Jet Professional Fast Financials Reference Guide

[Pages:11]Jet Professional Fast Financials Reference Guide

Table of Contents

Prerequisite Knowledge...........................................................................................................................2 GL function...............................................................................................................................................3 Jet Keywords ............................................................................................................................................4 Distributing the Report ............................................................................................................................5 Publishing the Report...............................................................................................................................7 Filter Syntax Worksheet.........................................................................................................................10

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Prerequisite Knowledge

The Jet Professional Fast Financials webinar will take you through the basic functions and prepare you to write reports.

Before beginning, it is important to refresh your basic knowledge about Jet Professional. Below is some basic terminology to keep in mind:

Users of Jet Professional:

Designer - Designers can create, edit and run reports, even reports written by other designers.

Viewer - Viewers have Jet installed on their computers, and can run the reports and refresh the data, but cannot create new functions.

Excel User - An Excel user is anyone who has Excel, but Jet is not installed. Any Excel user can receive a report created using Jet. It will appear as a values only file, showing the data as it was the last time it was run and saved.

Modes of Jet Professional:

Design Mode ? A click on the Design button puts you in Design mode which allows you to create or edit a Jet report. Only designers can get to Design mode.

Report Mode ? To see the results of Jet functions, click the Report or Refresh button. When the report is populated, it is in Report mode. Changes made to a report in Report mode are often not kept when the report is refreshed or put back into Design mode; so be sure changes are only made in Design mode.

Default Data Source and Company ? Depending on your licensing, Jet Professional allows you to create data sources to different databases. The default data source and company are shown in the Jet ribbon. When a report is run, Jet will use the default data source and company to pull data into the report. This can be overwritten in your Jet functions.

Help ? A click on the Help button will show a drop down list where you can:

Active your Jet License. Communicate with other Jet Reports users with the Community forum. Resources opens the Resources page. You can get to our report player here. You can submit a question to Jet's Technical Support. Jet Help will open a Help file.

About ? This will show you the version and build number of Jet Professional currently installed.

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GL function

The GL function is specifically designed for retrieving financial information from the general ledger. The GL function is only available for Microsoft Dynamics NAV or GP data sources; it is not available for Serenic users.

What Determines what the GL Function returns. Options are Balance, Budget, Credits or Debits.

Account G/L Account Number, Filter or Range. If you specify a single totaling account, returns the value of that account. If you specify multiple accounts or a range of accounts, totaling accounts will not be included in the result.

Start Date Specifies the starting date of transactions to include. For the balance of an account as of a given date, leave the Start Date blank. For the net change of an account, use Balance in the What parameter and specify both the Start Date and End Date.

End Date Specifies the ending date of transactions to include.

View The G/L Analysis View to use. Leave this blank and no Analysis View will be used.

Dim1 Filter for the first dimension of the analysis view. If the View argument is blank, this is the filter for Global Dimension 1 Code.

Dim2 Filter for the second dimension of the analysis view. If the View is blank, this is the filter for Global Dimension 2 Code.

Dim3 Filter for the third dimension of the analysis view.

Dim4 Filter for the fourth dimension of the analysis view.

Budget Budget filter. Leave this blank to include all budgets. This is only visible when the What parameter is Budget.

Company Company name. If this parameter is blank, the default company in the Jet ribbon is used. Multiple companies can be filtered using an OR (|) or a wildcard (*) in the argument.

Exclude Close "True" to exclude closing date transactions. Defaults to "False" when left blank.

Data Source Data source name. If this parameter is blank, the default data source in the Jet ribbon is used.

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Jet Keywords

Column A and row 1 are reserved for Jet keywords, and only Jet keywords should appear in these areas. Jet keywords are parameters or command strings that control the output format or option functionality of a report. The reserved areas are hidden in Report mode. A keyword in row 1 controls column for the column in which the keyword is placed. A keyword in column A controls the row in which the keyword is placed. Jet Professional will add Auto+Hide in cell A1 for each active worksheet when the Report button is clicked, or when a function is created using the JFx. A cell in the reserved area may contain multiple keywords. The keywords are separated by a +. +Values +Values added to the Auto+Hide in cell A1 converts the Jet functions to values while all other Excel functions/formulas remain intact. The worksheet is also editable. +Values must appear in at least one worksheet for Jet Viewers or Excel Users to be able to see and use the report. A licensed Designer can restore the Jet functions by entering Design mode; selecting the Design button on the Jet ribbon. +Lock +Lock can be added to the Auto+Hide in cell A1 to lock worksheet. +Lock prevents all users from changing functions, formulas, or formatting while in Report mode. +Lock must be on each worksheet that needs to be locked. The Options sheet should never be locked. Fit Fit dynamically adjusts the column width or row height to accomodate the contents. Hide Hide hides the column or row when in Report mode. The screenshot below shows that columns B, C, E, F and G will be fit to accomodate the column contents. Rows 4, 5 and 8 and column D will be hidden when in Report mode.

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Distributing the Report

Before sharing a report, it is often helpful to test it for functionality, accuracy and formatting, especially if the report will be distributed to Viewers and Excel Users. Simulating Viewer mode in the Application Settings allows Designers to run the report as if they were a Viewer. Application Settings >> Simulate Mode >> Viewer

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Ribbon while Simulating Viewer Mode: While in Viewer Mode, use Report or Refresh to run the report. If +Values has not been added to at least one worksheet, the Viewer will receive the following error message:

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Publishing the Report

The Jet Professional provides the ability to publish your reports to the Jet Web Portal and can be published by Viewers and Designers. In order for both the Excel add-in and the Jet Web Portal to access your data source (NAV, GP, Jet Enterprise Cubes, Jet Data Warehouse, or a Universal connection), the settings for that data source must be defined in the Jet Administration Console and the Jet Professional Excel add-in must be configured to use the Jet Service Tier for accessing those settings. Once the report has been designed with Jet Professional and is ready to share with other users, it is ready to publish. There are two options when uploading reports to the Jet Web Portal. Publishing Reports from Excel Open a report and click the Publish button. You will be presented with dialog box asking for a name for the report. This can be different than the file name. It will also ask for where to place the report. If folders are used within your Web Portal, you may navigate to a specific folder.

Once all the information on this screen is correct, click the Publish button. If a naming conflict is discovered, the Web Portal will ask if you wish to overwrite or create a new report. If you wish to create a new report, you must provide a new report name.

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