Settlement sheet format setup - TMW Systems

Settlement sheet format setup

You can choose to use one or more pre-defined formats for your settlement sheets. These formats fall into one of these categories:

• Generic format(s).

These formats have simple layouts and were not created for a specific client.

• Custom format(s) created previously for other customers.

Although these formats were created based on other TMW clients' specifications, your company is free to use any that suit its needs.

• Custom format(s) created by TMW according to your company's specifications.

Customizations are billed on a quoted amount, based on development time required.

• Format(s) that you create yourself using Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.

You can create these formats on your own, or with assistance from TMWSuite Support.

You can choose to:

• Use a single format for all payable entities.

• Use different formats for different types of payable entities, such as company drivers and owner operators.

Note: The term "payable entity" refers to any driver, tractor, trailer, carrier, or third party to which you issue payment for work done. An Accounting Type of Payroll or Accounts Payable must be recorded in these entities' profiles.

The following subsections provide details about setup options.

Overview of settlement sheet format options 1.2

Setting up a single pre-defined format for all payable entities 1.5

[INI Section] StlmntSheetFormat 1.5

Using multiple pre-defined settlement sheet formats 1.5

Activating the feature 1.6

[Settlement] StlmntSheetFormatFromINI 1.6

Setting up a default format 1.7

Setting up a format based on resource type or third party 1.9

Reviewing a list of assigned formats 1.10

Changing a format assignment 1.11

Deleting a format assignment 1.12

How the system determines the proper format during the printing process 1.12

How the system picks from multiple formats for a resource type 1.12

Basing a format on a SSRS report 1.16

E-mailing and faxing settlement sheets 1.16

Overview of settlement sheet format options

This table provides high level descriptions of your settlement sheet format options.

|Option |Description |Setup notes |

|Use a single pre-defined |TMW has created a number of formats that were not |Record the name of the desired format in the |

|generic format for all payable |commissioned by a specific client. Advantages of using|StlmntSheetFormat= setting in the [Settlement] section|

|entities. |one of these formats are: |of the TTS50.ini file. |

| |They do not have any special underlying code that |For details, see the section Setting up a single |

| |restricts or manipulates the data that is printed. |format for all payable entities in this chapter. |

| |Because no client owns them, the format will never | |

| |undergo any unexpected structural or layout changes. | |

| |To see examples of these layouts, see the chapter | |

| |"Generic Settlement Sheet formats" in this guide. | |

|Select a format that has been |Frequently, a client will commission TMW to develop a |Record the name of the desired format in the |

|created for another client. Use|format based on the client's specifications. Any |StlmntSheetFormat= setting in the [Settlement] section|

|this format for all payable |customer is allowed to use another client's format. |of the TTS50.ini file. |

|entities. |However, if you choose to do so, keep these points in |For details, see the section Setting up a single |

| |mind: |format for all payable entities in this chapter. |

| |Although you may like the format's layout, the data | |

| |that prints may not conform to what your company | |

| |needs. Due to their custom design, many commissioned | |

| |formats have setup requirements or special data | |

| |handling that may make them unsuitable for other | |

| |customers' use. | |

| |You cannot request changes to another client's format.| |

| |The owner has the right to change the format's look | |

| |and/or function at any time. | |

| |To see examples of custom layouts, see the chapters on| |

| |custom settlement sheets samples in this guide. | |

|Commission TMW to create a |Customizations are billed on a quoted amount, based on|Do both of the following: |

|custom format. Use it for all |development time required. If you are interested in |Inform your TMW Implementation Specialist or TMW |

|payable entities. |commissioning your own format, keep these points in |Support that a customized format is needed. |

| |mind: |After the format has been coded, record the format |

| |Generally, it is not possible for new clients to use |name in the StlmntSheetFormat= setting in the |

| |other clients' formats as is. However, they can be |[Settlement] section of your TTS50.ini file. |

| |helpful in the development of new custom format |For details, see the section Setting up a single |

| |specifications. |format for all payable entities in this chapter. |

| |New formats based on the custom examples typically | |

| |require more effort to develop than those based on the| |

| |generic formats shown in the chapter, "Generic | |

| |settlement sheet formats". As a result, estimates for | |

| |new formats based on the custom examples usually have | |

| |a wider range between high and low. | |

| |Custom formats generally require a number of | |

| |iterations between initial delivery of a version for | |

| |field testing and final acceptance by the client. | |

|Use multiple formats, generic |If a single format does not meet your business needs, |Do both of the following: |

|or custom, for different groups|you can use either or both of these additional setup |Specify format(s) in the Integrated Report Setup |

|of resources, such as company |options: |window in System Administration. To access it, go to |

|drivers and owner operations. |Set up separate formats for all members of a |Edit > Integrated Report Setup > Settlement Sheets. |

| |particular resource type, i.e., drivers, tractors, |Use the StlmntSheetFormatFrom |

| |trailers, and carriers, as well as third parties. |INI= INI setting in the [Settlement] section of your |

| |Set up a format based on a specific resource |TTS50.ini file to indicate that the system is to use |

| |classification. You can have a different format for |entries in your database to determine which settlement|

| |each driver, tractor, trailer, or carrier |sheet format(s) to use. |

| |classification, i.e., DrvType1 - 4, TrcType1 - 4, |For details, see the Using multiple settlement sheet |

| |TrlType1 - 4, and/or CarType1 - 4. |formats section in this chapter. |

| |For more information, see the Using multiple | |

| |settlement sheet formats section in this chapter. | |

|Create your own formats(s) |Creating settlement sheet formats based on SSRS |For details on using SSRS reports as the basis for |

|using Microsoft SQL Server |reports provides the greatest flexibility in designing|settlement sheet formats, see the "Creating custom |

|Reporting Services (SSRS). |formats that meet your needs. However, creating such |settlement sheet formats" chapter in the Integrated |

| |formats requires a thorough understanding of the |Reporting guide. |

| |TMWSuite database structure and extensive report | |

| |writing experience. If you would like to use SSRS | |

| |reports but do not have resources in house capable of | |

| |handling the task, you can contact your TMW Support | |

| |representative to request a customized report. | |

| |When you use SSRS reports as the basis for your | |

| |formats, you must have: | |

| |SQL Server | |

| |IIS | |

| |Not required for SSRS 2008. | |

| |TMWSuite V.2009.08_08.0786 or later. | |

| |The TMWSuite Add-ins feature | |

| |The Integrated Reporting license | |

| |A PDF viewer | |

| |For more information, see the "Creating custom | |

| |settlement sheet formats" chapter in the Integrated | |

| |Reporting guide. | |

Setting up a single pre-defined

format for all payable entities

If you use a single generic or custom format for all entities, the only setup step you need to do is to make an entry in the StlmntSheetFormat= INI setting.

|[Settlement] |

|StlmntSheetFormat |

|First available in |TMWSuite: 2003 |

|Description |If your company uses a single settlement sheet format for all payable entities, use this setting to identify |

| |the name of that format. |

|Options |d_stlmnt_det_report_general (default) |

| |If the default format is not suitable, record the name of the format that you want to use. |

|Additional Notes |This setting is applicable when you use a pre-defined format coded by TMW. For format samples, see the |

| |Settlement Sheet Format guide. |

| |If you pay third parties, be aware that some settlement sheet formats cannot be used for third parties. In the|

| |Settlements Sheet Formats guide, the chapters on custom formats list those that support third party pay. |

Using multiple pre-defined settlement sheet formats

First available in 2010.09_08.0324

Some TMW clients use different settlement sheet formats for different groups of resources, or for third parties. For example, it is common to use one format for owner operators, and another format for company drivers. In previous versions, the format was identified by the StlmntSheetFormat= INI setting in the [Settlement] section of the TTS50.ini file. You were limited to one format. Therefore, if you needed multiple formats, you had to set up separate TTS50s, each of which specified the format needed for a particular group of resources, or for third parties. Payroll users accessed Settlements using icons that pointed to the TTS50 that specified the format that was appropriate for the group they needed to pay.

Now, you can save your settlement sheet format selection(s) to your database. As in the past, you still can have a single format for all resources (and third parties, if you own Agent Pay or Third Party Pay). But if a single format does not meet your business needs, you now can use either or both of these additional setup options:

• Set up separate formats for all members of a particular resource type, i.e., drivers, tractors, trailers, and carriers, as well as third parties.

• Set up a format based on a specific resource classification. You can have a different format for each driver, tractor, trailer, or carrier classification, i.e., DrvType1 - 4, TrcType1 - 4, TrlType1 - 4, and/or CarType1 - 4.

You identify the settlement sheet formats you want to use in the System Administration application.

Activating the feature

The StlmntSheetFormatFromINI= INI setting determines whether the system will use entries in your database to determine which settlement sheet format(s) to use.

|[Settlement] |

|StlmntSheetFormatFromINI |

|First available in |TMWSuite: 2010.09_08.0324 SP2 |

|Description |By default, the system uses a single settlement sheet format for all resources. This setting determines |

| |whether the system can be set up to use multiple settlement sheet formats. |

|Options |Y (default) |

| |A single settlement sheet format will be used. |

| |Note: When this option is used, you use the StlmntSheetFormat= setting in the [Settlement] section of the |

| |TTS50.ini file to identify the global settlement sheet format. |

| |N |

| |Multiple settlement sheet formats can be used. |

| |Notes: |

| |When this option is used, you can: |

| |Keep the same format for all resources (and third parties, if you own Agent Pay or Third Party Pay). |

| |Have separate formats based on resource type. For example, you can have one format for owner/operators |

| |(tractors) and another format for company drivers. |

| |Have different formats based on resource classification. For example, you can have one format for DrvType1 and|

| |another for DrvType2. |

| |You identify the settlement sheet formats you will use in the Integrated Report Setup window, accessed in |

| |System Administration. |

| |When this option is used, the system will never use a format ID that is specified by the StlmntSheetFormat= |

| |setting in the [Settlement] section of the TTS50.ini file. If no applicable format is set up in the Integrated|

| |Report Setup window, the system uses the default format, d_stlmnt_det_report. |

Setting up a default format

If you plan to use the same settlement sheet format for all payable entities, setting up a default format is the only step you will need to do.

Even if you plan to use multiple formats, TMW recommends that you set up a default format. This ensures that a settlement sheet of your choosing will print for any entity that does not fall into categories that you specified for other format(s).

Warning: If you do not specify a default format and a resource/third party does not match the classifications you specify for any other format(s), the system will use d_stlmnt_det_report (the system default) as the format for that entity. It will not default to the format that is specified in the StlmntSheetFormat= setting in the [Settlement] section of your TTS50.ini file.

To set up a default format, follow these steps:

1. In System Administration, go to Edit > Integrated Report Setup > Settlement Sheets.

2. If this is the first time you are accessing the setup window, the One-Time Settlement Sheet Setup message is shown. The format listed in the message is the one that is specified in the StlmntSheetFormat= setting in your TTS50.ini file.


Note: If the message does not display, proceed to Step 3.

Do one of the following:

• To set up a different format as your default, click Cancel. Then, proceed to Step 3.

• To accept the format shown on the message as your default:

a. Click OK. The Integrated Report Setup window is displayed.


b. Click Close. The format listed in the message is now set as your default format. The system saved the format with the name "Default Settlement Sheet".

Note: The format can be viewed in the List of Reports window shown here. For details about accessing the List of Reports window, see Reviewing a list of assigned formats.


3. The Integrated Report Setup window is displayed.


In the Report Information and Report Type sections, make entries in the following fields.

|Name |You must make an entry in this field to save your format setup. Enter a descriptive name. The field |

| |accepts up to 73 alphanumeric characters. |

| |Note: It is recommended that you include the word "default" in the name of your default format. Later, |

| |this will make it easier to determine which format is the default. |

|Asset Type |By default, the Default Settlement Sheet option is selected. Leave this entry as is to set up your |

| |default format. |

| |Notes: |

| |The Default Settlement Sheet option should be assigned to only one settlement sheet format. |

| |The default format will be used for any payable entity that is not assigned to a group for which a |

| |specific settlement sheet format has been defined. |

|Source |The read-only value is Internal Datawindow. |

|Datawindow |The drop-down list displays available settlement sheet formats. Select the format that you want to use |

| |as the default. |

| |Note: When any of these conditions are true, the list will be limited to the formats that support third |

| |party pay: |

| |The Third Party Pay license is activated. |

| |The AgentCommiss General Info Table setting has a String1 field value of yes. |

| |The EditThirdPartyPay=Y setting exists in the [Misc] section of your TTS50.ini file. |

4. Click Save and then click Close.

Setting up a format based on resource type or third party

If you want, you can specify different formats for different resource types, or and/or for third parties. For resource types, you can take it one step further, and use different formats based on resource classifications.

1. In System Administration, go to Edit > Integrated Report Setup > Settlement Sheets.

Note: If you have not previously specified any settlement sheet formats, the One-Time Settlement Sheet Setup message is shown. TMW recommends that you set up a default format before continuing. For details, see Setting up a default format.

2. The Integrated Report Setup window appears.


In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for the format.


1. You will need this name later to distinguish one format from another when you look them up in a list, so enter a name that is descriptive.

For example, a format used for owner/operators might be named "Owner/operator format." A format associated with company drivers may be named "Company driver format."

2. For descriptions of the fields listed in the Integrated Report Setup window, see the Setting up a default format section.

3. In the Asset Type field, select the resource type for which the format applies. The options are:

• Driver Sheet

• Tractor Sheet

• Trailer Sheet

• Carrier Sheet

• Third Party Sheet (applicable only if you have purchased the Third Party Pay or Agent Pay feature)

If you made a driver, tractor, trailer or carrier selection, the system displays additional fields under the Asset Type field. They allow you to specify formats for classifications associated with the resource type. In this example, we selected Driver Sheet, so the DrvType1-DrvType4 fields appear.


4. If the format applies to specific resource category(ies), make entries in the appropriate classification field(s).

5. In the Datawindow field, select the format that you want to use for the selection(s) that you made in Steps 2-4.

Note: When any of these conditions are true, the list will be limited to the formats that support third party pay:

• The Third Party Pay license is activated.

• The AgentCommiss General Info Table setting has a String1 field value of yes.

• The EditThirdPartyPay=Y setting exists in the [Misc] section of your TTS50.ini file.

For a list of formats that support third party pay, see the appendixes for Custom Settlement Sheet Samples in the Settlements documentation.

6. Click Save then click Close.

Reviewing a list of assigned formats

If you want to see which settlement sheet formats you have set up, you can view a list of all assigned formats.

1. In System Administration, go to Edit > Integrated Report Setup > Settlement Sheets.

2. When the Integrated Report Setup window appears, click Open.

The List of Reports window is displayed


Information displays in the following fields:

|ID |The system-assigned ID associated with the format assignment. |

|Name |The descriptive name you assigned. |

|Type1-4 |For formats associated with resources, these fields show the classifications associated with the format.|

| |The abbreviation from the classification label appears in the corresponding field. |

|Datawindow |The settlement sheet format you selected when you set up the association. |

From the list of reports, you can:

• Change a format association.

• Delete a format association.

3. To close the window, click Cancel.

Changing a format assignment

If you need to change a format association, follow these steps:

1. In System Administration, go to Edit > Integrated Report Setup > Settlement Sheets.

2. When the Integrated Report Setup window appears, click Open.

The List of Reports window displays.

3. Select the assignment you want to modify, and click OK.

4. The assignment appears in the Integrated Report Setup window.

5. Make the needed changes.

Note: You can make changes in any of the fields except the ID and the Source fields.

6. Click Save then click Close.

Deleting a format assignment

If you want, you can delete a format association.

1. In System Administration, go to Edit > Integrated Report Setup > Settlement Sheets.

2. When the Integrated Report Setup window appears, click Open.

The List of Reports window displays.

3. Select the assignment you want to delete, and click OK.

4. Click Delete.

5. The Delete Report confirmation message appears.


Do one of the following:

• Click No to cancel the deletion.

• Click Yes to complete the deletion.

The report is cleared from the Integrated Report Setup window.

How the system determines the proper format

during the printing process

When you initiate the print process in the Print Settlement Sheets window in the Settlements application, the system follows a specific series of steps for each individual resource/third party listed in the print queue.

How the system picks from multiple formats for a resource type

When multiple formats are associated with a resource type, the system performs a hierarchical search for the format that is the best match. It compares the resource classifications (DrvType1-4, TrcType1-4, TrlType1-4, CarType1-4 values) specified for the format with the classifications recorded in the resource's profile.

When each of the formats has only one classification specified, the system uses the first one it finds that matches. For example:

• Format 01 is associated with owner/operators. It has a TrcType1 classification of O/O.

• Format 02 is also associated with owner/operators. It has a TrcType2 classification of Long haul.

If the tractor's profile has a TrcType1 value of O/O and a TrcType2 value of Long haul, the system would use format 01. It does so because the match was made on the TrcType1 classification before it was made on the TrcType2 classification.

When each of the formats has more than one classification specified, the format with the most matching classifications is used. For example:

• Format 03 is associated with drivers. It has a DrvType1 classification of Company Driver. It has a DrvType2 classification of Trainee. It also has a DrvType4 classification of Hourly.

• Format 04 is associated with drivers. It has a DrvType1 classification of Company Driver and it has a DrvType2 classification of Trainee.

If the driver's profile has a DrvType1 value of Company Driver, a DrvType2 classification of Trainee, and a DrvType4 value of Hourly, the system will use format 03 because it has the most matches to the driver's profile.

To illustrate, we specified two formats for company drivers.

• We have a generic format associated with company drivers.

• We also have associated a specific format with our company drivers who have a DrvType4 value of Per Mile.


When the settlement sheets are printed, the system uses the correct format, based on the drivers' classifications.

For example, the drivers shown here in the Find Drivers scroll window receive settlement sheets in format d_stlmnt_det_report_general90 because they are assigned to both of these driver classifications:

• Drvtype1 = Company Driver

• DrvType4 = Per Mile



d_stlmnt_det_report_general90 is used for a company driver who is assigned to a DrvType4 category of Per Mile

Whereas the drivers shown in this Find Drivers scroll window receive settlement sheets in Format d_stlmnt_det_report because they are assigned only to the DrvType1 classification of Company Driver.



Format d_stlmnt_det_report is used for a company driver who is not assigned to a DrvType4 category of Per Mile

Basing a format on a SSRS report

The Settlement application accepts settlement sheet formats based on SQL Server Reporting Services reports. Using SSRS reports provides design flexibility. If your staff has extensive reporting experience and a thorough understanding of the TMWSuite database structure, your company can design its own formats. Alternatively, if you do not have the necessary resources, you may contact your TMW Support representative to request that a report be designed for you.

When creating settlement sheet formats using SQL Server Reporting Services:

1. User logins cannot contain slashes, for example, TMW\user1. When settlement sheet formats based on SQL Server Reporting Services are printed, the print function stores temporary files with a slash preceding the user login. A slash in the login to separate the domain from the user ID will conflict with the print function.

2. You must have:

• SQL Server


Not required for SSRS 2008.

• TMWSuite V.2009.08_08.0786 or later.

• The TMWSuite Add-ins feature

You can activate Add-ins when you use the TMWSuite Installer to update to a new GA release of TMWSuite.

• The Integrated Reporting license

The license is available at no charge and can be obtained from your TMWSuite Support representative.

• A PDF viewer

The format is displayed in a PDF viewer when the report is rendered in SQL Server Reporting Services.

Formats based on SSRS reports are made available to the application in the Integrated Report Setup window. The procedure is the same as when setting up a default format or setting up a format based on resource type or third party. The difference is in identifying the source. For complete instructions, see the "Creating custom settlement sheet formats" chapter in the Integrated Reporting guide.

E-mailing and faxing settlement sheets

If you are using generic or custom settlement sheet formats, you can set up the system to e-mail or fax them. To do so, you must use the Enhanced Printing feature. For details, see the "Installing Enhanced Printing" and the "Using Enhanced Printing with Settlements" chapters in the Enhanced Printing guide.


E-mailing and faxing of settlement sheets based SQL Server Reporting Services reports is not supported.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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