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Microsoft Excel? Class 3-14-2014AgendaGoals – you should leave this instruction time being able to do the followingComfortably be able to create at least one of the excel graphs available from the suite. Edit graphs including title axis labelsseries labelsExamples of graphsLine graph (time series)Pie ChartColumn (aka bar chart)X-Y Scatter PlotclimatographMore information on ExcelStart: Please open excel and then choose your graph type:TO CREATE A TIME SERIES LINE GRAPH – Copy and paste the following data into an excel spread sheet.MonthAverage High (°AF)Average Low (°AF)Jan3317Feb3619Mar4528Apr5938May7047Jun7857Jul8362Aug8159Sep7352Oct6341Nov5033Dec3722At the top of the spread sheet click on the ‘insert’ tab.Select just the data portion of the information (shaded in green)Up top of excel you should see chart options select line chartTo add titles and axis select the ‘layout’ option at the top.TO CREATE A PIE CHART – Copy and paste the following data into an excel spread sheet.Letter GradeOccurancesA68B15C5D0Not Yet…0Still to Take2At the top of the spread sheet click on the ‘insert’ tab.Select just the data portion of the information (shaded in green)Up top of excel you should see chart options select pie chartTo add titles and axis select the ‘layout’ option at the top.TO CREATE A COLUMN/BAR CHART – Copy and paste the following data into an excel spread sheet.Table: Favorite Type of MovieComedyActionRomanceDramaSciFi45614At the top of the spread sheet click on the ‘insert’ tab.Select just the data portion of the information (shaded in green)Up top of excel you should see chart options select column chartTo add titles and axis select the ‘layout’ option at the top.TO CREATE AN X-Y SCATTER PLOT– Copy and paste the following data into an excel spread sheet.Basalt SamplesSampleMass (g)Volume (cm3)Density (g/cm3)B178.1425.03.13B261.1920.62.97B359.5119.23.10B438.3910.13.80B5102.1636.52.80B653.6716.63.23B7118.3240.02.96B836.5813.32.75B942.9614.03.07B1071.0026.02.73B1170.0824.52.86Class Average3.04At the top of the spread sheet click on the ‘insert’ tab.Select just the data portion of the information (shaded in green)Up top of excel you should see chart options select X-Y Scatter (points only) chartTo add titles and axis select the ‘layout’ option at the top.TO CREATE A CLIMATOGRAPH –In some instances the graphs are so complicated to explain I give the students a template and have them modify the data. Excel is set up so that the graphs automatically change.A climatograph is a double Y axis graph which has precipitation data on one Y and temperature data on the other. Please look under the following link for Copy of Climatograph Template for Earth ScienceThis will automatically download an excel template. I then have my students go out to , select a city of their choice and modify the graph. MORE INFORMATION – we have but skimmed the surface , for more information direction and help try the link below. LOCAL HELP – if after the class you run into issues in attempting to create a specific graph/chart do not hesitate to contact me either via e-mail (skoziol@) or my extension within the district 413-323-9419 x2130I hope the class has been helpful. ................

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