Hosted BlackBerry Service Migration Guide

Hosted BlackBerry® Service

Migration Guide

(Formerly the Hosted BlackBerry Customer On-boarding Guide)


July 2010

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Table of Contents

Introduction 4

Purchasing Hosted BlackBerry Service 4

Preparing for Migration 5

Migrating your BlackBerry devices 6

Additional Resources 9


This document is intended for customer administrators responsible for the setup and migration of BlackBerry® users on Hosted BlackBerryfor Microsoft Exchange Online.

Topics covered in this document are:

• Purchasing the Hosted BlackBerry Service

• Preparing for migration

• Migrating your BlackBerry devices

• Additional resources

Purchasing Hosted BlackBerry Service

Hosted BlackBerry for Microsoft Exchange Online is purchased as an add-on to Exchange Online Standard or the Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) Standard from the Microsoft Online Services Customer Portal.

1. To add Hosted BlackBerry, go to the Customer Portal and log into your account. Go to the Subscriptions tab or click on Manage Subscriptions from the home page.

NOTE: The Hosted BlackBerry Service is not available for free trials of Business Productivity Online Standard (BPOS) Suite or the BPOS Deskless Worker Suite.  Hosted BlackBerry Service may only be added to a BPOS Suite or Exchange Online Standard subscription which you have purchased.


2. Locate the subscription on which you wish to add Hosted BlackBerry licenses. Under the Actions column, select Buy Hosted BlackBerry( from the dropdown and click the Go button.


3. You will be taken to the Shopping Cart. Update the number of Hosted BlackBerry licenses you wish to add and click on Update Total. You will need to acknowledge additional terms and conditions for this service by clicking the checkbox indicated. You can view the terms and conditions through the available link. You can also view your Online Services Agreement from the View Agreement link. When you are ready to proceed, click on the Checkout button.


4. You will need to set up the payment mechanism (Credit Card or Invoice) to use with the Hosted BlackBerry subscriptions. Follow the screens to complete the purchase process and receive confirmation of your Hosted BlackBerry licences.

Preparing for Migration

1. Make sure all your users are on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) plan with your wireless carrier, and not the personal BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) plan.

2. Make sure all your BlackBerries are activated by the wireless carriers, in working order, and have ample data connectivity. (Enough signal bars on the smartphone device)

3. Assign Exchange Online or Business Productivity Online Suite licenses for each of your BlackBerry users in the Microsoft Online Administrator Portal. BlackBerry users must have an Exchange account before Microsoft Online Services can provision them a Hosted Blackberry Service account.

4. If the devices are currently attached to your local BES, or any other hosted BES service, please disassociate them from that BES prior to performing the Blackberry activation with Microsoft Online. BlackBerries cannot be attached to multiple BES. Please allow a few hours to propagate through the carrier infrastructure after disassociation. You cannot migrate BlackBerry devices if they are already attached to another BES.

5. Have the users sign into their Exchange Online account to verify that they can access their Email through either Outlook 2007 or Outlook Web Access.

Migrating your BlackBerry devices

1. Go to the Microsoft Online Services Administration Center and login. On the Services Settings tab, click on the Administer BlackBerry service link at the bottom. You will need to login again usng the same credentials as the main Administration Center.


2. The main page of Hosted BlackBerry Administration Center will provide an overview of the total number of licenses that have been purchased, and the number that have been assigned to specific Exchange users.


3. Click on the User List tab and you’ll be presented with three view options:

• The Exchange licensed users view

• The Hosted BlackBerry users view

• The Hosted BlackBerry users (detailed) view

The Exchange licensed users view shows all Exchange users who have not been converted to a BlackBerry license. From this view you can convert an Exchange Online user to a Hosted BlackBerry user. Once a user is converted, they will no longer show up in this view but will appear in one of the user views.

The Hosted BlackBerry users view shows all users who have been assigned a BlackBerry device. From this view you can remove a license from a user, reset a device’s activation password, or wipe a device.

The Hosted BlackBerry users (detailed) view shows the same list of users as the Hosted BlackBerry users view, but it also shows whether a device has been assigned to each user, whether the device has been activated, and the last time each device was used. In this view, you can remove a Hosted BlackBerry license from a user, reset a device activation password, or wipe a device. If the number of users exceeds 250, the paging buttons allow you to page across the users.


4. Select the Exchange licensed users view with a list of Exchange users available to convert to BlackBerry subscriptions. Select the users and select the Action to Convert to Hosted BlackBerry. You will be walked through a series of steps to convert the license.

NOTE: We highly recommend that you do a pilot migration with one BlackBerry user and verify the activation and functionality of the device prior to migrating the remaining users.


5. Select the activation password and assign a password security policy. The system will assign Hosted BlackBerry licenses to each of the selected users. A confirmation screen will appear and an Enterprise Activation will be sent to the devices.

NOTE: The Enterprise Activation will perform a complete device wipe of all information on the BlackBerry devices and then synchronize with the user’s Exchange Online account.

6. The activation status of devices can be checked in the Hosted BlackBerry users (detailed) view and if an issue arises, a new activation can be initiated through the Action Reset activation password.

NOTE: Users will have 7 days to activate their device before the activation passwords expire and require a new activation password.


7. Additional actions that can be performed are Wipe BlackBerry device and Remove Hosted BlackBerry license.

Wipe BlackBerry device deletes all user information and application data remotely

that a BlackBerry device stores and deactivates it. You can use this command to prepare a BlackBerry device to assign it to another user in your organization or to protect a stolen BlackBerry device. A device that has been wiped must be reactivated through Reset activation password.

Remove Hosted BlackBerry license removes the license for a specific user if a user no longer needs a BlackBerry device. The license assigned to that user then becomes available for someone else to use. You will also want to wipe the device so that the data on the device cannot be accessed by the next user.

Additional Resources

Mobility Solutions Description

For a description of all mobile device services available.

• Microsoft Online Services TechCenter

At this Microsoft TechNet site you will find detailed information about Microsoft Online Services and step-by-step instructions about how to set up and configure service features.

• Microsoft Online Services Blog

Read the latest posts from service team members and stay up to date on new developments.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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