Brigham Young University–Idaho

Extracting a Midi System Exclusive Command from a Rogers Organ

Table of Contents


1. Preparing the organ 2

1. Setting the organ for transmitting the system exclusive 2

2. Changing the selected stop’s voice 4

2. Preparing Cake Walk 5

1. Establishing a connection 5

2. Setting up Cake Walk for capturing the system exclusive 6

3. Retrieving the system exclusive code 7

1. Capturing the system exclusive 7

2. Managing the system exclusive codes 8

4. Converting the system exclusive code to usable text in excel 9

1. Using Midi-OX 9

2. Editing the .txt file to use in excel 10

3. Importing the edited text file into excel 12

Preparing the Organ

1.1 Setting the Organ for Transmitting the System Exclusive

Note: every organ is different in the way that the user accesses the organ menus. Also the setup may be different from the picture below.


Figure 1.0 an overview of the whole organ model Rodgers 927

If your organ has a button named quick menu or menu follow method 1 otherwise follow method 2

1st method

• Push the menu button see figure 1.1

• Use the transpose knob to select the a menu that will place the midi connections menu on the screen, see figure 1.2a or 1.2b for transpose knob

• Push menu button again

• Verify that you have the midi connections sub-menu on your screen, see figure 1.3

2nd method

• Push and hold the SET button see figure 1.1

• Rotate transpose knob, see figure 1.2a or figure 1.2b for transpose knob, left or right till the screen shows the midi connections sub-menu please see figure 1.3

• Set Receive and Send to S&P so that the organ will send and receive system exclusive commands


Figure 1.1


Figure 1.2a - typical transpose knob and alpha dial


Figure 1.2b - a different organ’s setup for the transpose and alpha dial


Figure 1.3

Note: the S stands for Stop and the P stands for Piston. The stop is the one that is needed however S&P will work as well.

1.2 Changing the Selected Stop’s Voice

You must access the voice palette in one of the two following methods, if your organ has a button named quick menu or menu follow method 1 otherwise follow method 2

Note: you will use the alpha dial to select a stop and the transpose knob to switch between menus.

1st method

• Push the menu button

• Use the transpose knob to select the voice palette on the screen

• Push menu button again

• Verify that you have the alternate voice menu on your screen

2nd method

• Push and hold the SET button

• Rotate transpose knob till the screen shows a stop name with options to change the voice to an alternate one

• Rotate the alpha dial to select the stop you wish to change see figure 1.2 for alpha dial

• Rotate the transpose knob to the right to change the menu from the list of stops to the alternate stops of the current voice you have selected

• Use the alpha dial to select the alternate voice you want to capture

Note: each stop can have zero or more alternate voices. If the stop doesn’t have an alternate then it won’t show up on the stop list menu. If the stop has more than one alternate you may need to continue to rotate the alpha dial to try and select an alternate voice that is not currently shown in the alternate stop menu.

• Rotate the transpose knob to the left when you have selected the voice you wish to have associated with the stop selected

You have now changed the stop you selected to produce the voice selected in the voice palette menu

Warning: before you can record any system exclusives make sure that the crescendo pedal is fully off, see figure 1.0 for crescendo pedal, and that all stops are off other than the one you want to record from, if you don’t then the stop may not transmit any system exclusive code or it will transmit the incorrect one.

Preparing Cake Walk

2.1 Establishing a Connection

• Attach computer to organ with midi cables in the sequencer in/out ports.

• Open Cake Walk

• Click Options from menu bar

• Click Midi Devices from the menu

• Select your midi cables as the input and output and click ok

Note: You are now connected to the organ.

2.2 Setting up Cake Walk for Capturing the System Exclusive

To open the system exclusive view, follow one of the two following steps.


Figure 2.1

1st method

• Click View on the menu bar and then click on Sysx (it is towards the bottom) please see figure 2.1.

2nd method

• Click on the System Exclusive icon on the toolbar, please see figure at right.

Note: At this point you should have a window open with the label Sysx in the title bar. See figure 2.3


Figure 2.3

• Click on the red arrow that is pointing down, this will open another menu

• Verify that “” is selected and click OK.

Note: You will now have a window open similar to figure 2.4 and you are ready for capturing the system exclusive.


Figure 2.4

Retrieving the system exclusive commands

3.1 Capturing the System Exclusive

Note: While capturing the system exclusive you will not receive a name or label accompanying the SysEx bytes. Be sure to establish a method for keeping track of which code belongs to which stop or you will need to recapture all the codes again.

• Activate on the organ the stop that you will record

• Notice your Sysx Receive window on the computer, if the stop transmitted the command than you will see the byte number increase.

• Deactivate the same stop on the organ and proceed to the next stop in your list

• Click done after you have recorded all the stops that you will record for the list

Note: If you recorded anything you will have it display the number of bytes in the Sysx window, see figure 3.1.


Figure 3.1

While copying the alternate voices you will need to select the alternate voice following the step “1.2 Changing the Selected Stops Voice” to activate the alternate voice and then just repeat the steps above in step 3.1.

Note: during step 3.1 you will have recorded both the stop on and stop off system exclusive command for each stop and alternate voice that you recorded. This will cause you to have a lot of bytes displayed in the length column. This is okay; in later steps we will remove the extra bytes.

3.2 Managing the System Exclusive codes

On the Sysx window we have the option to save the system banks, load in different ones, name a system bank, or assign the bank to be automatically loaded.

• Click figure 3.2 to rename a Sys bank so that you will remember what the bank is when you come back to it in Cake Walk

• Click figure 3.3 to save a Sys bank to your computer

• Save the Sys bank to the computer

Note: Figure 3.4 will load a Sys bank from your computer into Cake Walk. Figure 3.5 will set the sys bank to load automatically when you load the midi file into Cake Walk. Figure 3.6 is used to send one or more Sys banks to the organ.

Converting the System Exclusive Codes to Usable Text in Excel

4.1 Using Midi-OX

In this section we will use a program called MIDI-OX to convert the *.syx files to *.txt files.

• Go to the system exclusive file that you saved on the computer

• Double click it if you have MIDI-OX

Note: This will start up the MIDI-OX program. If you don’t have it installed then you will need to download it and install the program. MIDI-OX also comes with SONAR version 1.

• Click okay if you get the message “No Midi Devices Detected.”


Figure 4.1

• Click on SysEx… in the View menu see figure 4.1. This will open the SysEx View and scratchpad window.


Figure 4.2

• Click Load File… in the Command Window menu see figure 4.2. After the file is loaded you will see all the system exclusive codes in the upper window with the F0 and F7 highlighted in red.

• Select Save As… after the file is loaded and save the system exclusive file as a .txt file

• Close MIDI-OX unless you have another file to convert.

4.2 Editing the .txt file to use in Excel

• Open the *.txt file you saved with Microsoft Word


Figure 4.3

• Click the Replace button on the right side of the Home Toolbar see figure 4.3.


Figure 4.4

• Type “F7 F0” in the find what box and replace it with “F7, F0” see figure 4.4

• Click Replace All

Note: This will separate each system exclusive code so that we can place them all in different cells when we import the text file into Excel.


Figure 4.5

• Click the Replace button on the right side of the Home Toolbar again see figure 4.3.

• Type “7F F7,” in the find what box and replace it with “7F F7,^l” see figure 4.5

Note: the ^l is the carrot symbol with a lowercase L this will cause the system exclusive code to have a return after each off statement. When you import the text file into Excel, it will place the on code and the off code on the same line and then go to the next row.

• Click Replace All


Figure 4.6

Note: Your System Exclusive code should now look something like figure 4.6.

• Save the file

• Click okay to accept the message that some things may not work in a plain text file

• Close Word

4.3 Importing the edited text file into Excel

• Open Excel

• Open a file that you need to import the system exclusive codes to.


Figure 4.7

• Select From Text in the Data toolbar see figure 4.7

• Check delimited in the Text Import Wizard window

• Click next

• Uncheck tabs in the delimiters field

• Check commas in the delimiters field

• Click next

• Click finish


Figure 4.8

• Select the top left cell where you want to start importing the data see figure 4.8

• Click OK


Figure 4.9

• Copy one of the off codes and place it at the end of the on code list, this is your all-off or cancel button system exclusive used by the organ

Note: in the first column will be all the on system exclusive commands in the second column will be the off system exclusive commands see figure 4.9.


Figure 4.10

• Delete the off codes in the 2nd column see figure 4.10

• Select the upper most code in the list


Figure 4.11

• Click the properties button in the Data toolbar see figure 4.11


Figure 4.12

• Deselect Save query definition see figure 4.12

• Click OK

• Click Ok again to close the Properties window

Note: this will allow you to import to the same spot if you need to and if the data changes in the text file it won’t alter what you have in the excel file.


The Quick Menu button

The Set Button

Alpha dial

Transpose knob

Alpha dial

Transpose knob

Figure 2.2


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