Presentation Rubric

Sample project rubric

Adapt as appropriate.

Eliminate some requirements for some student groups or to fit your curriculum.

Always provide a written assignment AND this rubric at the start of the project.

Adjust scoring to achieve the desired total.

Creativity elements may be scored or not.

Student name_________________________________ Date: ______________________

Assignment: Author Poster (created online using GlogsterEDU or offline, printed on paper from a single PowerPoint slide. (Tip: PowerPoint slides can be set to portrait layout from File> page set up.)

|Information |Try again |Fair |Good |Excellent |Your score |

| |(0-3 pts) |(4-6 pts) |(7-10 pts) |(11-15 pts) | |

|Books: Tells or shows what the author wrote and a|We do not learn what |We learn about one book|We learn about most |We learn about all books | |

|little bit about the book(s) |he/she wrote |he/she wrote |books he/she wrote |he/she wrote and extra | |

| | | | |info such as series or | |

| | | | |other kinds of writing | |

|Quotes: Includes 2-3 favorite quotes from the |No quotes included |1 quote included |2 quotes included |3 quotes included | |

|author’s own words or from books | | | | | |

|Pictures: Includes 3 or more pictures of scenes |0-1 pictures, none of |1 picture of the author|2 pictures, including |3 or more pictures, | |

|from books, the author, his/her life, or other |the author | |one of the author |including one of the | |

|images that tell something about the author. | | | |author | |

|(Pictures can be your own drawings!) | | | | | |

|Your ideas: SHOWS and tells some of your ideas |Poster shows/tells |Poster says something |Poster shows/tells us a|Poster shows/tells us | |

|about the author and why his/her work is |nothing about why you |in words about why you |little about why you |details and why you like | |

|important to you |like this author |like the author but |like the author |the author and books | |

| | |does not show it | | | |

|Research/ |Try again (0-3 pts) |Fair (4-6 pts) |Good (7-8 pts) |Excellent |Your score |

|Reference Skills | | | |(9-10 pts) | |

|Creativity Skills | |Working on it |Good (2-3 pts) |Excellent |Your score |

|(FFOE) assign only THREE for a score of 100 | |(1 pt) | |(4-5 pts) | |

|Flexibility: Poster “sells” the author to an | |We can tell the |We can tell who the |We can tell who the | |

|audience other than student readers (Ex. animals,| |audience is supposed to|different audience is, |different audience is, and| |

|parents, aliens, bookstore owners, etc). | |be different, but we |and most words and |all the words and pictures| |

| | |are not sure who it is |pictures fit this |fit this audience | |

| | | |audience | | |

|Originality: Poster uses unusual/unexpected ways | |One or two words or |Some of the pictures or|Your poster uses unusual | |

|to show and tell about the author | |pictures are unusual or|words are unusual or |or unexpected | |

| | |unexpected |unexpected |pictures/words to show and| |

| | | | |tell about the author | |

|Elaboration: Poster has extra details in both | | One or two extra |Some extra details |Many extra details (words | |

|words and pictures that all fit the poster’s | |details (words or |(words and/or pictures)|and pictures) that fit the| |

|“message.” | |pictures) that fit the |that fit the poster’s |poster’s “message.” | |

| | |poster’s “message.” |“message.” | | |

| | | | |Total score | |

| | | | | | |

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