Microsoft Office Assignment Checklist

2011-2012 MS Office Class Assignments Check List - Mrs. Darmody darmodyg@

9/8 – 9/23/11 (Day 1 – Day 8)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to |Date added to |My Grade |

| |activity | |Portfolio (Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|AUP Homework |Handout | | | | |

|Icebreaker Activity |Handout | | | | |

|Technology Pre-test |gaildarmody. | | | | |

|Internet Basics Treasure Hunt Project |gaildarmody. | | | | |

9/26 – 9/30/11 (Day 9 – Day 12)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of activity |Date Completed |Added to |Date added to |My Grade |

| | | |Portfolio (Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Exercise #1: 01Trainer & OWD01 |Pgs. 38-39 in Office textbook | | | | |

|Exercise #2: 02Press & OWD02 |Pgs. 45 & 46 in Office textbook | | | | |

|Exercise #3: 03Mission & OWD03 |Pgs. 51 & 52 in Office textbook | | | | |

|Exercise #4: 04Payroll & OWD04 |Pgs. 58-60 in Office textbook | | | | |

10/3 – 10/7/11 (Day 13 – Day 16)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of activity |Date Completed |Added to |Date added to |My Grade |

| | | |Portfolio (Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Exercise #5: 05Expand & OWD05 |Pgs. 64-66 in Office textbook | | | | |

|Exercise #6: 06Order & OWD06 |Pgs. 69-71 in Office textbook | | | | |

|Exercise #7: 07Request, 07Resume |Pgs. 77-79 in Office textbook | | | | |

|Exercise #8: 08Proposal & 08Flyer |Pgs. 81-83 in Office textbook | | | | |

10/11 – 10/14/11 (Day 17 – Day 20)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

| |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Ex. 9: 09History |Pgs. 84-85 | | | | |

|Ex. 10: Open 10Press, revise & resave |Pg. 91 | | | | |

|Ex. 11: 11Order & 11FinalPress |Pgs. 96-97 | | | | |

|Ex. 12: 12Cafe |Pgs. 101-102 | | | | |

|Ex. 13: 13Cafe |Pgs. 105 & 106 | | | | |

|Ex. 14: 14Alaska |Pgs. 111-112 | | | | |

|Ex. 15: 15Tour & 15Memo |Pgs. 115-116 | | | | |

|Ex. 18: 18Announce |Pgs. 127-128 | | | | |

|Ex. 19: 19Grand |Pgs. 131-132 | | | | |

10/17 – 10/21/11 (Day 21 – Day 25)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

| |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Ex. 20: 20Survey |Pgs. 135-136 | | | | |

|Ex. 21: 21Checkin |Pgs. 142-143 | | | | |

|Ex. 22: 22Course |Pgs. 148-149 | | | | |

|Ex. 23: 23Trainer |Pgs. 154-155 | | | | |

|Ex. 24: 24Stength |Pgs. 159-160 | | | | |

|*Ex. 25: 25Train (Critical Thinking)* |Pgs. 162-163 | | | | |

|Ex. 27: 27Course |Pgs. 170 - 171 | | | | |

|Ex. 28: 28Course |Pgs. 174-175 | | | | |

|Ex. 29: 29Train & 29Course |Pgs. 179-181 | | | | |

|*Ex. 31: 31Web (Critical Thinking)* |Pgs. 187-188 | | | | |

10/24 – 10/28/11 (Day 26 – Day 30)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

| |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Microsoft Word Concepts Quiz I |On-line quiz at: |10/24-10/25 | | | |

|Ex. 33: 33Schedule (Working w/Tables) |Pg. 196 |10/25/11 | | | |

|Ex. 34: 34Data (working w/table formatting) |Pg. 201 |10/25/11 | | | |

|Ex. 35: 35Workout (tables w/merge, rotating text |Pg. 206 |10/26/11 | | | |

|etc.) | | | | | |

|Ex. 36: 36Basket (Calculations in a table etc.) |Pg. 212 |10/27/11 | | | |

10/31 – 11/4/11 (Day 31 – 35)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

|Qtr 2 |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Worksheet 4C Microsoft Word Ribbon & Worksheet 4E |Handouts |10/31/11 | | | |

|CrossWORD | | | | | |

|Are You 21st Century Literate? Treasure Hunt |Located on-line at: |11/2/11 | | | |

| | | | | | |

|*Ex. 37 Critical Thinking Skills: 37Demo * |Pgs. 215-216 |11/3 – 11/7 | | | |

|*Ex. 38 Curriculum Integration: 38Survey * |Pgs. 217-218 |11/4 – 11/7/11 | | | |

11/7 – 11/10/11 (Day 36 - 38) (11/8 PD Day for teachers & 11/11 Veterans Day)

|Assignment Name – Qtr 2 |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

|(skipping ex. 39-44) |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Ex. 45: 45Exercise (creating an outline) |Pg. 255 |11/9/11 | | | |

|Assignment Checklist formatting of tables (on-going |N/A |11/10/11 | | | |

|assignment) | | | | | |

|Catch up day for any work for Qtr1 | |11/10/11 | | | |

11/14 – 11/18/11 (Day 39 – 43)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

|(skipping ex. 47 & 48) |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Ex. 46: 46Health (inserting page/section breaks/pg. |Pgs. 264-267 |11/14 & 11/15/11 | | | |

|#s) | | | | | |

|*Ex. 49: Open 49Course, save as 49Revised. |Pg. 293 |11/15 – 11/16/11 | | | |

|(Inserting comments & tracking changes) skip | | | | | |

|comparing documents & steps 7 & 8* | | | | | |

|*Ex. 53: 53Voyager (Use the info from this ex. to |Pg. 313-314 |11/16 – 11/17/11 | | | |

|create in MS Publisher to look similar to | | | | | |

|illustration A on pg. 314)* | | | | | |

|Begin Career Exploration Web Quest with the O*NET |gaildarmody. website > Career |11/18 & 11/21/11 | | | |

|Interest Inventory. Students will take the 60 |Exploration Web Quest > | | | | |

|question survey, take screen shot of results to save | | | | | |

|as MYSURVEYRESULTS in a Word document. | | | | | |

11/21 – 11/23/11 (Day 44-46)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

| |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Career Exploration Web Quest continued. Explore the |Link to web quest is on |11/18 – 11/22/11 | | | |

|Holland’s Personality Types link to review/analyze |gaildarmody. website > Career | | | | |

|information under your 2 highest personality type |Exploration Web Quest > | | | | |

|scores. Type at least 1 paragraph for each | | | | |

|personality type explaining which aspects either |ing/jh-types.htm | | | | |

|match/don’t match your personality & why/why not. | | | | | |

11/28 – 12/2/11 (Day 47-51)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

| |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Continue with Career Exploration web quest. Identify|Link to web quest is on |11/28-12/2/11 | | | |

|at least 10 specific careers that match you top |gaildarmody. website > Career | | | | |

|personality types using the Career Key link. List |Exploration Web Quest. Also a quick | | | | |

|these careers in your report draft. Begin |reference for steps in project is on our| | | | |

|researching the specific careers to answer the |website as well. | | | | |

|question in the web quest & add this to your report | | | | | |

|draft document | | | | | |

12/5 – 12/9/11 (Day 52 – 56)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

| |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Continue with Career Exploration web quest. Complete|Link to web quest is on |12/5 – 12/7/11 (Days| | | |

|research on the 8-10 specific careers that students |gaildarmody. website > Career |6-8 of project) | | | |

|identified, which matched their top personality |Exploration Web Quest. Also a quick | | | | |

|types. All 11 questions from the Career Exploration |reference for steps in project is on our| | | | |

|web quest should be answered for each career |website as well. | | | | |

|researched. | | | | | |

|MS Office vocabulary games (Network/Internet down all| |12/8 – 12/9/11 | | | |

|day) | | | | | |

12/12 – 12/16/11 (Day 57 – 61)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

| |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Day 9 of Career Exploration research checkpoint | |12/12 -12/13/11 | | | |

|Introduction to Excel Spreadsheets – Identifying |Class Roster Excel spreadsheet activity|12/13 – 12/14/11 | | | |

|parts of the spreadsheet & entering and formatting |handout | | | | |

|basic data | | | | | |

|Excel – entering and formatting numeric data using |The Gap Excel spreadsheet activity |12/14 – 12/16/11 | | | |

|decimals etc. |handout | | | | |

|Excel – Practice with basic spreadsheet skills (i.e. |Class Roster 2 Excel activity |12/16 – 12/19/11 | | | |

|renaming etc.) | | | | | |

12/19 – 12/23/11 (Day 62 – 66)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

| |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Excel – formatting columns (width & alignment) |L.A. Lakers Excel Activity handout |12/19 – 12/20/11 | | | |

|Excel – Using Autofill to complete a series |Automobile Research Excel Activity |12/20 – 12/21/11 | | | |

|Excel – Formatting dates |Movie Release Dates Excel Activity |12/22 – 1/3/11 | | | |

1/3 – 1/6/12 (holiday 1/2/12)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

| |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Excel – Using addition formulas to total quiz scores |Quiz 1, Excel Activity #10 handout |1/3 – 1/4/12 | | | |

|Excel – Using multiplication formulas to create your |Multiplication Table Excel Activity on |1/5 – 1/6/12 | | | |

|own multiplication table. |gaildarmody. | | | | |

|Introduce Class Blog homework assignment due in 1 |See Class Blog on gaildarmody.|1/6 – 1/17/12 | | | |

|week - Students will identify the 3 most important | | | | | |

|technology tools they believe we should have in our | | | | | |

|new school. | | | | | |

1/9 – 1/13/12

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

| |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Excel – Learn how to use additional formulas (Max, |Quiz 2, Excel Activity #11 handout |1/9 – 1/10/12 | | | |

|Min, Avg) | | | | | |

|Excel – Learn how to use multiplication w/percentage |Back to School Shopping Excel Activity |1/10 – 1/11/12 | | | |

|discount formulas |from gaildarmody. | | | | |

|*Excel – Calculating payroll (gross/net pay etc.)* |Teen USA Payroll, Excel Activity #12 |1/12 – 1/13/12 | | | |

1/17 – 1/20/12 (holiday 1/16/12)

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

| |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Excel – Using additional multiplication/division |San Francisco Giants, Excel Activity #14|1/17 – 1/18/12 | | | |

|formulas | | | | | |

|Excel – Using multiplication formulas w/percents to |Best Buy, Excel Activity #15 |1/18 – 1/19/12 | | | |

|calculate sales prices & sales tax etc. | | | | | |

|Catch-up and review (Internet down all day/Network | |1/20/12 | | | |

|intermittent) | | | | | |

1/23 – 1/27/12

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

|Qtr 3 |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Excel – Additional practice w/formulas & insert a |CompUSA, Excel Activity #16 |1/23 started 1/31/12| | | |

|page header* | |due | | | |

|Final catch-up days for Qtr 2 | |1/24 – 1/25/12 | | | |

|Excel Vocabulary search activity |Handout w/Excel vocabulary terms |Started 1/26 or | | | |

| | |1/27/12, so due 1/27| | | |

| | |or 1/30/12 | | | |

|Create 2 online puzzles using Excel vocabulary |Use |Started 1/26 or | | | |

|terms/definitions |, so due 1/27| | | |

| |uzzlemaker/?CFID=306288&CFTOKEN=88190037|or 1/30/12 | | | |

1/30 – 2/3/12

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

|Qtr 3 |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Excel – Additional practice w/formulas & insert a |CompUSA, Excel Activity #16 |Started 1/23 due | | | |

|page header* | |1/31/12 | | | |

|*Excel – merge cells & insert a page header* |Facebook, Excel Activity #17 |Start 1/31 due 2/1 | | | |

| | |or 2/2/12 | | | |

|Excel – Format text direction |Colleges, Excel Activity #18 |Start 2/1 or 2/2 & | | | |

| | |due 2/2 or 2/3 | | | |

2/6 – 2/10/12

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

|Qtr 3 |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Quiz – Identify parts of Excel Window |Refer to pg. 359 in textbook to study |2/7 or 2/8/12 | | | |

|Excel – Format column width using Autofit |Concerts Excel Activity #19 |Start 2/3 or 2/6 & | | | |

| | |due 2/7 or 2/8 | | | |

|Excel – Inserting a clipart image in a spreadsheet |Presidents Excel Activity #21 |Start 2/6 or 2/7 & | | | |

| | |due 2/7 or 2/8/12 | | | |

|Excel – Insert comments for cells |Original 13 States Excel Activity #22 |Start 2/8 or 2/9 & | | | |

| | |due 2/9 or 2/10/12 | | | |

2/13 – 2/17/12

|Assignment Name |Pages in textbook or location of |Date Completed |Added to Portfolio |Date added to |My Grade |

|Qtr 3 |activity | |(Y/N) |Portfolio | |

|Excel – Cut/copy/paste data & use parentheses in |L.A. Lakers 2 Excel Activity #27 |Start 2/10 & due | | | |

|formulas | |2/13 or 2/14/12 | | | |

|Excel – Format cells as fractions |M&M’s Candy Excel Activity #29 |Start 2/13 or 2/14 &| | | |

| | |due 2/14 or 2/15/12 | | | |

|Excel – Use the absolute cell reference in a formula |Verizon Wireless Excel Activity #31 |Start 2/14 or 2/15 &| | | |

| | |due 2/15 or 2/16/12 | | | |

|Excel – Inserting a page break in a spreadsheet & |Expense Report Excel Activity #34 & |Start 2/16 & due | | | |

|update/format assignment checklist & begin selecting |begin exploring |2/17/12 | | | |

|assignments to include in an electronic portfolio to | | | | | |

|showcase your best work in each learning module for | | | | | |

|this course. | | | | | |


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