IFRC Project proposal format.PDF


|Implementing Host National Society: PAKISTAN RED CRESCENT SOCIETY |

| |

|Number of people to be reached: |Budget total: |

|Approximately 80,000 people |CHF : 4,298,783 |

1. Executive Summary

The IFRC has had representation in Pakistan since the early 70s. The mission is “to promote and implement the spirit of the IFRC’s Strategy 2020 and the Movement’s Fundamental Principles by providing coordination, support and services to the Movement partners in-country, the IFRC membership, and other stakeholders in providing support to Pakistan Red Crescent Society’s (PRCS) to realize its vision and mission”. The work of the PRCS is directed by its five years Strategic Plan (2011-2015), whilst the IFRC provides technical support and coordination in implementation of programmes according to the Secretariat’s mandate to its membership.

The general humanitarian situation is characterized by the following indicators;

• Life expectancy stands at 64 years;

• The infant mortality rate of 67.36 per 1,000 live births (2010) is higher than average for low-income countries and South Asia;

• Women of reproductive ages constitute 24 per cent of the total population and the maternal mortality rate (MMR) ranges from 350 to 400 per 100,000 live births;

• An estimated 23 per cent of the population is living below the poverty line;

• Rural-to-urban migration has resulted in the uneven growth of urban centres in Pakistan. Changes in consumption patterns, lifestyles, and demand for better services has led to increased pressure on natural resources;

• Agriculture and livestock remain the main sources of income for many at risk in flood and drought prone areas of Pakistan.

In the last several years, disasters such as the 2005 earthquake, 2007 Cyclone Yemyin/floods, 2008 Baluchistan earthquake, 2009 humanitarian assistance for internally displaced people, 2010 and 2011 monsoon flash floods and other smaller incidents have necessitated a significant IFRC presence in support of the PRCS operations.

Recently and in the foreseeable future, the IFRC Country Office’s programmes focus shifts from emergency to recovery and from recovery to long-term development. The size, structure and technical capacity of the Country Office will be reorganized to meet the evolving needs aimed at effectively supporting developmental and sustainable capacity building of the National Society and the communities it serves. The re-occurrence of devastating disasters such floods, healthy rains, earthquakes with overwhelming effect on livelihoods, infrastructure, crops and livestock perpetuated the shift in focus in order to strengthen preparedness and resilience of communities at risk. At the same time, the needs of hundreds thousands of families affected by previous disasters will be addressed through recovery and long-term development projects in some prioritized regions. At national level, the IFRC will support PRCS leadership in profiling and raising the standards, credibility and service delivery of the National society. Provincial branch level structures will be strengthened through structured training, field visits and coaching of PRCS counterparts.

The IFRC Pakistan Country office will be restructured in line with technical programme areas of disaster management (DM), health and care, National Society Development (NSD), humanitarian diplomacy (HD), planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting (PMER), and support services; finance, logistic, administration and human resources. The operation plan for 2012 is therefore designed to set the foundation for this developmental work in a sustainable manner. The remaining recovery or long-term activities from operations such as the Earthquake and Floods of 2010 and 2011 will be incorporated into this plan of action, to ensure effective coordination and greater impact. The IFRC Pakistan Country Office will strengthen coordination with Partner National Societies, the ICRC and other relevant agencies in supporting the programmes of the National Society. With the new leadership at the PRCS headquarters and IFRC Country Office, we envisage a revision of the plan of action in early 2012 to align to new strategies and arising needs.

2. The Operation

Business Line 1 – “To raise humanitarian standards”

• PRCS has just changed chairperson and secretary general, therefore the establishment of new leadership is urgent and IFRC will support its process.

• PRCS is seeking a sustainable organisation based upon well-trained core staff, hence IFRC continues training and coaching of the core staff members, management and governance.

|Objectives |Project Code |Targets for 2012 |

|Outcome 1 Qualifications and competences of leadership and staff improved to establish a sustainable organization for Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) |

|Output 1.1 |PPK017 |PRCS senior staffs attend Leadership training by IFRC by |

|PRCS senior managers access training and gain knowledge of management and | |end of 2012 |

|good governance | | |

|(SG 1.4) | | |

|Output 1.2 |PPK017 |70% of PRCS core staffs receive on the job training from |

|PRCS core staffs develop skills relevant to their sector based on the | |IFRC counterparts by end of 2012 |

|identified staff development needs | | |

|(SG 1.4) | | |

Business Line 2 – “To grow Red Cross Red Crescent services for vulnerable people”

• In recent years the PRCS has been required to respond to frequent disasters of increasing magnitude and complexity. Given the expansion of activities and development of PRCS disaster management capacities, and the considerable on-going needs and risk of disasters, IFRC continuously supports Disaster Preparedness and Strengthening community resilience.

|Objectives |Project Code |Targets for 2012 |

|Outcome 1 (Organizational Disaster Preparedness): PRCS has strengthened and sustainable capacities to respond to, and help communities recover from disasters|

|and crisis |

|Output 1.1 PRCS has demonstrably efficient and effective standard |PPK015 |Developed /revised disaster preparedness and response |

|operating procedures, guidelines, systems, management processes (including| |plans by the third quarters of 2012. |

|for volunteers), and response/contingency plans in place and operational | |Update contingency plan at NHQ level by the end of 2012 |

|(SG 2.1) | |Develop contingency plans at Provincial branch level by |

| | |the end of 2012 |

| | |Conduct pre-disaster meetings and signing pre-disaster |

| | |agreements by the third quarters of 2012 |

| | |Finalise the SOPs for disaster Response Teams (DRTs) at |

| | |each level by the end of 2012 |

| | |Orient DRTs on SOPs by the third quarters of 2012 |

| | |Develop national staff security guidelines for disaster |

| | |response by the third quarters of 2012 |

| | |Develop DRT training modules for all levels (national, |

| | |provinces and districts) by the end of 2012 |

| | |Finalize and print of standardised DRT modules by the |

| | |third quarters of 2012 |

|Output 1.2 |PPK015 |Conduct disaster response team’s trainings; one national,|

|PRCS has appropriately skilled and sufficient human resources and | |six provincial and six district level by the end of 2012 |

|available at all levels of National Society for disaster response (SG 2.1)| |One SPHERE training at national level by the second |

| | |quarters of 2012 |

| | |One contingency planning training at national level by |

| | |the third quarters of 2012 |

| | |Conduct one First Aid trainings for DRTs at national |

| | |level by the third quarters of 2012 |

| | |Conduct emergency assessment and reporting trainings; one|

| | |national and two provincial levels by the third quarters |

| | |of 2012 |

| | |Conduct two Code of Conduct training for volunteers by |

| | |the third quarters of 2012 |

| | |Maintain data base of DR trained staff and volunteers by |

| | |the third quarter of 2012 |

|Output 1.3 |PPK015 |Identify warehouse at national, provinces and DM cell |

|PRCS has appropriate logistical equipment and pre-positioned materials | |levels by the end of 2012 |

|available at all levels of National Society for disaster response | |Maintain DP stocks at warehouses by the end of 2012 |

|(SG 2.2) | |Maintain and update procurement procedures and framework |

| | |agreements with suppliers and transporters by the end of |

| | |2012 |

|Outcome 2 (Strengthening community resilience): PRCS has strengthened and sustainable capacities to implement community-based disaster risk reduction (CBDRR)|

|approaches that increase the resilience of vulnerable communities to risks posed by hazards and climate change |

|Output 2.1 |PPK015 |Revise PRCS DM Strategy and Policy by the end of 2012 |

|PRCS has demonstrably efficient and effective procedures, guidelines, | |Develop PRCS DRR framework with incorporated climate |

|systems, management processes, tools and plans in place and operational | |change adaptation by the end of 2012 |

|for achieving quality impact in CBDRR | |Develop School safety kit and modules for school children|

|(SG 2.1) | |by the end of 2012 |

| | |Translate VCA tool box into Urdu by the third quarters of|

| | |2012 |

| | |Conduct bi-annual National DMWG meetings by the third |

| | |quarters of 2012 |

|Output 2.2 |PPK015 |National level VCA training by the third quarters of 2012|

|PRCS has appropriately skilled and sufficient human resources, which are | |National level DRR advocacy training by the third |

|available at headquarter and branch levels for CBDRR implementation and at| |quarters of 2012 |

|headquarter and branch level to technically support and manage CBDRR | |National level CBDRR training contextualised CBDRR module|

|programming (SG 2.1) | |by the third quarters of 2012 |

| | |Climate change adaptation training at national level by |

| | |the third quarters of 2012 |

|Output 2.3 |PPK015 |Commemorate World Disaster day at national and provincial|

|PRCS has effectively advocated for DRR at national and provincial levels | |level by the end of 2012 |

|(SG 2.1) | |Launch World Disaster Report at national level by the end|

| | |of 2012 |

| | |DRR poster competition for school children at national |

| | |and provincial level by the end of 2012 |

| | |Meetings with national and provincial level DRR forums by|

| | |the end of 2012 |

| | |Develop, translate, print and disseminate of DRR material|

| | |by the end of 2012 |

|Output 2.4 |PPK015 |Identify one most vulnerable community at each DM Cell |

|PRCS has appropriately managed and effectively implemented CBDRR programs | |level by the third quarter of 2012 |

|at least in one community at each DM Cell level (SG 2.1) | |Form community mobilisation and village committee (VC) in|

| | |the identified communities by the third quarter of 2012 |

| | |Conduct VCA in the identified communities at each DM cell|

| | |by the end of 2012 |

| | |Conduct CBDRR training for village committees by the end |

| | |of 2012 |

| | |Design disaster awareness campaign at community level by |

| | |the end of 2012 |

|Outcome 3 (Reconstruction programme): Targeted communities affected by the earthquake gain access to health, educational and community services via the |

|reconstruction of destroyed public health, education and community buildings |

|Output 3.1 | |Supervise four reconstruction buildings and utilise them |

|Four reconstruction buildings are completed and utilized (SG 2.1) | |by the end of 2012 |

Business Line 3 – “To strengthen the specific Red Cross Red Crescent contribution to development”

• The PRCS Health and Care Programme aims to contribute to the reduction of mortality, morbidity, injuries, psychological and physical impacts from diseases, disasters and public health emergencies. The major focus for service delivery is through “primary health care” and following the principles of ‘community-based’ and ‘integrated service delivery’ approaches. IFRC supports the programme according to this principle.

• PRCS views National Society Development/Organisational Development (OD) as the process through which an organisation develops the internal capacity to implement its activities most efficiently and effectively in order to sustain itself over a long period. The IFRC will support Branch Development, Well-functioning organisation and Leadership and Management development.

• During the last few years, PRCS Youth and Volunteer Department has made credible development in formulating Youth and Volunteer Policy, strategy, Code of Conduct and manual of instructions. Necessary steps have been taken to harmonise working of all programmes towards building human resources by strengthening communities through recruitment of volunteers, their training and retention.

|Objectives |Project Code |Targets for 2012 |

|Outcome 1 (Primary Health Care): Improved primary health care services to reduce mortality and morbidity of vulnerable communities |

|Output 1.1 |PPK016 |Eight health facilities (seven BHUs and one MHU) are |

|PRCS implement integrated health and care services to address health | |fully functional and integrated in the district health |

|inequities with special focus to women and children (SG 3.2) | |care delivery system in 2012 |

|Output 1.2 |PPK016 |Print and approve PRCS SoPs for Health Facility |

|Standardization of services across all PRCS health facilities (SG 3.2) | |Management by second quarter |

| | |Orient all functional BHUs on the SOPs through field |

| | |level training |

|Outcome 2 (CBHFA): Improved health status of vulnerable communities by provision of community-based health and First Aid services |

|Output 2.1 |PPK016 |Train CBHFA coaches and volunteers in targeted areas |

|PRCS has improved capacity on CBHFA programmes towards healthy | |ensuring they are active and recognised by district |

|communities, which are able to cope with health and disaster challenges | |health units. |

|(SG 3.1) | | |

|Output 2.2 |PPK016 |Standardize, approve and facilitate accreditation of the |

|PRCS provides First Aid services with particular emphasis on harmonization| |PRCS FA Services |

|of material and accreditation (SG 3.1) | |Disseminate the FA material to all targeted PRCS Branches|

| | |Commemorate the World FA Day through campaign activities |

|Outcome 3 (VNRBD): Strengthened and expanded donor recruitment by creating enabling environment for voluntary non remunerated blood donation services |

|(VNRBD) |

|Output 3.1 |PPK016 |Sign of MOU with Federal Directorate of Education by the |

|PRCS working on specific campaigns to increase pool of voluntary | |second quarters of 2012 |

|non-remunerated blood donors (VNRBD) (SG3.4) | |Officially launch the Blood Donor Club (NHQ) with 50 |

| | |members at initial stages by the end of 2012 |

| | |Expand Society for Awareness on Blood Safety (SABS) |

| | |program, including hiring of 2 educators, 1 driver, |

| | |procurement of Vehicle, POL and all other materials by |

| | |the end of 2012 |

|Output 3.2 |PPK016 |Develop Donor Recruitment Policy and projects by the |

|Donor recruitment policy developed and endorsed. (SG 3.4) | |third quarters of 2012. |

| | |Restructure and strength donor recruitment programme, |

| | |recruitment of (Recruiters =2, Technicians = 2, |

| | |Haematologist=01) at BDC – NHQ the end of 2012 |

| | |Conduct workshop for new donor recruitment policy and |

| | |plan by the end of 2012 |

|Outcome 4 (HIV and AIDS): Strengthened PRCS capacities to deliver and sustain scaled-up HIV programme to reduce the spread of epidemic |

|Output 4.1 |PPK016 |Conduct four training meetings on positive prevention and|

|Prevented further HIV infection through social mobilization and community | |coordination meeting by the third quarters of 2012 |

|awareness | |Empower PLHIV with personal protection and negotiation |

|(SG 3.5) | |skills and supply of commodities through on-going series |

| | |of counselling sessions (10 Sessions) by the end of 2012 |

|Output 4.2 |PPK016 |Sign MOU and partnership with networks/associations of |

|Reduced stigma and discrimination and expanded care and support of PLHIV | |PLHIV by the third quarters of 2012 |

|and their families | |Develop, adopt and implement PRCS Work Place Policy |

|(SG 3.2) | |(Including Printing/Publishing) by the end of 2012 |

| | |Provide PLHIVs Social Support (in access to treatment, |

| | |livelihood, school fees etc) by the second quarters of |

| | |2012 |

| | |Get a membership of PHLIV in PRCS steering/advisory |

| | |committee by the end of 2012 |

|Outcome 5 (Health Emergencies): Improved capacity of PRCS in dealing with health emergencies |

|Output 5.1 |PPK016 |Train 30 PRCS staff members and volunteers on emergency |

|Capacity of PRCS to respond to disasters and basic health needs in | |health including health care in danger by the end of 2012|

|emergencies is increased (SG 3.3) | |Strategically position 5 ERU-BHCs in the provinces by the|

| | |end of 2012 |

| | |Develop guidelines for deployment of medical teams in |

| | |emergencies by the end of 2012 |

| | |Proceed capacity building of staff in dealing with |

| | |epidemics/outbreaks by the second quarters of 2012 |

|Outcome 6 (PSP): Strengthened facilitation of resilience within vulnerable communities by provision of psychosocial interventions and establishment of |

|referral system |

|Output 6.1 |PPK016 |By the end of 2012, policy and programme guidelines for |

|Psychosocial support guidelines and policy developed and endorsed at | |branch implementation are approved |

|national level | | |

|(SG 3.1) | | |

|Output 6.2 |PPK016 |Hold a PSP Policy development workshop by the third |

|Psychosocial component is integrated in planning, implementation and | |quarter of 2012 |

|monitoring evaluation of all PRCS related programmes (SG 3.1) | |Hold a regional meeting for PSP by the end of 2012 |

|Outcome 7 (Branch Development): PRCS branch structures strengthened and broadened to support PRCS execute and achieve its mission and vision |

|Output 7.1 |PPK017 |Standardised BD Capacity and Needs Assessment Framework |

|The National Society’s branch structures are reactivated and procedures | |endorsed by ODWG |

|established to measurably improve service delivery to communities (SG 3.1,| |Branch Development (including RM) plans in place in at |

|3.3) | |least 4 provinces, and 10 target districts by end 2012 |

| | |OD Focal Points identified in all provinces by July 2012 |

| | |BD CNA Framework in use in at least 4 provinces by end |

| | |2012 |

|Outcome 8 Well-functioning organization: PRCS has improved capacity to implement coordinated OD processes that ensure quality service delivery to the |

|vulnerable people based on the tenets of a WFNS |

|Output 8.1 |PPK017 |Revise, unify and approve Constitution by end of 2012 |

|PRCS has developed key elements of a consolidated legal framework to | | |

|deliver services efficiently, including the adoption of a new Constitution| | |

|(SG 3.3) | | |

|Output 8.2 |PPK017 |Resource mobilised from at least two new sources 2012 |

|Sustainable resource-mobilization capacity developed including through | |Increase the proportion of core operating support from |

|strengthened partnerships (SG 3.3) | |sustainable domestic sources (vs. external project |

| | |funding) by at least 20% by end 2012 |

| | |Develop resource mobilisation plan as part of BD Plan in |

| | |at least 4 provinces, and 10 target districts by end 2012|

| | |Harmonised support mapped in PRCS two year plan of action|

| | |in 2012 |

|Output 8.3 |PPK017 |Hold Movement coordination meetings once a month |

|Regular coordination mechanism(s) with Movement partners is/are | |Conduct training of Movement Coordination among Movement |

|established and effectively utilized, supporting strengthening of | |partners by the end of 2012 |

|integrated programming approach in all PRCS programme areas (SG 3.3) | |DM, Health and OD working groups meets regularly with |

| | |PRCS and partners |

|Output 8.4 Standardized planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting at |PPK017 |Establish offices and recruit staff ( 1 x DD, 1 x |

|all levels ensure transparent and effective programme performance and | |Assistant at NHQ, and 7 staff at PHQs) by the second |

|accountability (SG 1.3, 3.3) | |quarters of 2012 |

| | |PMER working group established and functional by the |

| | |first quarters of 2012 |

| | |Develop monitoring and evaluation system for PRCS |

| | |Conduct PMER workshops (national 1, province 3) by the |

| | |end of 2012 |

| | |PMER IFRC/NHQ staff participate in development training |

| | |as per need |

| | |Harmonised support plan is completed by end of 2012 |

|Output 8.5 |PPK017 |Finalise the implementation of SAP accounting software at|

|Improved financial management at headquarters and branch levels through a | |Sindh and KPK Provincial branches |

|standardized system and operating financial procedures to ensure accurate | |Expedite the implementation of SAP accounting software at|

|recording, processing, analyses, verification, reporting of financial data| |Punjab and Baluchistan Provincial branches |

|(SG 3.3) | |Start implementation SAP compatible accounting at 20 |

| | |district branches |

| | |Facilitate data entry for 2012 and its reporting |

| | |Develop training material to improve and timely financial|

| | |management and reporting |

| | |Facilitate implementation of finance manual at the NHQ, |

| | |provincial and district branches |

| | |Review current finance structure at NHQ and provincial |

| | |branch levels |

| | |Organise training for finance and programme managers at |

| | |the NHQ and provincial branch levels by the end of 2012. |

| | |Facilitate internal and external audits at NHQ and |

| | |provincial branch levels |

| | |Facilitate monthly finance review meeting at all levels |

|Output 8.6 |PPK017 |Integrated programme approach is reflected in mid-term SP|

|Integrated programme approach is mainstreamed for more effective | |review |

|service-delivery in all programme areas (SG 3.3) | |Health-DM-OD management coordination mechanism is |

| | |established by end 2012 |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Outcome 9 Leadership and Management development: NS leadership (governance and management) have functional and strengthened structures and capacity for |

|optimal organizational performance and accountability, including the widely sharing and operationalisation strategy 2015 |

|Output 9.1 |PPK017 |Indentify NSD/OD focal points in each PHQ by end of 2012 |

|Organizational systems, structures and procedures are standardized and | |Finalise draft/ existing policies, procedures, guidelines|

|implemented at all levels enabling PRCS to carry out humanitarian | |used at provincial level by end of 2012 |

|activities more effectively and efficiently (SG 3.3) | | |

|Output 9.2 |PPK017 |Complete phase 1 of the Training Needs Assessment (TNA) |

|Capacity, motivation, commitment, performance, retention and efficiency of| |by end of 2012 |

|staff are enhanced as a result of strengthening human resource management,| |Conduct one training activity for PRCS staff in priority |

|to deliver effective and relevant services (SG 3.3) | |areas identified through the TNA |

|Outcome 10 (Volunteer and Youth development): PRCS develop and sustain a motivated, organized and well-trained youth and volunteer corps, representing all |

|segments of society effectively and efficiently participating in PRCS programmes and operations |

|Output 10.1 |PPK017 |Recruit youth and volunteer (Y&V) coordinators in six |

|Sustainable and self-reliant youth committees at national, provincial and | |provinces by June 2012 |

|district levels carry out humanitarian services contributing to | |Establish 140 new Junior Clubs in 2012 |

|realization PRCS mission and vision including promotion of volunteerism | |Establish 131 new Youth Clubs in 2012 |

|(SG 3.4, 3.5) | |Conduct two provincial and one national youth camp in |

| | |2012 |

|Output 10.2 |PPK017 |Update the online volunteer database at least twice a |

|Further integration of youth and volunteer activities in PRCS programmes | |year and ensure effective utilisation by PRCS provincial |

|to enhance its response capacity (SG 3.4, 3.5) | |managers |

| | |Induct 780 new volunteers in 2012 |

| | |Train 600 new professional volunteers |

| | |Conduct ten district and one national level Youth |

| | |Committee meeting |

| | |Annex and approve volunteers in emergencies to Y&V Policy|

| | |by the end of 2012 |

Business Line 4 – “To heighten Red Cross Red Crescent influence and support for our work”

• Humanitarian Diplomacy is a tool used in a multi directional approach, which aims at being a stronger voice for the vulnerable. In keeping with the mission of the IFRC to alleviate the suffering of people and the Strategy 2020, the in-country IFRC delegation lends support to the PRCS to be able to profile itself as a leading Humanitarian Organisation in Pakistan.

|Objectives |Project Code |Targets for 2012 |

|Outcome 1: Improved PRCS/ IFRC Pakistan Delegation’s reputation through technical support in developing partnerships and promoting the goals of the Movement |

|Output 1.1 |PPK017 |Carry out 18 sensitization sessions on HD at various |

|Mind-set is created within PRCS/IFRC that it is a responsibility to raise | |workshops/trainings |

|a stronger voice for the vulnerable people when working in the field (SG | |Conduct a national level workshop to draw up a HD plan |

|4.1) | |for Pakistan |

| | |Produce advocacy material on HD in English and Urdu to be|

| | |used at workshops / trainings |

|Output 1.2 |PPK017 |National level workshop for government stakeholders |

|Humanitarian Diplomacy as an evidence-based approach is adopted by | |conducted with NDMA to review IDRL provisions by the |

|advocating on IFRC‘s Disaster laws (IDRL) and it leads to introduction of | |third quarters of 2012 |

|National legislation in Pakistan and on other HD initiatives such as | |Conduct two dissemination or awareness raising workshops |

|shelter, migration or gender (SG 4.2) | |on IDRL by the end of 2012 |

| | |Produce three documentaries on ‘HD in Action’ in the |

| | |field on thematic areas by the end of 2012 |

|Output 1.3 |PPK017 |Visit and conduct 12 sensitization sessions on Red Cross |

|The position of PRCS/IFRC humanitarian diplomacy is strengthened through | |and Red Crescent Movement /IFRC for diplomatic missions |

|relationships with external partners, such as key governments and civil | |Produce a ‘Parliamentarians’ Guide on the Movement in |

|society organizations (SG 4.3) | |English and Urdu by the end of 2012 |

| | |Sign three new MoUs /agreements with 3 external partners |

| | |to work in partnership on mutual issues by the end of |

| | |2012 |

Business Line 5 – “To deepen our tradition of togetherness through joint working and accountability”

• Currently 11 PNSs as well as ICRC are working in Pakistan; hence it is crucial to exchange information with each other and to promote the public International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. With the recruitment of IFRC head of delegation, PRCS secretary general and new chairperson, the establishment of strong and collaborative relationship within the Movement and the promotion of the principles and values to the external stakeholders are of importance.

|Objectives |Project Code |Targets for 2012 |

|Outcome 1: The coordination role of the IFRC Secretariat in Pakistan is strengthened through engagement, quality service support and humanitarian diplomacy |

|initiatives |

|Output 1.1 |PPK019 |Facilitate regular or required-basis meeting among Senior|

|The coordination role of the IFRC is adapted to meet the changing needs of| |Management Group(SMG) (Level 1 meeting) |

|the situation in Pakistan | | |

|(SG 5.1) | | |

|Output 1.2 |PPK019 |Facilitate regular Movement coordination meetings once a |

|Harmonized planning surrounding the PRCS’ Strategy 2015 imbedded as a | |month |

|standard approach across all RCRC partners working in Pakistan (SG 5.3) | |Map the activities of the Movement at least once a month |

| | |Carry out a joint planning meeting with PRCS, PNS, ICRC |

| | |and IFRC once a year |

3. Programme support strategy

3.1 Finance

The finance unit will support budgeting processes, working advance processing and reporting on the utilization of funds, for both core and programme support budgets. The IFRC finance development delegate will increase support to the improvement of financial management at PRCS headquarters and branches through training on standardized financial system and operating procedures. This would ensure accurate recording, processing, analyses, verification, and reporting financial data.

3.2 Administration

IFRC administration, which is currently under the human resources portfolio, supports necessary legal procedures which relates to staffing and programming. Some of the administration work in support of programmes include visa processing for international staff, No Objection Certificate (NOC)s for field visits, travel and accommodation bookings; maintenance of delegates accommodation and office premises.

3.3 Human Resources

The HR unit will focus on recruitment, motivation and retention of the sought after qualifications and competences of leadership and staff members. The HR will also ensure a sound working environment and welfare of staff at all levels. Another critical aspect is monitoring the performance appraisal process including follow up on staff development issues and resolving conflicts.

3.4 Security

IFRC security maintain five radio rooms in the Pakistan, monitor daily security information and deliver necessary information to IFRC staff. IFRC Security will check all mission orders; continuously monitor security at field level including the accommodation facilities used by travelling IFRC staff members. Above all, the Security unit, currently with a Security Coordinator at headquarters and security delegate in Sindh province, will ensure security regulations are shared and understood by the IFRC County Office staff.

3. 5 Logistics

The Logistic department will maintain its support of procurement, fleet management, warehousing and logistics. The IFRC fleet manage will lead a team of drivers and in coordination with security takes care of transportation needs for programme and travel of staff. Logistics will also focus on capacity building of PRCS counterparts on related issues and support the recruitment of logistics staff at provincial level. The three warehouses will be maintained by ensuring the minimum required level of stock and quality of the items. The team is lead by a logistic coordinator, a fleet delegate and procurement delegate.

3.6 Information technology (IT)

In order to maintain all IT equipment, IFRC IT team continues to look after PCs, host computers, Wi-Fi system or radio equipment at IFRC and PRCS offices including field offices and delegates’ residents. With support of the administration department, the IT team will train PRCS counterparts on various IT systems/equipment, which supports PRCS/IFRC programmes.

3.7 Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (PMER)

The aim is to promote and standardize planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting processes at all levels as well as ensure transparent and effective programme performance and accountability. The IFRC PMER team supports the establishment of a PMER working group to lead the processes in the country. In addition the team will lead the process of developing monitoring and reporting systems and tools that strengthen programme performance measurement, tracking and reporting based on IFRC standards of quality and timeliness. Capacity building will be achieved through structured workshops, coaching and on-the-job training of the programme staff at all levels.

3.8 Resource Mobilization

IFRC organizational development/branch development delegate supports resource mobilization capacity development and strengthening of partnership. Technical support encompasses assisting the development of resource mobilization plans, recruitment and training of PRCS fundraising and marketing staff, supporting district level resource mobilization and skill-share activities. At strategic level, the head of country office will advocate for funding support from partners as well as fostering partnerships with other heads of mission in Pakistan.

3.9 Beneficiary Communications

The beneficiary communication unit seeks to improve lives of programme target-population through the provision of timely, relevant and accurate information. Therefore, the team envisages developing a mechanism that allows the IFRC/PRCS to effectively communicate with the target population, create an environment for transparency and accountability between the target population and the IFRC/PRCS. Beneficiary communication unit will also establish necessary infrastructure and guidelines to sustain the delivery of PRCS Beneficiary Communications and Accountability interventions.

4. Monitoring and Evaluation

At the PRCS led pre-disaster meeting held in the third quarter of 2011, the PRCS leadership highlighted the need for strengthened monitoring and evaluation system at all levels. The IFRC country office is therefore increasing focus and capacity to ensure intensified support to the NS. The M&E delegate will extensively support the National Society capacity building, the development and utilisation of M&E tools. The PRCS headquarters will be encouraged to have a sustainable M&E position as a counterpart to channel support to provincial structures. This will ensure sustainability and continuity of M&E work.

In 2012 focus will be on training the PRCS counterparts and programme managers on the aspects of M&E. Guidelines and support has been given on the recruitment of provincial staff to support M&E the implementation level and by end of 2011, two provinces had successfully recruited M&E focal persons.

In terms of M&E activities, the IFRC Country Office will carry out end-of-project evaluations for the Earthquake M05EA022 and Floods 2010 MDRPK006 operations during the first quarter of 2012. The mid-term review of the Integrated Recovery Programme will also be carried out during the same quarter. Other programme level monitoring activities will continue as planned and fully supported by the M&E focal persons.

5. Budget summary

|  |  |Project code |2012 |2013 |2014-2015 |Total |

|BL 1. Humanitarian Standards |  |0 |0 |0 |0 |

|Outcome 1: |  |PPK017 |  | | | |

|BL 2. Grow services for vulnerable people |  |2,452,206 |5,170,000 |11,939,700 |19,561,906 |

|Outcome 1: |  |PPK015 |437,737 |  |  |437,737 |

|Outcome 2: |  |PPK015 |366,914 |  |  |366,914 |

|Outcome 3: |  |PPK036 |1,647,555 |  |  |1,647,555 |

|Unallocated Budget |  |  |  |5,170,000 |11,939,700 |17,109,700 |

|BL 3. Contribution to development |  |1,655,559 |2,200,000 |5,082,000 |8,937,559 |

|Outcome 1: |  |PPK016 |511,831 |  |  |511,831 |

|Outcome 2: |  |PPK016 |134,821 |  |  |134,821 |

|Outcome 3: |  |PPL016 |80,506 |  |  |80,506 |

|Outcome 4: |  |PPK016 |192,331 |  |  |192,331 |

|Outcome 5: |  |PPK016 |73,052 |  |  |73,052 |

|Outcome 6: |  |PPK016 |56,011 |  |  |56,011 |

|Outcome 7: |  |PPK017 |50,796 |  |  |50,796 |

|Outcome 8: |  |PPK017 |400,906 |  |  |400,906 |

|Outcome 9: |  |PPK017 |18,483 |  |  |18,483 |

|Outcome 10: |  |PPK017 |136,821 |  |  |136,821 |

|Unallocated Budget |  |PPK037 |0 |2,200,000 |5,082,000 |7,282,000 |

|BL 4. Heighten infulence and support |  |0 |275,000 |635,250 |910,250 |

|Outcome 1: |  |PPK017 |  |275,000 |635,250 |910,250 |

|BL 5. Joint working and accountability |  |191,018 |1,000,000 |2,000,000 |3,191,018 |

|Outcome 1: |  |PPK019 |191,018 |1,000,000 |2,000,000 |3,191,018 |

|Total Budget |  |4,298,783 |8,645,000 |19,656,950 |32,600,733 |

6. Annexes

1. Logframes

2. Funding plan

3. Workshop plan

4. Delegate and staff plans

5. Vehicle plan

6. Detailed budget


Plan of Action 2012



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