1 - Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland

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| |2.00pm Wednesday 16th September 2015 | |

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| |Name (inc. title) |Job Title |Employing Organisation | |

| | | | | |

| |

|1c. |CORRESPONDANCE DETAILS (Chief Investigator) |

| |

| |Department | | |

| |Address | | |

| | | | |

| |Postcode | | |

| |

| |Telephone (work) |

| |Mobile |No. | | |

| | |

| |E-mail | | |

| |


| |Name (inc. title) |Job Title |Employing Organisation | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |

| |Please provide a current CV for the Chief Investigator and all Co-Investigators using Appendix 1 | |

| |


| |Public / lay title of Knowledge | | |

| |Exchange Project | | |

| |

| |

| |Total Funding Requested from HSC R&D |£ |(limit £100,000) |

| |Division | | |

| |

| |

| |Summary of your project in plain English. | |

| |(Include: the ‘problem/need’; the knowledge exchange objective(s); and the likely impact of the project) | |

| | | |

| |use Arial font size 11pt & single line spacing, adhere to any word limits, do not extend existing text entry boxes | |


| |Tell us about the research which underpins this knowledge exchange. Summarise the key findings from this research with reference to the |

| |most relevant research outputs. |

| | | |

| |use Arial font size 11pt & single line spacing, adhere to any word limits, do not extend existing text entry boxes | |

|4. |KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE PLAN (page 1 of 3) |

| |Include the problem/need, the proposed solution, the methodology (inc. the theoretical foundations for research implementation), the | |

| |expected impact, the evaluation plan and the timetable. | |

| | | |

| |use Arial font size 11pt & single line spacing, adhere to any word limits, do not extend existing text entry boxes | |

NB. Text will not automatically spill over onto the next page. Ensure that each page is completed separately

|4. |KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE PLAN (page 2 of 3) |

| | | |

| | | |

| |use Arial font size 11pt & single line spacing, adhere to any word limits, do not extend existing text entry boxes | |

NB. Text will not automatically spill over onto the next page. Ensure that each page is completed separately

|4. |KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE PLAN (page 3 of 3) |

| | | |

| | | |

| |use Arial font size 11pt & single line spacing, adhere to any word limits, do not extend existing text entry boxes | |

NB. Text will not automatically spill over onto the next page. Ensure that each page is completed separately

|4. |REFERENCES (page 1 of 1) |

| | | |

| | | |

| |use Arial font size 11pt & single line spacing, adhere to any word limits, do not extend existing text entry boxes | |

---Please duplicate this page if you need to add additional space for references---


| |Include detail on: the role of the knowledge exchange team in generating the underpinning research; the team’s experience in knowledge |

| |exchange/management; how/what each member contributes to the project; and any wider engagement included in the programme. |

| | | |

|use Arial font size 11pt & single line spacing, adhere to any word limits, do not extend existing text entry boxes |


| |Describe how the knowledge exchange will be sustained and/or any potential issues that might affect wider implementation. Comment on how |

| |the project aligns with HSC strategy or commissioning priorities. |

| | | |

| |use Arial font size 11pt & single line spacing, adhere to any word limits, do not extend existing text entry boxes | |


| |Describe how service users and the public, including from appropriate groups, have been involved in identifying the knowledge exchange| |

| |topic and/or in preparing this application. | |

| | | |

| |Describe how service users and the public will be involved as partners in the proposed knowledge exchange project. Highlight the | |

| |benefits of this involvement. Justify the level of/approach to this involvement. | |

| | | |

| |Describe how you aim to incorporate PPI in the reporting/dissemination of the project. | |

| | | |

|use Arial font size 11pt & single line spacing, adhere to any word limits, do not extend existing text entry boxes |


| |Provide a summary of the overall cost by organisation. Detailed costing will be required at the full application stage. All organisations|

| |listed under the co-investigators must be included here. If there are no associated costs with a particular organisation please list them |

| |here with zero cost. |

| |Host Organisation |Description of costs |Total (£) | |

|1 | | | | |

| |Other Organisations |Description of costs |Total (£) | |

|2 | | | | |

|3 | | | | |

|4 | | | | |

|5 | | | | |

|6 | | | | |

| |Total | | |

| | |


| |Provide detailed justification for the costs identified in Section 8. Include justification of any organisations involved but where there |

| |are no associated costs. |

| | | |

|use Arial font size 11pt & single line spacing, adhere to any word limits, do not extend existing text entry boxes |


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| |“I declare that the information on this application form and any other information given in support of this application is correct to | |

| |the best of my belief. I declare that all the signatures (original or electronic) contained within this applicant are valid and have | |

| |full approval” | |

| |

|Full Name | | |

| |

|Original Signature | |Date | | |

| |


| |“As Designated Officer (e.g. Head of Department, Director of Research, CEO, Research Office Manager) I approve the details contained in | |

| |this outline proposal. I confirm that I have read the application and that, if awarded, the work will be accommodated in the named Host | |

| |Organisation, the applicant will be supported and the terms & conditions of the award upheld.” | |

| |

|Full Name | | |

| |

|Position | | |

| |

|Organisation Name | | |

| |

|Original Signature | |Date | | |

| |

| |Please return completed application and copies to: | |

| | | |

| |HSC Knowledge Exchange Scheme | |

| |HSC R&D Division | |

| |Public Health Agency | |

| |12-22 Linenhall Street | |

| |BELFAST | |

| |BT2 8BS | |

| |

| |CHECK LIST Please ensure you have enclosed the following: |

| | |One signed original application |

| | |

| | |One copy of the current CV for each member of the Knowledge Exchange Team |

| | |

| |

Appendix 1

CURRICULUM VITAE OF APPLICANT (a CV must be included for each applicant. CVs must be completed using Arial font size 11 or greater and must not exceed 3 pages)

|1. Surname |Forename(s) |

| | |

|2. Degree, etc |Degree |Class |University |Date |

|Subject | | | | |

|3. Current post held (please identify tenure and source of funding) |

|4. Previous posts held (with dates) |

|5. Recent publications (including papers in press) |

|6. Recent grants awarded (including your role (Chief-Investigator, Co-Investigator etc.), awarding body, dates of tenure, grant total and |

|proportion awarded to you) |


HSC Research and Development

2015 Knowledge Exchange Scheme

“Improving the Impact of Research”

Outline Application Form

June 2015

(Version 1.1)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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