CRM Support:

CRM Support


Create Case

CRM Support

Create Case

Table of Contents

Using E-mail to Create Case 4

Using the ASU Web site 7

Using the 360-Degree View 11

Using the Support View 15

Complete Case Creation 19

Using E-mail to Create Case

Current CRM Support Customers can now create a case just by sending an email. Once configured, your customers can email their question to your group's exchange mailbox and a case will automatically be created in CRM. Requests from recognized email addresses will receive an email confirmation with the Case #. In addition, your customers can include attachments.

If you are currently using CRM and would like this configuration for your support area, please provide the email address used for your customers now along with the mailbox owner and email to initiate the process.

If your group is not currently using CRM Support but would like to, please send an email to .

Overview of Implementation Steps by CRM Dev/Support Team:

1) Setup of ERMS Mailbox in CRM

2) Setup of Group Worklist for ERMS Mailbox & Provider Group assignment

3) Activate Mailbox in Production by Exchange Mailbox Owner/Administrator:

Define rules on Exchange Mailboxes or Public Folders to forward messages to ERMS

Determine if a copy of message needs to remain in the Exchange Mailbox

Details of the Process:

Customers will continue to email the same address they always have but will now receive an email notification that a case has been created for them at the ASU Help Desk. They are provided the case number and a link to manage their case through self-service: .

Provider Group members will receive an email notification informing them that a case has been assigned to their group with the following information:

Customer's name, Case ID, Case Status, Provider Group, Agent (if assigned)

Problem Summary / Problem Description

Category, Type, Detail and Priority

Link to the specific case in CRM

Emailing Attachments:

Attachments can be sent with email and will be saved with a Note on the Case. A link is provided on the Notes Tab. There is currently a maximum attachment size limit of 1MB. If the message is too large, the customer will receive a notification indicating that the email attachment limit was exceeded and therefore wasn't processed. They are asked to resubmit their email with an attachment that does not exceed 1MB or to contact the ASU Help Desk for assistance.

When a Customer's Email Address is Unknown in CRM The case is generated under a default user -General Customer- and assigned to the appropriate Provider Group. The sender's email address is included within the case description so the Agent can follow-up to further identify the customer.

Who is General Customer?

If your Provider Group has been configured to use an ERMS Mailbox, new cases will automatically be created from Emails that customers send to those mailboxes. The auto-created CRM Case will report the customer as General Customer, if the customer sends the Email from an unrecognized address (not in their CRM Customer record). You will need to check the sender's address (which should be the first line in the Case Description) to determine if you have enough information to change the case customer from General Customer to the correct, unique customer.


Once you have determined the specific customer, click the Case tab, and then Search Again in order to select a new customer.



Using the ASU Web site

|Step |Action |

|1 |Go to the ASU Web site . |

Figure 1


|Step |Action |

|2 |Login with your ASURITE userid and password. Click Login. |

Figure 2


Figure 3


|Step |Action |

|3 |Choose Business Unit. |

| |Human Resources is for any problem with employment issues. |

| |University Technology Office for everything else. |

Figure 4


|Step |Action |

|4 |Choose appropriate Category. |

Figure 5


|Step |Action |

|5 |Choose Specialty Type. |

| |This list changes every time you change the Category. |

|6 |Type in the Summary. |

|7 |Type in the Details. |

|9 |Attach a file if necessary. Figure 7. |

|10 |Click Submit |

Figure 6


Figure 7


Using the 360-Degree View

Figure 1

|Step |Action |

|1 |Click the Customer 360-Degree View link. |

NOTE: There are two ways to create a new case.

1. Create a Case Using the Customer 360-Degree View.

2. Create a Case Through the Support Link. (Page 15)

Figure 2

|Step |Action |

|2 |Enter as much information as possible into one more of the search fields (try to use a unique identifier like the ASURITE Id) and click the Search |

| |button to find a given customer. |

Figure 3

|Step |Action |

|3 |Select the appropriate Customer in the Search Results by clicking the Last or First Name link. |

Figure 4

|Step |Action |

|4 |To open a new case, click the Add Case link. Go to Page 19 for step 5. |


1. All available biographical information will be displayed on the 360-Degree View screen.

2. All cases display in the Activities section.

Using the Support View

Figure 1

|Step |Action |

|1 |Click the Support link to begin the procedure. |

NOTE: There are two ways to create a new case.

3. Create a Case Through the Support Link.

4. Create a Case Using the Customer 360-Degree View.

Figure 2

|Step |Action |

|2 |Click the Create Case link to open a new case. |

Figure 3

|Step |Action |

|3 |Enter the desired information into one of the Customer Information fields |

| |and click Search. |

Figure 4

|Step |Action |

|4 |Once the correct customer has been identified, click on the Last or First Name link. |

Complete Case Creation

Figure 5


|Step |Action |

|5 |Enter a Summary of the case (Problem). |

| |Then provide more details about the nature of the case in the Description text box. |

|6 |Enter as much additional information as you know about the case using the drop down menus in the Case Information panel. |

NOTE: There are spell checkers next to each text field indicated by the red arrow.

Figure 6


|Step |Action |

|6 |You can leave the defaults or choose other options. Quick Codes can be set up for commonly entered case scenarios. Quick codes described in another|

| |section. |

NOTE: By default, the field *Business Unit is set to University Technology Office.

By default, the field Case Type is set to Issue.

By default, the field *Status is set to Open – New Case.

Figure 7


|Step |Action |

|7 |The magnifying glass will open a search window. So, you can select the Provider Group. |

| |The Assigned To field allows you to assign a specific person after selecting a Provider Group. You click on the symbol next to the field. |

NOTE: When opening new cases, the Provider Group and Assigned To fields default to the provider group and user creating the case. If the case belongs to another group, you can simply change the values before saving the case.

1. If you are a member of the selected provider group, a case can be assigned to the other members of that provider group.

2. If you are not a member of the selected provider group, the case can only be assigned at the group level.

Figure 8


|Step |Action |

|8 |After clicking on the magnifying glass, you can choose from the list or search for of Provider Groups. |

Figure 9


|Step |Action |

|9 |Now, the Provider Group is selected. You do not have to select a person unless you a specific reason to assign the case to someone. |

Figure 10


NOTE: You can skip over this area. CRM does not have installed products yet. It is coming soon.

Figure 11


|Step |Action |

|11 |Click the Category drop down list and select the appropriate item. Specialty Type will change according to which Category you choose. |

Figure 12

|Step |Action |

|12 |Choose the appropriate Priority. |

Figure 13

|Step |Action |

|13 |Choose the appropriate Impact. |

Figure 14

|Step |Action |

|14 |Choose the appropriate Severity. |

Figure 15

|Step |Action |

|15 |Click the Notes tab to enter notes about the case. |

NOTE: From the Notes screen you can enter additional information so that other technicians can view the history of interactions in the case. Generally, notes are used to record each interaction (i.e., emails, phone calls) with the customer.

Figure 16

|Step |Action |

|16 |Enter relevant information in the Subject and Details text boxes. |

Figure 17

|Step |Action |

|17 |Click the Apply Note button. |

NOTE: It is possible that through your interactions, you may have solved a problem before a case is ever opened for it. Use Notes to record each one of your interactions before saving the case.

Notes cannot be edited once the case is saved.

Click the Apply Note button to record the content of each interaction with the customer before saving the case

Figure 18

NOTE: The note that was just created is displayed under the Notes Summary section.

To record another interaction before saving the case, click the Add Note button.

At this point, the case is ready to save. If not already resolved on the first contact with the customer, saving the case will start the case resolution process.

|Step |Action |

|18 |Click the Save Case button to save the case. |

NOTE: It will automatically be assigned a new case number/ID.

Figure 19

NOTE: The initial save of this case will:

1. Assign the case a number/ID

2. Send an Automated Open Case Receipt to the customer, and

3. If the case has been assigned to another provider group, send an Auto-Notification to the assigned Provider Group.

Figure 20

|Step |Action |

|20 |Click the Summary tab to see a full summary of the case you have just saved. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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