Teaching Program 2000-2001

| |Sample High School |

|School Crest |Information Technology (240 indicative hours) |

| |Teaching Program Summary |

Core and Elective Units of Competency

|Code |Core Unit Title |Code |Elective Unit Title |

|ICAITTW001B |Work effectively in IT environment |ICAITD003B |Receive and process oral and written communication |

|ICAITTW004B |Apply Occupational Health and Safety procedures |ICAITS009B |Interact with clients |

|ICAITU006B |Operate computing packages |ICPMM63bA |Access the Internet |

|ICAITU005B |Operate computer hardware |ICAITTW011B |Participate in a team and individually to achieve organisational goals |

|ICAITU012B |Design organisational documents using commercial computing packages | | |

|ICAITU013B |Integrate commercial computing packages | | |

|ICAITU007B |Maintain equipment and consumables | | |

|ICAITTW002B |Communicate in the workplace | | |

|ICAITS014B |Connect hardware peripherals | | |

|ICAITS015B |Install software applications | | |

|ICAITS017B |Maintain system integrity | | |

Proposed Assessment Schedule

|YEAR 11 (Terms 1 to 3) |YEAR 12 (Terms 4 to 7) |

|Assessment Event |Approximate Due Date |Assessment Event |Approximate Due Date |

|Workstation Report |Mid Term 1 |IT Portfolio |End of Terms 4 –7 |

|Practical Test |Mid Term 2 |Team Project |End Term 4 |

|IT Portfolio |End of Terms 2 & 3 |Work Placement 2 |Term 5 |

|OHS Project |End Term 3 |Install Hardware and Software |Term 5 |

|Practical Demonstration |Term 3 |Workstation Management |Term 6 |

|Work Placement 1 |Term 3 |Trade Fair |Term 7 |

|Written Exam |Term 3 |Written Exam |Term 7 |

|school crest |Sample High School |

| |Information Technology |

| |240 indicative hours |

|Unit Theme |Content / Training Sequence |Unit of Competency |Resources |Register / Evaluation |

|Introduction |Course introduction and outline |ICAITTW001B |Course Information Booklet, Sample assessment task and checklist | |

| |Delivery, assessment, AQF, UAI and work placement issues | |Syllabus documents | |

| |What is information technology | |Teacher Training materials | |

| |Simulated workplace | |Video: The Scope of IT | |

|Basic Operational Skills |Organisational polices and procedures – including style |ICAITTW001B |Copies of style guide, laboratory rules, Internet policy, etc | |

| |guide, Internet policy, computer laboratory policies, etc|ICAITU006B |GUI exercises on file management and basic diagnostic features of | |

| |Laboratory and workstation familiarisation |ICPMM63bA |the operating system | |

| |Ergonomics and safety | |Computer manuals and tutorials, e.g. National Office Skills Work | |

| |Caring for and preventive maintenance of equipment | |Modules | |

| |Keyboarding standards | |Touch-typing programs eg, TypeQuick, Meavis Beacon, etc | |

| |Operating system and utilities; file management and | |Web-based email access, eg Yahoo, Hotmail, Start, etc | |

| |organisation | | | |

| |Using the Internet | | | |

| |Setting up an email account | | | |

| |Simple word processing | | | |

|Hardware and software |Workstation hardware/peripheral devices |ICAITTW001B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

| |Identifying software and equipment supported by the |ICAITU005B |CD-ROM | |

| |organisation with reference to corporate computing |ICAITS015B |Hardware exercise sheets | |

| |systems, including software licensing/copyright | |Copies of software licence agreements | |

| |Maintaining records on location of equipment, software | |Piracy Busters (an organisation that protects and prosecutes | |

| |and servicing requirements | |software piracy cases; they can provide schools with information | |

| |Interview Network Administrator – hardware, software and | |packs about piracy) | |

| |acquisition of consumables | |Network Administrator | |

| | | |Computer manuals and tutorials, e.g. National Office Skills Work | |

| | | |Modules | |

| | | | | |

|Assessment |Workstation Report – creating a report on the hardware and software available for student use and the network logon and security measures | |

|AT1 | | |

|Introduction to business |Word processing |ICAITU006B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

|application software |Databases |ICAITU012B |CD-ROM | |

|packages |Spreadsheets |ICAITU013B |Word processing, database and spreadsheet exercises from third | |

| |Using programs such as ClipArt, WordArt, OrgChart, etc | |party books and training manuals, eg TAFE, OTEN, etc. | |

| |Also graphics, desktop publishing, presentation, | |DTP, presentation, accounting and web authoring exercises if | |

| |accounting, and web authoring software (not all required)| |required. | |

| | | |ITB CDs from Microsoft distributed to schools free of charge (CDs | |

| | | |31-35) | |

| | | | | |

|Designing documents |Document analysis |ICAITU006B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

| |Designing documents |ICAITU012B |CD-ROM | |

| |Naming standards, version control |ICAITU013B |Word processing, database and spreadsheet, DTP exercises – | |

| |Requirements for business documents | |business documents such as payroll worksheet, client database, | |

| |Use of on-line help, user manuals and Internet web sites | |letters to customers using mail merge from third party books and | |

| |Input and saving of document summary information if | |training manuals, eg TAFE, OTEN, National Office Skills modules | |

| |available with application | |etc. | |

| |Use and limitations of tools such as wizards, templates, | |Sample documents and style guide | |

| |spelling, grammar and style checkers | |Wizards and templates from MS Works 2000 | |

| |Creation of spreadsheets for simple scenario | |ITB CDs from Microsoft distributed to schools free of charge (CDs | |

| |investigation including “what if” and “how come” analysis| |31-35) | |

| |Creation of linked graphs to present spreadsheet data | |Computer manuals and tutorials, e.g. National Office Skills Work | |

| |Using multi table relational database utilising data | |Modules | |

| |entry forms and inbuilt application data validation | |Terrified Teachers series (Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, etc) or | |

| |functions | |similar publications from other vendors eg, Claris, or from other | |

| |Production of a range of reports from the database | |publishers, eg Dummies series | |

| |information. | |User manuals, FAQs from Internet sites such as ,| |

| |Inserting objects into a word processing document | |or the like | |

| |Source and use of help and support information | | | |

|Integrating application |Use of clipboard/clipbook |ICAITU006B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

|software packages |Embedded objects, OLE and linking of objects relative and|ICAITU012B |CD-ROM | |

| |absolute paths. |ICAITU013B |Word processing, database and spreadsheet, DTP exercises – | |

| |Common graphics file format and relative properties | |business documents such as payroll worksheet, client database, | |

| |File conversion utilities | |letters to customers using mail merge from third party books and | |

| |Import/export filters | |training manuals, eg TAFE, OTEN, etc. | |

| |Compression and decompression of files | |Sample documents and style guide | |

| |Basic data merging for form letters and mailing lists | |ITB CDs from Microsoft distributed to schools free of charge (CDs | |

| |Creation of spreadsheets from data base tables/queries | |31-35) | |

| |and vice versa | |Computer manuals and tutorials, e.g. National Office Skills Work | |

| |Creation of linked graphs/tables in documents to | |Modules | |

| |spreadsheet data. | |Terrified Teachers series (Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, etc) or | |

| |Source and use of help and support information | |similar publications from other vendors eg, Claris, or from other | |

| | | |publishers, eg Dummies series | |

| | | |User manuals, FAQs from Internet sites such as | |

| | | |or the like | |

| | | |WinZip | |

|Assessment |Practical Test – using application software: word processing, databases and/or spreadsheets, other packages. The Workskill competition is suitable but it | |

|AT2 |requires students to have the competence in using the following application software packages: word processing, spreadsheets, databases, graphics and | |

| |presentation | |

|Business Environment |Business ownership |ICAITTW001B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

| |Organisational structures |ICAITU005B |CD-ROM | |

| |Mission statements |ICAITU006B |OTEN materials | |

| |Employee and employer rights and responsibilities |ICPMM63bA |SLOW booklets | |

| |Ethical practice | |Work Environment (Eastern House) | |

| |Trade practices | |Worksite for Students web site (worksite.actu.asn.au) | |

| |EEO, affirmative action and anti-discrimination | |NSW Labour Council | |

| |Industrial relations | |Sample documents from businesses and organisations | |

|Occupational Health and |Federal and state sources of legislation |ICAITU004B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

|Safety |Employer and employee OH&S rights and responsibilities |ICAITU005B |CD-ROM | |

| |Health hazards in an IT environment |ICAITU006B |OTEN materials | |

| |Electrical hazards in an IT environment |ICPMM63bA |Occupational Health and Safety legislation and related documents | |

| |Ergonomics and its best practice | |Publications from Worksafe Australia | |

| | | |Enterprise/ industry employment documents | |

| | | |Computer manuals and tutorials, e.g. National Office Skills Work | |

| | | |Modules | |

| | | |SLOW booklets | |

| | | |Worksite for Students web site (worksite.actu.asn.au) | |

| | | |Queensland DTIR site Work Sense Program (dtir..au) | |

| | | |Guest speakers | |

|The IT industry |The IT industry |ICAITTW001B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

| |IT careers |ICAITU006B |CD-ROM | |

| |Sources of information in the IT industry |ICPMM63bA |OTEN materials | |

| |The role of IT in an organisation |ICAITU005B |IT vendors | |

| |Role of the help desk and computing support | |IT Careers Guide CD-ROM | |

| |Career pathways | |Newspaper advertisements | |

| | | |Careers Online, Merrill Lynch websites and similar sites | |

| | | |SLOW booklets | |

| | | |The Information Technology Industry (Eastern House) | |

| | | |Communicating in the IT environment (Eastern House) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Site visits | |

| | | |Guest speakers | |

|Assessment |IT Portfolio – creating a portfolio of hardware, software, accessories and consumables used in IT. To be done in “instalments” over six terms. Each | |

|AT3 |instalment is due at the end of Terms 2 to 7. Each term the student will compile information about three hardware peripherals, three software packages and| |

| |an accessory or consumable item. This portfolio satisfies one of the HSC requirements in the unit ICAITS014B – Connect hardware peripherals. | |

|Workplace Communications |Basic communication skills |ICAITU006B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

| |Inter-personal communication skills |ICAITU005B |CD-ROM | |

| |Using communication technologies |ICAITTW002B |Enterprise documents relating to dealing with clients/ client | |

| |Netiquette | |service policies | |

| | | |Enterprise letters, faxes, memoranda, e- mails, reports and drop | |

| | | |boxes | |

|Organisational Skills |Learning styles |ICAITTW011B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

| |Time management | |CD-ROM | |

| |Stress management | |SLOW booklets | |

|Assessment |Project - In pairs, students will create an orientation kit consisting of a poster, a presentation and a booklet for beginning IT workers. | |

|AT4 | | |

|Assessment |Practical Demonstration - Whilst completing the project, students will be asked to demonstrate competency in selected tasks under simulated conditions. | |

|AT5 |Tasks include: comply with organisation policies and procedures; elimination and/or reporting of electrical hazards in the immediate workplace area; | |

| |replacing the toner or ink cartridge in the printer; adding paper to the printer; using keyboard and equipment according OH&S regulations; keying in | |

| |documents according to accepted speed and accuracy; accessing and using help from on-line and printed sources. | |

|Assessment |Work Placement Project 1 – The students, with the help of their workplace supervisor, will complete a variety of tasks to demonstrate that they can work | |

|AT6 |safely and effectively in an IT environment. | |

|Assessment |Written Examination – may be split into half-yearly and yearly exam. Ideally, the format of the examination should closely follow the specimen paper | |

|AT7 |release by the Board of Studies. | |

|End of 120-hour course |

|Working in teams |Work teams |ICAITTW011B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

| |Roles and responsibilities of members |ICAITTW002B |CD-ROM | |

| |Team meetings, agenda, minutes | |Enterprise documents | |

| | | |Sample meeting agenda and minutes | |

| | | |Communication in the Work Team (Eastern House) | |

|Project management |Projects |ICAITTW011B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

| |Work breakdown structure, Gantt charts |ICAITTW002B |CD-ROM | |

| |Project management software usage | |Enterprise documents | |

| | | |Sample projects in MS Project, Corel Chart, ABC Chart, or similar | |

| | | |National Office Skills Work Modules | |

|Client Interaction |Communications basics |ICAITTW002B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

| |Business communication tools |ICAITD003B |CD-ROM | |

| |Active listening and questioning |ICAITS009B |Sample documents | |

| |Receiving and processing oral communication | |Enterprise documents relating to dealing with clients/ client | |

| |Receiving and processing written communication | |service policies | |

| |Delivering support to clients | |Communicating in the IT environment (Eastern House) | |

| |Inquiry procedures, including referral and follow-up | |Paper-based and electronic message recording systems, e.g. message| |

| |Recording the key points/issues in a range of verbal | |pads, voice-mail, drop boxes, etc | |

| |settings | | | |

| |Complaints procedures, including referral and follow-up | | | |

| |Basic conflict/dispute resolution procedures | | | |

| |Prioritising work | | | |

| |Interpreting a variety of trouble shooting | | | |

| |charts/diagrams/tables | | | |

|Assessment |Team Project – In groups of three or four, the students will undertake a project in application software is used to address a client’s business need. | |

|AT8 | | |

|Assessment |Work Placement Project 2 – The students, with the help of their workplace supervisor, will complete a variety of tasks to demonstrate that they can complete| |

|AT9 |workplace tasks and interact with fellow workers and clients. | |

|Connect hardware |Types of external peripherals, their characteristics and |ICAITS014B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

|peripherals |uses |ICAITU004B |CD-ROM | |

| |Connection ports and cables, identification, uses and | |OTEN materials | |

| |correct connection procedures | |Computing industry magazines and journals | |

| |Storage of peripherals | |Computer vendor (Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, Canon, Chinnon) | |

| |Warranty and support services on peripherals | |advertising materials | |

| |Determination of client peripheral requirements | |Computer manuals and tutorials, e.g. National Office Skills Work | |

| |Acquisition, unpacking and connection of peripherals | |Modules | |

| |Selection of appropriate drivers for connected peripheral | |Hardware reviews as published in journals, magazines or over the | |

| |Loading of consumables required for operation | |internet | |

| |Testing of peripherals | |Dummies series | |

| |Source and use of help and support information | |Boxed hardware peripherals to unpack (Note that as the original | |

| | | |instructions to schools required the schools to retain all | |

| | | |packaging of roll-out equipment, these may still be available.) | |

| | | |Roll-out machines | |

| | | |Warranty cards (could be duplicated and completed as an exercise) | |

| | | |Eagle CDs supplied with some compatible computers contain a full | |

| | | |range of drivers for a wide assortment of devices | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Install software |Types of software applications their characteristics and |ICAITS015B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

|applications |uses | |CD-ROM | |

| |Licensing arrangements for software (commercial, shareware| |OTEN materials | |

| |and public domain) | |Computing industry magazines and journals | |

| |Sources of software – software distributors, retailers, | |Software reviews as published in journals, magazines or over the | |

| |download sites on the Internet, in-house developed | |internet | |

| |software | |Computer vendor advertising materials | |

| |Determination of client software requirements | |Shareware, public domain software, trial editions/demonstration | |

| |Determination of installation requirements for software | |editions eg those distributed by PC magazines | |

| |applications | |Computer manuals and tutorials, e.g. National Office Skills Work | |

| |Selection and acquisition of software under instruction | |Modules | |

| |Installation and configuring of software | |Fundamentals of Systems Administration (Eastern House) | |

| |Testing of proper functioning of software | | | |

| |Completion of license registration, paper based and | | | |

| |on-line | | | |

| |Storage of original software media and manuals | | | |

| |Source and use of help and support information | | | |

| |Client feedback | | | |

| |Appropriate referrals of client problems/concerns | | | |

|Maintain equipment and |Definition of routine maintenance |ICAITTU007B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

|consumables |Preventative maintenance schedules |ICAITTU004B |CD-ROM | |

| |Acquisition of maintenance and equipment consumables | |OTEN booklet | |

| |Cleaning of floppy disk drives, CD drives and peripherals | |Computer vendor (e.g. Hewlett-Packard, Fujitshu, Seagate, Pioneer)| |

| |Electrical safety during maintenance procedures | |print based or on-line advertising and support materials | |

| |Replacement of printer paper | |Computer/peripheral manuals and tutorials | |

| |Replacement of printer ribbons, cartridges and toner | | | |

| |Safe disposal of used printer consumables | | | |

| |Recycling/refilling of printer cartridges | |Computer manuals and tutorials, e.g. National Office Skills Work | |

| |Use of manufacturer’s manuals to determine the need for | |Modules | |

| |routine maintenance | |Fundamentals of Systems Administration (Eastern House) | |

| |Documentation of routine maintenance and replacement of | | | |

| |consumables | | | |

|Maintain system integrity |Reasons for backing up of data |ICAITS017B |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

| |Backup and restore policies and procedures | |CD-ROM | |

| |Data backup methods and media | |OTEN materials | |

| |Recording of backup processes | |Computer manuals and tutorials, e.g. National Office Skills Work | |

| |Transaction log files | |Modules | |

| |Backup procedures | |Fundamentals of Systems Administration (Eastern House) | |

| |Storage of backup media | |Trial editions/demonstration editions eg those distributed by PC | |

| |Needs for restoring from backup | |magazines | |

| |Precautions and procedures use for restoring data | |Software licence agreements | |

| |Partial and full restoration of data | |Computer vendor (e.g. Seagate, 3M, McAfee, VET, Symantec) print | |

| |Identification of data loss when restoring files from | |based or on-line advertising and support materials | |

| |historic backups | |Network operating system manuals e.g. Novell, NT and BackOffice | |

| |Nature of and sources of computer viruses | |OASIS administration | |

| |Virus protection software and procedures | |Transaction log files are generated within operating systems such | |

| |Need to maintain currency of virus protection software | |as Windows 98 and Novell | |

| |Software licence conditions and situation that are in | | | |

| |breach of them | | | |

| |Software licence records | | | |

| |Software copy protection or licence violation minimisation| | | |

| |procedures | | | |

| |Identification, reporting and removal of illegal software | | | |

|Using the Internet |Electronic communications basics |ICPMM63bA |Teaching strategies and assessment activities in the IT&T ITAB | |

| |The concept of the Internet | |CD-ROM | |

| |Internet hardware and software | |Computer manuals and tutorials, eg National Office Skills Work | |

| |Initiating and concluding an Internet connection | |Modules | |

| |Internet protocols and data types | |ISPs eg, BigPond, Ozenail, TPG | |

| |Privacy and security measures | |Oliver and Oliver | |

| |Sources of information | |Brownlee (Simulated Internet) | |

| |Social, commercial and ethical impact of the Internet | |Communication services, eg Yahoo, Hotmail, Start, Geocities, | |

| |Communication services and tools provided by the Internet | |Homestead | |

| | | |library. | |

| | | | | |

|Assessment |Installing hardware and software – Using simulation, the student will research suitable hardware and software according to the needs of a client. Students | |

|AT10 |will prepare a report on their findings and install the hardware and software. This assessment task will address elements ICAITTW002B – Communicate in the | |

| |workplace; ICAITD003B –Receive and process oral and written communication, ICAITS015B – Install software applications, ICAITS014B – Connect hardware | |

| |peripherals and ICPMM63bA – Access the Internet. | |

|Assessment |Workstation management – Students will undertake on-going back-up routine procedures and preventive cleaning and maintenance of a workstation for a minimum | |

|AT11 |continuous period of a month. Students will also demonstrate restoration of backup, keep a maintenance log and write a report about the experience. This | |

| |assessment task will address elements from the following units of competency: ICAITS017B – Maintain system integrity and ICAITTU007B – Maintain equipment | |

| |and consumables. | |

|Assessment |Small Business Solutions Trade Fair – Students will simulate a trade fair where they will deliver a short presentation, demonstrate the connection of at | |

|AT12 |least five hardware peripherals, demonstrate the creation of a business document using application software. This assessment task will address elements from| |

| |the following units of competency: ICAITS014B – Connect hardware peripherals and ICAITS009B – Interact with clients. | |

|Assessment |Written Examination – may be split into half-yearly and trial exam. Ideally, the format of the examination should closely follow the specimen paper release | |

|AT13 |by the Board of Studies. | |


|1. |Hansen, P and Nolan K (1997). Work environment. Eastern House: Victoria. |

|2. |Garland, J (1997). Communication skills: Team building. Eastern House: Victoria. |

|3. |Hansen, P and Nolan K (1998). The information technology industry. Eastern House: Victoria. |

|4. |Hayward, S (1999). Communication in the work team. Eastern House: Victoria. |

|5. |Shannon, T, van Kuijck, J and Heinemann, M (1999). Business communication and technologies. John Wiley & Sons: Queensland. |

|6. |Beck, H, et al (1998). Business communication and technologies in a changing world. Macmillan: South Yarra. |

|7. |Andersen, H. (1999). IT @ work: Information processing and management. Macmillan: South Yarra. |

|8. |Craig, D and Frazer, L (1995). Integrated assignments for information processing. Longman Australia Pty Ltd: Melbourne. |

|9. |Pritchard, G and Scott, G (1994). Computing Studies: Preliminary Course. Oxford University Press: Melbourne. |

|10. |National Office Skills Work Modules, Software Publications Pty Ltd. Sydney |

|11. |TAFENSW (1990). Self-paced learning guides for office workers (SLOW booklets) |

|12. |IT&T ITAB Support Materials CD. Distributed to schools late Term 1 2000. |

|13. |Hamilton, J (2000). Fundamentals of systems administration. Eastern House: Victoria |

|14. |Burton, K and Le Rossiignol, K (2000). Communicating in the IT environment. Eastern House: Victoria |

|15 |OTEN materials |


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