Minitab - RMIT University






Section A: Objectives of the Group Assignment

This is a group assignment.

Students are required to work in teams of four students[1] during the first half of the academic semester on a group assignment. The objectives of this group assignment are as follows:

• to provide students with the experience of working within a team.

• to provide exposure[2] to some of the ways in which the EXCEL software package may be used for statistical applications.

• to provide students with tasks that compel them to systematically and routinely revise their work.

• to encourage a process of 'collegial' learning. This is the synergetic learning that often arises when dialogue and correspondence among close colleagues focuses on a common academic pursuit.

• to develop each team member's capacity to be responsible, dependable and accountable.

Note: Students who encounter difficulties getting into a team are to contact the course coordinator at the earliest opportunity.

Section B: Assessment of the Group Assignment

• The group assignment comprises 4 major tasks listed below. In turn, each major task is made up of a smaller number of sub tasks (refer to Section D) that are related to one or more topics covered in OMGT1117.

Task 1 (related to Topics 1, 2, 7(pp. 202-204) and General Excel Modeling)

Task 2 (related to Topics 3 & 4)

Task 3 (related to Topic 5)

Task 4 (related to Topic 6)

• All of the above tasks must be completed and submitted but as will be discussed presently only 2 will be marked!

• The group assignment will be marked out of 100 but is worth 25% of the total assessment in OMGT1117.

• The group assignment will be assessed as follows:

Component 1 Assessment of task judged to have been done best by team (36 marks)

The team must nominate on its Statement of Participation (discussed in Section C of this document) what its members collectively agree is its best submitted task. This task will be marked out of a maximum of 36 if and only if all 4 major tasks have been completed. If the team has not completed all 4 tasks, the potential mark of Component 1 will be penalized on a pro rata basis. For instance, suppose that only half of the major 4 tasks have been submitted. Then the maximum mark that may be obtained for Component 1 of the assessment is 18 marks (=.5 × 36 marks).

Caveat: If team members fail to nominate what they regard as their best submitted Task, the course coordinator reserves the right to randomly assess a Task for this component of the assessment. A penalty will also apply for not following this instruction. The penalty will affect the mark allocated to Component 4 of the Assessment discussed subsequently.

Component 2 Assessment of task randomly chosen by course director (36 marks)

An additional task will be randomly selected by the course co-coordinator and marked out of 36. As with Component 1, the potential mark will be penalized on a pro-rata basis for the proportion of incomplete work.

Component 3 Assessment of one another’s relative effort (12 marks)

A common criticism of group assignments is that all students share the same mark irrespective of their relative contribution to the overall result. In this component of the assessment, students collectively determine a mark allocation for each team member that is capped at 12. This score is based on the aggregated individual beliefs of what each member believes best reflects the relative contributions of each team member. Essentially each person in a group is required to allocate 12 marks across all its members including him or herself. Thus, if all believe that each team member has contributed equally, then each member in the team will receive 12 marks. Whilst this might be regarded as an ideal result, there is nothing to stop a 4-person team from arriving at an alternative mark allocation like the one indicated in the following table:


Here it is observed team members 1, 2, 3 and 4 are respectively allocated marks: 13, 14 15 and 6 (see last row of table). Clearly the relative contribution of Team Member 4 is not so highly regarded as that of the remaining 3 individuals.

The mark allocation arrived at by students should be indicated in a table (like the one appearing above) on the Statement of Participation (discussed subsequently)[3].

Note: To ensure that marks are capped at 12, team members like 1, 2 and 3 in the preceding table whose apportioned marks sum to more than 12 will have their marks pared back to 12. However, a team member such as Member 4 will have his/her mark recorded as a 6.

Caveat: Failure to explicitly state the mark allocation will result in the forfeiture of all marks for Component 3.

Component 4 Quality of presentation and adherence to instructions (16 marks)

The 4th component of the assessment is designed to reward teams that have:

- submitted group work that is consistent in its style of presentation across all assignment tasks[4], neat and readable (i.e. typed and edited), clearly laid out and labeled where appropriate.

- designed electronic worksheets that evidence a high standard of technical proficiency in the use of Excel and presentation of output within an Excel workbook environment.

- abided by all instructions stipulated in Section B of this document as well as Section C directly below.

Section C: General Group Assignment Instructions

Nature of the Submission

Teams are required to submit TWO separate pieces of work.

1. The first takes the form of a hard-copy submission of a WORD document. The primary purpose of this document is to evidence the team’s ability to tackle various tasks listed in Section D by using EXCEL to generate appropriate output that is intelligently interpreted. All tasks and sub-tasks must be attempted in a logical sequential order. Moreover, all appropriate EXCEL output should be incorporated within the submitted document by use of conventional cut and paste commands. Where the output associated with a particular task is not voluminous, it is permissible to include it in the main document rather than its appendices. As such, the document is to take the form of a neat electronically produced scrap book[5]. The document MUST also include Student Work Logs as well as The Statement of Participation discussed below under the heading labeled: Responsibilities and Roles of Team Members. Pagination MUST be provided as well as well as a Table of Contents. Failure to do so will result in a low grade for Component 4 of the Assignment.

2. The second piece of submitted work should accompany the first in the form of an electronic Excel Workbook file that is stored on a new readable CD or USB memory stick that is labeled with the names of each team member. The Excel Workbook file should contain ALL Excel work associated with Tasks 1-4. At the very minimum, each Task should be assigned a different tagged worksheet within this Excel Workbook. Special care should be taken to design the workbook file so that the marker can easily find output relating to any given task or sub-task. Note that a different workbook file for each Task is NOT permissible – all Excel work must be incorporated in ONE single workbook.

Caveat: If individuals initially work individually on the tasks for which they are leaders it is important to save their files in 97-2003 compatible mode. This will minimize the problems associated with bringing all the separate contributions into one WORD file and one EXCEL file.

The entire group assignment must be physically submitted into the School Assignment Box on Level 8, Building 8, no later than Monday 9:30am of the 9th academic week (May 2nd). The physical lodgment of the assignment must be accompanied by a signed copy of the School’s standard assignment coversheet that may be obtained at . Students are also required to provide a stamped self-addressed envelope, carrying sufficient postage for the return of the assignment with appropriate feedback once it is marked.

Caveat: All submissions that are not accompanied by such a self-stamped self-addressed envelope will not receive any feedback in the form of a mark or commentary. Finally, if the submission is unaccompanied by a CD or memory stick, the assignment it will be considered as a late submission and will remain unmarked.

Note: Apart from the previously described submission requirements, it is general School policy that both assignment pieces be lodged digitally from the on-line classroom (i.e. Blackboard Site). Instructions on how to perform this operation are to be found in the Assignments Area of the on-line class-room. Understandably some students will be somewhat bemused if not annoyed by having to digitally as well as physically lodge the two assignment pieces. A full justification for this procedure, accompanies the instructions referred to earlier in this paragraph.

Caveat: It is extremely important that the instructions for digital submission appearing in Blackboard are carefully read. In particular, it is advisable to use Explorer 8 (rather than an alternative browser) when you make your digital submissions. Also there is evidence that digital submission tends to fail if an attempt is made to submit compressed files or files that are not 1997-2003 compatible.

Time and Date of Submission

The assignment due date is Monday 9:30pm of the 9th academic week (i.e. May 2nd)

Due dates for assignments should be considered deadlines. Accordingly, late submissions may be penalized if they are not accompanied by an application for extension and/or special consideration. Applications for extensions not exceeding 7 days must be lodged with the course coordinator or nominee under the provisions of the Extension of Time – Submission of Assessable Work Procedure. Applications for extensions of greater than 7 days after the original submission date should be made via the University’s Special Consideration Procedure.

Responsibilities and Roles of Team Members

For any one of the 4 group assignment tasks each team member will assume either the role of a task leader or task reviewer. The responsibilities associated with these quite different roles are as follows:

Task Leader responsibilities

Each person assumes the role of task leader for one and only one task. For any given task, team members must decide who is to assume the role of task leader.

The task leader is expected to:

- know each team member's name, email address and phone number.

- perform all sub-tasks associated with a task (i.e. all computing and write up from the draft stage to final copy).

- present copies of drafts to ALL remaining team member(s) for annotated comments, corrections and suggestions. Copies of draft Excel files should also be made available to remaining team members so that they may check on the validity of cell entries and model consistency. Since feedback from colleagues is critical, it is important that the task leader distributes his/her drafts in a timely fashion.

- use the annotated drafts to make any appropriate refinements and corrections.

- retain all annotated drafts as evidence that other members have reviewed the work of the task leader and that team members have been working in a collegial manner (i.e. co-operatively)

- prepare a brief summary report of the major contributions and suggestions made by other team members in the course of completing a task so that it may be incorporated into their work-log. This summary should fully acknowledge the assistance obtained from any person including not only team members, but colleagues that may have been consulted beyond the team including the course coordinator. This is required so that students appreciate the importance of acknowledging the insights gained from others that have contributed to their understanding.

Task reviewer responsibilities

- Each person assumes the role of a reviewer for EVERY task they are not leading. Hence, any given task will be reviewed by the remaining 3 members.

- The task reviewer is expected to:

- know each team member's name, email address and phone number.

- provide comments and suggestions on all drafts provided by the task leader in a timely fashion.

- retain a copy of this annotated draft in case it is misplaced by the task leader or it is called upon as evidence should the reviewer be falsely accused of not adequately performing his/her review task.

The Statement of Participation and Work Logs

Each team member is to keep a work log of ALL work that s/he has contributed to the assignment. The work log need not be longer than one or two pages but should accurately describe the team member's contribution to the group assignment. The work-log should indicate the task that the team member led as well as acknowledge the exact nature of assistance/feedback received at any stage from each of the team members and any other people who were consulted beyond the team including the lecturer. Finally, each team member should provide a summary of the exact nature of any feedback or assistance given to any of the remaining Task Leaders connected with their Group Assignment.

Warning: The replication of work across Groups is NOT permitted under any circumstances but the cross fertilization of ideas and approaches is encouraged so long as this process is FULLY acknowledged in Work-Logs. Failure to do so may result in an academic misconduct hearing.

Apart from completing their separate work-logs, ALL team members must collectively complete a pro forma statement of participation that is reproduced in the Appendix of this document.

Briefly the Statement of Participation is a declaration that all team members:

• have read this manuscript.

• have read one another's work logs and are satisfied that they are accurate.

• are satisfied with one another's relative contribution to the overall assignment.

• have come to an agreement on which task was tackled best by the team.

The work-logs as well as the statement of participation MUST be included at the end of the WORD submission in the final Appendix. Finally, a page reference to this Appendix should be indicated in the Table of Contents of the fully paginated submission.

Note that the submission will be penalized by up to 3 marks if:

• The statement of participation is not fully completed[6]

• The work logs have not been fully or adequately completed.

Finally, it is assumed that non signatories have not contributed to the submission. Consequently, they will not receive the mark that is allocated to the group assessment.

Other Penalties for uncooperative team members

If there is significant evidence that a team member is not making a meaningful contribution to the group project, the subject co-coordinator should be advised at the earliest opportunity so that the offending party may be given an opportunity to make amends. Students are advised that the penalty for a persistent level of unjustified non contribution may mean that the offender must complete the assignment on his/her own. Moreover, since a principal objective of a group assignment is to work within a team setting, the offending student's raw score will be automatically reduced by 15 marks (out of 100)[7].

Section D Group Assignment Tasks

Task 1 (Related to Topics 1 & 2 and General Excel Modeling)

a) Consider the following expression which measures the height Y of a bell shaped curve (discussed in Property Data Analysis - a Primer pp. 290-292) associated with a normally distributed variable X (say property price) that is plotted at the base of this curve along a horizontal axis.



e denotes the exponential constant

π denotes the ratio of any given circle’s circumference to its diameter.

X* denotes a particular value of X

← denotes the mean of X

← denotes the standard deviation of X

At a suitably labeled cell in an Excel worksheet make use of Excel’s basic mathematical operators (e.g.: *, /, ^) as well as the mathematical functions: SQRT(), PI( ) and EXP( ) to build the right hand side of the above expression so that it returns a value for Y by referencing the nominated values of X, μ and σ indicated at suitably labeled cells elsewhere in the worksheet.

Once the expression has been written, evaluate its value when X is set to 500,000, μ is set to 550,000 and σ is set to 30,000.

b) Consider the following expression:

P = 5000 + 53600BR + 22000BATH + 795000LSIZE

+ 9800POOL + 15000GAR – 10500DIST

known as a hedonic pricing function that enables one to predict a property’s impending auction price (in dollars) based on several of its observed attributes:

BR: denotes the number of bed-rooms

BATH: denotes the number of bath-rooms

LSIZE: denotes lot size measured in hectares

POOL: equals 1 if the property has a swimming pool and 0 if it does not

GAR: equals the number of vehicles that may be garaged on the property

DIST: denotes the distance from the CBD measured in kilometres

i. Develop the above equation in an Excel work-sheet and use it to generate a predicted price for a property that possesses the following attributes: BR= 3, BATH = 2, LSIZE = .12, POOL = 0, GAR = 2, DIST = 5

ii. In plain language interpret the result obtained at Task1b(i).

iii. Use Excel to derive the algebraic relationship between P and DIST holding constant all remaining property attributes at the values given in Task 1b(ii). Once this relationship is obtained, plot the relationship between P and DIST where DIST is confined to the range 1 to 10 kilometres rising in increments of a kilometre at a time. Observe the shape of the plotted relationship and comment on its plausibility.

iv. Consider a property like the one envisioned at Task 1b(iii). Use Excel’s Goal Seek Tool to determine how far this property must be from the CBD if its price is predicted to be 150,000.

c) Consider a principal reducing mortgage with monthly repayments.

i. Use Excel’s Data Table Tool along with Excel’s =PMT financial function to create a table that indicates the monthly repayment amounts for 25 different (interest-rate, loan-term) combinations. The table is to have 5 rows and 5 columns. Each column (row) is to be labeled with a different interest rate (loan term). The interest rates should rise in increments of 1% and the loan terms in increments of 3 years. Finally, the constructed table should immediately adjust when its user alters the size of the mortgage as well as

▪ a benchmark nominal annual interest rate

▪ a benchmark loan term

These benchmark values are those indicated in the headings of the middle column and middle row of the Data Table. Finally, ensure that the remaining row and column labels change automatically thereby preserving the required incremental changes indicated earlier.

Note: Use Excel’s Help Menu to learn how to use the Data Table Tool and Excel’s =PMT( ) function.

ii. Explain the usefulness of the model created at Task 1c(i).

iii. Without actually creating another Data Table, describe any other applications relating to a principal reducing mortgage that the Excel’s Data Table Tool might be used for. (In answering this question you may wish to do some research about other financial functions that are available in Excel from its Help Menu)

iv. Consider a 25 year $500000 mortgage with quarterly repayments and a fixed nominal annual interest rate of 7.5%. Use Excel’s =NPER( ) and =PMT( ) functions to determine how long (to the nearest month) it would take to pay off the mortgage if the mortgager were prepared to pay $528 more per quarter than the bank requires at a minimum.

v. In Task 1c(iv) use Excel’s =CUMIPMT( ) function to determine how much cumulative interest is saved by increasing the quarterly repayment above the required minimum by $528.

d) Melbourne University currently owns the land on which a building known as the Elizabeth Towers Hotel (previously the Ampol Building) is listed as a building of architectural significance in the Trust Registry administered by the National Trust of Australia – Victoria. The Trust’s statement of significance about this building may viewed at: . The University wishes to raze the building so that it can erect a building that will house the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity. Some background information about the university’s proposed development is to be found at the following link:

Unsurprisingly there is much controversy surrounding the issue of whether the existing building should be razed or left standing thereby thwarting the university’s attempt to build its proposed research complex. The local council has blocked the university’s proposal and as a consequence the University is contesting the decision through the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). The controversy outlined above is expanded upon in the following article: Szego J 2011 Melbourne – stripping the glitter from architecture’s ‘golden’ oldies (The Sydney Morning Herald, Feb 5, 2011) though it is somewhat slanted as the author adopts a position on the matter.

Irrespective of whether the above matter is resolved by the time your team attempts this task, suppose that the disputing parties decide to seek mediation. Also assume that as part of that process you – a professional mediator - have been approached to discover common ground – through a process of interrogation - that would enable all parties to arrive at an acceptable compromise rather than having the matter adjudicated upon by the Tribunal. To get a sense of what mediation involves in a general sense, students may find it useful to view a video about the mediation process prepared by VCAT at the following url:


i. Provide a structure[8] for the mediation exercise that you personally believe will maximize the opportunity for a workable compromise.

ii. Provide a preliminary thumbnail list of the important questions that you would ask of both parties in the presence of one another. Also outline any questions that you feel should be asked privately if at all.

iii. In what important ways do you think the information gathering procedures in this mediation process differs or resembles any of the data gathering techniques considered in the prescribed text: Property Data Analysis – A Primer Ch. 2?

Task 2 (Related to Topics 3 and 4)

a. At the following link:

find the areas (measured in square metres) of the entire population of 1083 apartments in a the re-developed Docklands Precinct of a Southern European city. Use EXCEL’s Sampling tool - accessed from Excel’s Data Analysis Add-In - to randomly select the areas of 100 properties from this population.

b. Use EXCEL’s Frequency Function and/or Histogram Data Analysis Tool to plot a histogram and frequency polygon of the sample data selected at Task 2a. Make sure to superimpose the histogram and frequency polygon onto the same chart and to properly label the axes as well as provide an appropriate title and source. Finally, ensure there are no gaps between the bars of the histogram and that the tails of the related frequency polygon extend down to the horizontal axis.

For some very preliminary guidance refer to: Property Data Analysis - A Primer, pp. 105 - 118; 343-347 but also make use of Excel’s Help Menu to discover more about the Frequency Function and Histogram Tool and how to label axes, superimpose series , edit charts (so that gaps between bars are removed) etc.

c. Examine the shape of the plotted frequency polygon and explain what its shape implies about the nature of the sampled apartment areas.

d. Use EXCEL to provide descriptive statistics for the collected data set and write a non technical report based on the generated output. (For guidance refer to: Property Data Analysis - A Primer, pp. 154 - 155; 156 - 162)

e. Using suitable web browser software (e.g. Microsoft Explorer 8) download as an EXCEL worksheet, Table 13 of 8731.0 listed within the Building and Construction category of the ABS time series[9] database. Once this is undertaken, remove all observations in the worksheet except those that relate to the 10 months ending Nov 2009. Next, follow the instructions listed below:

i. Use Excel to experiment with alternative ways by which to compare in one arithmetically scaled chart all the different categories of dwelling approvals in the private sector (i.e. new houses, new other residential building, alterations/additions including refurbishment, conversions, total non-residential building). Verify that you have conducted this task by reproducing at least 3 of what you regard to be the better charts.

ii. What are the pros and cons of the charts constructed at Task 2e(i) and which do you prefer and why?

iii. Is the total number of private sector dwelling approvals a flow variable or a stock variable? Explain your answer. What implications if any would your response have for plotting private sector dwelling approvals as a line graph?

iv. In one single chart plot all five series in Task 2e(i) as semi-logarithmic line graphs and then explain why semi-logarithmic charting is preferable to arithmetic charting in a situation like the one encountered in Task2e(i).

Task 3 (Related to Topic 5)

a. Download as an EXCEL worksheet, Table 76 of 8752.0 listed within the Building and Construction category of the ABS time series. Once this is done, remove all information from the worksheet except for the 10 quarterly observations (ending September 2009) pertaining to Private Sector “Total houses; new; not conversion etc.” as well as the Public Sector “Total houses; new; not conversion etc.”

i Determine the average quarterly rate of growth of the Private Sector series just obtained. (Hint: This task will involve the application of the geometric mean concept. For an illustration of its application in a similar context refer to Property Data Analysis - A Primer, p 135).

ii For both series extracted at Task 3a(i) derive a simple quantity index series making sure that they all share a reference (base) period corresponding to the earliest observation in the shortened series.

iii Is it permissible to compare the indices obtained in Task 3a(ii) in any given quarter to determine which category has attained the highest level of dwelling units under construction? Why or why not?

iv For any one of these constructed simple quantity index series provide a brief interpretation making sure to comment on how such an index series might be usefully employed.

b. Download to an EXCEL worksheet, the single file entitled: Tables 1, 2 3, 4 5 and 6 of 6416.0 listed within the Prices category of the ABS time series. The downloaded file contains a number of price index series including price indexes for Established Homes in different capital cities.

i. Within this downloaded file, what do you think is meant by the price index series for Established Homes. What do you think would be the main uses for these price index series?

ii. Except for the 10 quarterly observations (ending December 2009) on the price index for Established Homes in Sydney, remove all other information from the downloaded worksheet. Next use Excel to re-express the series so that the base period now corresponds to the earliest observation in the shortened series.

iii Use Excel to calculate the percentage change in the index from the second last observation to the last observation in the shortened series. Using non-technical language, interpret the calculated result.

iv Use Excel to calculate the points change in the index from the second last observation to the last observation in the shortened series. Using non-technical language, interpret the calculated result.

v Under what special circumstances would the percentage change and the points change be numerically equivalent?

c. The following table provides price and quantity information of the 5 modular residential dwelling styles that are manufactured by the largest modular home producer in the country.

Price & Quantity Data for Modular-Home Producer’s Five Dwelling Styles

| |Prices |Quantities |

| |(sale price in ‘$ 000s) |(no. of constructed dwellings) |

|Dwelling Type |2005 |2010 |2005 |2010 |

| |106 |130 | | |

|1 | | |159 |170 |

|2 |134 |157 |146 |158 |

|3 |121 |137 |138 |154 |

|4 |133 |148 |143 |160 |

|5 |147 |170 |146 |153 |

Enter the data appearing in this table into an Excel worksheet. Next use appropriate Excel operations to undertake the following tasks:

i. Compute as well as interpret the Laspeyres and Paasche weighted aggregative price indices for 2010 using 2005 as the base year. (show full workings)

ii Compute as well as interpret the Laspeyres and Paasche weighted average of quantity relatives indices for 2010 using 2005 as the base year. (show full workings)

iii From Task 3c(ii) determine which dwelling type contributed least to the movement in the Laspeyres quantity index. Also determine the dwelling that contributed most to the movement in the Paasche quantity index. (show full workings)

iv From computations conducted at Task 3c(i) and Task 3c(ii) compute Fisher's Ideal Price and Quantity Indices and identify the so-called “ideal properties” that such indices enjoy?

v Compute as well as interpret the Composite Value Index for all dwelling categories. Also confirm as well as explain how the indices derived at Task 3c(iv) may also be used to obtain the Composite Value Index.

Task 4 (Related to Topic 6)

Imagine that your team manages one of the medium to large real estate agencies that advertise residential properties in the real estate section of a current newspaper (i.e. post February 28, 2011) or journal.

a. From details of actual listed residential properties build a database of no less than 50 properties that might in principle be used to suggest properties to potential home purchasers with specific requirements. (Note: you may need to look at several editions of a current newspaper or journal to build up a database of suitable size if you cannot access an electronic database service).

i. Since this sub-task requires students to experience the time and trouble of obtaining real-world secondary data, ensure that the data sources for all property records in the database have been accurately cited to assure the course coordinator that they have not been concocted.

ii. Where abbreviations are used for the field names in the constructed database, carefully define what they stand for.

iii. Briefly describe the rationale for incorporating these fields into your team’s database.

iv. Ensure there are sufficient non-empty cell entries in the database to conduct the remaining tasks outlined below in a meaningful manner

b. Provide a discussion of how Excel’s Filtering and Sorting Features will enable the your hypothetical real estate agency to assist potential clients. It is expected that the discussion is accompanied by exhibited examples of filtered or sorted databases. Additional marks will be awarded for illustrations that go beyond the simplest and most obvious forms of filtering or sorting.

c. Discuss how Excel’s:

• Sub-Totals Tool

• Pivot-Table Tool

• Pivot Chart Tool

may be used to display the data in the database in a manner that is more useful to both the real estate agency and its prospective clients. Make sure that your discussion is accompanied by exhibited examples of how YOU have applied these tools to manipulate the data that resides in YOUR constructed database.

d. Define two partitions[10] on the set of properties selected at Task 4a and use Excel's PivotTable Tool[11] to construct an appropriate contingency table for these two partitions. (A handout on how to use the pivot table tool as an intermediate step to creating a contingency table is to be found in the Assignments Area of the OMGT1117 on-line classroom).

e. Once the contingency table is generated, explain - using examples - what this contingency table may be used for in a practical sense. (Hint: here your discussion should revolve around the real estate agency’s capacity to address queries posed by clients about the conditional as well as non-conditional likelihood of finding certain properties with one or more joint attributes).




We the undersigned

|Team Member |Printed Name |Signature |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

declare that:

• We have carefully read all parts of the manuscript: Group Assignment (2011)

• In respect of Component 1 of the Assessment we have agreed that the task we handled best in this group assignment was:


and if at the previous field we have failed to make such a declaration we understand that the course coordinator reserves the right to randomly assess a Task for this component of the assessment.

• In respect of Component 2 of the Assessment we understand that the course coordinator is at liberty to randomly mark any one of the remaining 3 Tasks not elected by us at Component 1.

• We agree that each team member's attached work log accurately describes the tasks undertaken by that team member.

• We have completed the following table so as not to forfeit marks pertaining to Component 3 of the Assessment.


• We are satisfied that the preceding completed table reflects an aggregation of what we individually believe best reflects the relative contributions of team members(.

• In respect of Component 4 we understand that marks will be forfeited for poorly designed and/or presented EXCEL and WORD submissions that deviate from the explicit instructions made in the Assignment Instructions.

• We understand that our submission will not be marked or commented upon until such time that a self-stamped self-addressed envelope is supplied.

• Finally, we understand that we will be penalized by up to 3 marks if the Statement of Participation and/or Work-Logs are not adequately completed and incorporated into our WORD submission.


[1] In some instances, despite the best of intentions, some teams may comprise less than 4 members say because the student cohort is not a multiple of 4 or some students withdraw from the course. Irrespective of the reasons, such teams will still have to complete all 4 tasks of the assignment.

[2] Much of this exposure is expected to be self-directed though students are welcome to seek guidance from their instructor and colleagues within and beyond their team should they feel the need. However, and this critical, full acknowledgement of that assistance must be made in each person’s work-log. The latter is described in more detail in Section C of this document.

[3] Members of teams comprising less than 4 members, who are unsure of how to modify the mark allocation table to suit their requirements should contact their course coordinator

[4] Each task leader should take care that the section of the assignment that they oversee is written in a common style that all members have agreed to adhere to.

[5] The term: electronically produced scrap book refers to a document that has been compiled by cutting and pasting from different applications e.g. pasting an Excel Chart into a Word document.

[6] If the Table appearing on the Statement of Participation is not completed the Team will forfeit all 12 marks pertaining to Component 3 of the Assignment as outlined in Section B of this document.

[7] Clearly in some instances, sickness or personal problems may impede a person from making a meaningful contribution. If such a situation of disadvantage arises, contact should be made with the lecturer at the earliest opportunity so that this penalty is waived and appropriate alternative arrangements regarding the assessment of all affected team members are set in place.

[8] By Structure – one means how the mediation process is to proceed. How will you introduce the parties to the process, how you will set about probing both parties to get a clear appreciation of their stance on various issues, how will those views be transmitted to the other party – directly or indirectly etc. etc.

[9] For guidance on how to download time series data from the ABS web site refer to the handout entitled: Guide for Downloading ABS Spreadsheets'[pic]9p”•©ª«­®Ýùú$ ( 1 2 Y a f g











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