Vlookup across multiple worksheets and sum results with formula

Vlookup across multiple worksheets and sum results with formula

In this Excel VLookup Sum Multiple Row Values (in Same Column) Tutorial, you learn how to: Carry out a VLookup; and Sum multiple row values (matches) in the same column. The VLOOKUP sum multiple row values (in same column) formula template/structure you learn in this Tutorial isn't the only way to: Carry out a VLookup; and Sum multiple row values (matches) in the same column. You may (also) be interested in the following alternative formula template/structure: Excel VLookup Sum Multiple Rows and Columns. I link to this Tutorial in the Related Excel Training Materials and Resources Section below. This Excel VLookup Sum Multiple Row Values (in Same Column) Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook with the data and formulas I use when describing the step-by-step process below. Get this example workbook (for free) by clicking the button below. This Excel VLookup Sum Multiple Row Values (in Same Column) Tutorial is part of a more comprehensive series of Excel VLookup Tutorials. My Excel XLOOKUP Tutorial (click here to open) may help you: Better understand and implement the contents below. Better understand the differences between the XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP functions (XLOOKUP vs. VLOOKUP). You can find more Excel Tutorials in the organized Tutorials Archive: Click here to visit the Archives. The following are some of my most popular Excel Tutorials: If you want to learn more about Excel essentials, Excel formulas, and similar Excel topics, you may be interested in taking one (or more) Excel Courses: Click here to learn more about these Excel Courses (affiliate link). The following are some of the topics covered in these Excel Courses: Excel essentials and must-know skills. Advanced Excel Formulas. Excel Tables. Pivot Tables. Dashboards. Power Pivot. Power Query. If you want to start learning how to automate Excel (and save time) by working with macros and VBA, you may be interested in the following Premium Excel Macro and VBA Training Materials: If you need consulting services, you may want to consider working with ExcelRescue. ExcelRescue is my usual suggestion for people who (like you) may need help with Excel tasks/projects: Click here to visit ExcelRescue (affiliate link). The VLookup Sum Multiple Row Values (in Same Column) Formula Template/Structure The following is the VLookup sum multiple row values (in same column) formula template/structure I explain (step-by-step) in the Sections below. 'Source: 'More information: =SUMIF(CriteriaColumn,LookupCriteria,ColumnToSum) The Example Before VLookup Sum Multiple Row Values (in Same Column) This Excel VLookup Sum Multiple Row Values (in Same Column) Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook with the data and formulas I use when describing the step-by-step process below. Get this example workbook (for free) by clicking the button below. The example worksheet has 2 tables/sections with the following characteristics: (1) Table 1 (Cells A7 to H27). The table: With the data. Where you search with the VLookup sum multiple row values (in same column) example formulas. Main characteristics: 4 columns (Salesperson, Units, Unit Price, Total Sales). 1 header row (row 7). 20 entries (rows 8 to 27). (2) Table 2 (Cells F7 to H11). The table: Where you set up the VLookup sum multiple row values (in same column) example formulas. Display the results. This table has the following 3 columns: Header: The values in cells F8 to F11 match Table 1's headers (cells A7 to D7). Value: Cell G8 contains the lookup value. Cells G9 to G11: Are currently empty. Will store the VLookup sum multiple row values (in same column) example formulas. Formula: Cells H9 to H11: Currently display the #N/A error. Will display the VLookup sum multiple row values (in same column) example formulas I enter in cells G9 to G11. Step 1: Call the SUMIF Function Work with the SUMIF function to create a VLookup sum multiple row values (in same column) formula. The SUMIF function: Sums (adds) the cells in a cell range; That meet the criteria you specify. 'Source: 'More information: =SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range) Step 1 Example I: Enter an equal sign; Refer to the SUMIF function; and Include the opening parenthesis. 'Source: 'More information: =SUMIF( Step 2: Specify the Column with the Criteria Specify the first argument of the SUMIF function: range. The range argument is the column (one column, several rows) with the criteria you evaluate to determine the cells to sum (add) with the VLookup sum multiple row values (in same column) formula. This is the column to which the lookup criteria (you specify in step #3) applies. 'Source: 'More information: =SUMIF(CriteriaColumn, Step 2 Example The column with the criteria the VLookup sum multiple row values (in same column) example formulas work with is in cells A8 to A27 ($A$8:$A$27, when using absolute references). 'Source: 'More information: =SUMIF($A$8:$A$27, Step 3: Specify the Lookup Criteria Specify the second argument of the SUMIF function: criteria. This argument determines the cells the SUMIF function sums (adds). In other words: The criteria argument of the SUMIF function is (in the context of a VLookup sum multiple row values (in same column) formula) the rough equivalent of the lookup value (in a VLOOKUP function). You have significant flexibility when specifying the criteria argument. You can (generally) use the following to specify criteria: Numbers. Expressions. Cell references. Text strings. Functions. Your criteria can include (among others) the following: Wildcards (for example, * to match any sequence of characters). Comparison operators (=, =, ) Consider whether you must wrap criteria that includes any of the following in double quotes (""). Text strings ("TextLookupCriteria"). Logical or mathematical symbols (for example, ">LookupCriteria"). 'Source: 'More information: =SUMIF(CriteriaColumn,LookupCriteria, Step 3 Example The lookup value for the VLookup sum multiple row values (in same column) example formulas is stored in cell G8 ($G$8, when using absolute references). 'Source: 'More information: =SUMIF($A$8:$A$27,$G$8, Step 4: Specify the Column with the Values to Sum (Return) Specify the third argument of the SUMIF function: sum_range. The sum_range argument is the column (1 column, several rows) with the values to sum (add). As a general rule: The column you specify as sum_range argument should have the same size and shape as the criteria column (you specify in step #2). 'Source: 'More information: =SUMIF(CriteriaColumn,LookupCriteria,ColumnToSum) sum_range is an optional argument. If you omit the sum_range argument, the SUMIF function sums (adds) the applicable cells inside the criteria column (you specify in step #2). Step 4 Example The columns with the values the VLookup sum multiple row values (in same column) example formulas sum (add) are as follows: Example formula stored in cell G9: Cells B8 to B27 (B$8:B$27, when using mixed references). Example formula stored in cell G10: Cells C8 to C27 (C$8:C$27, when using mixed references). Example formula stored in cell G11: Cells D8 to D27 (D$8:D$27, when using mixed references). 'Source: 'More information: 'Cell G9 =SUMIF($A$8:$A$27,$G$8,B$8:B$27) 'Cell G10 =SUMIF($A$8:$A$27,$G$8,C$8:C$27) 'Cell G11 =SUMIF($A$8:$A$27,$G$8,D$8:D$27) Download the VLookup Sum Multiple Row Values (in Same Column) Example Workbook This Excel VLookup Sum Multiple Row Values (in Same Column) Tutorial is accompanied by an Excel workbook with the data and formulas I use when describing the step-by-step process above. Get this example workbook (for free) by clicking the button below. This Excel VLookup Sum Multiple Row Values (in Same Column) Tutorial is part of a more comprehensive series of Excel VLookup Tutorials. My Excel XLOOKUP Tutorial (click here to open) may help you: Better understand and implement the contents above. Better understand the differences between the XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP functions (XLOOKUP vs. VLOOKUP). You can find more Excel Tutorials in the organized Tutorials Archive: Click here to visit the Archives. The following are some of my most popular Excel Tutorials: If you want to learn more about Excel essentials, Excel formulas, and similar Excel topics, you may be interested in taking one (or more) Excel Courses: Click here to learn more about these Excel Courses (affiliate link). The following are some of the topics covered in these Excel Courses: Excel essentials and must-know skills. Advanced Excel Formulas. Excel Tables. Pivot Tables. Dashboards. Power Pivot. Power Query. If you want to start learning how to automate Excel (and save time) by working with macros and VBA, you may be interested in the following Premium Excel Macro and VBA Training Materials: If you need consulting services, you may want to consider working with ExcelRescue. ExcelRescue is my usual suggestion for people who (like you) may need help with Excel tasks/projects: Click here to visit ExcelRescue (affiliate link).

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