October 31, 2006

Name:____________________________ ID No. ____________________________

Section 1. [30 pts] Multiple Choice.

The following questions refer to Microsoft Excel:

1. A cell address is formed by the

a. cell's row number

b. cell's column letter and row number

c. cell's column letter

d. name box

2. The term range refers to

a. the columns in a worksheet

b. the rows in a worksheet

c. a group of selected cells

d. a set of four bordering cells

3. If you wished to display a chart explaining pertinent data on the same worksheet in which the data are stored, you would want to create a(n)

a. embedded chart

b. docked chart

c. name box

d. chart

4. The cell reference of the cell at the intersection of the 5th row and the 7th column is:

a. G5

b. 7E

c. E7

d. 5G

5. All of the following are considered constants EXCEPT:

a. =C5+D5

b. (201)555-1212

c. Tom McKenzie

d. 100

6. Cell E3 contains the function =AVERAGE(A3:D3). If the contents of cell E3 are copied to cell E4, what will be the contents of cell E4?

a. =AVERAGE($A$3:$D$3)

b. =AVERAGE(A3:D3)

c. =AVERAGE(A4:D4)

d. =AVERAGE($A$4:$D$4)

7. The fill handle is used for:

a. copying the contents of a cell to adjacent cells

b. selecting a cell

c. copying the contents of a cell to another worksheet

d. deleting the contents of a cell

8. Assume you are creating a worksheet to calculate projected earnings. You expect to create and copy several formulas using the expected inflation rate, which is found in cell C6. Since the inflation rate will always be in cell C6, the formulas referencing that cell should read:

a. C6

b. @C@6

c. &C&6

d. $C$6

9. The icon to add a text box to a chart is located on the:

a. Drawing toolbar

b. Chart toolbar

c. Insert menu

d. Formatting toolbar

10. To link an Excel worksheet to a Word document, copy the worksheet, then:

a. select the Paste All command from the Edit menu

b. select the Paste Special command and the Formatting option from the Edit menu

c. select the Paste Link command from the Edit menu

d. select the Paste Special command and the Paste Link option from the Edit menu

11. You want to purchase a new car. You have used the PMT function and determined that the amount of the monthly payment will be $450. You can only afford $350 per month. Which of these features will help you determine either the purchase price of the car you can buy or the amount of the down payment you must come up with to reduce the monthly payment to $350?

a. The VLOOKUP function

b. The Goal Seek command

c. The Scenario Manager

d. The Function Wizard

12. Which of the following functions does not ignore text entries?

a. MAX and MIN




13. Cells A1 and A2 contain 5 and 7 respectively and cell A3 is empty. What value will be returned by the function =IF(A1>A2, COUNTA(A1:A3), AVERAGE(A1:A3))?

a. 6

b. an error message

c. 3

d. 2

14. What is wrong with the following function: =IF(A1A2, MAX(B1:B2), "Invest")?

a. The MAX function; a function cannot be an argument in another function

b. The literal ("Invest"); text cannot be used as an argument in a function

c. The relational operator () is incorrect; a number cannot be both less than and greater than another number

d. Nothing is wrong with the function as written

15. Which of the following functions will find the largest value in a range?

a. =MAX(D8:H12)

b. =HIGH(A4:G4)

c. =MAXIMUM(F5:G8)

d. =LARGE(A1:C3)

16. If cell B3 contains the value 2 and cell B4 contains the value 12, and cell B5 displays the result of a formula the value 24, which of the following formulas would display in the formula bar for cell B5?

a. =B3*B4

b. =SUM(B3:B4)

c. =B4/B3

d. =B4+B3

17. If you want to create a chart that displays which percentage of a company's total revenue comes from a particular source, it would be most appropriate to create a ________ chart

a. line

b. stacked column

c. pie

d. clustered column

18. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding a well-designed worksheet?

a. All formulas in a well-designed worksheet should reference other formulas in the same worksheet

b. Constant values should be entered into an input area of the worksheet and the appropriate cell reference included in the formula

c. In a well-designed worksheet, calculation results should be entered into the cells rather than formulas

d. Constant values are always included in the actual formula

The following questions refer to the Internet and the World Wide Web:

19. To delete a site or folder from your Favorites list, you should:

a. select the item, and then choose Delete from Internet Explorer's Favorites menu

b. select the item, and then click the Delete button on the Standard Buttons toolbar

c. right-click on the item and choose Delete from the shortcut menu

d. select the item, and then choose Delete from Internet Explorer's File menu

20. You can use the Address Bar to enter a Web site's:

a. hyperlinks

b. Web page

c. home page

d. Uniform Resource Locator

Section 2. [30 pts] True/False.

The following questions refer to Microsoft Excel:

1. If you insert a row, Excel will automatically readjust the cell references in existing formulas and functions

2. Logical tests must be created in such a way that the expression can be evaluated as true, false, or neither

3. The PMT function requires that you know the number of payment periods and the interest rate

4. By clicking on a row heading, all the cells in the row are selected

5. There are only two things that cell content can be: either a constant value or a formula

6. To enter text into a cell, you can only type in the formula bar

7. It is possible in Excel to display fractional amounts as fractions rather than decimals

8. If the column is too short to display all the decimal places in a number, the display of the number will be rounded to fit the available space

9. Even when a worksheet is so large that it extends beyond the edge of the screen, Excel will let the user keep the row and column headings visible

10. You can use the Copy and Paste commands to copy formulas with relative cell references

11. An absolute cell reference does NOT adjust; rather, it remains the same when the formula is copied

12. When creating a pie chart is Excel, the range containing the values must have the same number of cells as the range containing the pie chart labels

13. If you change a value in a cell that is referenced in a formula, Excel retains the old value of the cell in making calculations

14. The active cell has a black border around it

15. Trailing zeros to the right of the decimal are typically displayed in Excel

16. You can use Excel to automatically round numbers in a selected range

The following questions refer to the Internet and the World Wide Web:

17. The Favorites feature tracks all sites you visit on the Internet until you delete them from the list

18. By using the Boolean operator "not," the search, regardless of which search engine is employed, will become more restrictive

19. The History list automatically displays all sites that were visited during a specified time span

20. If you want to go back two Web pages, either click on the Go Menu and choose Back two times or click on the Back button two times

Section 3. [36 pts] Short Answer. (WRITE ON THE BACK IF YOU NEED MORE SPACE)

1. In the following data communications model, where both the Source and the Destination are computers, indicate what the Transmitter, the Transmission System, and the Receiver could be and briefly but clearly explain the purpose of each.


2. Suppose you wanted to access StFX’s website. You can enter either or in the Address bar of theWeb browser. What is the :80 and what is its purpose?

3. Suppose you enter in the Address bar of the Web browser. What is the name of the server that the Web browser will communicate with? What does the Web browser need to do with the server name in order to be able to communicate with that server?

4. Explain how symmetric encryption works. Is asymmetric encryption safer? Explain why yes or why not.

5. Is the Caesar cypher an example of strong encryption? Explain why yes or why not.

6. How does a Boot Sector virus work? How does a Trojan Horse virus work?

Section 4. [4 pts] HTML.

Write HTML code for displaying the following line of text:

St. Francis Xavier University

in red color and underlined.


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