Executive - Blackpool Council


Decision Notice

|Notice of: |EXECUTIVE |Decision number: |EX1/2012 |

|Earliest date for decision: |11th JANUARY 2012 | | |


| | |

|1.0 |Matter for consideration: |

|1.1 |To consider the mission, vision, values and priorities of the Council 2012 – 2013. |

|2.0 |Recommendation(s): |

|2.1 |To request the Council: |

| | |

| |(a) To approve the mission, vision, values and priorities as outlined in Appendix 2a, subject to wider consultation with the |

| |community. |

| | |

| |(b) To delegate authority to the Chief Executive to determine key measures and targets to demonstrate the delivery of the |

| |priorities as part of the annual business planning process. |

| | |

| |(c) To delegate authority to the Assistant Chief Executive- Human Resources and Transformation to determine key behaviours, |

| |rights and responsibilities for each of the core values. |

| | |

| |(d) To agree that the mission, vision, values and priorities should be forwarded to the Fairness Commission, once established, |

| |for wider consultation. |

| | |

| |That subject to the approval of 2.1 above, the Council be requested to agree that this Council statement replaces the Council’s|

| |Corporate Plan. |

|2.2 | |

| | | |

|3.0 |Category grouping: |Corporate/Strategic |

|4.0 |Corporate Performance Plan Objective : |

| | |

| |Goal 2: Develop a Safe, Clean and Pleasant Place to Live, Work and Visit |

|5.0 |Information |

|5.1 |The Council's statement on mission, vision, values and priorities are the overarching element of the Council’s Policy Framework|

| |and are key to the development of all other plans and strategies. |

| | |

| |A revised statement on vision, mission, values and priorities can be found at Appendix 2a. |

|5.2 | |

| |The vision sets out an image of the future in Blackpool that the Council would wish to create over the long term. The mission |

| |sets out the Council’s purpose is and how it links to the vision. The strategic priorities will guide the work that the Council|

|5.3 |will do over the year ahead. The values define the standards, behaviours and culture of the organisation. |

| | |

| |There has been internal consultation on the revised mission, vision, values and priorities through Elected Members, the |

| |Corporate Leadership Team, Senior Leadership Team and all staff at the recent staff information sessions. The next step will be|

| |to consult more widely on the vision, mission, priorities and values with the community, with the outcome of this being |

| |reported back to Council. |

|5.4 | |

| |Once approved, a number of measures that will demonstrate the delivery of the vision and priorities will need to be agreed. |

| |These measures will be managed and monitored by the Corporate Leadership Team on an ongoing basis. It is also recommended that |

| |further work be undertaken in relation to the values so that there are clear behaviours, rights and responsibilities outlined |

| |to support each of the core values. |

| | |

| | |

|5.5 | |

| | |

|5.6 |Does the information submitted include any exempt information? |NO |

|6.0 |Legal considerations: |

|6.1 |None |

|7.0 |Human Resources and Equalities considerations: |

|7.1 |None |

|8.0 |Financial considerations: |

|8.1 |None |

|9.0 |Performance management considerations: |

|9.1 |The Council’s statement on mission, vision, values and priorities will shape the policy framework for the Council 2012-2013. |

|10.0 |Risk management considerations: |

|10.1 |The Council’s statement on mission, vision, values and priorities will feed into the strategic risk register 2012-2013. |

|11.0 |Relevant Officer: |

|11.1 |Carmel McKeogh, Assistant Chief Executive- Human Resources and Transformation |

|12.0 |Relevant Cabinet Member |

|12.1 |Councillor S. Blackburn, Leader of the Council |

|13.0 |Consultation undertaken: |

|13.1 |The Council's statement on mission, vision, values and priorities has been based on internal consultation with Elected Members,|

| |Corporate Leadership Team, Senior Leadership Team and all staff at the recent staff information sessions. The next step will be|

| |to consult more widely with the community and it is suggested that this takes place through the Fairness Commission once it is |

| |established. |

|14.0 |Background papers: |

|14.1 |None |

|15.0 |Key decision information: | |

|15.1 |Is this a key decision? |YES |

|15.2 |If so, Forward Plan reference number: |NOT INCLUDED ON THE |


|15.3 |If a key decision, is the decision required in less than five days? |NO |

|15.4 |If yes, please describe the reason for urgency: |

|16.0 |Reasons for recommendation(s): |

|16.1 |The Corporate Plan forms part of the Council’s Policy Framework and therefore requires Full Council approval |

| | |

|16.2a |Is the recommendation contrary to a plan or strategy adopted or approved by the Council? |YES |

|16.2b |Is the recommendation in accordance with the Council’s approved budget? |YES |

|16.3 |Other alternative options to be considered: |

| | |

| |Variations on the proposed mission, vision, values and priorities could be put forward as alternative options but it is |

| |believed through the consultation, so far that this represents the direction, priorities and beliefs of the current Council. |

|17.0 |Call-in information: |

|17.1 |Are there any grounds for urgency, which would cause this decision to be exempt from the call-in | |

| |process? |NO |

|17.2 |If yes, please give reason: |

| | |

| | |

| |


|18.0 |Scrutiny Committee Chairman (where appropriate): |

| |Date informed: |3rd January 2012 |Date approved: |N/A |

|19.0 |Declarations of interest (if applicable): |

|19.1 |None |

| | |

|20.0 |Executive decision: |

|20.1 |The Executive resolved as follows: |

| | |

| |1. To request the Council: |

| | |

| |(a) To approve the mission, vision, values and priorities as outlined in Appendix 2a, to the Executive report, subject to wider |

| |consultation with the community and the inclusion of the third sector in the mission statement. |

| | |

| |(b) To delegate authority to the Chief Executive to determine key measures and targets to demonstrate the delivery of the |

| |priorities as part of the annual business planning process. |

| | |

| |(c) To delegate authority to the Assistant Chief Executive- Human Resources and Transformation to determine key behaviours, |

| |rights and responsibilities for each of the core values. |

| | |

| |(d) To agree that the mission, vision, values and priorities should be forwarded to the Fairness Commission, once established, |

| |for wider consultation. |

| | |

| |2. That subject to the approval of 2.1 above, the Council be requested to agree that this Council statement replaces the |

| |Council’s Corporate Plan. |

|20.2 |Date: 11th January 2012 |

|20.3 |Reason(s) for decision: |

| | |

| |The Corporate Plan forms part of the Council’s Policy Framework and therefore requires Full Council approval. |

| | |

|21.0 |Date of publication: 13th January 2012 |

|22.0 |Call-in: |

|22.1 | |

|23.0 |Notes: |

|23.1 |In Attendance: Councillors Blackburn, Campbell, Cain, Coleman, Collett, Cross, Jackson, Riding, Rowson and Taylor |

| | |


Mission, Vision, Values and Priorities

Our mission:

We cannot hope to change our destiny merely by wishing for it, only by working for it.  We will work with the public, private and third sectors, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, to achieve this.

Our vision:

We will build a Blackpool where aspiration and ambition are encouraged and supported.  We will seek to narrow the gap between the richest members of our society and the poorest and deliver a sustainable and fairer community, of which our communities will be proud.

Our priorities are to:

▪ Tackle child poverty, raise aspirations and improve educational achievement

▪ Safeguard and protect the most vulnerable

▪ Expand and promote our tourism, arts, heritage and cultural offer

▪ Improve health and well-being especially for the most disadvantaged

▪ Attract sustainable investment and create quality jobs

▪ Encourage responsible entrepreneurship for the benefit of our communities

▪ Improve housing standards and the environment we live in by using housing investment to create stable communities

▪ Create safer communities and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour

▪ Deliver quality services through a professional, well-rewarded and motivated workforce


▪ We are accountable for delivering on the promises we make and take responsibility for our actions and the outcomes achieved.

▪ We are committed to being fair to people and treat everyone we meet with dignity and respect.

▪ We take pride in delivering quality services that are community focussed and are based on listening carefully to what people need.

▪ We act with integrity and we are trustworthy in all our dealings with people and we are open about the decisions we make and the services we offer.

▪ We are compassionate, caring, hard-working and committed to delivering the best services that we can with a positive and collaborative attitude.


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