that you've already earned. For example, if you earn 6% on $1000, you will then have $1060. But, the next time you earn 6% interest, it will now be on $1060 instead of $1000, and that then will result in a new value of $1123.60. Not a huge difference for this time, but it was $3.60 more than that $60 that your 6% interest on $1000 generated. To explain this a little bit better, I'll put it into a real-life scenario that I went through with my wife less than a week ago... Convincing the Wife about Compound Interest We're finally gotten to the point that we feel like we have a sufficient emergency fund, so now the thought process is, what do we do with it? Previously, it had just been sitting in my bank account earning a whopping .01% interest. Yes, I said .01%. I was shocked when I saw it at first, but I started doing more research and realized it was pretty common unfortunately. I then started looking into some high interest savings accounts, and from hearing some recommendations of Ally from Andrew on the podcast, I decided that I thought that was the best way to go about holding our emergency fund. Now, my wife is typically a very conservative person when it comes to money, as am I, but she gets skeptical of doing things that might seem out of the ordinary ? like investing in an online-only bank such as Ally, but I was able to convince her to do it by showing her some Cold. Hard. Facts. The truth is, if you're just holding onto cash in a normal bank account and not putting it in a high interest bank, you're essentially volunteering to lose money. As long as you're FDIC insured, the risk is 0. So, the question is, how did I convince her? It was easy really ? I showed her the value of the compounding interest. But to share the results without first understanding the math, is like giving a man a fish instead of teaching him how to fish! So, here we go ? welcome to the Continuous Compound Interest Formula: Source: This formula might seem like a bunch of nonsense, but all you really need to know is your starting investment, the rate of return, amount of years it will grow, and then the frequency of the compounding each year. For instance, below is the situation that I explained to my wife. If we took $10,000 and kept it in our current bank account earning .01% interest, for 30 years, and each month it was compounded, we would then have earned $30.04 over our initial investment. BUT! If we put it in the Ally account, we would have earned $9,923.99 over our initial $10,000. I know that less than doubling your money in 30 years isn't exactly a staggering outcome, but that's not the point ? the point is that by having that money compounding month after month on itself, we're realizing much greater returns than if we hadn't allowed it to do so. Ok, I know what you're saying ? "Andy, are you an employee of Ally? I opened this article to learn about the compound interest formula rather than savings account rates". Well ? lucky for us, Excel has an awesome function that allows you to do this on your own. And it's rather simple ? you don't have to be a numbers nerd (like me) to run some situations! Look out below! =FV(rate, nper, pmt, [pv], [type]) Simple, right? Let me explain: FV = Future ValueRate = Interest rate per period of compoundingNPER = total number of payment periodsPMT = The payment made each periodPV = this is optional ? but it is the present value of future payments.Type = this is also optional. If you select 0, it's that the payments are at the beginning of the period; 1 is that they're at the end. If you leave it blank, it's 0. So, let's look at the picture below: FV = B5Rate = B2/B4. What this is doing is I'm putting the APR in cell B2 and then the compound frequency (once/month) to get a monthly interest rate. (.023/12).NPER = B3*B4. This then gives me the total number of payment periods (12 months * 30 Years).PMT = 0. I'm not adding any additional money each period.PV = -B1. This is just stating the investment of $10,000.Type = left blank. It will compound at the start of each month. This might still seem confusing, but I guarantee that if you put this in excel in the format that I've laid out, you will be able to walk through step by step and get yourself a number. "What if I want to contribute money each month to this? Say, like $50/month...EASY! All you need to do is change the PMT to a negative of the contribution. For instance, in the below example, I'm putting -50 to show a contribution of $50/month. You might be wondering why these numbers are negative, but it's because this function really is used as a payoff calculator rather than building interest, but they're the inverse of each other, so they work the exact same. Now, I will admit these are somewhat boring examples, but, let's take a look at what if we did this in the stock market! I have two examples below. Both include making monthly contributions of $150, but one is if we realized an annual return of 6%, which is what I like to use as a conservative estimate when planning my future, and the other is looking at a 20-year average S&P 500 return of 9.95%, shown below: The importance of this article is to get you excited about compound interest, and to teach you the ability to understand the continuous compound interest formula. The formula truly is fairly simple to understand, and in my case, once I got it, I GOT IT. Like it just suddenly clicked. This same concept can be used for DRIP, which Andrew has talked about many times. If you know your initial investment, interest rate, time frame, compounding frequency and contributions, then you are so close to understanding where you can be and helping you further prepare for your financial future... all it takes is a little bit of comprehension and willingness to open up that Excel spreadsheet!

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