ACP - Implementation Clinician Letter Template

Advanced Clinical Parameter

Clinical Staff Notification Template

Purpose of this document: The following template may be used by the laboratory manager to draft a customized communication to internal hospital staff/clinicians on the features of reportable hematology Advanced Clinical Parameters (Immature Granulocyte count, Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Equivalent, Immature Platelet Fraction, and/or Nucleated Red Blood Cell).

Insert Your Logo Here

To: Clinical Staff of [Hospital]

From: [Insert Title]


Subject: The Laboratory is Advancing with new Hematology Technology

In our constant effort to provide [Hospital] with the best tools for patient care through latest innovations and cutting edge technology, we are excited to announce that the laboratory will begin using new Sysmex hematology parameters.

The tests are an extension of the traditional complete blood count (CBC) and require no additional blood sample. The CBC results will now provide an immature granulocyte count (IG), immature platelet fraction (IPF) , reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (RET-He) and nucleated red blood cells (nRBC).

|Parameter |Reference Range |Interpretive Comments |

| | |[Insert HIS] |

| |Male |Female | |

|Immature Granulocyte (IG) | | | |

|Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF) | | | |

|Reticulocyte Hemoglobin (RET-He) | | | |

|Nucleated Red Blood Cell (nRBC) | | | |

Should you have any questions about these tests please contact the laboratory at [XXX-XXX-XXXX].

• Immature Granulocyte count (IG): The IG count (% and #) includes metamyelocytes, myelocytes and promyelocytes and is reported with every automated WBC differential. Immature granulocytes are neutrophil precursors and their presence indicates a granulocytic left shift in the blood. The ability to provide a more standardized automated immature granulocyte count without performing a manual differential may decrease turnaround times to provide patient results sooner.

• Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF): IPF indicates the relative number of immature platelets in a patient’s peripheral blood. IPF is an index of thrombopoiesis and may be reported as an immature platelet fraction (IPF%) and the immature platelet fraction count (IPF#).

• Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Equivalent (RET-He): RET-He is a marker of cellular hemoglobin content. The cut-off for RET-He established in our institution is [X.X] pg. When a reticulocyte analysis is ordered, the immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF) and the reticulocyte hemoglobin (RET-He) parameters are also generated, extending the reticulocyte panel to three reportable parameters.

• Nucleated Red Blood Cells (NRBC): The use of automated technology allows rapid, accurate detection of NRBCs on every CBC. The benefit to the patient and the physician is greater efficiency in workflow with an automatically reported enumeration of nRBCs, when present.


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