The Checks and Balances System: A Worksheet

The Checks and Balances System

Various governmental powers are listed below. Identify the branch doing the checking and the branch being checked. More than one answer is possible per section.

|Power  |Branch  |Branch Being Checked |

| 1) Create and pass legislation.  | Legislative Branch |Executive Branch  |

|  |  |  |

|2) Veto bills.  | Executive Branch  | Legislative Branch |

|  |  |  |

|3) Ratify treaties.  |Legislative Branch | Executive Branch  |

|  |  | |

|4) Appoint Federal judges.  | Executive Branch | Judicial Branch |

|  | | |

|5) Impeachment of federal  | Legislative Branch |  |

|officials. | |Executive Branch, |

| | |  |

|6) Confirm presidential appointments. | Legislative Branch |  Judicial Branch, |

| | |Executive Branch |

|7) Declare laws unconstitutional.  | Judicial Branch  | Legislative Branch, |

|  | |Executive Branch  |

|8) Override Presidential Vetoes.  | Legislative Branch | Executive Branch  |

|  | | |

|9) Judges are appointed for life.  |  Judicial Branch | Executive Branch, |

|  | |Legislative Branch |

|10) Controls appropriations of  | Legislative Branch |Executive Branch |

|Money. | |  |




✓ Each branch has specific powers

✓ Legislative makes laws, controls money, approves appointments and treaties, etc.

✓ Executive enforces laws, makes appointments, vetoes, makes treaties, etc.

✓ Judicial interprets laws, has judicial review, and declares things unconstitutional

Examples/ Impacts: [pic]

Checks and Balances Flow Chart



Have students write down their answer for the following question:

In your own words, explain what is happening in the diagram. Explain the system of “Checks and Balance.”


Definition – Checks and Balance:

A system the United States uses to limit the power of each of the 3 branches of government. Each branch has powers that can limit each of the other branches so none gets too powerful.


Checks and Balances

Congress refuses to confirm the appointment of a new Secretary of Defense. (Legislative checks Executive)

The Supreme Court declares a law unconstitutional. (Judicial checks Legislative)

The president vetoes a law Congress has passed. (Executive checks Legislative)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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