Chapter 4 People, Organizations, Addresses

Microsoft Access 2010 Programmer’s Reference

Guide to Online Files

When writing the book, the authors created numerous examples and code snippets to help you work through and understand the concepts that we are presenting. The database files, code snippets and other supporting files are available for download from the Wiley/Wrox website, at .

The files are organized and stored in separate folders designated for each chapter. We have listed the folders and contents below so that you can quickly navigate to the desired files. As you will see, some chapters do not have online material.

In order to get the full benefit of the book and to understand the code snippets and sample files, we strongly encourage you to use them in conjunction with their designated chapters. The book explains the concepts and how to use, modify, and incorporate the code and functions into your projects and solutions. The chapters also include recommendations and links to software downloads and other programs that will help you work with the files and examples.

We recommend unzipping this package either within your Documents folder under the folder Access Programmers Reference, or in whatever location you use for your project files.

File List and Folders are in the Folder AccessProgrammersReference

There are 23 folders in the download file. Each folder contains the databases, and other files that contain the code or were referenced in the chapter or appendix.

The following lists all the chapters and their associated folder and files along with a brief description topics and examples provided. We’ve also noted the chapters that do not have download files.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Microsoft Access 2010 - No download files.

Chapter 2: New Features in Access 2010

This chapter talks about some of the key new features and the benefits that they offer to developers and users. Since many people will be moving from Access 2003 directly to Access 2010, we wanted to provide a briefing on features added in Access 2007. So, as a bonus, we have provided the New Features chapter from the Access 2007 VBA Programmer’s Reference.


▪ Access2007_NewFeatures.pdf - The new features chapter from the prior version of this book, Access 2007 VBA Programmer’s Reference.

Chapter 3: Upgrading and Converting to Access 2010 - No download files.

Chapter 4: Macros in Access 2010

Macros in Access provide an alternative to VBA for accomplishing certain tasks, so the chapter explains the differences as well as how and when to benefit from using macros. We provide guidance and examples for using Access 2010 new features such as the Macro Designer and data macros. Key topics include:

▪ When to use Macros and how they compliment and compare to VBA

▪ An in-depth review of the new Macro Designer

▪ How to leverage data macros


▪ DataMacroSamples.accdb

▪ MacroSamples.accdb

Chapter 5: Using the VBA Editor

Chapter 5 explains discusses the components of the VBA editor and shows you how to use them to write and test code. The topics covered include:

▪ Explanation of VBA Editor’s components

▪ How to use the Object Browser

▪ Techniques for testing and debugging code


▪ ch5_VBAEditor_Code.txt - most of code illustrated in the chapter

Chapter 6: VBA Basics

This chapter helps lay the foundation for building solid, reusable VBA code. The discussion and examples explain the components of VBA, how to name and use variables, how to work with VBA objects, properties, and methods, and how to write code in modules. The download file provides code snippets for you to put in the VBA editor to try and test out. Unless otherwise noted, you can do so by creating a new standard module then copying and pasting in the sample. Be sure to note whether you are copying in a complete procedure, a code snippet, or a complete module, referring to the chapter for guidance. Topics include:

▪ Simple procedures

▪ Demonstration of VBA constructs

▪ Demonstration of Code behind the forms

▪ Demonstration of User-Defined Functions


▪ ch6_VBABasics_Code.txt - most of code illustrated in the chapter

Chapter 7: Using VBA In Access

This chapter covers the basics of getting the most out of the more common features of VBA as it relates to Access. It also briefly touches on accepted best practices for working with VBA procedures. Topics include:

▪ Using events

▪ Employing good practices with VBA procedures

▪ Evaluating expressions in VBA

▪ Using recordsets and multiple recordsets

▪ Coding behind forms and reports

▪ The VBA debugging environment

▪ Determining the value of variables

▪ Handling common VBA challenges

▪ Concatenating strings

▪ Handling VBA errors


▪ ch07_CodeSnippets.txt - most of the code illustrated in the chapter

Chapter 8: Creating Classes in VBA

The chapter provides an introduction to using class modules by explaining how they are comprised, how to create them, and how to use them. The chapter contains numerous code snippets and examples; most are included in the chapter download files. Highlights include:

▪ An introduction to class modules

▪ Subclassing Access forms

▪ Writing collection classes to group objects

▪ Core principles of object-oriented programming


▪ ClassExamples.accdb

▪ InstancingExample.accdb

▪ InstancingTests.accdb

Chapter 9: Extending VBA with APIs

In this chapter, you learn how to use APIs (Application Programming Interface) to add functionality to Access applications. Because the API is geared toward C/C++ developers, this chapter helps explain the special considerations necessary to use API calls from VBA. Key topics include:

▪ Using static versus dynamic linking

▪ Converting API function declarations from C++ to VBA

▪ How to write code that can be used with 32-bit and 64-bit Office

▪ How to use some of the more common Windows API functions


▪ APISamples.accdb

Chapter 10: Working with the Win32 Registry

Being able to read and write information from the Registry empowers developers to not only control Access, but to work with and control other programs as well. The example files will help you follow the demonstrations as the chapter explains:

▪ How the Registry is organized and what it does

▪ Frequently used functions in the Registry API

▪ Advanced Registry functions to use on local or remote computers


▪ RegistrySamples.accdb

Chapter 11: Using DAO to Access Data

This chapter provides an in-depth look at how to use Data Access Objects (DAO) to create and modify your database structure, including tables, fields, indexes, and relations. After covering the basics, it also gives you a detailed look at data access using QueryDefs and Recordsets. Key topics include:

▪ Review of the new features in DAO for Access 2007 and 2010

▪ In depth descriptions of objects used in DAO to create and work with data


▪ Chapter 11 - DAO Samples.accdb

▪ Chapter 11 - db1.accdb

Chapter 12: Using ADO to Access Data

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) provide a standardized Object Model for connecting to external data sources. ADO is the API that works with the OLE DB (Object Linking and Embedding Databases), so it is essentially a code library for working with different types of data sources. The sample files help to demonstrate the key topics covered, which include:

▪ Using ADO in Access applications

▪ Adding a reference to ADO and creating connection strings

▪ Using ADO transactions

▪ Manipulating data in an ADO data source

▪ Creating and manipulating ADO Recordset objects

▪ Working with data source schema using ADOX


▪ SampleCode (folder)

- Ch12_Sample.accdb

- Connection.UDL

Chapter 13: Using SQL with VBA

This chapter discusses how to utilize SQL as part of VBA functions or routines. While the chapter is not a guide for SQL syntax, it does go into a detailed explanation of how to create SQL statements using VBA and working with SQL strings in VBA. Some of the key topics include:

▪ Working with SQL Strings in VBA

▪ Using SQL when opening Forms and Reports

▪ The ReplaceOrderByClause function

▪ The ReplaceWhereClause function


▪ ch13_CodeSnippets.txt - most of the code illustrated in the chapter

Chapter 14: Enhancing Forms with VBA

This chapter covers how to extend the functionality of forms by enhancing them using VBA. It does so by discussing VBA fundamentals and how to get the most out of the way forms are created in Access 2010. It also explains how to give your forms that professional touch by using the TreeView and ListView controls that come with the 32 bit version of Access 2010. Topics include:

▪ Fundamental VBA Concepts

▪ Creating Forms the 2010 way

▪ Using the TreeView and ListView controls


▪ 51966_ch14_CodeSnippets.txt - contains most of the code illustrated in the chapter

▪ ActiveXControlSample.accdb - illustrates use of ActiveX controls

▪ AttachmentDemo.accdb - illustrates how to use the attachment control

▪ ComboBox.accdb - illustrates how to use comboboxes including cascading comboboxes

▪ EditValueList.accdb - illustrates how to dynamically add values to a listbox or combobox

▪ LateBinding.accdb - illustrates use of late binding for forms

▪ MultiFormInstance.accdb - illustrates opening multiple instances of same form

▪ Projects1ActiveXControls.accdb - illustrates how to use ActiveX controls

▪ SendEmail.accdb - illustrates how to use send emails from Access

Chapter 15: Enhancing Reports with VBA

Chapter 15 demonstrates how to create reports and leverage some of the powerful new features, as well as those that have been the mainstay for several versions. Topics include:

▪ Working with VBA in Reports

▪ Important Events and Properties

▪ Common Report Requests

▪ Interactivity


▪ ReportsChatper.accdb

Chapter 16: Customizing the Ribbon

The chapter explains how to customize the Ribbon using existing Menu Bars and Toolbars as well as creating custom controls. The companion file helps readers follow along and work through the examples from the chapter. Topics include:

▪ Creating custom Menu Bars and Toolbars

▪ Using the Options Dialog and using XML

▪ Specifying a Custom Ribbon

▪ Creating an Integrated Ribbon

▪ Creating a Ribbon from Scratch

▪ Customizing the Office Menu and much more


▪ RibbonSamples.accdb

▪ TravelAgencySample.accdb

▪ Images (folder)

Chapter 17: Customizing the Office Backstage

Office Backstage was introduced in Office 2010, and this chapter explains the features and how to use them. The example files allow readers to follow the discussion and experiment with some of the features.


▪ BackstageSamples.accdb

Chapter 18: Working with Office Applications

Access is a powerful tool for managing and working with data from other Office applications. This chapter discusses scenarios for working with data in Outlook, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.


▪ Ch18_Sample.accdb

Chapter 19: Working with SharePoint

The features for integrating Access 2010 with SharePoint Server 2010 have opened up new opportunities to create Access Web Applications that leverage SharePoint features. The sample file contains some of the code samples discussed in the chapter.

▪ An overview of the new Access Web Application features

▪ A discussion of how to build a traditional Access database that can use SharePoint as a data source

▪ How to import and export to SharePoint lists


▪ Ch19_Sample.accdb

Chapter 20: Working with .NET

Access 2010 has enhanced abilities to integrate with .NET to expand Access’s reach and capabilities. Some of the topics covered in the chapter include:

▪ Using Access ACCDB and MDB files with .NET applications

▪ Automating Access with .NET

▪ Creating Com Add-ins for Access

▪ Using .NET code in Access by calling it from VBA within an Access application


▪ AccessAddInExample (Folder)

- AccessAddInExample (subfolder) - with 2 subfolders and 8 files

- AccessAddInExampleSetup (subfolder) - with 2 subfolders and 1 file

▪ AdoClientExample

- ADOExample1 (subfolder) - with 3 sub folders and 8 files

- ADOExample1.sln

- ADOExample1.suo

▪ AdoWebExample

- AdoWebExample (subfolder) - with 7 sub folders and 17 files

- AdoWebExample.sln

- AdoWebExample1.suo

▪ AutomateAccessExample

- AutomateAccessExample (subfolder) - with 3 sub folders and 5 files

- AutomateAccessExample.sln

- AutomateAccessExample.suo

▪ ManagedCodeExample

- ManagedLibraryCode (subfolder) - with 1 sub folder and 2 files

- ManagedCodeExample.accdb

▪ WinApp1

- WinApp1 (subfolder) - with 3 sub folders and 5 files

- WinApp1.sln

- WinApp1.suo

Chapter 21: Building Client-Server Applications with Access

The chapter discuss how to plan and design client-server applications that will provide optimum performance. It discusses how and when to use file formats for ACCDB, MDB and ADP. Key topics discuss:

▪ Building client-server applications using Access 2010 and SQL Server

▪ Analyzing and optimizing Access applications connected to SQL Server

▪ Comparing use of ACCDB/MDB formats to ADP file formats

▪ Using bound and unbound forms and reports with a SQL Server data source

▪ Building forms and reports in ADPs


▪ Ch21_SampleACCDB.accdb

▪ Ch21_SampleADP.adp

▪ AlternativeServer.udl

▪ Invoices.xml

▪ Sample.SQL

Chapter 22: Access Templates - No download files.

Chapter 23: Access Runtime Deployment - No download files.

Chapter 24: Database Security

The chapter discusses the security features available to ACCDB and to MDB formats and how to use them. Key topics address:

▪ Discussing the database security features in Access 2010 specific to the ACCDB and to the MDB format.

▪ Step by step instructions for implementing the Access 2010 security features

▪ VBA code examples for programmatically manipulating security features


▪ SampleCode (Folder)

- ACCDB-SampleCode (subfolder)

- Ch24_AccdbSample.accdb

- MDB-SampleCode (subfolder)

- MDB-SampleCode.mdb

- SampleMDB.mdb

- SampleMDW.mdw

Chapter 25: Access 2010 Security Features

This chapter focuses on security features designed to protect your computer from malicious attacks. We explain the features that are built into Access and how to use them. Of course, there are times that it is helpful to temporarily override certain security settings, and we’ve explained a bit about how and when to do that and provided some code snippets. Key topics include:

▪ Managing security settings

▪ Using Disabled mode

▪ Understanding Macro security

▪ Creating and using digital signatures and certificates

▪ On overview of the Access Database Engine Expression Service

▪ And using Sandbox mode


▪ Ch25_CodeSnippets.txt

Two appendixes have companion files for download.

Appendix G Naming Conventions

The appendix discusses the benefits of implanting a naming convention, and explains some common practices for the structure of some of the more common naming conventions. For your convenience, we have also provided a document with several of common base words, prefixes, and suffixes.


▪ APR_appG_NamingConventions.pdf

Appendix I Tips and Tricks

This appendix discusses some good business practices that will provide consistency for users and help make your database applications look more professional. Most of the material is related to the Chambers Application. We have also included some valuable tips and examples that have been contributed by our esteemed colleagues.


▪ Chamber Application.accdb

▪ Chamber Data.mdb

▪ IifQueries.accdb

▪ IifQueries.mdb

▪ Tutorials Local.accdb

▪ Handy Developer Tools (folder)

- Audit Trail DB - Tutorial.doc

- Handy Developer Tools.accdb

- Handy Developer Tools.mdb


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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