Annotating with Excel (Word Document)

Annotating with Excel

Getting a worksheet ready for annotations requires three steps: resizing the cells, hiding the gridlines, and formatting the background with a picture.

Resizing the Cells

▪ Open Excel

▪ Click on the empty gray square in the upper left hand corner of the worksheet (the one between the A and the 1 -- see picture below). The cells will turn blue, and the column and row headings, black.


▪ Put your cursor between the column headings A and B (your cursor will turn into a double headed arrow) and click and drag the column to a smaller size (see picture below. All of the cells will shrink to the size you choose.


Hiding the Gridlines

▪ Go to the Tools menu and choose Options.

▪ Under the View tab, uncheck Gridlines in the Windows Options section.

Formatting the Background with Your Picture

(If you don't have a picture saved to use in your document, see the Saving Pictures from the Internet section below.)

▪ Go to the Format menu and choose Sheet, then Background.

▪ Use the Browse button to find your picture and click OK.

▪ Your picture will show up, "tiled" (many pictures in rows and columns).


▪ To make sure that your picture does not shift when you reopen it, please format the sheet with your picture, then save the document and reopen it to add comments.

Adding Comments

▪ Click on the part of the graphic on which you’d like to comment.

▪ Go to the Insert menu and choose Comment.

▪ Type in your comment, then click elsewhere in the document to “hide” it. Comments will show up automatically when your mouse is resting on the cell with the comment (marked with a red triangle in the upper right hand corner).

To Edit or Delete Comments

▪ Lower click on the comment indicator (the red triangle), and choose Edit Comment or Delete Comment.

▪ If you need more space for your comment, you can click and drag on the white boxes around the comment while editing.


▪ Note that the comment indicators (the red triangles) are red. If your graphic contains a lot of red, you or the students may miss seeing a comment. To avoid this, go to the View menu and choose Comment to view all of the comments at once (to check to make sure you saw them all). To hide them again, go to the View menu and select Comment again.

Making and Naming Several Sheets within One Document

If you'd like to have several graphics annotated in one document (a series of paintings by O'Keeffe, for example), you can easily copy and paste your formatted sheets, rename each with the title of the picture or with a number, and format each background with a different graphic.

▪ To rename a sheet, right click on the tab at the bottom of the sheet named (by default) Sheet 1. Choose Rename and type in the name you desire.

▪ To copy a sheet, right click on the tab at the bottom of the sheet and choose Move or Copy Sheet. Check Create a Copy and click OK.

▪ You can move sheets by clicking and dragging on the tabs at the bottom of the sheets.

Saving Pictures from the Internet

▪ Click on any picture on the Internet with your lower or right mouse button.

▪ A pop-up menu will appear.

▪ Choose "Save Picture As."

▪ Rename the picture to something that makes sense to you and make sure you remember where you're saving it (look at the "Save in" box at the top of the window.)

▪ Click OK and that's it!


Click on the empty square in upper left corner of the sheet.

Place cursor between column headings A and B, and then click and drag to resize the cells.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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