Somerset Public Schools

Somerset Berkley Regional School District

Curricular Scope and Sequence/Program Overview (Course/Unit Blockout)

Content Area: Business Technology - Technology Apps for College & Career (First Half/Part 1)

Grade Level: 9-12 (Full Year 6 credit course) approximately 135 days (57 minute periods)

|Time Frame( |September |October |November - December |January - February |

|Overarching Instructional|Unit 1 – Internet Safety & Digital Citizenship |Unit 2 – Introduction to Web 2.0 - Google Apps & |Unit 3 – Advanced Word Processing & Designing |Unit 4 – Advanced Use of Spreadsheets |

|Units/Commonly Taught |Intellectual Property & Creative Content |Weebly |Publications |Advanced formatting |

|Sub-Topics (bulleted) |Copyright |Create an online account |Advanced formatting |Create & edit formulas to analyze data |

| |Protecting Creative Content |Upload files |Create/edit tables & other objects within a WP |Create graphs from spreadsheet data |

| | |Share files |document | |

| | |Create a digital portfolio | | |

|Key/Essential Questions |How can we use the Internet effectively and |How can online applications be used to support |How can word processing and publishing software be|How can spreadsheets be used to perform |

|2-3 overarching questions |ethically to protect our privacy and protect |communication & organizational skills? |used to create well organized and visually |calculations and analyze data to make |

|per unit, focusing on |copyright laws while supporting the learning |How can online tools be used to demonstrate |appealing documents? |decisions? |

|enduring understandings/ |process? |proficiency? | | |

|ideas | | | | |

|Core Knowledge Base: Key |MA Tech Literacy Standard 1 – G9-12: 1.27, 1.28, |MA Tech Literacy Standard 1 – G9-12: 1.7, 1.29; |MA Tech Literacy Standard 1 – G9-12: 1.4, 1.8 – |MA Tech Literacy Standard 1 – G9-12: 1.18 –|

|Learning Standards |1.37, 3.1 - 3.4 |Standard 3 – G9-12: 3.8 |1.10 |1.26 |

|(Reference MA Technology |NETS Standards 3, 4 & 5 |MA Tech Literacy Standard 2 – G9-12: 2.8, 2.13 – | Standard 6 |

|Literacy and NBEA Learning|NBEA Standards: Information Technologies I - |2.15 |df |NBEA Standards: Information Technology IV –|

|Standards) (related to Key|Impact on Society and VIII Information Retrieval |NETS Standards 1, 2 & 6 |NBEA Standards: Information Technology IV – Input |Input Technologies & V – Productivity |

|Skills/Process objectives |and Synthesis | |Technologies & V – Productivity Software |Software |

| | |

| |nfo_technology.html | |nfo_technology.html |dards/info_technology.html |

|Academic Expectations |#5 – Process information critically to become | | | |

| |capable researchers. | | | |

|Key Skills/ Processes |Use the Internet safely, responsibly & |Create and use an on-line account to upload, save |Create, format, customize & use visual content to |Create, format, customize & perform |

|(Learning |efficiently to conduct career research |and share files to increase efficiency and |organize, enhance and publish documents. |calculations to analyze data |

|Outcomes/Objectives( limit|Adhere to copyright laws when using online |collaboration & demonstrate Learning | |Create graphs/charts to communicate data |

|to 5-7 overarching) |resources | | |analysis |

|Key Instructional/ | |Google Apps |Microsoft Office 2010 Basic Edition Marquee Series|Microsoft Office 2010 Basic Edition Marquee|

|Technology Resources | website creation |(EMC Publishing), SNAP online tools |Series (EMC Publishing), SNAP online tools|

|(Text, Title, Date, |um/grades-9-12 | | |

|Publisher) | | |esources.html | |

|Common/ Benchmark |Career Research Project assessed using School-wide|Successfully create/use a Google account to |Workout Activity to create/format/manipulate |Teen Payroll spreadsheet |

|Assessments |Research Rubric #5 |upload/share files with teacher for grading |tables |Gradebook spreadsheet |

| |Internet Safety Student Created Video Project |Use Google Apps to effectively organize/communicate|Basket Activity to create tables with calculations|Pay Raises spreadsheet |

| | | |Well-designed newsletter |Mortgage spreadsheet |

| | | | |Excel Career Charts |

Somerset Berkley Regional School District

Curricular Scope and Sequence/Program Overview (Course/Unit Blockout)

Content Area: Business Technology – Technology Apps for College & Career (Second Half/Part 2)

Grade Level: 9-12

|Time Frame( |March |April – May |June |

|(i.e Month) | | | |

|Overarching ( Instructional |Unit 5 – Advanced PowerPoint & Prezi Tools |Unit 6 – Introduction to Advanced Web 2.0 & |Unit 7 – Introduction to Programming to |

|Units/Commonly Taught Sub-Topics |Inserting spreadsheets, Smart Art Graphics & other |Multimedia Tools |create games |

|(bulleted) |objects |Glogster (multimedia poster) |Alice (from C.Mellon) |

| |Animation & transitions |Blogs (online discussion) |Scratch (from MIT) |

| |Inserting multimedia |Pixorial (creating video) | |

| |PowerPoint vs. Prezi | | |

|Key/Essential Questions |How can presentation & Web 2.0 tools be used to |How can multimedia tools be used to effectively |How can we use programming to increase |

|2-3 overarching questions per unit, |effectively present information? |communicate and demonstrate your learning? |computational thinking? |

|focusing on enduring understandings/ | | | |

|ideas | | | |

|Core Knowledge Base: Key Learning |MA Tech Literacy Standard 1 – G9-12: 1.11 – 1.17 |MA Tech Literacy Standard 1 – G9-12: 1.32 – 1.35 |NETS Standards 1 & 4 |

|Standards (Reference MA Technology |MA Tech Literacy Standard 1- G9-12: 1.32 – 1.35 |MA Tech Literacy Standard 2 – G9-12: 2.1 – 2.7 | |

|Literacy and NBEA Learning Standards) |NETS Standard 6 |NETS Standards 1, 2, 4 -6 | |

|(related to Key Skills/Process | | | |

|objectives | | | |

|Academic Expectations |#3 – Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks. |#3 – Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and |#6 – Demonstrate technological literacy to |

| |#6 – Demonstrate technological literacy to facilitate |tasks. |facilitate learning. |

| |learning. |#6 – Demonstrate technological literacy to | |

| | |facilitate learning. | |

|Key Skills/ Processes (Learning |Use multimedia to enhance communication in |Use a class blog for collaboration |Experiment with Alice and Scratch to create|

|Outcomes/Objectives( limit to 5-7 |presentations |Use multimedia tools to demonstrate learning in a |simple games |

|overarching) |Use online collaborative Web 2.0 tools to create group|creative way | |

| |presentations | | |

|Key Instructional/ Technology |Microsoft Office 2010 Basic Edition Marquee Series |Free online apps, such as Pixorial, Glogster, etc. |Free online Alice and Scratch programming |

|Resources |(EMC Publishing), SNAP online tools, Microsoft | |tools and resources |

|(Text, Title, Date, Publisher) |PowerPoint 2010 and Prezi online tools | | |

| | | |

| |rces.html | | |

| | | | |

|Common/ Benchmark Assessments |Group presentations using PowerPoint/Prezi, Google |Class Blog participation |Student created online games using Scratch |

| |Apps & Excel to present an Excel lesson |Career Ad using Glogster |or Alice |

| |Presentation #3 & Tech Literacy #6 School-wide Rubrics|Student videos |Tech Literacy #6 School-wide Rubric used to|

| |used to assess projects |Tech Literacy #6 & Presentation #3 School-wide |assess projects |

| | |Rubrics used to assess projects | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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