PeopleSoft (version 8

PeopleSoft (version 8.4): Introduction to the Query Tool


This training material introduces you to some of the basic functions of the PeopleSoft (PS) Query tool as they are used at the University of Delaware (UD). The Query tool is an end-user reporting tool, which allows you to extract precise information using visual representations of your PS database—without writing Structured Query Language (SQL) statements. The Query tool can be used to do the following:

• display data in a grid (using a Preview tab),

• preview query data within Query Manager and Query Viewer, displaying the result set in a grid for review, and

• download query results to an Excel spreadsheet.


To use this training material effectively, you should have attended UD’s PS Readiness Training. If you have not, please contact your Communications Team representative. You can identify the team member in your unit by doing the following:

8. Link to the UDFS Communications Team web site ().

9. Click the Help tab at the top of the page.

10. Click the Communications Team link.

Important Note

This training document was designed originally to be used in a class setting. Therefore, the exercises are meant to be followed in a sequence. If you have difficulties working through an exercise, try the first four exercises to familiarize yourself with the basics.

Training Objectives

This training material was designed using a desktop computer running Windows XP (operating system) and using the Internet Explorer (version 6.0.2) browser. If you are using a different type of computer, operating system, or browser, some of the screen graphics may appear slightly different than those printed here. However, the function of the screen (page) should remain the same.

After you complete the exercises in this training material, you should be able to do the following:

• Navigate to the Query Manager Search page

• Understand the differences between a private and a public query

• Find and run existing queries

• Create and save new queries

o identify the two primary tables for reporting

o identify the criteria that should always be used in queries

• Preview query results

• Set criteria for data selection using

o criteria components

o boolean expressions

• Use prompts with a query

• Select data from multiple tables

• Use aggregate functions (defined by PS as “Having” criteria)

• Use the following expressions

o numerical manipulation

o substring

o concatenate (combine fields into one)

o decode (“if”)

• Run query results to Excel

• Use the Query Viewer


The following conventions are used throughout the exercises in this material:

|Item |Convention |

|Text the reader should type |Courier, bold, 10 point font |

|Keyboard key names |Bold, Uppercase text (e.g., the ENTER key) |

|Menu titles |Bold, mixed-case letters |

|Window titles |Bold, mixed-case letters |

Table of Contents

Navigating to the Query Manager Search Page................................................... 5

Exercise 1—How to Navigate to the Query Manager Search Page

Understanding Public and Private Queries..........................................................7

Terms and Buttons Used with the Query Tool ....................................................8

Finding All Existing Queries .................................................................................8

Exercise 2—How to Find All Existing Queries

Finding and Running an Existing Query..............................................................9

Exercise 3—How to Find and Run an Existing Query

Creating a New Query ..........................................................................................11

Exercise 4—How to Create a New Query

Pages Used to Create a Query .............................................................................16

Adding New Criteria to a Field in a Query ........................................................18

Exercise 5—How to Add New Criteria to a Field in a Query

Adding a New Field to a Query ...........................................................................20

Exercise 6—How to Add a New Field to a Query

Using Other Condition Types ..............................................................................21

Exercise 7—How to Use Other Condition Types

Using Wildcards ....................................................................................................24

Exercise 8—How to Use a Wildcard

Using Logical Operators to Related Multiple Criteria ......................................25

Exercise 9—How to Change Relations between Multiple Criteria

Using a Prompt ......................................................................................................27

Exercise 10—How to Run an Existing Query That Uses a Prompt

Exercise 11—How to Insert a Prompt into a Query

Joining Tables ........................................................................................................32

Exercise 12—How to Join Tables

—Adding Criteria for SET ID

—Changing a Column Label

Reordering Fields ...................................................................................................40

Exercise 13—How to Reorder Fields

Aggregate Functions and Having Criteria ..........................................................43

Exercise 14—How to Use Aggregate Functions, Part 1 (Sum) 43

Exercise 15—How to Use Aggregate Functions, Part 2 (Count) 50

Using PS “Having” Criteria .................................................................................53

Exercise 16—How to Use Having Criteria

Defining Expressions ............................................................................................55

Exercise 17—How to Use Numerical Manipulation 55

Exercise 18—How to Use the Substring Expression 61

Exercise 19—How to Concatenate Fields 66

Exercise 20—How to Use Decode 71

Running Query Results to Excel .........................................................................74

Exercise 21—How to Run Query Results to Excel

Using the Query Viewer .......................................................................................76

Appendix—Terms and Buttons Used with Fields .............................................77

Navigating to the Query Manager Search Page

Before you can use the Query tool, you must know how to navigate to the Query Manager Search page.

Exercise 1—How to Navigate to the Query Manager Search Page

Note: We recommend you use the Internet Explorer browser. Currently, PS works best with this browser.

8. Open the Internet Explorer web browser.

11. To access the PS program, type the following URL in the browser’s Address field:

12. Press ENTER.

You should see a page similar to the following:


Note: Use your User ID and Password that you normally use to logon to the UD Financial System. It is usually your UDelNet ID and password.

13. Type your User ID in the appropriate field.

14. Type your Password in the appropriate field.

15. Click Sign In. You should see a page similar to the following:



On the left-hand side of the page you will see the PS Menu box—outlined in blue—which lists the options you can access.

16. In the Menu box, click Reporting Tools.

17. Click Query from the options listed under Reporting Tools. You should now see the following options in the Menu box:


Note: For training purposes, only the relevant portion of a page will be printed in most cases.

18. Click Query Manager from the options listed under Query. You should see the Query Manager Search page, which should look similar to the following:


--End of Exercise--

Understanding Public and Private Queries

Before using the Query tool, you should understand the differences between a public query and a private query. The following items are a list of the most important differences:

• A public query may be used by anyone.

• Only the individual who created it may use a private query.

• If you use a public query created by someone else—and make any modifications to it—you must leave the public query in its original form and save the modified version as your query.

• Always save your version of a public query with a unique name. We recommend using the creator’s initials as the first three letters of the query name.

• Before creating a public query, review all public queries to confirm that your initials do not duplicate the first three letters of an existing query. If your initials are already being used, select a new, unique combination of letters to use for the first three characters of the query’s name.

• If you create a public query, consider making a private copy with a unique name for yourself. Therefore, if someone mistakenly changes a public query you created, you still have a copy of the original query.

• When you search for queries from the Query Manager Search page, PS automatically lists all private queries you created—only you will see these. Public queries are listed after private queries.

• If you run a public query and do not receive results, you may not have authorization to some of the data used in that query.

Note: The following table of definitions is based on information from the PS PeopleBooks online documentation. This information is included here for reference.

Terms and Buttons Used with the Query Tool

|Term or Button |Action |

|Add Record |Click this link to access the Query page, where you can add fields to the query |

| |content or additional records. |

|Col (column) |Current column number for each field listed. |

|Query Name |New Unsaved Query appears in this read-only field until you change it on the |

| |Properties page. This field appears on all Create New Query pages. |

|Record.Fieldname |Record alias and name for each field listed. |

|[pic] |Indicates key fields. |

|[pic] Delete button |Click the Delete button to delete the associated record from the query. A |

|  |confirmation message appears. Click the Yes button to proceed with the deletion.|

| |Click the No button to cancel the deletion. |

|[pic]Use as Criteria button |Click the Use as Criteria button to open the Criteria page, where you can add |

| |criteria for the selected field. |

|[pic] Folder button |Click the Folder button to view the fields for the chosen record. Query Manager |

|  |expands the record so that you can see the fields and make sure that this record|

| |has the content that you want. Click the Folder button again to hide the fields |

| |for a record. A key is displayed to the left of key fields. |

Finding All Existing Queries

Exercise 2—How to Find All Existing Queries

8. If necessary, navigate to the Query Manager Search page (see instructions in exercise number 1). If you are already working within the Query tool, you can simply click Query Manager in the Menu box on the left-hand side of the page. You should see a page similar to the following:


19. To see ALL available queries, do not type any text in the Search For field—the blank field after the begins with field. Leave the field empty. Instead, click Search.

Note: You will see the message “Processing” blink in the upper-right corner of the page. This message will appear in this location any time the program is processing information.

When processing is complete, you should see a page similar to the following, which lists the search results:


The text in the second column (e.g., Pull monthly data) is the description of the query.

Note: If too many items are produced from a query search, only the first 300 results are displayed.

--End of Exercise—

Finding and Running an Existing Query

Exercise 3—How to Find and Run an Existing Query

8. If necessary, navigate to the Query Manager Search page (see instructions in exercise number 1). If you are already working within the Query tool, you can simply click Query Manager in the Menu box on the left-hand side of the page. You should see a page similar to the following:


Note: Before you create a new query, search for your initials to confirm that they are unique to the database. Type your initials in the Search For field and then click Search. If you do not receive any results, you can use your initials. If you receive results, you will need to create a unique 3-character beginning for the name of your query.

20. To find a specific query, type the first letter of the name of the query in the Search For field—the blank field after the begins with field. This field is not case-sensitive, so you can type either upper- or lowercase letters. For this exercise, in the Search For field, type the letters: ebl

21. Click Search. When the processing is complete, you should see a page similar to the following, which lists the search results:


22. To view a query, click the name of the query you want to view (underlined blue text in the left-most column). For this exercise, click EBL_AAA_TRAINING. You should see a page similar to the following:


Across the top of the page, you will see a row of tabs, each with a label (e.g., Records, Query, Fields, etc.). These pages contain additional information about the query you are viewing.

Below the tabs, you will see the name of the query in the Query Name field and the description of the query in the Description field.

Note: In the Format column (the second column), you will see each field described as Char, Num, or SNm. Char designates a character; Num or SNm designate a number. When you work with a query, take note of these designations because they are useful when you work with expressions such as numerical manipulation, substrings, concatenate, and decode.

23. To run the query, click the Preview tab (the right-most tab).

24. When the processing is complete, you should see a page similar to the following:


--End of Exercise--

Creating a New Query

Note: PS terminology for “table” is “record.”

The basic steps to create a new query are the following:

• select the record on which to base the query

• add fields to the query content

• specify selection criteria

• format the query output

• run the query

• save the query

Exercise 4—How to Create a New Query

8. If necessary, navigate to the Query Manager Search page (see instructions in exercise number 1). If you are already working within the Query tool, you can simply click Query Manager in the Menu box on the left-hand side of the page.

25. Click the Create New Query link located below the Search button.


26. The Find an Existing Record Search page will appear and should look similar to the following:


This page is the first in a series of pages that you use to define a query within Query Manager. You can access each of the pages by clicking the tab at the top of the page.

27. In the Search by field (remember, this field is not case-sensitive), type GL

28. Click Search button. You should see a page similar to the following:


Note: Sometimes the record you want to use will be located near the bottom of the list, click one of the links labeled Last or View All or use the arrow buttons in the blue Record header. The link looks similar to the following:


This link will make the records at the end of the list visible.

29. If necessary, scroll down to the bottom of the page. You should now see a page similar to the following:


30. Click the Folder button ([pic]) to the left of the GL_ACCOUNT_TBL entry. This button allows you to view the fields in each record. You should see a page similar to the following:


31. Click the Folder button again (which now looks like [pic] ) to hide the field list.

32. Click the Add Record link to the right of the GL_ACCOUNT_TBL folder.

A list of fields in the record will be displayed. You can think of the fields in the record as columns in a table. The fields identified with a key icon ([pic]) tell you the combination of fields that make each row in the record unique.

Note: PS names the first record you select as “A” and labels it as an alias.

If you use more than one record in a query, PS will name the second record “B”, etc.


33. Click OK when this message box appears. It will automatically create a row of criteria because this record is effective dated.

You should now be viewing the Query tab page, which should look similar to the following:


Helpful Hint: The A-Z button ( [pic] ) located in the upper right-hand corner of this page sorts the fields in alphabetical order. It is a toggle button—if you click it once the fields are alphabetized; if you click it a second time, the fields return to their original order.

34. For this exercise, you will select additional fields. Click the checkmark box in front of each of the following seven fields (you may need to scroll down the page to locate all the fields):


• ACCOUNT - Account

• EFFDT – Effective Date

• EFF_STATUS – Status as of Effective Date

• DESC - Description

• ACCOUNT_TYPE – Account Type

Note: On the right-hand side of the page you will see information about “joins” (underlined blue text). We will discuss this topic in a later exercise.

35. If necessary, scroll back to the top of the page and click the Fields tab. You should see a page similar to the following, which lists the fields you selected in the above step.


36. You should save the query at this point. Click the Save As link (NEVER use the Save button, it is too easy to overwrite a Public query). You should see a page that looks similar to the following:


Note: Keep in mind the following naming conventions when you create a name for a new query:

• Before you save the query, confirm that someone else doesn’t have the same initials you do.

• If your initials are not already in use, name your query using the first three initials of your name.

37. In the field labeled *Query, type the name of the query: xxx_class (where xxx represents your initials). For example, if your name is Shannon Michelle North, you would save the query with the name smn_class.

38. In the Description field, type: query class exercise

39. In the *Query Type field, confirm that User is selected. If not, click the drop-down arrow and click User.

40. In the *Owner field, confirm that Private is selected. If not, click the drop-down arrow and click Private.

41. Your completed Save As page will look similar to the following:


42. Click OK.

43. Click the Preview tab. You should see eight columns and a number of rows of data. Note the number of rows you receive—which is indicated above the right-most column on the page (labeled as Amount in the sample page below). In this sample page, 11,511 rows are returned. You should see a page similar to the following:


Pages Used to Create a Query

The pages listed in the following table are those used to create a new query.

Note: The following table is based on information from the PS PeopleBooks online documentation. This information is included here for reference.

|Page Name |Object Name |Navigation |Usage |

|Records |QRY_RECORDS |Reporting Tools, Query, |Select the records upon which to base a|

| | |Query Manager, Create New |new query. |

| | |Query link, Find an Existing| |

| | |Record | |

|Query |QRY_QUERY |Reporting Tools, Query, |Add fields to the query content. You |

| | |Query Manager, Create New |can also add additional records by |

| | |Query, -Records, -Query |doing joins. When you first access this|

| | | |page, if you've selected the record for|

| | | |an effective-dated table, PS Query |

| | | |displays a dialog box informing you |

| | | |that an effective date criteria has |

| | | |been automatically added for this |

| | | |record. Click OK to close the dialog |

| | | |box. |

|Fields |QRY_FIELDS |Reporting Tools, Query, |View how fields are selected for |

| | |Query Manager, Create New |output; view the properties of each |

| | |Query, -Records, -Fields |field; and change headings, order-by |

| | | |numbers, and aggregate values. |

|Edit Field Ordering |QUERY_FIELDS_ORDER |Reporting Tools, Query, |Use to change the column order and/or |

| | |Query Manager, Create New |sort order for multiple fields. |

| | |Query, -Records, -Fields, | |

| | |Edit Field Ordering | |

|Edit Field Properties |QRY_FIELDS_SEC |Reporting Tools, Query, |Use to format the query output (for |

| | |Query Manager, Create New |example, to change column headings, |

| | |Query, -Records, -Fields, |display translate table values in place|

| | |Edit Field Properties |of codes, or specify a sort order). |

|Query Properties |QRY_PROPERTIES |Reporting Tools, Query, |View and edit query data, such as the |

| | |Query Manager, Create New |query name and description. |

| | |Query, Properties Link |Also use to record information about |

| | | |your query so that you can use it again|

| | | |in the future. |

|Preview |QUERY_VIEWER |Reporting Tools, Query, |View the results of your query prior to|

| | |Query Manager, Create New |saving in order to verify that your |

| | |Query, Preview |query provides you with the results you|

| | | |need. Continue to adjust and preview |

| | | |your query as necessary. |

--End of Exercise--

Adding New Criteria to a Field in a Query

You can view data for a specific department by adding criteria to a field in a query. The next exercise explains how to add new criteria to the A.DEPTID - Department field and shows you how to add the criteria that every query needs.

In addition to adding criteria to filter the information you want to see, there is a criteria that you should add to your query to enhance performance.

Exercise 5—How to Add New Criteria to a Query

8. Click the Fields tab. You should see a page similar to the following:


You will see the name of the query at the top left of the page and its description at the top right of the page. In the above example, the Description field is labeled as query class exercise.

44. To the right of the A.ACCOUNT_TYPE – Account Type field, click the Add Criteria icon ([pic]). You will see the Edit Criteria Properties page, which should look similar to the following:


Note: Because you chose to add criteria to the A.ACCOUNT_TYPE – Account Type field, that information is automatically placed in the Choose Record and Field box. If you wanted a different field, you could select it by clicking the magnifying glass icon in this box.

45. In the Define Constant box, type: E

Note: The 5 Account Types are: Expense (E), Revenue (R), Asset (A), Liability (L), and Net Assets (Q)

Your page should look similar to the following:


46. Click OK. You will return to the Fields page.

47. Click the Criteria tab to view the criteria you’ve added. You should see a page similar to the following:


48. Click the Preview tab. Note that you now have fewer rows and that A.ACCOUNT_TYPE (labeled at Type in the query results) for all of your rows is E. In this sample screen, 571 rows are returned. You should see a page similar to the following:


--End of Exercise--

Adding a New Field to a Query

If you decide you want to see more information for each row, you can add a new field to a query. In the next exercise, you will add the UOD_CHRTFLD1_DESCR – Description field to the query you are creating.

Exercise 6—How to Add a New Field to a Query

8. Click the Query tab to view the available fields.

49. Click the checkmark box in front of the field: DESCRSHORT - Short Description

50. If necessary, click the Fields tab to confirm that the field has been added to the list of fields. You should see a page similar to the following:


51. Click the Save As link.

52. In the *Query name field, type: xxx_class2 (where xxx are your initials.)

53. Click OK.

54. Click the Preview tab. You should see a page similar to the following:


--End of Exercise-

Using Other Condition Types

A condition type determines how Query Manager compares the values of the first (left-hand) expression to the second (right-hand) expression. The following table describes the available condition types. For each of the condition types, Query Manager offers a not option that reverses its effect. For example, not equal to returns all rows that equal to would not return.

Note: It’s always better to use the not version of an operator rather than the NOT operator on the entire criterion. When you use NOT, Query can’t use SQL indexes to increase the data search. When you use the not version of an operator, Query can translate it into a SQL expression, which enables it to use the indexes.

|Condition Types |When It Returns a Row |

|between |The value in the selected record field falls between two comparison values. The range is inclusive. |

|equal to |The value in the selected record field exactly matches the comparison value. |

|exists |This operator is different from the others, in that it doesn't compare a record field to the |

| |comparison value. The comparison value is a subquery. If the subquery returns any data, PS Query |

| |returns the corresponding row. |

|greater than |The value in the record field is greater than the comparison value. |

|in list |The value in the selected record field matches one of the comparison values in a list. |

|in tree |The value in the selected record field appears as a node in a tree created with PS Tree Manager. The |

| |comparison value for this operator is a tree or branch of a tree that you want PS Query to search. |

|is null |The selected record field doesn't have a value in it. You don't specify a comparison value for this |

| |operator. Key fields, required fields, character fields, and numeric fields do not allow null values. |

|less than |The value in the record field is less than the comparison value. |

|like |The value in the selected field matches a specified string pattern. The comparison value may be a |

| |string that contains wildcard characters. The wildcard characters that PS Query recognizes are % and |

| |_. |

| | |

| |% matches any string of zero or more characters. For example, C% matches any string starting with C, |

| |including C alone. |

| | |

| |_ matches any single character. For example, _ones matches any five-character string ending with ones,|

| |such as Jones or Cones. |

| | |

| |PS Query also recognizes any wildcard characters that your database software supports. See your |

| |database management system documentation for details. |

| |To use one of the wildcard characters as a literal character (for example, to include a % in your |

| |string), precede the character with a \ (for example, percent\%\). |

Note: If you’ve selected the EFFDT field on an effective-dated table, PS Query also offers special effective date operators.

Exercise 7—How to Use Other Condition Types

You can specify criteria in many ways. In an earlier exercise, you selected data where the Account Type was equal to a specific value. You may want to see data where a field is between a range of data, or greater than or less than a value, etc. You may also want to use wildcard characters in your criteria. In the following exercise, you will specify a range of values for the account field.

8. Click the Fields tab.


55. To the right of the A.ACCOUNT - Account field, click the Add Criteria icon ([pic]). You should see the Edit Criteria Properties page, which looks similar to the following:


56. In the *Condition Type field, click the drop-down arrow and then click between.

57. In the Expression 2 box, you will see two blank fields.

• In the top field (Define Constant), type: 140000

• In the bottom field (Define Constant 2), type: 149999

Your page should now look similar to the following:


58. Click OK.

59. Click Save As link to save your work. Click OK.

60. Click the Preview tab. You should see a page similar to the following. Note how many rows you now see.


--End of Exercise--

Using Wildcards

You could have requested the information in the above exercise in another way. For example, you could have asked for all accounts that start with the characters 14. There are two ways to do this:

• The percent sign (%) is a wildcard that represents any number of characters. So, “14%” represents any character string beginning with “14” and followed by zero or other characters.

• The underscore character (_) is a wildcard that represents one character. So, “14____” (four underscores) represents “14XXXX” where “X” is any character.

Exercise 8—How to Use a Wildcard

8. To remove the added criteria (currently set to between), click the Criteria tab. You should see a page similar to the following:


61. On the A.ACCOUNT - Account field, click the Edit button ([pic]).

62. In the *Condition Type field, click the drop-down arrow and then click like.

63. In the Expression 2 - Define Constant field, highlight the existing text and type: 14%

Your page should look similar to the following:


64. Click OK.

65. Click the Preview tab. You should see a page similar to the following:


66. Click the Fields tab.

67. Click the Save As link.

68. In the *Query name field, type

xxx_class_criteria (where xxx represent your initials).

69. Click OK.

--End of Exercise--

Using Logical Operators to Relate Multiple Criteria

Using PS Query, you can relate multiple criteria in specific ways that you define using the AND, AND NOT, OR, and OR NOT operators.

When you specify two or more selection criteria for a query, you must tell PS Query how to coordinate the different criteria. For example, suppose you're querying the list of your customers and you've defined two criteria: one that selects customers from the state of Washington and another that selects customers who have purchased airplanes. You may want PS Query to return only those rows that meet both conditions (customers in Washington who've purchased airplanes), or you may want the rows that meet either one of the conditions (all Washington customers plus all customers who've purchased airplanes).


Rows returned by AND and OR

When your query includes multiple criteria, link them using either AND, AND NOT, OR, or OR NOT. When you link two criteria with AND, a row must meet the first and second criterion in order for PS Query to return it. When you link two criteria with OR, a row must meet the first or second criterion, not necessarily both.

By default, PS Query assumes that you want those rows that meet all the criteria you specify and displays AND in the Logical column on the Criteria tab. Use the drop-down box to change to another operator.

Exercise 9—How to Change Relations between Multiple Criteria

8. Click the Criteria tab.

70. You should have three criteria at this point: One for A.EFFDT, the 2nd is A.ACCOUNT_TYPE and the last one is A.ACCOUNT. In addition, both Logical operators should be set to AND. You should see a page similar to the following:


71. Click the Preview tab and note how many rows are returned.

72. Click the Criteria tab.

73. To change the logical operator, click the drop-down arrow and then choose OR.

74. Change the criterion on ACCOUNT_TYPE to R by using the Edit button ([pic]).


75. Click the Save As link.

76. Click OK.

77. Click the Preview tab. Note that this time many more rows are returned. You should see a page similar to the following. In this sample page, 348 rows are returned.


--End of Exercise--

Using Prompts

Queries can be designed to prompt you for information when you select to run them. Therefore, the results of your query are narrowed to only the data matching the information you entered, rather than data from all records.

For example, the TRAINING1 query (created for this training class) prompts you for a specific User ID. In the following exercise, you will run this query to see how a prompt works.

Exercise 10—How to Run an Existing Query That Uses a Prompt

For this exercise, you will use a query prepared specifically for this training class.

8. Navigate to the Query Manager in the Menu box on the left side of the page.

78. In the Search For field, type: train

79. Click Search. You should see a page similar to the following:


80. Click the name of the query TRAINING1. You should see a page similar to the following on which you are requested to type a User ID:


81. In the Enter user id or partial w/ % prompt field, type your User ID (or any other person’s User ID). You may want to use the wildcard (%) with just the first few letters of a User ID to see what happens. For this example, “cat%” was entered in the prompt box.

82. Click the OK button located under the prompt field to view the results.


--End of Exercise--

Exercise 11—How to Insert a Prompt into a Query

8. If necessary, navigate to Query Manager in the Menu box.

83. In the Search For field, type: train. Click Search. You should see a page similar to the following:


84. Click the query named TRAINING2.

85. You will be in the Fields tab.

86. Click the Add Criteria button ([pic]) on the CHARTFIELD1-Purpose line.


87. In the Condition Type box, click the drop-down arrow and choose like.

88. In the Choose Expression 2 Type box, click the radio button for Prompt. Your page should look similar to the following:


89. In the Define Prompt box, click the New Prompt link. You should see the Edit Prompt Properties page, which looks similar to the following:


90. Click the drop-down arrow below the *Heading Type field and choose Text.

91. In the Heading Text field, type: Enter Purpose or partial w/ %

92. In the *Edit Type field make sure No Table Edit is selected. Your page should look similar to the following:


Note: When you create a query with a prompt, create the prompt’s name with enough information so that others who use it can easily identify the type of information being requested.

93. Click OK to return to the Edit Criteria Properties page.

94. Click OK again.

95. Click the Preview tab. You will see a prompt requesting you to Enter Purpose or partial w/ %, which should look similar to the following:


96. Type: mast110000 in the blank prompt field.

97. Click OK. Your results are displayed in a page that should look similar to the following:


98. Click Rerun Query link.


99. This time type: mast31% (remember % is a wildcard)

100. Click OK. Your results are displayed in a page that should look similar to the following:


Note the power of using the % wildcard.

101. Click the Fields tab.

102. Click the Save As link.

103. In the *Query name field, type: xxx_class_prompt (where xxx represents your initials).

104. Click OK.

-End of Exercise--

Joining Tables

PS has two kinds of joins for tables (records): a Hierarchical Join and a Related Record Join.

Hierarchical Join - A hierarchical join is a predefined PS join that combines two tables that are a parent or children of one another. The child table has all the key fields of the parent tables and at least one more key field.

On the Query tab page, you will see a “Hierarchy Join” link next to the record. If you click this link, you will see all records that have hierarchy joins to your record. If there are none, you will just see one record.

Related Record Join - A Related Record Join is a predefined PS join that uses tables that are related by common fields (non-hierarchical records). This join is often used to retrieve descriptive information about a selected field (i.e., department).

Fields within the selected table that have a related table will show a link in blue text to the right of the field name. If you click the link, the tables will join.

If you want to add information to your query that is not in the record you chose (e.g., the description of the PS account), you will need to get this information from another record. PS helps you access this information by identifying joins between records.

Important Note

This exercise is for illustrative purposes ONLY. Joining tables GREATLY slows processing for EVERY ONE using the system. Joins are rarely needed and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

Exercise 12—How to Join Tables

8. Open the XXX_CLASS_CRITERIA query (where XXX represents your initials).

105. Click the Query tab. And then click in the open file icon ([pic]) to reveal all the fields in the GL_ACCOUNT_TBL. To the right of the field names, you will see the joins identified by PS (in underlined blue text). PS identifies other records with common high level key fields that correspond to the fields in the record(s) in your table. The page should look similar to the following:


In this exercise, you will add the description of the account type to the query. Across from the ACCOUNT_TYPE field, Join ACCT_TYPE_TBL – Account Types appears in underlined blue text. You will see if this record has the information you want (i.e., account type description).

106. Click the Join ACCT_TYPE_TBL – Account Types link (see previous page).

You should now see two tables with aliases “A” and “B” as shown in the following page: A GL_ACCOUNT_TBL - Accounts and B ACCT_TYPE_TBL – Account Types joined with A.ACCOUNT_TYPE – Account Type. The new table is automatically labeled alias “B” by PS.


Note: You cannot see this “join” criteria on the Criteria page. The join creates criteria behind the scenes. However, if it is a hierarchical join, it will appear on the Criteria page.

107. Click the checkbox to the left of both the SETID - SetID and DESCR - Description fields.

108. Click the Fields tab to confirm the new fields were added. You should see a page similar to the following:


Note: PS adds “A” or “B” in front of the field names. This is the record alias. Fields starting with “A” came from record “A.” Fields starting with “B” came from record “B.”

When you join records that both have BUSINESS_UNIT - Business Unit and SETID -SetID, you must always add criteria and set the *Condition Type to “equal to.”

109. Click the Preview tab.

110. Click OK. Note how long it takes this query to run compared to the other queries you have run.

111. You should see two new columns on the right labeled SetID and Descr, shown in the following page:


Adding Criteria for SET ID with Joined Records

When records are joined, it is good practice to add criteria to have the SETID fields in both tables equal each other. This will make the query run more efficiently. In addition, if either record includes the field Business Unit, criteria should be added making it equal to UOD01.

112. Click the Criteria tab and click the Add Criteria button.


113. In the both Choose Expression 1 Type and Choose Expression 2 Type boxes click radio button for Field.

114. In the Expression 1: Choose Record and Field box, click the magnifying glass.


115. Click the Show Fields button for the B record (ACCT_TYPE_TBL)


116. Click the blue, underlined text B.SETID – SetID


117. In the Expression 2: Choose Record and Field box, click the magnifying glass.


118. Click the Show Fields button for the A record (GL_ACCOUNT_ TBL)

119. Click the blue, underlined text A.BUSINESS_UNIT - Business Unit.


120. You should see a page that looks similar to the following. Click the OK button.


121. You should see a page similar to the following:


122. Click the Preview tab. You should see a page similar to the following:


Changing a Column Label

123. Click the Fields tab.

124. Click the Edit button across from the A.DESCR - Description entry.


125. You should see the Edit Field Properties page, which looks similar to the following:

126. In the Heading box, click the radio button next to Text.

127. In the Heading Text field, delete the existing text and type: Account Description


128. Click OK.

129. Click the Preview tab.

130. Note how long it takes the query to run. You should see a page similar to the following:


131. Click the Fields tab.

132. Click the Save As link.


133. Highlight the existing text in the *Query name field. Type: xxx_class_joins (where xxx represent placeholders for your initials).

134. Click OK.

--End of Exercise—

Reordering Fields

You can easily arrange the order of rows and columns as you would like them to appear when you run a query. In the following exercise, you will follow steps to reorder fields in the query you are creating.

Exercise 13—How to Reorder Fields

8. If necessary, click the Fields tab. You should see a page similar to the following:


135. Click the Reorder/Sort ([pic]) button to begin the process. You should see the Edit Field Ordering page similar to the following:


136. The first column on the left—labeled New Column—determines the left to right order of the columns. Type the values 1, 2 and 3 in this column as shown in the following sample page:


The right column - labeled New Order By - determines how to sort rows of data. Sort the rows so that is A.EFF_STATUS – Status as of Effective Date the first row and A.ACCOUNT - Account is the second row by typing the values as shown below:

Note: PS sorts numbers before alpha characters.


137. Click OK.

138. Click the Preview tab.

139. You should see a page similar to the following results. Note that the columns are now in a new order and that the rows of data are sorted by Status (A’s first and then I’s) and then by Account.


140. Click the Fields tab.

141. Click the Save As link.

142. Click OK.

--End of Exercise--

Aggregate Functions and Having Criteria

An aggregate function is a special type of operator that returns a single value based on multiple rows of data. When your query includes one or more aggregate functions, PS Query collects related rows and displays a single row that summarizes their contents.

For example, you might want to sum the Amount for each Chartfield1 (Purpose) in the UOD_TRANS_DTL record. That is, you want your results to have one row for each unique Purpose and to display the sum of Amount for each Purpose. You would not want multiple rows for each Purpose, even though the UOD_TRANS_DTL record has such multiple rows.

Exercise 14—How to Use Aggregate Functions, Part 1 (Using “Sum”)

In this exercise, you will create a new query to illustrate a simple use of the Aggregate function. You will sum the Amount for each Purpose in the UOD_TRANS_DTL record.

8. Navigate to the Query Manager Search page. Because you are already working within the Query tool, you can simply click Query Manager in the Menu box on the left.

143. Click the Create New Query link located below the Search button.


144. The Find an Existing Record Search page will appear and should look similar to the page below.

145. In the Search For field, type: UOD_T and then click Search.

146. Click the Add Record link to the right of the UOD_TRANS_DTL entry.


147. A list of fields in the record will be displayed. Click the check box next to the following 6 fields:

• FISCAL_YEAR – Fiscal Year

• ACCOUNTING_PERIOD – Accounting Period

• ACCOUNT - Account

• CHARTFIELD1 - Purpose

• AMOUNT – Amount (not shown in picture, you will have to scroll down.)

• UOD_CHRTFLD1_DESCR – Description (not shown in picture, you will have to scroll down.)


148. Click the Fields tab to confirm that the six fields have been added.

149. Click the Criteria tab.

150. Click the Add Criteria button.


151. In the Choose Record and Field box, click the magnifying glass.


152. You should see a page that looks similar to the following:


153. Click the Show Fields button.

154. Click the A.BUSINESS_UNIT - Business Unit.

155. Keep the *Condition Type field as “equal to.”

156. In the Define Constant box, type: UOD01

You should see a page that looks similar to the following:


157. Click OK.

158. Click on the Fields tab and click on the Add Criteria ([pic]) button for Chartfield1 – Purpose.


159. Add criteria for the following fields: Fiscal Year, Accounting Period and Purpose.

160. The following are examples of adding criteria to the three fields:



In the following example of Purpose criteria, the *Condition Type of “like” is used and along with the wildcard (%) in the Define Constant box. This means that the query results may return multiple Purpose codes.


Note: You must enter a Purpose for which you have administrator access!

161. Click the Preview tab. You should see a page that looks similar to the following:


Note the number of rows that are returned. If you scroll through the data, you will see multiple rows with the same purpose.

162. Click the Fields tab.

163. Click the Edit button on A.AMOUNT - Amount.


164. You should see a page similar to the following:


165. In the Aggregate box, click the radio button to the right of Sum.

166. Click OK.

167. Click the Preview tab. Your page should look similar to the following:


Note that now there is only one row for each Purpose/Account combination and there are fewer rows returned than in the previous exercise.

168. Click on Fields tab and then Save As link.

169. In the *Query name type: xxx_class_aggrfunc (where xxx represents your initials). Click OK.

--End of Exercise--

Exercise 15—How to Use Aggregate Functions, Part 2 (Using “Count”)

In this exercise, you will use the aggregate function in a query with more fields. If you want to group your data by account and see subtotals of total amount for each fiscal year and accounting period combination, you would use the following steps:

8. You should be in the query named xxx_class_aggrfunc (where xxx represents your initials). If not, navigate to the Query Manager Search page and enter your initials the Search For field and click the Search button. Select the query from the list by clicking on the name.

170. Click the Criteria tab. You should see a page similar to the following:


171. Delete the criteria on the A.ACCOUNTING_PERIOD – Accounting Period field by clicking the Delete button ([pic]) on that criteria.

172. Click the Preview tab. Note the number of rows that are returned. Note how many rows are returned this time as well as the multiple rows for some Account values.


173. Click the Fields tab.

174. Click the Edit button ([pic]) on the ACCOUNTING_PERIOD – Account Period row.


175. You should see the Edit Fields Properties page.

176. In the Aggregate box, click the radio for Count.


177. Click OK.

178. Click the Preview tab. Note that you now have fewer rows returned.

179. You now have one row for each unique combination of Fiscal Year, Account and Purpose. In other words, you have GROUPED by ACCOUNT, FISCAL_YEAR, and PURPOSE to get a total amount. You should see a page similar to the following:


180. Click the Fields tab.

181. Click the Save As link.

182. In the *Query name field and type: xxx_class_aggrfunc2 (where xxx represents your initials).

183. Click OK.

--End of Exercise--

Using PS “Having” Criteria

Suppose you only wanted to see rows for accounts where the Sum of Posted Total Amount was greater than zero. You want to put criteria on an aggregated field. PS calls this condition “Having Criteria.”

Exercise 16—How to Use Having Criteria

8. If necessary, click the Fields tab.

184. Click the Add Criteria icon on of the A.AMOUNT - Amount row.


185. Click the drop-down arrow next to *Condition Type and click greater than.

186. In the Define Constant box, type: 25.

187. Your page should look similar to the following:


188. Click OK.

189. Click the Criteria tab.

Note: This criteria does NOT appear on the Criteria page.


190. Click the Having tab.

Note: This criteria DOES appear on the Having page. Criteria on aggregated fields appear on this page.


191. Click the Preview tab. (Sometimes adding “Having Criteria” will give you fewer rows of data.) Notice that the Sum Amount column contains no rows where the amounts are all greater than 25.


192. Click the Fields tab. Click the Save As link. Click OK.

--End of Exercise--

Defining Expressions

We will look at the following four types of expressions:

• Numerical manipulation

• Substring

• Concatenate

• Decode

Numerical Manipulation

If you want to add a column to your query that shows a 5% increase in posted total amount, you would use the following steps:

Exercise 17—How to Use Numerical Manipulation

8. Navigate to the Query Manager Search page. Because you are already working within the Query tool, you can simply click Query Manager in the Menu box on the left.

193. Click the Create New Query link located below the Search button.


194. The Find an Existing Record Search page will appear and should look similar to the page below.

195. In the Search For field, type: UOD_T and then click Search.

196. Click the Add Record link to the right of the UOD_TRANS_DTL entry.


197. A list of fields in the record will be displayed. Click the check boxes next to the following 7 fields:

• FISCAL_YEAR – Fiscal Year

• ACCOUTING_PERIOD – Accounting Period

• ACCOUNT - Account

• DEPTID - Department

• FUND_CODE - Fund Code

• CHARTFIELD1 - Purpose

• AMOUNT – Amount (not shown in picture, you must scroll down)


198. Click the Fields tab. Click the Save As link.

199. In the *Query name field, type: xxx_class_expressions (where xxx represents your initials).

200. Click OK. You should see a page similar to the following:


201. Add Criteria for the following fields:

• Fiscal Year equal to 2005

• Accounting Period equal to 11

• Purpose (CHARTFIELD1) equal to a Purpose on which you are an Administrator (a Purpose you can view or approve). For example MAST112115 (the letters must be UPPER CASE).

202. Click the Expressions tab. And then click the Add Expression button.


203. You should see a page similar to the following:


204. In the Expression Type box, use the drop-down box to select Signed Number.

205. Change the Length field to 15.

206. Change the Decimals field to 2.

207. Click the Add Field link.


208. Click the Show Fields button.

209. Scroll down to find the A.AMOUNT - Amount link and then click on it.



210. You will be back at the Edit Expressions Properties page, where you’ve added A.AMOUNT to the Expression Text box:


211. At the end of the existing text in the Expression Text box,, type: *1.05

212. The final expression should read A.AMOUNT*1.05 (this will add 5% to the amount).


213. Click OK.

214. Click the Use as Field link to the right of A.AMOUNT*1.05. (This expression is now treated like any other field; you can put criteria on it, rename it, etc.) This will take you to the Fields tab.


215. Note that you have a new field called A.AMOUNT*1.05.

216. Click the Edit button for this field.


217. Verify that the Heading box is set to Text.

218. In the Heading Text field delete the existing text and type: 5% Projected Increase


219. Click OK.

220. Click the Preview tab. You should see a page similar to the following:


221. Click the Fields tab.

222. Click the Save As link. (If you have already done so, name the query xxx_class_expressions, where xxx represents your initials).

223. Click OK.

--End of Exercise--


You can create a field that includes only certain digits of an existing field by using the substring expression. In the next exercise, you will use a substring expression to view digits 5 and 6 of the Chartfield1 - Purpose field.

Exercise 18—How to Use the Substring Expression

8. From the Query Manager “Find an Existing Query” page, open the query named XXX_CLASS_AGGRFUNC (where XXX represents your initials).

224. Click on the Criteria tab and click on the Edit button on the A. CHARTFIELD1 – Purpose row.


225. Change the value in the Constant field to XXXX% (where XXXX represent the acronym of the Purpose(s) for which you have administrator access rights). Verify that the Condition Type is “like.”


226. Click OK.

227. Click the Expressions tab.

228. Click the Add Expression button.


229. In the Expression Type field, click Character if it is not already selected.

230. Change the Length to 2.

231. Click the Add Field link


232. Click the Show Fields button and then click A.CHARTFIELD1 - Purpose.


233. To edit the text to include the 5th and 6th characters of the field A.CHARTFIELD1 - Purpose, click in the Expression Text box and type the following in front of and behind “A.CHARTFIELD1” – there are NO spaces in this line of text: %Substring(A.CHARTFIELD1,5,2)

This text tells PS to start at character 5 of A.CHARTFIELD1 and to extract two characters (in this case, the 5th and 6th ones). Your page should look similar to the following:


234. Click OK.

235. Click the Use as Field link on the %Substring(A.CHARTFIELD1,5,2) row.


236. You will be on the Fields tab, note the new field in the list.

237. Click the Edit button to the right of the %Substring(A.CHARTFIELD1,5,2) entry.


238. In the Heading Text box, highlight the existing text and type: Purpose 5,6

Your page should look similar to the following:


239. Click OK.

240. Click the Save As link.

241. In *Query field, rename this query xxx_class_substring (where xxx represents your initials).

242. Click OK.

243. Click the Preview tab. You should see a page similar to the following:


--End of Exercise--

Concatenate (combines multiple fields into one)

Using the concatenate expression, you can see the Fiscal Year and Accounting Period fields together as one field.

Exercise 19—How to Concatenate Fields

8. Open the query named XXX_CLASS_AGGRFUNC (where XXX represents your initials), click the Expressions tab.

244. Click the Add Expression button.


245. In the Expression Type box, click the drop-down arrow and then click Character if it is not already selected.

246. Change the Length to 15.

247. Click the Add Field link.


248. Click the Show Fields button.

249. Click A.FISCAL_YEAR - Fiscal Year

Note that when you click the Add Field link, you have the opportunity to select from all fields in the records of your query. You are not limited to using fields that you have already selected for your query.


250. In the Edit Expression Properties page, click the Add Field link again.

251. Click the Show Fields button.

252. This time click A.ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - Accounting Period.


253. In the Expression Text box, type: %CONCAT between the two field names as shown below.

A.FISCAL_YEAR %CONCAT A.ACCOUNTING_PERIOD (note the spaces before and after %CONCAT.)


254. Click OK.

255. Click the Use as Field link to the right of A.FISCAL_YEAR %CONCAT A.ACCOUNTING_PERIOD.


256. This will take you to the Field tab. Click the Edit button for the new field of A.FISCAL_YEAR %CONCAT A.ACCOUNTING_PERIOD.


257. In the Heading Text box, delete the existing text and type: FY AcctgPeriod


258. Click OK.

259. Click the Save As link.

260. In *Query field, rename this query xxx_class_concat (where xxx represents your initials).

261. Click OK.

262. Click the Criteria tab.

263. Make sure the criteria on CHARTFIELD1, FISCAL_YEAR and ACCOUNTING_PERIOD are limited to one or just few values. This query uses the UOD_TRANS_DTL record, selecting too many values will have an adverse effect on the system resources.


264. Click the Preview tab. You should see a page similar to the following:


Note: The following is an alternative way of writing a concatenation expression. It will also demonstrate adding a dash (-) in between the two fields to make the new field easier to read.

265. Click on the Expressions tab

266. Click the Edit button on the A.FISCAL_YEAR %CONCAT A.ACCOUNTING_PERIOD row.


267. Omit the %CONCAT function and replace it with the || on either side of a dash in single quotes. Your expression will now be A.FISCAL_YEAR || '-' || A.ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - Note there are spaces before and after both sets of the ||.

(The | character is found on your keyboard above the Enter key on the same key as the backslash.)

268. Click the OK button.


269. Click the Preview tab. Notice that the new concatenated field now has a dash in it.


--End of Exercise--

Decode (“if” statements)

Decode allows you to create a field whose value is conditional upon a logical expression. For example, you may want to create a field that is populated with Amount under certain conditions and is blank under other conditions. The general format is the following: DECODE (statement to evaluate, thing to evaluate statement against, value if true, value if false).

Exercise 20—How to Use Decode

In this exercise, we will create a field called “basic budget amount.” If the fund is OPBAS (Operating Basic Budget), then this amount equals Amount. Otherwise, it equals zero.

8. Using the same query named XXX_CLASS_SUBSTING (where XXX represents your initials), click the Query tab

9. Display the fields by clicking the show fields icon ([pic]).

10. Click on the FUND_CODE – Fund Code check box to add this field to your query.


11. Click the Expressions tab.

270. Click the Add Expression button.


271. For Expression Type, click the drop-down arrow and then click Number if it is not already selected.

272. Change Length to 15 and Decimals to 2.

273. In the Expression Text box, type: DECODE(A.FUND_CODE,'OPBAS',A.AMOUNT,0) Note that there are NO spaces in this text. Your screen should look similar to the following:


274. Click OK.

275. Click the Use As Field link for the new field DECODE A.FUND_CODE,'OPBAS',A.AMOUNT,0).


276. Click the Edit button for DECODE(A.FUND_CODE,'OPBAS',A.AMOUNT,0).


277. In the Heading Text box, delete the existing text and type: Basic Bgt Amt


278. Click OK.

279. Click the Save As link.

280. In *Query field, rename this query xxx_class_decode (where xxx represents your initials).

281. Click OK.

282. Click the Preview tab. You should see a page similar to the following:



--End of Exercise--

Running Query Results to Excel

You can run results from queries to the Microsoft Excel program. The results will appear as an Excel spreadsheet within PS. If you want to manipulate the spreadsheet, you must copy and paste the results into the Excel program. In the next exercise, you will run your query results from the previous exercise to Excel.

Exercise 21—How to Run Query Results to Excel

8. Click the Preview tab.

283. Click the Download to Excel link.


284. If you see a system message about whether to open the file or save it to disk, click Open.

285. If the query results will appear as an Excel spreadsheet within your Internet Explorer browser, you should change a setting within Windows Explorer.

• Open Windows Explorer, select Tools in the top menu bar, and select Folder Options...

• Click File Types tab and then highlight XLS Microsoft Excel Worksheet

• Click the Advanced button


5. In the Edit File Type window, click OFF all the boxes in the lower left.

6. Click OK to save changes and then CLOSE in the next window.


--End of Exercise--

Using the Query Viewer

The Query Viewer is a read-only version of the Query Manager. It allows Security Administrators to provide read-only access to users who only need to view or print queries.

The Query Viewer enables you to do the following:

• Search for a query

• Preview a query

• Run a query

• Print a query

To Use the Query Viewer to Search for a Query

Log in to PS as you normally do.

From the Menu box, click Reporting Tools.

Click Query.

Click Query Viewer.

In the Search For field, type the name of the query you want to find.

To Use the Query Viewer to Preview a Query

When you preview a query, the results are displayed in the current browser window.

Log in to PS as you normally do.

From the Menu box, click Reporting Tools.

Click Query.

Click Query Viewer.

In the Search For field, type the name of the query you want to find.

Click the name of the query you want to view.

Download the results to an Excel spreadsheet.

To Use the Query Viewer to Run a Query

When you run a query, the results are displayed in a new browser window.

Log in to PS as you normally do.

From the Menu box, click Reporting Tools.

Click Query.

Click Query Viewer.

In the Search For field, type the name of the query you want to find.

Click the Run link to run the query.

Download the results to an Excel spreadsheet.

To Use the Query Viewer to Print a Query

Log in to PS as you normally do.

From the Menu box, click Reporting Tools.

Click Query.

Click Query Viewer.

In the Search For field, type the name of the query you want to find.

Run the query.

Click the Print button for the browser program you use. (Or, select File | Print from the browser’s Menu bar.) The query will print on your default printer.

If you choose to download the query to Excel or another program, you can print the query using that program’s print functions.


The information in this appendix is based on PS PeopleBooks online documentation and is included here for reference.

Terms and Buttons Used with Fields

|[pic] Sort button |Click the Sort button once to list fields in alphabetical order. Click the button again to return |

| |to original sort. |

|Alias |The alias name that the program automatically assigns to the chosen records. |

|Hierarchy Join |Click this link to join a child table to its parent table. |

|Check All Fields |Click this button to check all fields in the record. Once you select a field, the program |

| |automatically adds it to the query and you can view it on the Fields page. This button does not |

| |appear when the field names are hidden. |

|Uncheck All Fields |Click this button to clear all fields in the record. |

|Field Names |Select the box located to the left of each field that you want to add to your query content. |

|Related Record Join |Click this link to join two records based on a shared field. |

|Expand All Records |Click this button to view all fields in the records. This button appears only when there is more |

|  |than one record listed. |

|Collapse All Records |Click this button to hide all fields in the records. This button appears only when there is more |

|  |than one record listed. |

|Format |Field type and length for each field listed. |

|Ord (order) |Shows one or more fields selected to sort your query output. |

|  |If the field is the first sort field, a 1 appears, and the program sorts rows based on this field |

|  |first. The second sort field selected is numbered 2, and so on. |

| |A descending sort order can also be specified. The letter D appears if sorting fields in descending|

| |order is selected. |

|XLAT (translate) |Specifies which translate value you want to appear in the query results: N (none), S (short), or L |

|  |(long). The table you're querying may include fields that use the Translate table. If so, the field|

| |itself contains a short code of some kind, for which the Translate table provides a set of |

| |corresponding values. For example, if the table includes an EFF_STATUS field, the value is A or I, |

| |which the Translate table translates into Active and Inactive. If a field has values on the |

| |Translate table, a letter appears in the XLAT column for that field. |

| | |

| |In your query results, you might want to display the translated value rather than the code (for |

| |example, Active instead of A). To tell PS Query to make this substitution specify L as the |

| |translate value. Translate tables are effective-dated, so you must select which effective date to |

| |use for it. For most tables, PS Query defaults to the current date, meaning that it uses the |

| |currently active list of Translate table values. However, if the table you're querying is also |

| |effective-dated, PS Query uses the value in the EFFDT field for a row. That is, for each row the |

| |query returns, PS Query uses the Translate table values that were active as of that row's effective|

| |date. |

| | |

| |If neither of these effective date options are what you want, you have two more: |

| |If the table you're querying includes another date field, you can use the value in that field as |

| |the effective date for Translate table values. Click the Edit button and then select the Field |

| |option, and then select the field name from the drop-down list box. |

| |Use an expression to set the effective date for the Translate table. For example, enter a fixed |

| |effective date or prompt the user for one. |

|Agg (aggregate) |Aggregate function for each field listed. |

|Heading Text |The heading assigned to appear at the top of the column for the query output for each field listed.|

|Edit |Click this button to format the query output (for example, to change column headings, display |

| |translate table values in place of codes, or specify a sort order). |

|ReOrder/Sort |Click this button to display the Edit Field Ordering page, which enables you change the column |

| |order and/or sort order for multiple fields. |






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