GLX/Photogate setup

Calculating Using ExcelYou can use a spreadsheet program to do a lot of your calculations for you. This can save you a lot of work.You’ll have a data table in Excel like the following: m (g)M (g)v0v (m/sec)?t (sec)Fg (N)a (m/sec2)avg a Uncertainty ±2001.560.212001.550.222001.680.19We showed that to convert from gram to Newtons we can use the formula:m x (.0098 N/g)to do this in Excel, highlight the first cell under “Fg”type in “=” , this indicates to Excel that you will be using a Formula.“m” is in Column “A”, so you will type “=0.0098*A2”This tells Excel to multiply Cell A2 by .0098. The value will appear in the cell. To make all of your Fg column calculations, click on the cell. In my spreadsheet this is “F2”. The cell will be highlighted by a box with a little square at the bottom right corner.If you move the mouse to the little square, and hold “left-click” on it, you can then drag the formula down the entire column. It will then calculate all your Fg values.You can do a similar formula for a, using the different column quantitites for v, v0 and Δt.To find average a, you can use the function “AVERAGE()”. To take the average of my three trials for acceleration, I would use in the H column: “=AVERAGE(G2:G4)Remember, only average across trials.You can use MAX() and MIN() functions to help calculate your Uncertainty. Again, only limit the range to different trials of the same variables. ................

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