Creating a Quiz in Microsoft Excel

Creating a Quiz in Microsoft Excel 2010 (2003)

Microsoft Excel can be used to create a simple quiz.

|Enter Header Row |

• In cell A1 enter the word “Question.”

• In cell B1 enter the word “Student Response.”

• In cell C1 enter the word “Answer.”

• In cell D1 enter the word “Feedback.”

• Use the Bold tool on the Formatting toolbar to format these words as bold.

• Place the mouse pointer between column A and B. The mouse pointer will turn into a two sided arrow. The width of the column can now be adjusted by dragging the arrow. Adjust the width of each of the columns so the headers can be read easily.

|Enter Questions |

• In cell A2 enter your first question.

• In cell A3 enter your next question.

• Continue down column A entering your questions.

|Place a Comment for Student Use |

• Leave column B blank. This is where students will type their answers.

• Select cell B1. Go to Review menu and select New Comment.

(Excel 2003: Go up to the Insert menu and pull down to Comment).

• Directions, tips, or hints to your students can be entered into the comment box.


Enter the Correct Answers

• In cell C2 enter the answer to the first question.

• In cell C3 enter the answer to the next question.

• Continue entering answers for all of your questions.

|Enter Formulas |

• In cell D2 type this formula: =IF(B2=C2,"Great Job","Try Again")

• Note: The formula must be entered exactly as it appears here.

• Test your quiz by entering the correct student response in cell B2.

• Test your quiz by entering an incorrect student response in cell B2.

• If your formula is working properly, use the Fill Command to have Microsoft Excel automatically adjust and enter this formula for each cell in the column. To use the Fill Command, click on cell D2, then drag your cursor down to the row containing the last question. A dashed box will appear bordering the selected cells. Under the Edit menu select Fill, then select Down.

Hide the Answer Column

• Click on column C to select it.

Home > Format (under Cells group) > Visibility > Hide & Unhide > Hide Columns

(Excel 2003: In the Format Menu select Column, then select Hide).

• To reveal column C again, select columns B and D by clicking on the buttons at the top of each column. Home > Format (under Cells group) > Visibility > Hide & Unhide > Unhide Columns

(Excel 2003: Under to Format Menu select Column, and then select Unhide).

Add Clip Art and a Text Box to Your Quiz

• Insert > Clip Art (under Illustrations group)

(Excel 2003: Insert Clip Art button found on the Drawing Toolbar to add clip art to your quiz).

• Use Insert > Text Box (under Text group) to add a text box with a question to your quiz. Student will be able to enter text in this text box.

(Excel 2003: Insert Text Box button found on the Drawing Toolbar)


Protecting a Spreadsheet – Step One: Unlocking Cells

• Select all the cells that you want students to be able to write in (student response column).

• Right click and select Format (under Cells group).

• Make sure to uncheck Lock Cells options under Protection.

(Excel 2003: Right click and select Format Cells from the pop-up menu. The Format Cells dialog box will appear. Click the Protection tab and uncheck Locked. Click OK)

Protecting a Spreadsheet: Step Two – Protect Sheet

• Go to the Home > Format (under Cells group) > Protection > Protect Sheet. The Protect Sheet dialog box will appear. Enter a password and click OK.

(Excel 2003: Tools menu and select Protection>Protect Sheet)


You can insert a comment for student use.

Use the Fill Command to copy your formula to each of the cells in your Feedback column.

Add clip art and a text box to your quiz if you choose.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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