Excel Lab

IT Investment Cost-Benefit Analysis Using Excel

BUS311, Dr. Chen

This lab will assist you in reviewing basic Excel concepts and specific Excel formula and functions that may be used in ASSIGNMENT 1. (Note: label every variable so that it can be easily understood.)

1) Basic text manipulation

Practice Question: Center the following Page title and make the text color purple

“BUS311 Excel Lab” in size 14.

2) PMT formula

Practice Question: Calculate the monthly payment of a car loan. The sale price is $60,000, down payment is $7,000. You elect a 7 year loan with an annual interest of 4%.

3) Absolute vs. Relative reference & Copy formula

Practice Question: Calculate the total payment over the 7 years from the PMT calculation. From the result, compute the yearly and total interest paid on the loan.

4) IF logic function

Practice Question: Generate an letter grade for the following students using the grade scale used in this class.

Student Score

1 87

2 95

3 92

4 59

5 65

5) Charts and Graphics

Practice Question: Generate a pie charts for the grade distribution in question 4. Generate an appropriate chart for question 6.

6) Breakeven Analysis

Practice question: You are planning to put in an investment of US$100K the first year and US$50K for a shop, which bring in profit every year for US$70K. Which year will you break even?

7) Work between worksheets

Use a cell/variable in one worksheet to refer to a cell/variable in another worksheet.

Note: At the end of the Lab, you will need to submit your Excel_Lab_Lastname_Firstname.xls file to Laulima to get 10 points. Please try these functions (using your previous ICS101 books or Excel help or books) at home first before coming to the Lab. (You can save your practice file and bring it to the Lab for earning participation points.) Have fun!


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