Read Me – Sample Excell Spreadsheets

Read Me file for HoneyBeeNet data recording

Using either the Excel Workbook file or a simple text file.

The workbook (.xls file) consists of 3 sheets.

The first sheet is the minimal information needed by the HoneyBeeNet. The second is a more complete record sheet that assists in summarizing and plotting the data. The third sheet is an example of a such a record from 2007. The scale hive measurement units we use are pounds. If you use kilograms, make sure you indicate that. NASA has lost spacecraft due to unit confusion. Daily weight should be recorded in the evening, or at the very least, at the same time each day. Time of measurement should always be noted regardless.

Worksheet 1 or simple text file

The minimal information we need, whether using this sheet or a simple text file, is the hive weight for each day of the nectar flow. This weight does not include the effects of adding or removing equipment. This sheet assumes that all such adjustments have been accounted for (removed). Feel free to indicate in extra columns when such changes do occur. Days when the actual weight is not recorded should be left blank, these records will be interpolated later. We use simple linear interpolation, unless the record shows that the missing day(s) was not a flight day, in which case the gain is set to zero. Days may be added to extend it beyond July.

Worksheet 2

In the second worksheet, the 2008 template,

1. Column A is the date. This column is live, in that it is based on a formula keyed to the date in cell A5. Thus, DO NOT delete any records, as it will mess up subsequent calculations. Just enter your data on the date you begin. If you begin on a different date, edit the date in cell A5 and go from there.

2. Column B is the day of the year, calculated from date in Column A.

3. Column C is the time of the daily measurement. Just enter local time, and if using 12hr clock, indicate am/pm.

4. Column D is the Gross Weight. This is the total weight of the equipment on the scale at the time of the daily measurement.

5. Columns E-H are used to document equipment changes. Column E and F are the Gross Weights (scale readings) before and after making the equipment change. Column G is the weight of the equipment added or removed for that day and will be calculated from Columns E and F if there is just one change. When supers are harvested, the honey in them is considered an equipment change. Indicate additions with positive weights, removals will be negative values. Column H is a running total of equipment changes through the course of the record and will be calculated from Column G. If several adjustments are made during a day, note it in the comments, and enter the total equipment change for that day in Column G yourself.

6. Column I is the Adjusted, or Natural Weight, and is the Gross Weight minus the running total of equipment changes. Graphs of the Adjusted Weight versus time should not show any step changes due to the addition or removal of equipment.

7. Column J is the Daily Gain. It is computed as the difference in Adjusted Weight from the previous day. On days when there are no equipment changes, this is equivalent to the change in Gross Weight from the evening before. This calculation assumes that the gross weights are recorded in the evening. When weighing is normally done in the morning, the daily gain computed by the sheet will reflect the previous day’s activity unless a change is made. J6 currently gives the difference between J6 and J5. To adjust for morning weight readings, change the equation in column J. One way to do that is to select cell J4, go to edit pull-down menu and select ‘delete’ – when prompted about moving cells, select to ‘moving cells up’. J5 will then give the difference between J6 and J5, etc. Tell us if you make the change.

8. A mixture of evening and morning readings will require careful adjustment. Enter extra or non-routine, weights in the comment column with the time.

9. Column K is a simple 7-day running average that is calculated from the daily gains. This is used to help smooth the data (due to spikes from weather events to some degree).

10. Column L is for comments, such as to indicate rainy days, plants in bloom, the type of equipment change, etc., anything you think may have bearing on the measurements.

If you are interested in recording daily temperatures, a column can be added for this.

The plot is keyed to this spreadsheet. Any changes may cause problems. It is most important to keep the bottom and top X axes in sync. Days recorded before April 1 will not show up on the graph without adjustments.

Name your file with your site location, your last name, and year as part of the file name. You can email us the workbook or text file as an attachment after the end of the nectar flow. Sites will be updated annually. The calculation of the full metrics we need requires a full record of a season (from dearth through the flow to a dearth). However, the most important dates are the peak days and average peak days, so if you start or end late the record is still very important. If you have questions, however, feel free to contact us.

Remember to keep a backup at all times and update it frequently.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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