Add item to combobox vba excel in worksheet

Add item to combobox vba excel in worksheet


I need to add the item to the combo box that is available on the worksheet, not the user format. The data is dynamic based on the specified range. That's my code, and it's not working. There are multiples of standard, e.g. standard1, standard2 to standardiLast. Private Sub AvailStd_DropButtonClick() Dim choicesheet As Object, iLast As Integer, iCount As Integer Set choicessheet = Test sheet iLast = selection sheet. Area (LastLine). Cells(1, 1) For iCount = 1 to iLast With option sheet. OLEObjects(Availstedd). Object. AddItem_ iCount and . & choicesheet. Range (Standard & iCount). Cells(1, 1) End with the next end iCount Sub Create drop-down lists on a user form by using the ComboBox control. In this example, there are two ComboBox controls, one for the segment ID and one for the location. Excel Form Form Combobox Code In this video, you will see the code that fills in the elements in the combo boxes in Excel UserForm created in this tutorial: Create a user form The written explanation of the code appears below the video. Create a combo box on an Excel user form, you can create drop-down lists by using the ComboBox control. In this example, UserForm has two ComboBox controls, one for the segment ID and one for the location. A combo box can have one column, such as this list of site names. Alternatively, a combo box can have multiple columns, such as this section list that displays both the segment ID and a segment description. This Excel VBA example is based on the instructions for creating an Excel user form with combo boxes. On this page, excel VBA code is listed, but is not explained in detail. In this tutorial, we'll look at how Excel ComboBox code works. First, we'll create VBA code for a single-column list of compound rows, and then we'll create Excel VBA code for a combo box with two columns. Single-column combo box This Excel user form has a combo box named cboLocation. We want this combo box to display all locations from a specified range -- LocationList -- in the LookupLists worksheet. There is only one column in the list on the worksheet, so we will only need one column in the combo box. We'd like ComboBox lists to be created automatically when someone opens UserForm. To do this, we will use the Initialize event for the user form. In Visual Basic Editor (VBE), select the user form, and on the menu bar, click View, and then click Code. In the drop-down list at the top left of the VBE, select (may have already been selected). From the Procedure drop-down list, at the top right, select Initialize event code is added to the Excel VBA code module, only with sub and final sublines. The cursor flashes between the first and last line of code. Set the variables where the cursor flashes in the Preparation process, we will specify two variables to be used in the process: Private sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim cLoc as dim ws as works) Set of worksheets = Worksheets (LookupLists) End Sub The cLoc variable is a Range object and we will use it to refer to a cell in the LocationList area in The ws variable is a worksheet object, and you set it to the LookupLists worksheet where the site list is stored. Add a loop next, we'll add one for each... Next loop, which will visit each cell in the LocationList area in the LookupLists worksheet. Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim cLoc as Dim ws Area As Worksheet Total ws = Worksheets(LookupLists) For each cLoc in ws. Area(LocationList) Next cLoc End Sub Add it With ... Finally with next, we will add one With ... End With statement, which refers to the site combo box, called cboLocation. This code is in the UserForm module, so the I section refers to the user form. For each cLoc in ws. Range(LocationList) With Me.cboLocation end with the next cLoc Add the list items End, inside with ... Finally with, we'll put the code in to add the list items. The AddItem method adds an element to the combo box, and the code tells Excel to use the value from the current cell (cLoc) in the LocationList range. For each cLoc in ws. Region (Site List) with me.cboLocation . AddItem cLoc.Value End With Next cLoc If you test the user form with this initialization code, the combo position box will have a single column down, showing all four locations from the LocationList area. The segment combo box will have an empty drop-down list because we haven't added items to it yet. Next multi-column combo box, we'll add items to the segment combo box, called cboPart. It will display part IDs from a specified range -- PartIDList -- in the LookupLists worksheet. There are two columns in the Parts list on the worksheet, so we'll need two columns in the Combo Box, with a segment ID in the first column and a Segment Description in the second column. Add a variable At the top of the Preparation process, we'll add another variable for the cells in the Segment ID list on the worksheet. Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim cPart As Range Dim cLoc As Range Dim ws As Worksheet Set =LookupLists The cPart variable is a Range object and we will use it to refer to a cell in the PartIDList range on the worksheet. Add a loop next, we'll add one for each... Next loop, which will visit each cell in the PartIDList range in the LookupLists worksheet. Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim cLoc As Range Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = Worksheets For each cPart In ws. Area(PartIDList) Next cPart Add it With ... Finally with next, we will add one With ... End With statement, which refers to the segment combo box, which is called cboPart. This code is located in the UserForm module, the I section refers to the user form. For each cPart in ws. Area(PartIDList) With Me.cboPart End with the next cPart Add the list items next, within with ... Finally with, we'll put the code in to add the list items. The AddItem method adds a row to the combo box, with the value from the current cell (cPart) in the PartIDList range in the first column of the drop-down list. For each cPart in ws. Region (Partiid List) with me.cboPart . AddItem cPart.Value End With Next cPart Add the second column values next, next, The AddItem code, we will put the code to add the values to the second column by using the List property. Our code will tell Excel which row and column of the drop-down list will be used. The ListCount property is the number of items in the drop-down list. For the List property, row and column counts start from scratch. So if there is 1 item in the drop-down list, it is in line 0. That's why we remove 1 from ListCount to get the line number. We want the Place Description in the second column. The first column is 0, so the second column is column 1. For each cPart in ws. Region (Partiid List) with me.cboPart . AddItem cPart.Value . List(. ListCount - 1, 1) = cPart.Offset(0, 1). End value with next cPart Cell cPart is in column A and we want the segment description from column B in the same row. Thus, we use the Offset property to have the value that is 0 rows down and 1 column on the right. Change the combo box properties for multi-column combo boxes, change the properties of the Combo Box to increase the number of columns, and set the width of the columns. You can also display column headings if you want. Excel Integrated VBA Code is here excel integrated VBA code for the user form initialization process. Adds the single-column list to the site combo box and the two-column list to the segment combo box. Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim cPart As Range Dim cLoc As Range Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = Worksheets(LookupLists) For each cPart In ws. Region (Partiid List) with me.cboPart . AddItem cPart.Value . List(. ListCount - 1, 1) = cPart.Offset(0, 1). The value ends with the next cPart for each cLoc in ws. Region (Site List) with me.cboLocation . AddItem cLoc.Value End With Next cLoc Me.txtDate.Value = Format(Date, Medium Date) Me.txtQty.Value = 1 Me.cboPart.SetFocus End Sub At the end, excel's VBA code places the current date in the Date text box and the number 1 in the Quantity text box. The SetFocus method moves the cursor to the segment combo box so that it is ready for the user to select a segment. Download the sample file Download the compressed sample Excel UserForm With combobox file Watch excel video VBA ComboBox Last updated: October 9, 2020 3:42 pm The Combo Box is a control for VBA user formats that allows the user to choose from a list of options. It is also known as a drop-down menu, but to serve its purpose as a drop-down menu, you first need to fill in the combo box for the user so they can actually make a choice. There are two ways to fill in a combo box with VBA: With . AddItem method with . Property List The rest of this tutorial will give you how to add entries, or fill in, your own VBA userform comboboxes, and we'll have a little fun teaching! Create UserForm Before we write any code to fill out our combobox, we need to create the very box and user format in which it lives. I'm sure you already have your own plan, but in this tutorial, our userform will bear the name Combobox_Userform, our command button will be CmdButton_For_CB, and the It's going to ComboBox_Demo1. Here's what the layout looks like: Userform with three elements: a combo box, a label, and a button As you can see, we put default text Click here in the combo box. This is not one of the developing options. is just a filler before the user clicks on the menu. You can edit it directly by clicking the combo box in the preview pane, just like for the Label and CommandButton controls, but what you really want to do is fill in your combo box using VBA code, as we'll show in the next section. Fill in the VBA combo box In this section, we'll show you how to fill in a combo box in the UserForm_Initialize VBA event by adding items sequentially or reading the values directly from a table. Access to the initialization event vba control is disabled in the UserForm_Initialize event only after the user form is called. If you want a more in-depth discussion about the logic of displaying a user form, see the userform show article. In short, here is the code for displaying our specific user form: Sub CBUFShow() Combobox_Userform.Show End Sub Make sure you place this in a normal section, not dedicated private code of the user form. Fill in a combo box with . List Now we will really start to crowd the prices in our ComboBox. One way to add multiple values to the combo box is to use the Advanced Frames List or . List. To use the combo box. Apply a list, you just need to place the drop-down menu options in a table and separate each drop-down item with a comma. You can use the Array function to create the table required for . List property. Don't forget that each option needs quotation marks since your entries are strings! Here's a sample code that goes into the private code of the user form, not a normal module, and adds two items to your drop-down list once the user form has been prepared: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox_Demo1.List = Array (Choose a single file, Select multiple files) End Sub Record macros like this in just 7 days Over 10,000 people have finished our free write best macros in 7 days guided challenge. It is powerful, effective and comes with vba programmer kits full of shortcuts, tips and pre-written macros to make VBA writing easier. When you run this code, you will have this beauty: The user form with a filled-in combo box open Notice caption of the user form is UserForm3, but the user form name is ComboBox_Userform. I am this because the same distinction applies to your combobox. Do not mix the values (Name) and Caption or Text! You will receive a run-time error if you try to use the caption as an object name. You can change the name and caption of the object in the Properties (F4) window, usually at the bottom left of the VBE. The properties pane for Combobox_Userform with the Fill caption and circled name combo box with a range You can also use . List property to fill out a compound user form box with a range of cells in your spreadsheet. Take this macro, for example: Private Private UserForm_Initialize() 'add a column of data from a spreadsheet to the advanced user form box ComboBox_Demo1.List = Sheets(Sheet1). Range(A1:A10). Sub End of Value This macro will quickly add all values in the range A1:A10 to the combo box. It's incredibly fast and very useful if the user form is designed to accept data from your spreadsheet. Fill in a multi-column combo box By talking about columns of data, . The List property also has an optional second argument, pvargColumn, to allow you to fill specific columns in a multi-column combo box. If you want to use the optional arguments in . Property list for creating complex rows of multiple columns, there are some additional steps to take. First you need to change the number of columns in your combobox, as you would in my tutorial about aligning columns differently in a UserForm ListBox. You can do this under the Properties window mentioned above, or you can do so at run time by using . ColumnCount property of the combobox object, as follows: ComboBox_Demo1.ColumnCount = 2 Then you can create a virtual table that matches the dimensions you want for the list of options. Remember it. The list table is based on zero. Let's say you want a list of 3 rows and 2 columns with any kind of data, such as numbers or dates, to size a table like this: Dim initial_array(2, 1) As Variation From Here, you have two options. You can either (1) fill in your table and then fill in the ComboBox with the full table, or (2) fill in the Combo Box with an empty table, and then fill each table item separately. Either way, we're going to use the. List property, as before, to add items to the Combo Box. The second option accesses each cell in the list to complete the final drop-down menu. Option 1: Pass the full table to combobox ComboBox_Demo1() UserForm_Initialize ComboBox_Demo1.ColumnCount in ColumnCount = 2 Dim initial_array(2, 1) As an attribute 'fill table initial_array(0, 0) = Option1 initial_array(0, 1) = Great Idea initial_array(1, 0) = Option2 initial_array(1, 1) = Moderate Idea initial_array(2, 0) = Option3 initial_array(2, 1) = Terrible Idea 'then fill combobox in full order ComboBox_Demo1.List = initial_array End Sub Option 2 : Pass Pump Array to ComboBox Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox_Demo1.ColumnCount = 2 Dim initial_array(2, 1) As Variant 'fill in the list with blank table ComboBox_Demo1.List = initial_array' then fill in the combo box ComboBox_Demo1.List(0, 0) = Option1 ComboBox_Demo1.List(0, 1) = Great Idea ComboBox_Demo1.List(1, 0) = Option2 1) = Moderate Idea ComboBox_Demo1.List(2, 0) = Option3 ComboBox_Demo1.List(2 , 1) = Terrible Idea End Sub Whichever option you choose, you should be left with a nice two-column, three-row VBA ComboBox that is fully completed like this: A Completed Multi-Column ComboBox Fill ComboBox with . AddItem If you want to add items by methods (as opposed to properties), you can use the combo box. AddItem method during initialization. Every time you in the AddItems method, a new item will appear in the combo box. Most interestingly, you can use . AddItems to add items dynamically after the user format has already been created. In code, the dynamic completion of ComboBox UserForm will look like this: Private sub UserForm_Click() ComboBox_Demo1.AddItem You Clicked Me! End Sub We used UserForm_Click, so when the user clicks the userform area, an item is added to the bottom of our drop-down list. The original user form has the default values that we added with . Property list, but now we let the user add items by clicking the user form as well. The drop-down menu after clicking on the userform several times I know this is a silly example, but it shows how you can dynamically change your combobox when certain conditions are met; In this situation, when the user clicks the form. You can also fill in the list with . AddItem in the preparation stage, if you want, like this: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox_Demo1.AddItem abc ComboBox_Demo1.AddItem 123 ComboBox_Demo1.AddItem def ComboBox_Demo1.AddItem 456 End Sub The VBA ComboBox AddItem method is the most popular way to add items to a user form, although I have found both options to be equally flexible. Imagine that you had multiple rows in a text file or something you wanted to add to your combo box. You could nest in the. AddItem method within a loop to programmatically add each item. Placing the AddItem ComboBox method inside a loop is a common practice for filling out a ComboBoxs UserForm. Add an item to different locations in ComboBox The AddItem method of advanced user form boxes also accepts an optional second argument: pvagIndex. When included, pvargIndex tells your combobox where you want to add your new entry. Items in your combo box range from 0 (at the top) to . ListCount (bottom). For example, if you fed argument 0, it will add a new entry at the top of the user form. Skipping the argument is the same as inheriting the AddItem method with an argument ComboBox_Demo1.ListCount. Let's look at some examples. In the following code, you clicked Me! is added to the first position instead of the default last position. Use the ComboBox_Demo1.AddItem You Clicked Me!, 0 instead ComboBox_Demo1.AddItem You Clicked Me! to place the code at the top of your ComboBox (Box 0). Let's take a look at another example. Private sub-UserForm_Click() with ComboBox_Demo1 . AddItem I'm on top!, 0' add item to top of combobox. AddItem I'm at the bottom!, . ListIndex' add item at the bottom of the combo box. I'm in position 3!, 2' add item to the third point in the End With End Sub user form In this example, we dynamically filled out our combo box by adding an item at the top, bottom and 3rd entry in the drop-down menu, specifying a pvargIndex location. Notice how a pvargIndex of 2 added an item to the 3rd slot. Remember, ComboBox Index starts at position 0!. pvargIndex to add items to Conclusion Creative developers can use both. List and . AddItem to make interactive user form drop-down lists. By using ComboBoxes (or dropdowns), developers are able to guide user interactions with the program while still allowing a degree of freedom for end users. We hope to enjoy this tutorial. To take your VBA skills to the next level, see more of our free VBA tutorials. Test your skills by trying to connect concepts. For example, you can combine [VBA GetOpenFilename] with a Combo Box for an interactive drop-down list. When you are ready to take your VBA to the next level, sign up using the form below. The best free VBA training on the internet I see people struggling with Excel every day and I want to help. That's why I'm giving away my developer VBA Kit for free to our new entrants. This article was written by Cory Sarver, a contributing writer for the VBA Blog Tutorials. Visit him on LinkedIn and his personal page. Page.

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