Instruction for QPro and Least Squares Analysis

CHEM 1211& 1212 Lab GPC - Dunwoody


The basic instructions for spreadsheets given here are applicable to EXCEL and QUATTRO PRO as well as LOTUS-123. They differ one from another mostly in the graphing methods and advanced commands.

First, open Excel or QuattroPro Program from the Windows Desktop

You will be introduced into an empty first page (with a tab at the bottom labeled “Sheet 1” for Excel or “A” for Quatrro Pro) of a blank spreadsheet notebook.

1) To write a text or a number into a cell:

Click on a cell, then type in a text or a numerical value. Then press Enter.

2) To write (or code) a formula into a cell:

Click on a cell, then type in the + or = sign first before you write any formula into it.

3) To copy a content of a cell (or block) into to other cell(or block):

Click on the cell that is to be copied. Click on Edit, and select Copy.

Click on other cell to be copied into. Click on Edit, and select Paste.

4) To call a mathematical functions into a formula:

For Excel: Select a function from the pull-down menu of the first field of the Formula Bar.

For Qpro: All function precede with @ sign. For an example , +@SQRT(C100), takes

square root of a content in a cell C100 and places the value in a current cell.

An Exercise:

Find a sum and an average value of the following five numbers:

3.088, 3.063, 2.477, 2.518, and 3.114.

Type the five numbers into the cell B3 to B7 in the column B, or into any other five cells in a same column. Let’s write the sum into cell B9, and the average into a cell B10.

Click on the cell B9, type in the following : =B3+B4+B5+B6+B7, then Enter.

Or you can simply call a sum function: =@SUM(B3..B7), then enter for the sum.

Click on the cell B10, type in the following =B9/5, then enter for the average.

(4/23/99; modified 01/26/00, 02/14/03, MHK)


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