VET Information Technology Notes:

VET Information Technology Notes:

Apply Occupational Health and Safety Procedures

|OOS |Occupational Overuse Syndrome, also know as Repetitive Strain Injury |

| |(RSI). Caused by repetitive tasks and/or having poor posture. |

|Workstation |Includes the whole work area and positioning of – computer, monitor, |

| |keyboard, desk, chair, document holder and footrest. |

|Ergonomics |The study of the work environment in relation to the user. |

|Hazards |A situation or substance which could cause injury or illness. |

|Legislation | |

|Code of Practice |Guidelines which should be implemented to maintain safe work practices. |

|Manual Handling |Lifting or moving any equipment or other objects. |

|OHS Committee |A body of workplace employees committed to ensuring a safe work |

| |environment – attends regular meetings and carries out regular |

| |inspections. |

|WorkCover |The managing body for NSW Workplace Health & Safety |

|Accident Report |A document which should be filled out by anyone involved in workplace |

| |accidents/injuries, regardless of however minor they might be. |

|Worker’s Compensation |A special insurance-type payment made to any person who is injured or |

| |suffers a work related illness and needs time off work. |

|MSDS |Material Safety Data Sheets – specifies how to handle certain material |

| |and/or substances. |

Exercise 1

An unhealthy work environment can lead to many problems, name some of these problems: Stress, accidents, headaches, backaches, eye strain, low morale (anything else similar to these).

The study of the work environment in relation to the user is called ergonomics. TRUE

Name some of the common complaints in relation to ergonomics. A: Wrong type of chair – back and neck problems, stress on the body overall, Wrongly adjusted VDU – eye problems, headaches, glare problems, Environment – stuffy, too cold or hot, over air-conditioned, noisy, overwork Workstation arrangement – not practical, causes twisting or turning, cluttered or messy, frustrating and stressful.

How often should you take a break when using a computer? Every 30mins

Your eyes should be level with the top of the screen. True

If your feet cannot comfortably reach the floor what should you use? Foot Rest

Repetitive Strain Injury is often referred to as OOS (Occupational Overuse Syndrome), is this correct? True

If you suffer from eyestrain, what course of action should you take? Have your eyes checked, wear glasses if necessary, adjust brightness and/or positioning of monitor

To be comfortable when you are working with the keyboard, your wrists should be resting on the desk. FALSE

Describe what kind of chair you should have at your workstation. A: An ergonomic chair, with adjustable height and back support, 5 feet with castors, seat should be made of cloth and angled away from your upper thighs, preferable with no arms (or lower enough to fit under the desk) and in complete working order.

Exercise 2

Multiple choice

Stress can be related to:

Job overload and poor work design

OOS stands for:

Occupational Overuse Syndrome

A VDU is another term for:

Monitor or screen

Which of the following is a hazard?


Poor work design

Electrical Problems

All of the above

When lifting any heavy weight you should:

Keep your back straight

Employer’s responsibilities:

Provide training for the use of any equipment in the workplace

Educate staff about occupation overuse syndrome

Outline correct lifting procedures for heavy weights

Establish a schedule of repairs and maintenance for equipment

Provide adequate lighting

Provide ergonomically designed furniture

Outline procedures for reporting potential hazards

Employee’s responsibilities:

Adjusting equipment to suit themselves

Reporting potential hazards

Adhering to safety regulations regarding issues such as power, lifting, housekeeping

Considering the welfare of themselves and others in the workplace

Taking frequent breaks when doing repetitive tasks

In relation to IT injuries

Being injured during a lunchtime game in the grounds of the organisation/company

An assault by another employee

An accident in the office or workshop

An accident while travelling between job locations for work purposes

An accident at a social function held by the organisation/company

Some changes to the workplace;

Safety signs warning of danger

Compulsory protective clothing where it is necessary

Regular maintenance of air conditioning units

Regular inspections of the workplace and follow up of hazard reports

Hazard control

Emergency drills

Safety audits

Documentation for work-related incidents, accidents injuries and illnesses

Functions of an OHS Committee

Investigate issues brought to its attention by employees or employers

Assist in the development of a safe work environment

Ensure there are appropriate recording procedures for accidents

Attempt to resolve issues

May have other functions relevant to the type of workplace

Safety signs

Red Circle Line Through It: Indicates something that must not be done

A Green Triangle: Indicates where emergency equipment is kept

A Yellow Triangle: Danger warning

A Blue Circle: Indicates the need for some type of safety equipment

Hierarchy of controls

Elimination - removing the risk.

Substituting - replacing equipment or substance with a better or less risky one

Engineering controls - designing or redesigning a better work area.

Administrative controls - training, job rotation, scheduling of work, risk control.

Personal protective clothing and equipment - to provide a barrier to any hazard.

Safety precautions

Turn off all components at the wall

Unplug all the power leads

Disconnect all cables from the computer components eg keyboard, printer, mouse etc

Use a trolley if it is a fair distance to be moved to or,

Lift the equipment with bent knees, keeping the equipment close to your body and your back straight.

|Sample Injury/Investigation Report |

|Surname |Given Name |

|Address |

|Suburb |Post Code |

|Home Phone |DOB |

|Marital Status |Age |

|Job Title |

|Time and date of injury |

|Cause of injury (in your opinion) |

| |

|Nature of injury |

|To whom did you report the injury? |

|Did you need medical attention? |

|If there were any witnesses supply their name and phone number |

|Name |Phone Number |

|Your signature |Date |

Operating Computer Packages

Microsoft Word

|Auto correct |Automatically corrects common typing and spelling errors as your |

| |type |

|Auto text |Offers a way to store and quickly insert text, graphics, fields, |

| |tables, bookmarks, and other items that you use frequently. |

|Bullets |Can be represented by a range of symbols, usually round dots, which |

| |are used to set apart points in paragraph style. |

|Clipboard |A facility in the program to store items of text or graphics when |

| |they have been cut or copied, so they can be pasted to a different |

| |location- up to 12 items at one time. |

|Cut & Paste |A feature that allows you to remove information from one place to |

| |another. |

|Dialogue Box |Dialog boxes prompt the user to enter information. |

|Edit |To make changes to existing text. |

|Font |All the characters in a particular typeface. |

|Footer |Information that appears at the bottom of a page. |

|Format |To change the look of a document, text, graphics, characters. |

|Header |Information that appears at the top of a page. |

|Insertion Point |The flashing vertical bar that indicates where the text will be |

| |entered – current position. |

|Justification |Paragraph alignment – left, centre, right or fully justified. |

|Landscape |The orientation of the document when printed – wider than it is |

| |long. |

|Leaders |Used between text and tab stops such as dots, dashes, lines or |

| |symbols. |

|Left Align |All text aligns to the left hand side of the document |

|Mail Merge |To attach a data file or database to one main word document, |

| |enabling multiple copies to be printed. |

|Menu |In Word pull-down menus give a choice of options to make it easier |

| |to use the program eg File, Edit, View |

|Office Assistant |Assists in the use of the software, can give on-screen prompts when |

| |necessary or can be used as on-line help. |

|On-Line Help |Can be accessed to explain and help the user with any questions or |

| |problems relating to the application being used. |

|Overtype (OVR) |A feature that can be turned on or off by the Insert Key, which |

| |deletes current text as you are typing. |

|Portrait |The orientation of the document when printed – longer than it is |

| |wide. |

|Spellcheck |Underlines spelling errors in a red wavy line, when used gives other|

| |spelling options, can add to the dictionary or ignore. |

|Status Bar |Located at the bottom of the screen and displays information for the|

| |user eg Page no, Section, Total pages, line, column. |

|Table |A facility, which allows the user to make columns with or without |

| |borders, can be used instead of tabulating. |

|Template |A document, saved as a specific file type (DOT) that can be used |

| |over and over to create new documents. |

|Thesaurus |Provides synonyms and antonyms for words or phrases. |

|Toolbar |A toolbar can contain buttons with images (the same images you see |

| |next to corresponding menu commands), when used these give Microsoft|

| |Word instructions about what you want to do. |

|Undo |Allows the user to reverse up to the last 16 actions performed. |

|Windows Explorer |The file manager used where you can locate all folders, files and |

| |drives available. |

|Word wrap |When your text reaches the right-hand margin in a document it |

| |automatically wraps to the next line. |

- Word wrap will automatically take you to a new line as you key in text – you do not have to press the enter key.

- Default settings – margins, tabs at every 5 spaces, single line spacing, 12 pitch font, usually Times New Roman and left aligned.

- Word processing is used for entering text, keying in letters, memos, faxes, reports and more complex documents. In addition to text you can include pictures, tables and charts. Spreadsheet applications allow you to perform calculations as well as chart (graph) data. These can be used for payrolls, profit and loss accounts and other financial documents.

- Pull down the View menu, click on Toolbars, then choose the toolbar you need and it will display on the screen.

- The different views are: Normal, Web Layout, Print Layout and Outline.

- Editing: Typing replaces selection, Drag and drop, Cut and paste, Overtype, Auto correct, Autotext, backspace and delete.

- Insert mode turns the overtype mode on or off – toggle key.

- Templates are pre-formatted documents including text, margins, spacing, fonts and layout, whereas wizards step you through the process of setting up your own document and gives you a variety of choices to pick from so you end up with your own, more personalised design.

- Templates can be used for standard workplace documents – memos, faxes, letters and reports, quick access for an interoffice memorandum.

- Hard Page Break - ctrl + Enter

- Soft Page Break occurs when the text has filled the page and automatically goes to the next page.

- Widow and orphan will keep lines or paragraphs together in a document which carries over to a new page – Format, Paragraph and click Line and Page Breaks, then choose which option you require at the time.

- Mail merge requires a main document and data document or database table.

- Mail merge allows you to send out multiple copies of the one main document to numerous recipients on the data file, with personalised information in each document.

- Footnotes are typically used to explain or provide references for text in a document, they appear at the end of the page and are matched to the text by superscripted numbers.

- Select Insert from the menu bar, click on Footnote and then choose footnote and auto numbering, then OK.

- You can choose the Insert Table icon from the toolbar, or the Tables and Borders icon which allows you to draw your own table, or select the Table menu, Insert, Table and set the number of rows and columns, then OK.

- Superscript characters appear slightly above normal text and smaller in size and subscript slightly below and smaller.

- Headers and Footers typically contain your name, document name, page numbers, dates and possibly a file name.

- To add a header and footer choose the View menu from the toolbar, Header and Footer, insert the required text and close.

Word processing

An efficient word processing operator will generate a high volume of quality work in a short period of time. Efficient word processing is a valuable asset to any employee needing to produce business documents as part of their everyday routine. To become efficient at this, will require lots of practice with both the keyboard operations and features of the word processing application.

Word processing has many features, which operate at ‘electronic speed’ – so why not use them! Search and replace, auto correct, auto text, spell-check, bullets and numbering and the use of different styles which can all be applied easily, are just a sample of these automated features.

Word processing is not difficult, but proficiency requires practice.

- When using screen based equipment and a keyboard you should sit side-on with your legs crossed at all times. F

- Feet should be placed flat on the floor or on a footrest. T

- Forearms should be parallel to the keyboard. T

- OVR on the status bar is an abbreviation for overdone. F

- The delete key will delete text to the right of the insertion point. T

- Spelling mistakes are underlined in green. F

- Microsoft Word is a menu-driven application. T

- You should always print preview before printing a document. T

- Margin settings can be changed through the Print menu. F

- Minimising a document closes it. F

1 Text that is evenly aligned between left and right margins is:


2 A sequence of events in a document should be conveyed with a:

Numbered list

3 Fully blocked text in workplace documents starts:

At the left hand margin

4 Automatic mail merge requires what two files:

Main document and data file

5 Word processing software is used for:

Writing letters

6 Find and replace is used for:

Search for and change words in a document

Example of Memo:

|Memorandum |

|To |All Staff |

|From |Your Name, IT Manager |

|Date |Today’s |

|Subject |Increased PC Security |

| |

|It has come to my attention that users are not logging off the network when leaving their |

|workstations for breaks. |

| |

|This has led to some unfortunate incidences where privacy breaches have occurred. |

| |

|Please ensure that you log off when leaving your PC for any length of time and that you change |

|your password regularly for further security assurance. |

Mail Merge:

Practical exercise 7

Mail merge

Key in the following main document (letter) and create the data file to be attached to this letter, save both files and merge.


Thank you for your order dated , however at this time the product you ordered is not in stock.

We will endeavour to supply your order as soon as the stock arrives.

Please accept our apology for any inconvenience caused and we extend a discount to your of to be used with your next order.

Yours sincerely

Spread Sheets

Glossary of terms

|Absolute reference |A cell or range reference in a formula whose location remains the same |

| |(absolute) when copied. |

|Cells |The rectangles created at the intersection of columns and rows. |

|Export |The process of taking (exporting) data from an application, i.e. a |

| |spreadsheet, and placing it into another application, i.e. a database. |

|Formula |An equation that performs operations on worksheet data. |

|Function |A predefined formula that performs calculations by using specific |

| |values, called arguments. |

|IF statement |A function which can be used when the value you want to assign to a |

| |cell is dependant on a logical test. |

|Import |The process of bringing (importing) data into an application, i.e. |

| |spreadsheet, which has been saved in another applications format, i.e. |

| |database. |

|Marquee |A dashed line used to define an area in a window to be operated upon. |

| |In Excel it defines items placed on the clipboard or to be used in a |

| |calculation or chart. |

|Relative reference |A cell or range reference that automatically adjusts to the new |

| |location in the worksheet when the formula is copied. |

|Spreadsheet |Computerised worksheet on which text, numbers and formulas can be |

| |entered for fast, accurate calculations. |

|Template |A workbook file that contains pre-designed worksheets that can be used |

| |as a pattern for creating other similar sheets in new workbooks. |

|Workbook |A spreadsheet file containing one or more worksheets |

|Worksheet |A sheet within a spreadsheet workbook; used for displaying rows and |

| |columns of figures and labels |

|Worksheet tab |The tab at the base of a worksheet, default tab names in Excel are |

| |Sheet1, Sheet2 etc. |

1. How do you toggle between normal and formula view? Hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard and press the Tilde key (left of number 1 on the alphanumeric keyboard).

2. Name some areas in business where a spreadsheet could be used? Budgeting, On-line banking, Payroll, Rosters, Expenses, Timetables, Interest calculations, Financial accounts.

3. How do you insert a new row? Highlight the row where you wish the new row to be inserted and select Insert/Row from menu bar.

4. What is the difference between a formula and a function? A formula uses operators to perform a calculation, i.e. +, / etc. A function is an in-built formula which uses a function name, i.e. =Min, =Max etc and arguments.

5. How do you widen a column? Either double click on the column label join or click and drag on the join to manually adjust the width.

6. Name one way of applying a border or shading to a cell range? Highlight the cell range required and a) click the border or fill colour button on the toolbar, b) select Format/Cells from the menu bar, or right click over the selected cell range, then click the border or patterns sheet tab, and make your selection.

7. What does it mean if a cell displays #######? The cell is too narrow to display the numerical value in it.

8. Name one way of formatting a cell range to display numbers with no decimal places? Highlight the cell range and a) click the decrease decimal button on the toolbar, b) select Format/Cells from the menu bar, or right click with the mouse, then on the Number tab change the decimal places for the Number category.

9. How do you centre data across several columns? Highlight the cells you wish to centre the data across and click the ‘Merge and Centre’ button on the toolbar.

10. Can you save a spreadsheet as a different file type? If so, how? Select File/Save As from the menu bar, in the Save as type box select the file type required.

11. What is the difference between relative and absolute referencing? A relatively referenced cell will adjust the cell reference relative to where a formula is copied to, i.e. if a formula is copied across two columns the cell reference will adjust by two columns. An absolute referenced cell will remain the same no matter where the formula is copied to.

12. How would you write a formula to add cells A1 to C1 and divide the answer by D1? =(A1+C1)/D1

13. In which order would the following calculation =C5+D5*E5-F5/G5 be performed and why? D5*E5, F5/G5, +C5, -the value of F5/G5. Multiplication and division are always performed before addition and subtraction.

14. How do you insert a page break? Select Insert/Page Break from the menu bar.

15. Name three types of data that can be entered into a spreadsheet. Text, numeric, formulas

16. List three ergonomic features you would use when interacting with a computer. Chair height, desk height, monitor brightness, contrast etc, foot stool, lighting, copy holder, posture.

17. What is a cell range? Briefly explain and give an example. One or more contiguous cells. A1:A20

18. A cell contains the formula =$D$4+C9. If the formula is copied and pasted three columns across in the same row, what cell reference will be displayed in the formula of the pasted cell? =$D$4+F9

19. Write an IF function for cell D15 that assigns the value of cell C10 plus D10 if the value in cell F10 is greater than the value in cell E10; otherwise the IF function assigns 2 to cell D15. =IF(F10>E10,C10+D10,2)

20. Write an IF function for cell A10 that assigns the text “Successful” if the value in A9 is more than three times the value in A8; otherwise the IF function assigns the text “Un Successful”.

=IF(A9>A8*3,”Successful”,”Un Successful”)

Theory exercise 2

True/false questions

1. A cell reference with a dollar sign in front of the row and a dollar sign in front of the column is a relative reference. F

2. Numeric entries are left justified by default. F

3. A value entered as 8% is stored internally as .08. T

4. A flashing border (marquee) around a cell indicates the contents of the cell have been copied to the clipboard. T

5. The fill handle is used to copy to adjacent cell only. T

6. The =MAX function is restricted to a single argument (one cell or range of cells). F

7. The location and/or size of a chart cannot be adjusted once the chart has been created. F

8. Pressing ALT+TAB allows the user to move between open applications. T

9. A Word document cannot contain both an Excel chart and the associated worksheet. F

10. Freezing panes allows you to view column and row headings while scrolling both horizontally and vertically. T

1. The part of the Excel window that displays data as it is entered or edited is called the:

- Formula Bar

2. A cell entry that is used by Excel to produce calculated output is called a/an:

- Formula

3. Assume A1 contains the value of 5, B1 contains the value of 10 and C1 contains the value of 15. What would be displayed in cell D1 if the following formula is entered? =(A1+B1)+C1/5

- 18

4. Choosing a page setup of ‘Centre on page – Horizontally’ will:

- Centre the print area between the left and right margins

5. If the mixed cell reference (C$20) was used in copying a formula,

- The column would be adjusted, but the row number would not change

6. Which format should be chosen to display a cell value as $4,000.00?

- Currency


Glossary of terms

|Calculated Field |A field that displays the result of a calculation in a query. |

|Criteria |A specific set of conditions that you want records to meet in order to |

| |be displayed in a query, form or report. |

|Data Type |The attribute for a field that determines what type of data it can |

| |contain. |

|Database |An organised collection of related information. |

|Detail Section |The section of Form and Report Design that contains the records of the |

| |table. |

|Entity |The subject of the database or table. |

|Field |A single category of data in a database. |

|Field Name |Label used to identify the data stored in a field. |

|Field Property |An attribute of a field that affects its appearance or behavior. |

|Filter |A restriction placed on records in an open form or datasheet to |

| |temporarily isolate a subset of records. |

|Form |A database object used primarily for data entry and making changes to |

| |existing records. |

|Object |A table, form, or report that can be selected and manipulated as a |

| |unit. |

|Primary Key |One or more fields in a table that uniquely identify a record. |

|Query |A question you ask the database. |

|Record |The set of fields which contain the data for one entity. |

|Relationship |A link made between tables, usually through at least one common field. |

|Validation Rule |A check that Access perform to determine whether entered data meets |

| |certain criteria. |

|Validation Text |Text that is displayed when a validation rule is violated. |

Theory Exercise 1

1. Provide two examples of when databases could be used in a business environment. Customer details, Payroll, Invoicing, Employee details.

2. When referring to a database what does the term ENTITY mean? The database subject.

3. What is the purpose of the Validation Rule property? Ensures that only valid data is entered.

4. Explain the difference between a FLAT file and a RELATIONAL database. Flat file only allows one table to be created, relational allows multiple tables which can be joined through relationships.

5. What is the purpose of creating a report? To summarise, group, and format information.

6. How is a query different from a filter? Queries can be saved, filters cannot.

7. What is the purpose of a Primary Key? The field uniquely identifies a record.

8. What is an Index? Similar to the index in a book, allows the database to find and/or sort information quickly.

9. What type of data can be entered into a Text data type field? Alphanumeric characters, i.e. text, numbers, characters.

10. Why would you use a Default Value? To speed up data entry by having specified data entered into a field automatically.

11. Can you enter numerical values into a Date/Time field? NO

12. How many times does a report footer appear in a report? Once only at the end of the report.

13. What function would you use in a report to display the current date? =NOW()

14. What type of query would you use to delete a group of records that all had the same postcode in a field named Postcode? Delete query

15. What is the default Field Size for a text field? 50

16. Which date format would you choose to display a date as 19-06-01? Short Date

17. How do you hide columns in the datasheet view of a table? Format/Hide Columns from Menu bar.

18. How can you display a customised message to the user if an entry has been typed incorrectly according to validation rules? Type the required message in the Validation Text property.

19. What type of wildcards can be used in queries? * and ?

20. What is the difference between using the AND or OR operator in a query? AND looks for all criteria entered, OR looks for only one criteria entered.

1. A table can be displayed in either Design view or in Datasheet view. T

2. Changes you make in the current record are saved automatically when you move to the next record. T

3. The Replace command cannot distinguish between “Roberts” and “Robertson”. F

4. The Design view in Access is used to add, edit, or delete records. F

5. A text field cannot include numbers. F

6. Telephone number, postcode, and social security number should be defined as text fields. T

7. A person’s last name is often used as a primary key since it guarantees a unique result. F

8. It is not possible to modify a report after it has been created. F

9. You can sort a query on more than one field. T

10. A Delete query deletes one or more records from a table according to designated criteria. T

1. Which of the following is used to answer a question about a database?


2. You have a listing of business contacts. The column containing the contacts’ e-mail addresses is an example of a(n):


3. If you do not select a data type when creating a table, which default data type will Access automatically assign?


4. Which of the following symbols is used to force all characters to uppercase and is used in the Format text box.


5. The primary key in a table is used for which of the following purposes?

Uniquely identifies the record

6. When the Short Date format is used, which of the following entries into the field will cause the date to appear as 25/12/00?


25 Dec 2000

25 December 2000

All of the above.

Operate Computer Hardware


|Ports |The interface or point of attachment an external device has to the |

| |system unit. |

|Hardware |The physical components of the computer system eg keyboard, mouse, |

| |speakers etc. |

|Software |Programs – a series of instructions that tells the hardware what to |

| |do, can also be the interface between the user and the computer |

| |system. |

|Disk Drives |The device that operates (reads & writes) to the floppy, HDD, DVD and |

| |CD ROM. |

|Power Supply |Converts wall outlet AC power into DC power, which is the type of |

| |power required by a computer. |

|CPU |Central Processing Unit – a chip or chips on the mainboard containing |

| |the control unit and the arithmetic/logic unit, that interpret and |

| |carry out the basic instructions that operate a computer. |

|VDU |Visual Display Unit or screen or monitor. |

|Secondary storage |Hardware device used to record and retrieve data and instructions eg |

| |floppy disk, tape, CD |

|Consumables |Items that need to be replaced such as toners, ink cartridges, paper, |

| |blank disks etc. |

|PC |Personal computer – CPU, keyboard, mouse, monitor |

|Peripherals |Hardware devices which are attached to the computer eg printer, |

| |speakers, scanner |

|Specifications |A description of the criteria for the construction, appearance or |

| |performance of a computer system. |

|GUI |Graphical user interface – combines text, graphics and other visual |

| |cues to make software easier to use. |

|The taskbar |Contains the Start button, the clock and currently running tasks. |

|Modem |A communications device that converts a computer’s digital signals to |

| |analog signals so they can be transmitted over standard telephone |

| |lines. |

|Troubleshooting |To locate the cause of trouble and removes, fixes or treats it. |


1. The CPU is an output device. F

2. One Kilobyte equals approximately 1000 characters. T

3. A laser printer is an example of an impact printer. F

4. A pixel is a type of auxiliary storage. F

5. A floppy disk drive is a device that can read from and write to a floppy disk. T


1. What is a computer? An electronic device which stores and processes data. It operates under a set of instructions stored in its memory.

2. Why do we format disks? To prepare it for reading and writing by organising it into tracks and sectors for file storage.

3. Give a brief description of what a computer does with data. It accepts data for processing, storage and output according to instructions by the user and the software.

4. The mouse talks to the computer via what? Electronic circuits which translate the movement of the mouse into signals that are sent to the computer and is physically connected by a serial, Ps2 or USB port.

5. Two other names for a screen are MONITOR and VDU .

6. System software does what? System software controls the operations of the computer and its devices, like an interface between a user and the computer’s hardware. Operating system.

7. An example of application software is: Application software consists of programs designed to perform specific tasks for users. Word processing, spreadsheets etc.

8. What are the computers on a network called? Work stations, nodes, NetPC.

|Advertisement |Components |

|PIII 800 EB |Pentium 3 Processor with a speed of 800 |

| |megahertz (CPU) |

|128 MG PC-133 SD RAM |128 megabytes of synchronous dynamic random |

| |access memory |

|30 GB 7200 HDD |30 gigabyte hard disk drive @7,200 RPM (speed) |

|LS 120 |120 megabyte floppy disk drive – Supa Disk |

|32 MB GF DDR GFX |32 megabyte Ge Force graphics card with double |

| |data rate |

|SB LIVE |Sound blaster live sound card |

|4 x DVD |4 speed digital video disk |

|CDRW, 32, (8 x 4) |32 speed re-write able CD |

|17” NIX GA |17 inch, non-interlaced, extended graphics |

| |array monitor |

|Boston 5.1 SPKRS |5 speakers, 1 woofer |

|$2,499 ONO |Price, or nearest offer |

|DLN 24356 |Dealer Licence Number |

Integrate commercial computing packages

Glossary of terms

|.bmp |Short for bitmap - a collection of small dots known as pixels that are |

| |used to create an image |

|.gif |Graphical Interchange Format – a common format for saving graphic files|

|Chart |A graphical representation of data |

|Export |The process of taking (exporting) data from an application, i.e. a |

| |database, and placing it into another application, i.e. a spreadsheet |

|Formula |An equation that performs operations on worksheet data |

|Function |A predefined formula that performs calculations by using specific |

| |values, called arguments |

|Import |The process of bringing (importing) data into an application which has |

| |been exported from another application |

|Integrate |The process of combining data from multiple applications |

|Mail merge |The process of merging a main document with a data source to produce |

| |form letters |

|Query |The process of asking a question of a database. Queries are used to |

| |view, change, and analyse data in different ways |

|Report |A way of summarising and grouping data which can be formatted as |

| |required |

|Workbook |A spreadsheet file containing one or more worksheets |

|Worksheet |A sheet within a spreadsheet workbook; used for displaying rows and |

| |columns of figures and labels |

|Worksheet tab |The tab at the base of a worksheet, default tab names in Excel are |

| |Sheet1, Sheet2 etc. |

The Integrate commercial computing packages unit is designed to provide students with an opportunity to integrate and demonstrate the skills gained over the duration of the Level II Information Technology course. The unit concentrates on producing workplace documents generated by using at least three commercial software application packages.

On completion of this unit, learners should be able to apply appropriate conversion formats and manipulation of data between commercial application software.

Elements of competency for the unit are as follows:

Access, retrieve, manipulate, import and export data to produce required documents

Determine and use self help.

Communicate In the Workplace


|Active Listening |Responding to what you hear, indicating you are listening. |

|Aggressive |To put others down, only see your point of view, pushy and abusive at |

| |times. |

|Assertive |To be clear and honest when speaking about your feelings and respect |

| |the rights and needs of others without making judgements. |

|Body Language |Movement of the body and facial expressions to communicate. |

|Communicate |Successfully convey an idea from one person to another using some form |

| |of medium – verbal, non verbal. |

|Communication Breakdown|Failure to communicate or be understood for some reason. |

|Compose |To produce or put together an idea, usually written. |

|Empathy |The ability to see things from the other person’s point of view. |

|Feedback |Any reply to a message. |

|Internal Client |Other workers within the same organisation. |

|Interpretation |What the receiver understands from the communication and what they get |

| |from it. |

|Medium |The method or channel you choose to send the message by – verbal, |

| |written, visual, non-verbal. |

|Message |What you want to communicate – an idea, instruction, request, |

| |statement. |

|Non Verbal |Without talking (words) |

|Oral |By way of speaking in words. |

|Passive |When you do not clearly communicate what you think or feel. |

|Pessimists |People who always seem to see the negative side of things. |

|Receiver |The person/s who you want to communicate with. |

|Screening Calls |Listening to the caller and asking questions to establish the purpose |

| |of the call, then make a decision based on this information and the |

| |company policy. |

|Stereotypes |Judging or classifying people into a particular category according to |

| |appearance, behaviour, clothes or a belief. |

In its simplest form communication can be described as a process and demonstrated in the following model:


Simple Model of the Communication Process

Using this model, think about the different types of mediums you can use in your communication to send a message to someone.

- Different kinds of medium:













Body language


Audio tape



1. For any kind of communication to take place, whether it is verbal, non-verbal, written or via computers, there are two main components – what are they? Sender and Receiver.

2. What kinds of ‘hindrances’ can cause bad or poor communication to occur? Noise, poor medium, misunderstanding, personal problems, feeling unwell.

3. How can you tell if someone is listening to you? Body language, head gestures, facial expressions.

4. It is always better to make a SUGGESTION rather than command or order someone to do something.

5. Communication is a TWO WAY process.

6. Besides passive communicators there are two other main types, what are they? Aggressive and Assertive

7. List some of the differences between these main types of communication styles: Aggressive – hurtful, forceful, self-opinionated, commanding; Assertive – Clear and honest, respects the rights of others, requests rather than commands.

|Memorandum | |

|TO |All Helpdesk Staff |

|CC |IT Management Services |

| |Your Name, IT Services Manager |

|FROM |Today’s Date |

|DATE |Questions for Client’s |

|SUBJECT |Your Initials |

|REF | |

| |

|The following questions must be asked when logging a support call from clients. These will |

|enable us to help solve the problem as quickly as possible: |

| |

|Date |

|Time |

|Name of client |

|What section/department/company are they from? |

|What was the user trying to do when the problem occurred? |

|Have they had this problem before? |

|Write down exact wording of any error messages. |

|Which application were they using? |

|Did they try re-booting? |

| |

|Please include all this information on the log sheets provided. |

Telephone technique

1. What are some of the advantages of using telephones? Advantages: Instant response, speak to someone in person over long distance, they can save time, issues can be clarified over the phone – reducing travel time and unnecessary delays.

2. How would you describe correct courtesy and preferred greeting when using the telephone? Courtesy: Respect what the other person has to say, don’t interrupt or cut them off before they are finished. Be polite at all times, even if they are abusive or upset. The success of the conversation relies on this kind of courtesy. Greeting: A pleasant greeting, which will be different depending on whether you are making or receiving the call. It is the first impression and can decide how the remainder of the conversation will go.

3. Briefly list the main points to consider when answering an incoming call? Answer with a greeting such as “Good morning/afternoon”, then identify the name of your company/organisation/department followed by your name and ask, “How may I help you”. If you can not assist then you should be able to direct them to someone who can.

4. Briefly list the main points to consider when making an outgoing call? Outgoing call: You may need to organise some information or questions before making the call – be organised. Identify yourself, ask for the person you wish to speak to or state what you need so you can be directed to the right person, then outline the purpose of the call or ask questions.

5. To ensure effective communication, you must speak CLEARLY, using a PLEASANT tone and speaking at a speed that can be easily UNDERSTOOD.

6. What are two time-wasters that callers are most resentful of? Time-wasters: Waiting for the phone to be answered or being put on hold for a long period especially without someone keeping them informed as to how much longer it might be.

7. List the main steps you should take when preparing to make a telephone call? Preparing: In the workplace in particular, a lot of time can be wasted if you have not prepared what you need before making a call – having all the required information at hand and knowing exactly what you need to say or ask is very important. Write down a series of questions or have a list of specific points in front of you so nothing is overlooked. Taking notes during the conversation so nothing is forgotten – Do not rely on your memory.

8. When concluding a telephone conversation you may have to REPEAT the key points.



We apologise for the delay in delivering the printer cartridges and copy toners your ordered on 25 September.

These items have now come into stock and will be delivered to your office on Friday 5 October.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is any further problem.

Connect Hardware Peripherals

In general Hardware Peripherals can be classified in either internal/external or input/output/storage. Input devices relate to equipment that allows us to put data into the computer system for processing. After the data has been processed there is an output. This is a classical “input-process-output (IPO)” viewpoint about computers. However, the data may be stored, either prior or subsequent to processing, in a storage device. Of course there are devices, especially multi-function, that blur the distinction between these generalised areas of hardware peripherals.

|Glossary |Description |

|CDROM |Compact Disk Read Only Memory – An optical 120mm diameter disk with |

| |650megabytes capacity. It is used to store text, graphics, sound and |

| |video. The digital data is recorded in a spiral from the centre to the |

| |outermost edge |

|CMOS |Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semi-conductor: A low power using memory chip|

| |in personal computers the holds time, date and other critical system |

| |startup information |

|DMA |Direct Memory Access: A method of allowing the peripherals to bypass |

| |the processor and send blocks of data to a secured memory location. |

| |This can speed up data transfer operations enormously. |

|driver |Operating systems and applications use a general system call to operate|

| |hardware devices. The driver is a software routine that translates it |

| |into the specific instructions needed to control the hardware device. |

|DVD |Digital Versatile Disc: 120mm optical disc with a capacity of 4.7 |

| |gigabytes. Expected to replace CDROM. |

|Firewire |A fast (up to 50megabyes per second) serial bus with support for 63 hot|

| |swap, plug and play devices. Has the potential to replace serial, |

| |parallel, IDE and SCSI Hard disk type interfaces. |

|IRQ |Interrupt Request: Hardware devices can gain some processor attention |

| |by sending a signal via the interrupt request line. Early devices |

| |required some knowledge of interrupts to avoid conflicts. Plug and Play|

| |now handles the setup of a new device’s communication channels with the|

| |rest of the system including the IRQ. |

|PS/2 |A 6 pin mini DIN socket on most computers used for the mouse and |

| |keyboard. |

|RS232 |Recommended Standard 232C: now ratified as the EIA-232 standard, which |

| |is used by all dial-up modems. The serial port may be either 25pin or |

| |9pin D shell. |

|USB |Universal Serial Bus: An external peripheral interface with a 12Mb |

| |transfer rate. It supports up to 127 hot swappable, plug and play |

| |devices. It is expected to replace the standard serial and parallel |

| |ports |

Match the port with the description

|The Port |Match |

|[pic] |Monitor |

|[pic] |Bayonet Network Connector |

|[pic] |RJ45 |

|[pic] |Microphone/Speakers |

|[pic] |Firewire |

|[pic] |Power In |

|[pic] |Universal Serial Bus |

|[pic] |PS/2 Mouse |

|[pic] |Joystick / MIDI |

|[pic] |Voltage selector switch |

Install Software Programmes - software maintenance log

It is important to maintain a record of the software maintenance carried out on a computer. There are a number of reasons for this:

• Assists in maintaining software licence control

• Assists in troubleshooting software problems

• Provides a “software history” for the computer

In this activity you are required to design a Software Maintenance Log. The purpose of the log is to record all software installations, upgrades, un-installs and major configuration changes for the workstation you are using.


It is important to maintain a record of the software maintenance carried out on a computer. There are a number of reasons for this:

• Assists in maintaining software licence control

• Assists in troubleshooting software problems

• Provides a “software history” for the computer

In this activity you are required to design a Software Maintenance Log. The purpose of the log is to record all software installations, upgrades, un-installs and major configuration changes for the workstation you are using.

Design a software maintenance log

Design a form to record the installation and modification of software installed on your system. This form should include fields for the following information:

• Details of the system to which log refers

• Location of system

• Details of installation (name of package, version, and any other details eg uninstall, reinstall, new install, upgrade, configuration change)

• Name of Support Person undertaking the work

• Date of installation/modification. You may use the following example as a guide:

|Software Maintenance Log |

|PC Make/Model | |Location | |

|PC Serial No. | | |

| | |

|Date |Software Package and Version|Type of Maintenance*|Name |Signature |

At all times it is important to try to minimise disruption to the client. You should follow organisational guidelines in relation to this. However, at the very least, you should contact the client, organise a time suitable for the install, and advise the client as to the length of time it is likely to take.

There are quite a number of tasks associated with software installation. These can be broken into three categories:

Pre-installation planning:

Call logged to Help Desk

System specification checked

Software licence checked

Software obtained and backed up

Installation and configuration requirements obtained

Installation scheduled with client

Pre-installation system preparation and application testing:

Virus scan run

User data backed up

Critical system files backed up

Startup disk available

Temp and Internet Temp files deleted

Recycle bin emptied

Scandisk run

Disk Defragmenter run

Selection of existing applications tested and output produced

Software installation, configuration and testing:

Software installed in accordance with organisational standard

Software configured according to requirements

Software tested & output produced

Post-installation application testing and documentation:

Existing applications re-tested and output produced

System specification updated

Software licence recorded

Software maintenance log updated

Help Desk call closed

Follow-up call to user

Client acceptance/sign-off

Review questions


1. What is a software licence?

2. What does EULA stand for and what is it?

3. What are the differences between a single-user, multi-user and site licence for software?

4. List 5 effects of using illegal software.

5. When installing software on a client’s workstation, it is important to be aware of the client’s needs. List 6 behaviours that you should exhibit when interacting with the client.

6. Pre-Installation System Preparation and Application Testing are important aspects of the software installation process. List 9 tasks that should be undertaken as part of this process.

7. Why would you run disk defragmenter before installing a software application?

8. You have installed an upgraded version of a software package on a client’s workstation but the package will not work. Will you:

(a) Advise the client there is a problem and make a time to come back and fix it.

(b) Advise the client there is a problem, re-instate the original software from the backup and advise client of the action you intend to take.

(c) Ask the client to locate another machine to use in the interim and take away the machine with the faulty software to fix it.

(d) Stay and fix the problem no matter how long it will take.

9. Before installing a new application, a software support person should advise the client to:

(a) backup all programs.

(b) backup all data files.

(c) compress the hard disk.

(d) printout a directory tree structure of the workstation.

10. What does the term ‘preferred supplier’ mean?


1. A software license allows the purchaser to use the software under certain specified conditions. The license also stipulates what the purchaser may or may not do with the software.

2. End User Licence Agreement. The EULA specifies the conditions under which a purchaser may use the software.

3. Single-User: Software may be loaded on only one machine at a time.

Multi-User: Specified number of licenses (eg 5-user; 10-user licence). May be loaded on a maximum of machines allowed by licence.

Site: Licence that allows loading of the software on any/all machines at one physical location.

4. Increased chance of viruses

No support from manufacturer

No access to upgrades

No manuals

Prospect of prosecution and fines

5. Be diplomatic and polite

Make sure you don’t “talk down” to the client

Always ask before using the client’s telephone

Don’t pile your belongings or tools on top of the client’s things

Make sure you accommodate the client’s urgent business

Protect the confidentiality of the client’s data

6. Scan for viruses

Back up user data

Back up critical system files

Make sure a Start-up disk is available

Delete Temp and Internet Temp files

Empty the Recycle bin

Run Scandisk

Run Defragmenter

Test a selection of existing applications and produce output

7. So that the application is installed into a contiguous block of space on the hard disk.

8. (b) Advise the client there is a problem, re-instate the original software from the backup and advise client of the action you intend to take.

9. (b) backup all data files

10. A preferred supplier is one who has a special relationship with a customer/company. This relationship usually means that the customer will, other things being equal, give the supplier a certain amount of (almost guaranteed) business during the course of a year. In return, the supplier is expected to match certain standards of quality and timeliness.

Maintain System Integrity


|Backup |To copy files to another media as a precautionary |

| |measure, in case the first media fails |

|Boot sector Infectors |Virus that infects the boot sector of a floppy or |

| |hard disk |

|Differential backup |Any files that have changed since the last full |

| |backup, are duplicated |

|Disaster recovery plan |Detailed, written plan describing how an organisation|

| |will restore computer operations, in the event of a |

| |disaster |

|File infectors |Virus that attack and modify program files, usually |

| |.exe and .com files. When the program is run the |

| |virus is executed |

|Full backup |All files in the system, including program files and |

| |data files, are duplicated |

|Incremental backup |Any files that have changed since the last full or |

| |incremental backup, are duplicated |

|Logic bomb |Virus that activates when it detects a certain |

| |condition, e.g., a certain date |

|Macro viruses |Makes use of the built in programming languages in |

| |Microsoft Word and Excel (VBA). A malevolent macro |

| |that duplicate themselves into other documents and |

| |spread just like any other virus once the file has |

| |been opened |

|Polymorphic virus |Virus which modifies its program code every time it |

| |attaches itself to another program file |

|Restore |The process where files are returned from a backup to|

| |their original condition and location |

|Software licence |The terms and conditions under which a piece of |

| |software may be used |

|Trojan Horse |A destructive program that masquerades as a harmless |

| |application. While Trojan Horses do not copy |

| |themselves they can do just as much damage as viruses|

|Virus |A program that is loaded onto your computer without |

| |your knowledge and runs without your consent. Most |

| |viruses can also replicate themselves |

Theory exercise 1

1. List 5 risks to a users computer data.

2. List 6 different types of media that can be used to backup data.

3. How would you determine what the backup requirements of an organization actually are? What factors would you consider? List 5.

4. What are the 3 different types of backup? In your answer explain the difference between them.

5. When you have set up a backup system, you would establish a backup register. What information do you think you would record in this register?

6. What does the term "Retention period" mean?

7. How do "Rotation Systems" work in relation to backups?

8. What is a Disaster Recovery Plan and what factors would you need to consider when creating this Plan?


1. Hardware/Software failure

Unintentional file deletion

File corruption

Malicious software/viruses

Sabotage and Theft

Natural Disaster

2. Tape Drives

Floppy Disks

Hard Disks

Optical Media

Removable Drives

Network Resources

3. How much data is to be backed up?

Are unattended backups possible?

How important is the data?

How long can organisation work efficiently without the data?

How often will backup be carried out?

Who is responsible for ensuring backups are carried out?

Where will backup media be stored?

What backup software will be used?

4. Full Backup - copies all files.

Incremental Backup -copies all files that have changed since the last full or incremental backup.

Differential Backup – copy all files that have changed since the last full backup.

5. Date/Time of backup

Backup Type

Media used

Name of person completing the backup

Location of media

Problems encountered

6. Time period before backup media re-used

Problems with short retention periods, e.g., virus infection of all backup media

7. Media rotation

Retention periods

Protection against media failure

8. Written plan, detailing the steps an organisation will take to restore computer operations in the event of a disaster

Contact details of emergency services and essential organisation personnel

Equipment shutdown procedures

Employee evacuation procedures

System Restore procedures

Return to Normal Operations procedures

Testing of Disaster Recovery Plan

Access The Internet:

1. What is the Internet? A group of networks connected to each other for the purpose of sharing information.

2. What is the WWW? The information available on the Internet in hypertext format.

3. Briefly outline how a modem works. Provides a link between a computer and a phone line by modulating outgoing messages from digital to analog and demodulating incoming messages from analog to digital.

4. What is a packet and what does it contain? A small piece of a message, it contains the address of the recipient and the sender, data, and a checksum.

5. Name two types of browser software. Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

6. Identify the following parts of the URL

protocol - http

host name -

filename - courses.htm

7. List three advantages of the Internet. On-line banking, amount of information, e-mail, chat, research etc.

8. Define the term ‘firewall’. Combination of hardware and/or software used for security purposes.

9. Why are most downloadable files on the Internet compressed? For speedier transmission.

10. List three disadvantages of the Internet. Computer fraud, hackers, security, privacy, piracy, lack of control, anti social etc.

11. What is a search engine? A tool for locating information.

12. What is the difference between a newsgroup and a mailing list? Newsgroup is a forum or discussion group where messages are posted to a central location. Mailing list is where messages are distributed to a large group of people via e-mail.

13. Why would you sometimes use a Search Engine and other times use an FTP or Archie server? Search engine generally used to locate information, Archie used to locate files at anonymous FTP sites.

14. What is a plug-in? A software application that expands a browsers capability.

15. What is a browser and what does it do? A software program that translates and lets you view HTML files.

16. What is a cookie? Small text file that is stored on your computer by Web sites that you visit.

17. Name five examples of search engines. Yahoo, Altavista, Magellan, Infoseek, WebWombat, Netscape, Ask, Excite etc.

18. What needs to be placed around text to instruct a search engine to treat the text as a phrase? Quotation marks.

19. What can you use to create a list of frequently visited web sites? Bookmarks in Netscape, Favourites in Internet Explorer.

20. What is included in the header of an e-mail? Date, Subject, To, From, Reply, Reply All, CC, BCC.


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