Investigation Planning and Documentation Template

Investigation Planning and Documentation Template

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Donna Schleicher Date 3/12/08

Grade 8 Math

Investigation Question(s)

When you double the length of the sides of a rectangle, do you also double its area?

Investigation Goals

• Students will draw begin by constructing 5 different rectangles.

• Students will measure and record the l (length) and w (width) of each of 5 original rectangles

• Students will then create 5 more rectangles by doubling the length and the width of the 5 original rectangles.

• Using an Excel spreadsheet, students will put their information into the right cells and columns.

• Students will then apply a formula to one of the columns ([pic])

MA State Frameworks

• 8.M.4 Use ratio and proportion (including scale factors) in the

solution of problems, including problems involving similar plane

figures and indirect measurement.

• 8.M.1 Select, convert (within the same system of measurement), and

use appropriate units of measurement or scale.

• 8.D.2 Select, create, interpret, and utilize various tabular and

graphical representations of data, e.g., circle graphs, Venn

diagrams, scatterplots, stem-and-leaf plots, box-and-whisker

plots, histograms, tables, and charts. Differentiate between

continuous and discrete data and ways to represent them.

• 8.G.4 Use a straightedge, compass, or other tools to formulate and

test conjectures, and to draw geometric figures.

• 8.P.8 Explain and analyze—both quantitatively and qualitatively, using

pictures, graphs, charts, or equations—how a change in one

variable results in a change in another variable in functional

relationships, e.g., C = (d, A = (r2 (A as a function of r),

Arectangle = lw (Arectangle as a function of l and w).

Overview & Approximate Time

• One day to construct and measure the rectangles

• One day to put the information into the Excel spreadsheet, compare results and reach a conclusion.


• Real-time data collected by students

Analysis Tool(s)

• Microsoft Excel

Steps for Data Analysis

• Students will need to be looking at just two of the columns of the Excel spreadsheet. The first column they will look at is the area of the first 5 rectangles. They will then look at the column that has the areas of the rectangles whose lengths and widths have been doubled. Students will then need to make a decision based on data.

Background Information

• Students have been finding the areas of rectangles since elementary school. They also have always thought that when something was doubled that there was twice as much as before. This exercise was created to show that this preconceived notion is not always true

Example Data Analysis Product(s) (i.e. graph, map, image, etc.; something you expect students to be able to create during the investigation)

Throughout this investigation, I expect my students to

✓ draw, measure, and record accurately.

✓ input the proper information into the Excel spreadsheet.

When results are calculated, I expect them to be able

✓ to compare the results

✓ to write an analysis of the information that will either support of disclaim the conjecture

Student handouts for data collection & analysis (can attach these separately):

Lab investigation instructions for students is attached

Support for student inquiry (List strategies this investigation will use to promote student inquiry)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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