Introduction to Microcomputers

Microcomputer Business Applications Instructor: Greg Shaw

CGS 2100

Microsoft Excel - Tutorial 1, Session 1.2

“Using Excel to Manage Data”

Skills Checklist and Notes

( Working with Ranges

• A range is a rectangular block of cells

• See handout, “Selecting Cell Ranges”

( Using “Drag and Drop” to Move or Copy a Range of Cells

• Select the range and then drag any border of the selection to move it to the destination range

• Note that when the mouse pointer is on the border, it changes to a blocked arrow

• To copy instead of move, just hold down the [Ctrl] key when dragging the range (note that the mouse pointer changes to a blocked arrow with a plus sign)

❑ Calculating a Sum Using the AutoSum button

• To sum a column of numbers, select the cell just below it and click the AutoSum button [(]

• To sum a row, select the cell just to the right and click AutoSum

• To compute the sums of any number of columns and/or rows all at once, select the columns/rows plus one extra row below (for the column totals) and/or one extra column to the right (for the row totals). Then click AutoSum.

( Inserting New Rows and Columns

• To insert a new row into a worksheet, click the row heading of the row just below where you want the new row to go. Then, from the Insert menu, choose Rows. The new row will be inserted above the selected row

• To insert a new column into a worksheet, click the column heading of the column just to the right of where you want the new column to go. Then, from the Insert menu, choose Columns. The new column will be inserted to the left of the selected column

• You can insert multiple rows/columns by the same method. Just select the exact number of rows/columns you want to insert. E.g., to insert 3 new rows above current row 13, first select rows 13 thru 15.

• When new rows/columns are inserted, the existing rows/columns are renumbered automatically, and function ranges are automatically adjusted to account for the new rows/columns!

( Deleting Rows and Columns

• Select the number of rows or columns to be deleted by dragging in the row or column headings, and then choose Delete from the Edit menu

• When rows/columns are deleted, they are physically removed from the worksheet and the rows below are “moved up” (or the columns to the right are “moved left”) to fill the hole

• Don’t confuse this with deleting worksheet data, which simply erases the contents of selected cells. To delete cell contents, select a range of cells and press the Delete key (see the document “Excel Editing”)

• As with insertions, when rows/columns are deleted, the existing rows/columns are renumbered automatically, and affected function ranges are automatically adjusted.

❑ Editing Your Worksheet

See handout, “Excel Editing”

( The Undo and Redo Buttons

• The Undo button cancels out the last action taken, which can be a life-saver if you make a mistake such as accidentally deleting a large amount of text!

• Clicking the drop-down arrow to the right of the Undo button presents you with a menu of recent actions that can be cancelled. (However, if you undo, say, the fifth action listed, actions one through four will also be undone)

• The Redo button is the opposite – it allows you to recreate the last action or actions you “undid!”

( Working with Worksheets

• To insert a new worksheet in the workbook, choose the Worksheet command from the Insert menu. The new sheet will be inserted just before the active sheet

• To delete a worksheet from the workbook, right-click the sheet tab and choose Delete from the popup menu

• To reorder the sheets in a workbook, just drag the sheet tab

• To rename a worksheet, right-click the sheet tab, choose Rename from the popup menu, and enter the new name

• To add color to a worksheet tab, right-click it, choose Tab Color... from the popup menu, click on a color, and click OK

❑ Using the Spell Checker

← The spell checker checks all text entries against Excel’s dictionary, and flags any words which are not found. This does not necessarily mean that a word is misspelled, as it may be a proper noun or technical term that is not in the dictionary.

1. Begin by making cell A1 the active cell, and then click the Spelling button on the Standard toolbar

2. For each possibly-misspelled word found, you can choose to ignore it once, ignore all occurrences of it, add it to the dictionary, or replace it with a word you choose from a list of suggested spellings

❑ Using Print Preview

It’s a good idea to always preview all worksheets before you print then. Otherwise, you may be wasting time, paper, and toner.

← To preview the active sheet, click the Print Preview button on the Standard toolbar. (Or click the Preview button in the Print dialog box)

← In Print Preview, the first full page of the worksheet will display, and the status bar will indicate the number of printed pages that the worksheet will require

← To preview the other pages click the Next and Previous buttons

← To increase/decrease magnification, simply click in the preview image of the page or click the Zoom button

← To exit from Print Preview, click the Close button

❑ Printing

← To print the active worksheet, click the Print button on the Standard toolbar

← To print the entire workbook, choose the Print... command from the File menu, and click the Entire Workbook radio button

❑ Using Page Setup: Portrait vs. Landscape Orientation

• From the File menu, choose Page Setup..., click the Page tab, and click either the Portrait or Landscape radio button

• You can also do this while in Print Preview by clicking the Setup... button

← Landscape orientation is useful when a spreadsheet is too wide to fit on a single page using Portrait orientation

❑ Page Setup: Changing Margins

• Another way to get your worksheet to fit on a single page is to reduce the page margins

• In Page Setup, click the Margins tab and adjust the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins using the “spin wheels”

❑ Page Setup: The “Fit To” and “Adjust To” Options

• If you switch to Landscape orientation, reduce the margins, and your spreadsheet still will not fit on a single page, you can click the Fit to radio button on the Page tab of the Page Setup dialog box

• This will reduce the printed image of the sheet in size so that it will fit on a single page

• Don’t make the image too small – it is better to print a worksheet on multiple pages than to make it so small that it can no longer be easily read

• To “undo” the Fit to option so that your worksheets print at full size, it may be necessary to click the Adjust to button – also on the Page tab – and set the scaling back to 100%

❑ Page Setup: Centering the Worksheet on the Page

• For a more attractive printout, center the worksheet on the page

• In Page Setup, click the Margins tab, and make sure the Center on page Horizontally and Vertically check boxes are checked

❑ Displaying and Printing Formulas

• Recall that if a cell contains a formula (or function) then the result of the formula is normally displayed in the cell and printed

• To display the formulas themselves and enable a “formula printout” from the Tools menu, choose Options..., click the View tab and check the Formulas checkbox

• To turn off the formula display, remove the check from the box


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