How to use the Car Show Form - Walker Downey & Associates

How to use the Car Show Form

The Excel file has 4 tabs located in the bottom left of the file:


The Entry tab is the main tab to capture the participant information and judging information.

The Winners tab is meant for you to copy and paste your winners into this location (I’ll go over copy and pasting later in the document).

The Top 50 is meant for shows with participant judging, top 50 or by classes.

The Entry Tab columns are labeled as follows:


Columns A-J are normal items you should capture. Column A is the Entry number. This is typically written on the windshield tag, and Judging sheet. This is important so it is easy to filter for this subject later on when you need to enter in the judging numbers.

Column K is the class the person is entering into. I would suggest that you have letters or numbers because it will reduce the chance of typing errors (Dodge versus Dogde).

Column L-O is the judging information. Column O will automatically add in the numbers that are in L, M and N. If you need more columns you will need to insert them and adjust the “total points” column so it adds up all of the correct columns.

Enter in information

Click on an empty cell within the column “Entry Number”: Type in the entry number, then hit the “tab” key on your keyboard. This will take you to the Name column, type in a name. Then hit the “tab” key again, now you are at “Address” type in the address. Hit the “tab” key now you are at City ….. and so on.

Entering in Judging information

In this example let’s pretend the car with Entry number 15 has been judged and we are ready to type in their results in the sheet.

The first thing we need to do is filter for entry number 15. To filter, click on the small triangle in the Entry number column. Example below:


When you click on it, it will show all of the Entry numbers


Notice you can scroll up and down. Now click on number 15 and it will only show number 15:


Click on the first judging spot and type in their number for the score, then hit tab type in the second score and so on….

To bring back all of the entry numbers click on the small triangle on the Entry number column and select “All”


Okay, so now all of the data set should be present again.

How to find out the winners

Click on the filter triangle for Class#, Click on class “A”.


Now this is just class “A”:


Click on the filter triangle for “total points” and select Sort Descending (note if you have a large data set you may need to scroll up to see “Sort Descending”)


This will give you the person with the highest score first


Then you can copy your top three (or four or whatever) winners and then paste them into winners tab.

How to copy and paste

Place your curser on the first entry number you want to include. Click and hold down the left mouse button and then drag down to select your 3 winners, then, still holding the left mouse button down and move the curser to the right and stop at Class#.


You can then lift your finger off the left button and then move the curser within the box you selected and then click on the right mouse button. It will give you a menu, which you need to select “Copy”


Now you need to go to the Winners Tab. Click on the Winners Tab


Click on the first cell you want to start to paste the information into. In the example below it is Column B Row 2


Then right click on that cell and select “paste”


And this will paste in the information you copied from the other sheet:


How to do the top 50 (participant judged, top 50 or by groups).

Open the “Entry” tab. The data is column C, E-J will magically in this tab as you type in owners information in the entry tab.

As you receive back the participant judging slips you can type in the number in column A. Just keep typing them in (you can type in over 14,000). Column D has a formula that counts up the number of times a car number was typed into column A.


If your show has the top 50, then select the dropdown arrow on total votes and select Largest to Smallest.


Now the car with the most votes will be on the top. Column B just lists 1-50; add 10 extra or so in case some folks have left.

Now if you are doing participant with judging with classes of cars, first pick the class you want. In the example below I picked class A.


Then select largest to smallest in the total votes column. Here if you want you can print, but you would need to do this for each class or you have copy and paste group by group to a new tab. Copy the information you would like. Then open the “Class Participant Sheet” and click the cell you would like to paste in the data. Right click and select paste special and select values and then OK (this is necessary due to some of the embedded data in the excel spreadsheet.



When printing make sure you do a print preview, and select what you want to print and how many pages. If you just blindly tell it to print it may print off 75 pages.

Helpful links:

How to filter in Excel:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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