Work Experience - Zicklin School of Business | Baruch ...

C.V. - Lilac NachumBaruch College, City University New York55 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10010-5585Tel. 646 312 3275 Lilac.Nachum@baruch.cuny.eduNationalities: US, DenmarkUpdated: January 2019EducationPhD, International Business and Management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 1996PhD Advisor: Professor P. Buckley, Bradford University, UKDissertation title: ‘Firm-specific and Home-country Determinants of Ownership Advantages of Multinational Professional Service Firms.’MBA, Business Administration, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 1990, with distinction.MBA thesis awarded Israel Best Graduate Student Thesis Award in 1990BA, Music and Arts, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 1983, with distinction.Work ExperienceProfessor of International Business and Strategy, Baruch College, City University New York, 2002 - (Untenured Associate 2002-2006; Associate 2006-2007; Full Professor 2008 -)Senior Research Fellow, Center for Business Research (The Judge School of Business), Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 1997-2002Senior Researcher, United Nations, UNCTAD Division on Transnational Corporations and Foreign Investment, Geneva, Switzerland, 1994-1997Short-term Positions:Visiting Positions:Visiting Professor and Resource Faculty, University of Kigali, Rwanda, 2019-2021Gordon International Business School, University of Pretoria. Johannesburg, Summer 2018 Lagos Business School, Nigeria. Fall 2016 (Sabbatical leave); 2015 Berlin School of Economics and Law, Master of International Management Program, 2015International School of Management Paris, DBA/PhD Program for Executives, 2014 - India School of Business (ISB), MBA Program, 2013 – BI Norwegian Business School Short-term Visiting Scholars Program, Oslo, 2013Ghent University, Executive MBA Program, Belgium, 2013 Donau-Universit?t Krems, Austria, Professional MBA Program, 2013School of Inspired Leadership, Delhi, India, Executives MBA Program, 2011 - 2016NYU Stern Business School, Undergraduate program. 2011SDA Bocconi School of Management, Senior Executives Program, Bocconi University, Milan, 2009Warsaw School of Economics, Executives MBA, Warsaw, 2007Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong, China, Minnesota University Global Executives MBA Program, 2007Technische Universit?t Wien, Institute of Management Science, Executive MBA Program, Vienna, 2006 - The Judge Institute of Management, Cambridge University, UK, 2001-2 College of Management, MBA Program, Israel, 2001 Webster University, MBA Program, Geneva Campus, Switzerland, 1996-1997Thunderbird Business School, French Campus, MBA Program, France, 1997 Stockholm University, School of Business, Sweden, 1996 Reading University, Department of Economics, UK, 1994-1995 Uppsala University, Department of Business Studies, Sweden, 1994 Institutional Leadership/Advisory Positions:Fellow, Association of International Business (AIB), 2019 - Member, International Advisory Board, Rennes Business School. Developing globalization strategy for the school. Rennes, France 2018 - Deputy Director, AIB History Project, 2017-2019Team leader, Research project on global supply chains with application to Bangladesh garment industry. Consultant, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting, 2016-17 Director, Center for the Study of Russia MNEs. Graduate School of Management (GSOM), St. Petersburg State University, 2015-2017Advisory Board Member, Development Gateway Community, MIGA, World Bank, 2003 – 2016Advisory Board Member, Humanlign Options for Life, Marketing and Strategy Consulting in Africa, 2013 - 2014 External Evaluator CIBER, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, 2013 Senior Advisor, Istanbul Financial Services Center Committee, Establishing Istanbul as a regional financial center, 2012 – Consultant, The 3D Printing Company, on promotion to academic audience in the US and internationally, 2005-7.Consultant, Moat House Hotel. Designed Marketing program to promote the use of the hotel and its facilities. Wakingham UK, 1994.Consultant, Ziv Marketing Consulting, Israel 1989-1990. Consulted for Israeli firms active in Israel and abroad.Others:Member, Ideation Think-Tank (Olympus), The Medici Group, 2018 - Expert Witness, Labor conditions in global supply chain. International Court appearance. Client a leading global law firm. New York/London/The Hague, 2018 -Expert Witness, Cross-country employment law violations. Federal Court appearance. New York, 2016 –Expert Opinion, Global recruitment within multinational companies: In support of O-1A Visa application for an alien of extra-ordinary ability. Law Firm of Soo Nam PLLC, 2015External Evaluator, Promotion to Professor Chair, Trinity College Dublin, 2015External Evaluator, Doctoral Thesis, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Fellow Program in Management, 2015Consultant, United Nations Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development. Inputs to the World Investment Report. Geneva, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2009, 2013, 2014Adviser, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), Abu Dhabi, 2014External Evaluator, Tenure Appointment, Singapore Management University, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, 2013External Evaluator, Tenure Appointment, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, 2012External Evaluator, Tenure Appointment, Northeastern University College of Business Administration, International Business and Strategy Group, 2012Consultant, United States International Trade Commission (USITC), a task force on the promotion of export of services by small- and medium-sized enterprises in financial, professional, and legal services. New York, 2010Associate Member, International Research Program on ‘The Concentration of Economic Activity in World Space’, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and France Ministry of Research, 2004 –2010.Associate Member, Center for International Business and Management (CIBAM), Cambridge University, Judge Institute of Management, 2001 – 2010.External Evaluator, Tenure Appointment, Chinese University of Hong-Kong, Department of Management, 2008Faculty Fellow, Weissman Center of International Business, Baruch College, 2007 – Consultant, the Mayor Office. On foreign direct investment in New York City, New York 2006 Consultant, New York City Partnership. On foreign direct investment in New York City, New York 2006 Consultant, Economic Enabling Unit, Westminster City Council London. On the international activities of media firms based in Central London and policy actions to facilitate them. London, 1998.Consultant, United Nations Division on International Trade. Product and market diversification of developing country firms: Policy actions to facilitate diversification. Geneva, 1997.Awards, Prizes and RecognitionsRecipient, AIB Best Paper Award, Research Method Division, L. Nachum, H. Hong and G. Livanis, When near is far and far is near: FDI, geographic location and connectivity. AIB 2017 DubaiTop 10% of Authors on SSRN by all-time downloads, 2016-17; 2017-18; 2018 -Finalist, 2016 Best Journal Article Award, the Malaysian Ministry of Education, S.N. Abdullah, K.N.I. Ismail and L. Nachum (authors’ names in a-b order). Does women participation on boards create value? The impact of societal perceptions and corporate governance in emerging markets. Strategic Management Journal 2016. Recipient, Excellence in Reviewing Award, Journal of International Management 2014Recipient, Presidential Excellence Award for Scholarship, Baruch College 2012Recipient, Outstanding Author Contribution Award, the Literati Network Emerald 2012 Awards for Excellence, for L. Nachum, The Home-Based Advantages and a Hierarchy of Location Resources: Foreign and Local Firms Dependency on Location Resources. Published in Advances in International Management (volume 24). , Teaching Excellence Award, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, 2011Recipient, Bright Idea Award in Management, Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University and the New Jersey Public Policy Research Foundation, R. Laud, A. Grein and L. Nachum. Gaining advantage through global learning hubs, 2011. Recipient, Best Paper Award, AIB-MENA Chapter, L. Nachum, But how does distance affect FDI and why does it matter? Dubai, December 2010 Finalist, Israel Strategy Conference Best Paper Award, L. Nachum and S. Song, The MNE as a portfolio: Path-dependence and interdependencies in MNE location choices. Tel-Aviv December 2008. Recipient, JIBS Best Reviewer Award, Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS), 2008Top Ten Downloaded Papers, Social Science Research Network (SSRN):- S.N. Abdullah, K.N.I. Ismail and L. Nachum (authors’ names in a-b order). Women on boards of Malaysian companies: Impact on market and accounting performance. 2012, 2015.- L. Nachum, When is foreignness an asset or a liability? Explaining the performance differential between foreign and local firms. 2008.- L. Nachum, Foreignness, multinationality and inter-organizational relationships. 2008.- L. Nachum, S. Zaheer and S. Gross. Does it matter where countries are? Distance from knowledge, markets and resources and MNE location choices. 2008Finalist, AIB Best Paper Award, L. Nachum, The impact of nationality of ownership on the networking intensity of firms. Indianapolis 2007. Recipient, Academy of Management Outstanding Reviewer Award, International Management Division, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2008Finalist, Excellence in Service Presidential Award, Baruch College, 2007Recipient, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, International Management Division, L. Nachum, What constitutes the liability of foreignness? Atlanta, Georgia, August 2006Recipient, Faculty Recognition Award, Baruch College, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013Finalist, AIB Best Paper Award, L. Nachum, S. Zaheer and S. Gross, Does it matter where countries are? Distance from knowledge, markets and resources and MNE location choices. Beijing 2006. Finalist, William H. Newman Award for outstanding papers, Academy of Management, International Management Division, L. Nachum and D. Keeble, Networking of foreign affiliates as a distinctive alternative to markets and hierarchies: Foreign and local professional service firms in Central London. New Orleans, August 2004 Finalist, Carolyn Dexter Best International Paper Award, Academy of Management, L. Nachum and D. Keeble, The linkages of foreign and indigenous firms in the media cluster of Central London. Washington D.C., August 2001 Recipient, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, International Management Division, L. Nachum and D. Keeble, The linkages of foreign and indigenous firms in the media cluster of Central London. Washington D.C., August 2001 Honorary position, the Judge Institute of Management, Cambridge University, 2001Recipient, First prize in the R.M. Siegel Fund's annual competition for student research in marketing, Tel-Aviv University, Israel 1990.Listed, various years: Marquis Who’s Who in the World; in America; of American Women; in American Education; Dictionary of International Biographies; Academic Keys Who's Who in Business Higher Education; United Who’s Who. Academic PublicationsArticles in Refereed Journals G. Vasudeva, L. Nachum and G.D. Say, Overcoming information asymmetry in internationalization: The signaling effect of a Sovereign Wealth Fund as an institutional intermediary. Academy of Management Journal 2018, Vol. 61, No. 4, 1583–1611.L. Nachum, Healthcare: An industry unlike any other goes global. Health Management, Innovation and Policy Journal (Editor Will Mitchell) 2018, Vol. 3, Issue 2S.N. Abdullah, K.N.I. Ismail and L. Nachum (authors’ names in a-b order). Does women participation on boards create value? The impact of societal perceptions and corporate governance in emerging markets. Strategic Management Journal 2016, Vol. 37, issue 3, pp. 466-476. L. Nachum, Global comparative strategy. Global Strategy Journal 2012, Vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 92-95.S. Zaheer, M. Schomaker and L. Nachum, Distance without Direction: Restoring credibility to a much-loved construct. Commentary on Shenkar’s paper, the recipient of JIBS 2011 distinguished paper award. Journal of International Business Studies 2012, Vol. 43, issue 1, 18-27.L. Nachum, What constitutes the costs and advantages of firms investing overseas? Managerial and Decision Economics 2011, Vol. 32, Issue 8, 545–565.S. Zaheer and L. Nachum, Sense of place: From location resources to MNE location capital. Global Strategy Journal 2011, Vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 96-108. L. Nachum and S.Y. Song, The MNE as a portfolio: Interdependencies in MNE growth trajectory. Journal of International Business Studies, 2011, Vol. 42, issue 3, pp. 381-405. L. Nachum, Foreignness, multinationality and inter-organizational relationships. Strategic Organization 2010, Vol. 8, issue 3, pp. 230-254.L. Nachum, When is foreignness an asset or a liability? Explaining the performance differential between foreign and local firms. Journal of Management 2010, Vol. 36, Number 3, pp. 714 - 739.L. Nachum, S. Zaheer and S. Gross. Does it matter where countries are? Distance from knowledge, markets and resources and MNE location choices. Management Science 2008, Vol. 54, Number 7, pp. 1252-1265.R. Laud, A. Grein and L. Nachum. Learning from global cities: In leading cities companies gain access to knowledge and network. MIT Sloan Management Review Summer 2008, pp. 10-11.L. Nachum and S. Zaheer, The persistence of distance? The impact of technology on MNE investment motivations. Strategic Management Journal 2005, Vol. 26, Issue 8, pp. 747-768. (Reprinted in J.A. Krug and J.D. Daniels (Eds.), Multinational Enterprise Theory, Sage Publications, 2007, Vol. 1).L. Nachum and C. Wymbs, Product differentiation, external economies and MNE location choices: M&As in global cities. Journal of International Business Studies 2005, Vol. 36, Issue 4, pp. 415-434.L. Nachum, Geographic and industrial diversification of developing country firms. Journal of Management Studies 2004, Vol. 41, No.2, pp. 273-294L. Nachum, Liability of foreignness in global competition? Financial service affiliates in the City of London. Strategic Management Journal 2003, Vol.?24, Issue?12, pp.?1187-1208L. Nachum, International business in a world of increasing returns. Management International Review 2003, Vol. 3/2003, pp. 219-246 (lead article) L. Nachum and D. Keeble, Neo Marshallian nodes and global networks: The external linkages of media firms in Central London. Long Range Planning 2003, Vol. 36, issue 5, pp. 459-480L. Nachum and D. Keeble, MNE linkages and local clusters: Foreign and indigenous firms in the media cluster of Central London. Journal of International Management 2003, Vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 171-192 L. Nachum, Does nationality of ownership make any difference, and if so under what circumstances? Professional service MNEs in global competition. Journal of International Management 2003, Vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-32 (lead article)L. Nachum and D. Keeble. Why being local just isn’t enough: The media cluster of Central London. Business Strategy Review 2002, Vol. 13, no 1, pp. 37-43 D. Keeble and L. Nachum, Why do business service firms cluster? Small consultancies, clustering and decentralisation in London and Southern England. Transaction of the Institute of British Geographers 2002, Vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 67-90L. Nachum, The impact of home countries on the competitiveness of advertising TNCs. Management International Review 2001, Vol. 1/2001, pp. 77-98 L. Nachum, G.G. Jones and J.H. Dunning, The international competitiveness of the UK and its multinational corporations. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 2001, Vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 277 – 294L. Nachum, Economic geography and the location of TNCs: Financial and professional service FDI to the US. Journal of International Business Studies 2000, Vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 367-385 (lead article)L. Nachum and D. Keeble, Localised clusters and the eclectic paradigm of foreign investment: Film TNCs in Central London. Transnational Corporations 2000, Vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-37 (lead article)L. Nachum, J.H. Dunning and G.G. Jones, UK FDI and the comparative advantage of the UK. The World Economy 2000, Vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 701-720 L. Nachum and J.D. Rolle, Home country and firm-specific ownership advantages: A study of US, UK and French advertising TNCs. International Business Review 1999, Vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 633-660 L. Nachum, Motivations of TNCs for investment in Central and Eastern Europe: Some policy implications. Journal of East-West Business 1999, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 5-40 (lead article)L. Nachum, Diversification strategies of developing country firms. Journal of International Management 1999, Vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 115-140L. Nachum, Measurement of productivity of professional service firms: An illustration on Swedish management consulting firms. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 1999, Vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 922-949 L. Nachum, The productivity of intangible factors of production: Some measurement issues applied to Swedish management consulting firms. Journal of Service Research 1999, Vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 123-137 (lead article)L. Nachum, Do the diamonds of foreign countries shape the competitiveness of firms: A case study of the Swedish engineering consulting industry. Scandinavian Journal of Management 1998, Vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 459-478 L. Nachum, Danish professional service firms: Why are they not competitive internationally? A comparative analysis of Danish and UK management consulting firms. Scandinavian Journal of Management 1998, Vol. 14, no. 1/2, pp. 37-51L. Nachum, Winners and losers in professional services: What makes the difference? The Service Industries Journal 1996, Vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 474-490L. Nachum, The choice of variables for segmentation of the international market. International Marketing Review 1994, Vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 54-70Books Y. Aharoni and L. Nachum (Eds.), The Globalisation of Services: Some Implications for Theory and Practice 2000, Routledge, London and New York, 338 pp. [Chinese translation by the Shanghai People's Publishing House Truth and Wisdom Press, 2010]L. Nachum, The Origins of the International Competitiveness of Firms: The Impact of Location and Ownership in Professional Service Industries 1999, Edward Elgar, Aldershot and Brookfield, 242 pp.Book Chapters, Reports, Cases, Review Articles, Papers in Non-refereed JournalsAdeleye I., Debra Y. and Nachum L. Guest editors, Special issue: Management of Banking & Financial Institutions in Africa. Africa Journal of Management, Forthcoming 2020L. Nachum, How much social responsibility should MNE strategically assume and of which kind? In Socially-responsible International Business: Critical Issues and the Way Forward. L.C. Leonidou, C.S. Katsikeas, S. Samiee, C.N. Leonidou (Eds.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, Forthcoming, 2019 (peer reviewed). M. Carnevale, L. Nachum, H. Korn. Why does MNE performance vary across countries? An Inquiry into the Competitive Value of MNE Assets. International Business Review, Vol. 26, Issue 6, 2017, pp. 1196-1207Y. Uramoto and L. Nachum, Corporate Governance & Sustainability of the Global Value Chain: Bangladesh Ready Made Garment Industry. Post Rana Plaza investigation into fairness of value appropriation by global apparel brands, manufacturers and labor. A report prepared for Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Japan, 2018. L. Nachum, ‘Liability of Foreignness’ entry. In D.D. Hartogand M. Vodosek (Eds.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, 3rd edition, 2014.L. Nachum, Multinational Enterprises and governments as CSR providers. A report prepared for UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2014 L. Nachum, Sovereign Wealth Funds and sustainable foreign investment. A report prepared for UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2014L. Nachum, The performance of the UK as host for FDI: Policy lessons to developed countries. A report prepared for UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2014L. Nachum, Review of K. Sauvant, L.E. Sachs and W.S. Jongbloed (Eds.) Sovereign Investment: Concerns and Policy Reactions. Oxford University Press. Journal of International Business Studies, book review section, 2013. . Nachum, ‘Liability of Foreignness’ entry. In D. Teece, M. Augier and C. Pitelis (Eds.), Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management, 2013.L. Nachum and M. Schmid. Conflicting Forces for Internationalization of Hydropower Equipment Producers: Reconciling Sustainability and CSR with MNEs’ International Strategies. In L. Leonard and M.A. Gonzalez-Perez (Eds.), International Business, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. Emerald Group Publishing. 2013, pp. 187-216. L. Nachum, The Rise of Emerging Market Multinationals. Review of Sauvant et al. (Eds.), The Rise of Indian Multinationals: Perspectives on Indian Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Direct Investments from Emerging Markets: The Challenges Ahead. Palgrave, McMillan 2010. Journal of International Business Studies, book review section, 2012. . Nachum, The home-based advantages and a hierarchy of location resources: Do foreign location resources shape affiliates advantages? In C.G. Asmussen, T. Devinney, T. Pedersen and L. Tihanyi (Eds.), Advances in International Management: Dynamics of Globalization: Location-specific Advantages or Liabilities of Foreignness? Emerald Publishing, 2011, pp. 55-85. of the Outstanding Author Contribution Award, the Literati Network Emerald 2012 Award for Excellence.L. Nachum, Organization of foreign affiliates as a distinctive choice between markets, hierarchy and networks. In R. Ramamurtiand N. Hashai (Eds.), The Future of Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Enterprise: Essays in Honor of Yair Aharoni. Emerald Publishing, 2011, pp. 315-334. . Nachum, The impact of changes in the global business environment on MNEs strategies: The Great Recession and MNE strategies. A report prepared for the United Nations World Investment Report 2010.R. Laud, A. Grein and L. Nachum. Gaining advantage through global learning hubs. Journal of Practical Global Business (The International Import-Export Institute) January 2009.L. Nachum, R. Laud and D. Keeble, External networks and geographic clustering as sources of MNE advantages: Foreign and indigenous professional service firms in Central London. In C. Karlsson (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Innovation and Clusters Edward Elgar, 2008, pp. 253-269.L. Nachum and C. Wymbs, The location and performance of foreign affiliates in global cities. In Alan M. Rugman (Ed.), Regional Aspects of Multinationality and Performance Research in Global Strategic Management, Volume 13, Elsevier, 2007, pp. 221-258L. Nachum, Review of Anthony Goerzen, Networks and Location: Organizing the diversified Multinational Corporation for Value Creation. Palgrave, Macmillan, Houndmills 2005. Journal of International Business Studies, 2006L. Nachum, FDI to small island developing countries: Some policy implications. A report prepared for the United Nations, Geneva 2004L. Nachum, The movement of service jobs overseas: A theoretical perspective. A report prepared for the United Nations Conference on Economic Development (UNCTAD) as input for World Investment Report 2004.L. Nachum and C. Wymbs, The location choices of Multinational Companies: Which companies will return to Manhattan’s business and financial districts and what will it take to get them back? In M. Trick (Ed.), Global Corporate Evolution: Looking Inward or Looking Forward? Carnegie Bosch Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2004, pp. 155-161 L. Nachum, Review of R. Jungnickel (Ed.), Foreign-owned Firms: Are They Different? Palgrave Publication 2002, Journal of International Business Studies , 2003L. Nachum, Outsourcing by Multinational Corporations as a choice between internalization and the market: implications for theory and policy makers. A report prepared for the United Nations, UNCTAD Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development, Geneva 2003, 40 pp.Gupta S. and L. Nachum, Offshoring Survey, A report prepared for the Paaras Consulting Group, 2003, 28 pp. Gupta S. and L. Nachum, Offshoring: Not just for first movers. Journal of Financial Transformation. 2003, 8th issue, pp. 83-92 (by invitation)L. Nachum, FDI to landlocked developing countries: Challenges, opportunities and policy implications. A report prepared for UNCTAD, Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development, Geneva 2003, 40 pp. L. Nachum, The relocation of MNE headquarters outside their home country. A report prepared for UNCTAD, Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development, Geneva 2003, 15 pp.L. Nachum, Divestment and the relationships between FDI and the business cycle. A report prepared for UNCTAD, Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development, Geneva 2003, 15 pp.L. Nachum, Review article: The impact of technological advances on Transnational Corporations. Transnational Corporations 2003, Vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 129-136L. Nachum, G.G. Jones and J.H. Dunning, The international competitiveness of the UK: Is it eroding or rather changing form? In J. H. Dunning and J.L. Mucchielli (Eds.), Multinational Firms: The Global - Local Dilemma Routledge, London and New York 2002, pp. 33-57 L. Nachum, Review of the United Nations, UNCTAD Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development World Investment Reports 2002: Management International Review 2003/4, pp. 439-4412000: Management International Review 3/2001, pp. 317-3201999: International Business Review 2000, Vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 399-4011998: Journal of International Business Studies 1999, Vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 637-641 L. Nachum, The geography of FDI: geographical, industrial and functional patterns of FDI and their policy implications. A report prepared for the United Nations, UNCTAD Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development, Geneva 2001, 55 pp. L. Nachum, Review article: The geography of MNE operations. Transnational Corporations August 2001, pp. 161-169L. Nachum, FDI, the location advantages of home countries and the competitiveness of TNCs: US FDI in professional service industries. In Y. Aharoni and L. Nachum (Eds.), The Globalisation of Services: Some Implications for Theory and Practice Routledge, London and New York, 2000, pp. 75-92 L. Nachum, World market shares of advertising TNCs: Intangible comparative advantage? In T. Almor and N. Hashai (Eds.), FDI, International Trade and the Economics of Peacemaking: A Tribute to Zeev Hirsch. College of Management, Rishon Le Zion, Israel.L. Nachum and D. Keeble, Business clustering and internationalisation of film producing firms in Central London. A report prepared for the Economic Enabling Unit of Westminster City Council, 1998, 35 pp.L. Nachum, The role of private sector firms in the commodity diversification of developing countries. A report prepared for the United Nations, UNCTAD Division of International Trade in Goods, Services and Commodities, Geneva 1997, 55 pp.L. Nachum, Home country effect on the competitive position of advertising agencies: Contrasting success and failure. In Y. Aharoni (Ed.), Changing Role of State Intervention in Services in an Era of Open International Markets, Albany, State University of New York Press, 1997, pp. 180-197L. Nachum, Firm-specific and Home-country Determinants of Ownership Advantages of Multinational Professional Service Firms. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, 1996.L. Nachum, Multinational Corporations in the media industries. A report prepared for the United Nations, UNCTAD Division on Transnational Corporations and Investment, Geneva 1994, 48 pp. Research under ReviewL. Nachum, R. Sawant, A. Panibratov, Political Capital as a Spatially-Bounded Asset: Location-specificity, Mobility and Firms’ International Strategies. Under review in the Journal of Management [submission date: May 2019]L. Nachum and Y. Uramoto, Who Creates and Appropriates Value in Global Supply Chains and Why? Under review, Oxford University Press, Oxford L. Nachum and C. Ogbechie, Where have Foreign Banks in Nigeria Gone? Market Structure, Competitive Intensity and the Capabilities of Nigeria Banks. Revised for the Africa Journal of Management, Special issue: Management of Banking & Financial Institutions in Africa. Research in ProgressL. Nachum and S. Chakraborty, Reputational effects of foreign-listing: Spillovers of corporate reputation. For submission to the Academy of Management Journal [anticipated submission date: 2019]L. Nachum and C. Ogbechie, Environmental Scarcity, Capability Development, and the Competition between Local and Foreign Banks in Nigeria. For submission to the Journal of International Business Studies [anticipated submission date: 2019]L. Nachum and A. Verachia, Intangible assets and organization identity as conduits for international expansion: The struggle of South Africa banks to compete regionally and globally [anticipated submission date: 2019]L. Nachum, H. Hong and G. Livanis, When near is far and far is near: FDI, geographic location and connectivity. For submission to Journal of International Business Studies [Anticipated submission date: 2020]L. Nachum and G. Jones, Companies ‘born in the wrong places’ go global: From Google on the Volga to Yandex of the World. For submission to the California Management Review [anticipated submission date: 2020]L. Nachum, What is Different about Sub Saharan Africa and How Should Global Companies Take Advantage of it? Book. In preparationInvited TalksAcademic InstitutionsLubar School of?Business, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Political Capital as a Spatially-Bounded Asset: Location-specificity, Mobility and Firms’ International Strategies, 2018Laval University, Department of Management, Political Capital as a Spatially-Bounded Asset: Location-specificity, Mobility and Firms’ International Strategies, Quebec, 2018HEC Montreal Business School, Political Capital as a Mobile Asset? Relational capital, Knowledge Capital and Firms’ International Strategies. Montreal, 2018Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Laurier Wilfrid University, Knowledge Creation at the Intersection between International Business/Strategy and Technology. Waterloo, 2017 Roma Tre University, Department of Business Science, The Impact of Political Capital on Firm Internationalization: Evidence from Russian Firms. Rome, 2017Northeastern University, Department of International Business, When Near is Dar and Far is Near: FDI, Geographic Location and Connectivity. Boston, 2016St. Petersburg State University Academic Council, Mission and Direction of the Center for the Study of Emerging Markets Multinationals. St. Petersburg, 2016India Institute of Management - Ahmedabad, When near is far and far is near: FDI, geographic location and connectivity. Ahmadabad, 2016Sagong University E-MBA International Visit program: South Korean Multinationals in a Global World. NY, 2014 BI Norwegian Business School, Department of Strategy and Logistics: Does having women on boards create value? The impact of societal perceptions and corporate governance in emerging markets, 2013St. Petersburg State University Global School Of Management (GSOM): Governments go international: What does it mean for the international strategies of national firms? 2013 George Washington University, Department of International Business: Not all competitors are created equal: The heterogeneity of MNE competitors and its competitive consequences. Washington D.C., 2013The Hebrew University, School of Business Administration: Not all competitors are created equal: The heterogeneity of MNE competitors and its competitive consequences. Jerusalem, 2012Richard Ivey School of Business, Western University, London, Ontario: Not all competitors are created equal: The heterogeneity of MNE competitors and its competitive consequences. 2012.Universidad Austral, IAE Business School, Department of Business Policy, But how does Distance Affect FDI? Distance as a relative and endogenous country attribute. Buenos Aires, 2012University of North Carolina, Belk College of Business: But how does distance affect FDI? And why does it matter? 2011Copenhagen Business School, Department of Strategic Management and Globalization: But how does distance affect FDI? And why does it matter? 2011India Institute of Management Bangalore, Not all competitors are created equal: The heterogeneity of MNE competitors and its competitive consequences. 2011SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore, India, MBA and Executives Programs: Why should managers care about international business strategy? 2011Singapore Management University, Lee Kong Chian School of Business. Not all competitors are created equal: The heterogeneity of MNE competitors and its competitive consequences. 2011Cambridge University, Judge Institute of Management (Center for Business Research): Not all competitors are created equal: Competitive intensity and variations of MNE competitive advantages. Cambridge, UK, 2010.Columbia University, Vale Columbia Program on International Investment, Journalists Workshop: Corporate strategies in the global economy. Foreign Investment, Multinational Enterprises, and the Media. 2010National University of Singapore, Business Policy Department: Not all competitors are created equal: Competitive intensity and variations of MNE competitive advantages, 2010Sabanci University, Faculty of Management: Not all competitors are created equal: Competitive intensity and variations of MNE competitive advantages. Istanbul, 2010.Northeastern University, College of Business Administration: Location in international business theory: What we know and some suggestions for further extensions. Boston, 2009.Virginia Tech, Pamplin College of Business: The MNE as a portfolio: Path-dependence and interdependencies in MNE location choices. 2009.Centre for Professional Service Firms, Harvard Law School, Why does the Competitive Position of MNEs Vary across Countries? Variations of competitors, competitive intensity and competitive advantages: US legal Services Firms in International Competition. Cambridge, 2009.Bocconi University, Management Department: The MNE as a portfolio: Path-dependence and interdependencies in MNE location choices. Milan, 2009.University of Bologna, Department of Management: The MNE as a portfolio: Path-dependence and interdependencies in MNE location choices. Bologna, 2009.Hong-Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Management and Organizations: Foreignness, multinationality and inter-organizational relationships.2009Chinese University of Hong-Kong, Department of Management: The MNE as a portfolio: Path-dependence and interdependencies in MNE location choices.2009.Technion, Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Area, Faculty of Industrial Engineering: Foreignness, multinationality and inter-organizational relationships. Israel, 2008. Georgia State University, Institute of International Business: Foreignness, multinationality and inter-organizational relationships. Atlanta, Georgia, 2008.Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Institute for International Marketing and Management: Foreignness, multinationality and inter-organizational relationships. Austria, 2008.Tilburg University, Department of Economics and Business Administration: A portfolio approach to the modeling of MNE location choices. Netherlands, 2008.National University of Singapore, Department of Business Policy: A Portfolio approach to the modeling of MNE location choices. Singapore, 2008.Rutgers Business School: A Portfolio approach to the modeling of MNE location choices. Rutgers, NJ, 2008.Brandeis Business School: Foreignness, multinationality and networking intensity. Waltham, Boston, 2008.George Washington University, Department of International Business: Foreignness, multinationality and networking intensity. Washington D.C., 2007.Baruch College, Zicklin Corporate Integrity Center: Corporate Integrity in Emerging Markets, 2007Korea University Business School: What constitutes the liability of foreignness? Seoul, 2006.Minnesota University, Carlson School of Management: The impact of nationality of ownership on the networking intensity of firms, 2005. XVth International Conference of RESER: Growth, Employment and Location of Services: New Trends in a Global World, 2005, Granada, Spain (Keynote Speaker). National University of Singapore, Department of Business Policy: Does it matter where they are? The geographic location of countries and MNE location choices, 2005.Rutgers University, Center for Global Change and Governance: Does it matter where they are? The geographic location of countries and MNE location choices. 2005.The Swedish research frontier: Business implications of European integration. Molle, Sweden, 2001 (Invited Discussant)London School of Economics: Economic Geography and the Location of TNCs: Financial and Professional Service FDI to the USA. London, 2000Government/International InstitutionsUnited Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Value Creation and Value Appropriation in Global Supply Chains: Who Appropriates the Surplus Value in the Global Garment Industry and Why? Vienna 2018World Bank, Investment Climate Applied Research Division, Value Creation and Value Appropriation in Global Supply Chains: Who Appropriates the Surplus Value in the Global Garment Industry and Why? Washington D.C. 2017US Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Economic, Value Creation and Value Appropriation in Global Supply Chains: Who Appropriates the Surplus Value in the Global Garment Industry and Why? Washington D.C. 2017United Nations Corporation on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Value Creation and Value Appropriation in Global Supply Chains: Who Appropriates the Surplus Value in the Global Garment Industry and Why? Geneva 2017International Labor Organization (ILO), Value Creation and Value Appropriation in Global Supply Chains: Who Appropriates the Surplus Value in the Global Garment Industry and Why? Geneva 2017Bangladesh Garment Manufacturing Export Association (BGMEA)/Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), Value creation and value appropriation in global supply chains: Who appropriate the value of Bangladesh garment production and why. Dhaka 2016United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Taking part in global supply chains: Impact on industrial development, Vienna, 2015World Bank, Investment Climate Group, Investment policy and non-equity forms of investment. Washington DC, 2015US Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis, What is different about foreign firms: Inputs to the Bureau TiVA data collection OECD project. Washington DC, 2015 The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Conference: Globalization and the Future of Emerging Markets. Abu Dhabi, 2014The NAM Institute of Empowerment of Women of the Malaysian Government, Women on Boards of Malaysia Companies. Kuala Lumpur 2013Istanbul Financial Center Committee, Bringing Istanbul to the world and the world to Istanbul: The role of MNEs. Baruch College, New York 2012 Conference on Cultural Creative Clusters in China, Multinational Enterprises and cluster theory: The case of cultural clusters. Beijing, China, 2006 (a brainstorming event in preparation for China’s 11th 5-year economic plan).US-China Trade & Business conference, Albany, New York, 2006National Conference of State Legislators: Policy responses to outsourcing: Prescriptive and normative approaches. Washington D.C., Capitol Hill, 2003Confederation of Business Industries. On the impact of globalization on competition and competitiveness policy, as input for a report prepared for the House of Lord Committee. London, 2002.London Development Agency, Strategic Group: The media cluster of Central London. London, 2001London First, the investment promotion agency of London: The attraction of London’s clusters of business activity for foreign firms: Policy implications for regional agencies. London, 1998, 2001The European Commission, Enterprise DG, Division on business services: Country- and firm-determinants of the international competitiveness of business service firms. Brussels, 2000. KeynoteBrookings Institute, Brookings Program on the Measurement of Service Productivity: The measurement of productivity of professional service firms: Illustration on Swedish management consulting firms. Washington D.C., 1999World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA), United Nations: The implications of UNCTAD’s work on Transnational Corporations for investment promotion agencies. Geneva 1996Others85Broads, Firms in a Global World. Webinar session, 201485Broads, Emerging Markets as Future Investment Destination: Where are They Heading and What’s in Them for Your Company? Webinar session, 2013Value Creation via International Activity: Opera Solutions Goes international. Opera Solutions Consulting, New York, 2011.85Broads, International Business Strategy in Today’s World. Webinar session, 2011 (Sponsored by the Economist Education). Conference Board's Strategic Outsourcing Conference: Selecting outsourcing destinations: A combination of firm and country characteristics, New York, 2007.Editorial Activities Editorial Board Member Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge University UK, 2017 - Strategic Management Journal, 2013-Global Strategy Journal, 2010-Journal of International Business Studies, 2007–2015 (Consulting Editor, various years)Journal of Management Studies, 2011-2016Journal of International Management, 2010-2015Management International Review, 2007 – 2015 International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2012 - 2014African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 2011 - 2014International Studies of Management and Organization, 2011 - 2014Transnational Corporations, 1996-1998 (Book Review Editor)Ad Hoc RefereeAcademy of Management Journal; Academy of Management Review; Strategic Management Journal; Administrative Science Quarterly; Global Strategy Journal; Management Science; Organization Science; Journal of International Business Studies; Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal; Journal of Economic History; Journal of International Management; Management International Review; Corporate Governance: An International Review; Business and Politics; Research Policy; Journal of Business Research; Long Range Planning; Woman’s Studies International Forum; Cross Cultural Management: an International Journal; Journal of World Business; Business & Society; Management and Organization Review; Urban Studies; Regional Studies; Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy; World Development; Thunderbird International Business Review; British Journal of Management; International Marketing Review; Asia Pacific Journal of Management; International Business Review; Transnational Corporations; Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money; Journal of Business in Developing Nations; Economía Mexicana Nueva ?poca (in English); Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade; Journal of Product Innovation Management; Journal of International Entrepreneurship; Journal of Small Business Management; Group & Organization Management; Telecommunications Policy Journal; Global Journal of Economics and Finance; Journal of International Trade & Economic Development.Advisory on Book Proposals and Research Projects The Trans-Atlantic Platform Research Fund, Project Proposal, Prof. T. Edwards, Social Innovation Processes in and around Multinational Companies: The Role of Social Activists and their Transnational Networks, 2019Routledge Frontiers in the Development of International Business, Management and Marketing, Series proposal, 2018Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Business Healthcare: Should Health Advice and Consultancy to Businesses be a Recognized Profession? 2018McGraw-Hill Education, Hill and Hult Global Business Today 11e, 2017Wiley Publishing digital book proposal, International Business. By Shad Morris and James Oldroyd 2016Routledge Publishing book proposal, International Business. By Oded Shenkar (new edition) 2012.Emerald Group Publishing series proposal, Actions and Insights: Middle East North Africa. By Melodena Balakrishnan, 2011.Routledge Publishing book proposal, Working in the Global Economy: How to Develop and Manage Your Career Across Borders. By Roblyn Simeon, 2010.United States-Israel Bi-national Science Foundation research proposal, The Propensity, Distance, and Diversity of Internationalization (Proposal # 2008090), 2009UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) award report, Foreign Ownership, Wages and Spillover (RES-000-22-1034), 2008UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) award report, The Globalization of the Executive Search Industry in Europe (RES-000-22-1498), 2008McGraw Hill book proposal, International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition, by D. Ball, W.H. McCulloch, J.M. Geringer, M.S. Minor and J. McNett, 12th edition, 2007Austrian Science Fund (FWF Vienna) research proposal, Globalisation of Services: Trade and FDI, (project number P19754-G11), 2006South-Western College Publishing book proposal, Thomson Learning, International Business textbook proposal, 2006Thomson Business and Economics Publishing book proposal, International Business: Strategy and the Multinational Enterprise by John Cullen, 2006UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) research proposal, The Dynamics of the Embedded Enterprise: Clusters, Firms and Change (RES-000-23-1607), 2005McGraw Hill book proposal, Transnational Management, C. Bartlett, S. Ghoshal and J. Birkinshaw, 5th edition, 2005Edward Elgar book proposal, Global Enclave: Multinational Enterprise and Local Economic Development, 2004Routledge book proposal, The European Internationalisation of Japan’s Service TNCs, 2003Teaching ActivitiesCourses Taught/Developed (*new course development)Graduate/Executive Courses:Firms in a Global World Separated by CountriesBaruch College MBA Program, 2011 – Baruch College Executive MBA Program, 2014 - International Business Strategy/Managing the Multinational Enterprise:Baruch College MBA Program, 2002 – Vienna Technical University, MBA Program, Vienna 2006 – Baruch College Overseas Executive MBA Programs, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong-Kong, 2004-2014Krems University, MBA Program, Austria, 2012 Minnesota University Global MBA Program, Sun Yen-sen University, China, 2007Warsaw School of Economics, MBA Program, 2007Webster University MBA Program, 1996, 1997(*) India in the World; The World in IndiaSchool Of Inspired Leadership (SOIL), Delhi India, MBA Program, 2011 - 2017 (*) The Globalization of Healthcare: The Tension between the Global and the Local:Baruch College Executive MBA Program in Healthcare Management, 2017 -(*) Strategy Execution in a Global World:India School of Business (ISB) MBA Program, 2016 - (*) International Study Trip:Baruch College Executive MBA Program, 2007 – 2012(*) Emerging Markets and the International Business Environment:Baruch College MBA program, 2010 - (*) Strategic Alliances in a Global World:India School of Business (ISB) MBA Program, 2013 - (*) Legal, Regulatory, and Compliance Issues in International Business:International School of Management (ISM) Paris, DBA Program, 2014 – [course delivered in NY](*) International Business: Theory, Methodology and ApplicationsBaruch College PhD program, cross-departmental (never taught) (*) International Strategy Meets Finance:Baruch College Executive Master in Finance Program, 2008Global Competition and Strategy: – Webster University MBA Program, 1997Undergraduate Courses:Introduction to International Business: New York University, Stern School of Business, 2011 Baruch College, 2002 – 2012, 2016 - Business Strategy: – Uppsala University, 1994MBA/PhD supervisionNing Zhang, Investment barriers to Chinese companies in the US. Institute of Finance and Trade Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, PhD dissertation, 2012/13Ekaterina Ambrosch, Entry into Unstable Markets: Austrian Automation Technology Firms in Russia and China. Vienna Technical University, MBA Dissertation, 2016/17Reinhard Schütz, Attracting private sector infrastructure investment: Lessons to India from the experience of the EU. Vienna Technical University, MBA Dissertation, 2014/15Martina Krichmayr, The competitive advantages and disadvantages of Austrian construction MNEs in Russia and Central Asia. Vienna Technical University, MBA Dissertation, 2010Michael Schmid, Successful and sustainable strategies in the global hydro generator market. Vienna Technical University, MBA Dissertation, 2010Huang Rong Rong, Strategic management of family enterprises in China. Vienna Technical University, MBA Dissertation, 2008PHD seminars/guest lecturesIIM-A India, Where do good research ideas come from? Ahmadabad 2016Doctoral Consortium, AIB Moscow 2013BI Norwegian Business School, Department of Strategy and Logistics: Where do good research ideas come from? 2013Sabanci University, Faculty of Management, 2010Tilburg University, International Business Program, 2008Baruch College, Marketing program, 2003 - 2011Grants and ScholarshipsResearch Excellence Awards, Baruch College: Every year awards were given, $7,500 - $12,000Baruch College Marketing/IB Department Aaronson Fund:Annually since awards started 2011 ($3,500-5,000)PSC-CUNY Research Grants, City University New York:Annually since 2003 ($3,500-7,500)Research scholarship, Economic and Social Research Council, UK (joint application with several members of the Center for Business Research, Cambridge University), 1999-2002 (100,000 British pounds) Mobility scholarship, Norfa, The Scandinavian Research Academy:1996 (75,000 DKR)1994 (75,000 DKR)Hartman Center Travel-to-Collection Grant, Sales, advertising, and marketing history library, Duke University, NC, 1994 (10,000 US$)Introduction scholarship for PhD research, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 1992 (200,000 DKR)Grant for PhD empirical work, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 1992 (50,000 DKR)Institutional ServiceMember, Presidential Excellence Award Committee for Scholarship, Baruch College, 2019Member, AIB?Africa, Academic Affairs of Conference and Capacity Building Committee, 2018-2021Mentor, Paper Development Workshops, Journal of International Business Studies 2010, 2012, 2014Member, Marketing/IB Department Executive Committee, 2018-2021Committee Member, Zicklin School Graduate Curriculum Committee, 2015 - 2016Committee Member, Baruch College School of Public Affairs, 2014 - 2015Committee member, Baruch College Assessment, Accreditation, and Learning Committee, 2014-Initiated and leading an International Business Research Program, Baruch College, 2004 - Member, Doctoral Faculty of the University PhD Program, City University New York, 2007 - Member, Learning Goal Assurance, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, 2005MembershipsAcademy of International Business (AIB), 1993 - Strategic Management Society (SMS), 2003 - Academy of Management (AOM), IM and BPS (RM) Divisions, 2000 - 2015The Institute for Operation Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), 2004 - 2011Corporate ExperienceManager, G.G. Computers, Israel 1986-7. Managed the switch to electronic production of Davar, the third largest daily newspaper in Israel.Manager, Smadar, Import of equipment for the food industry, Israel 1985-6. Managed the service and spare parts department, including the technical staff.Media AppearanceIn Qualcomm/NXP: As Deal End Date Approaches, SAMR Decision Poised for Key Impact on U.S.-China Trade, Telecom Tensions. The Capitol Forum, Vol. 6 No. 268 - July 20, 2018In Sheryl Nance-Nash, Live Local, Think Global. Insight Magazine, CPA Society, Summer 2017 Stephenie Overman, Finding the Right Talent around the Globe. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Vol. 60 No. Feb. 2016L. Nachum, The Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal and the Five Global Strategies You Need to Win It. Huffington Post business blog, Nov. 18, 2015. Nachum, Is Gender Diversity Right for Your Board? Diversity Executive Magazine, October 22, 2015 Jonathan Keane, Xiaomi takes on Brazil and India, so what’s next? IDG Connect, August 26 2015 . Nachum, How to Get Corporate University Curricula Ready for a Global World. Corporate Learning Officer Magazine, July 2015 (cover article) Speaker, Why the TPP trade agreement is beneficial for the US and NYC. Brooklyn TV Independent Media May 14, 2015. L. Nachum, The Three Biggest Deficiencies Boards of Global Companies Have. Forbes 4/18/2015.. Nachum, Consider Reshoring? How to Get It Right. . 2014In Emilia David, South China Sea: Lots of Oil, Lots of Uncertainty. , Thursday, 9 Oct 2014. A 'Game Changer' B-School - SOIL Story, India Economics Time TV show, March 9, 2014. Gabrielle Karol, Could Free-Trade Mean Bad News for Small Business? FOXBusiness July 10, 2013. . Nachum, Go Global or Go Home. In The Next 10 Years: Get Your Business Ready. New York Report, January 2nd, 2013, . Nachum, Expat Prof’s India Diary. Indian Express, Dec. 31st 2012.L. Nachum, Why TCS, Infosys and Wipro need to look beyond US & Europe. India Economic Times, June 9, 2012 . Nachum, The Incompatibility of International Business and Law. Law360, June 6, 2012[Header:]L. Nachum, The International Forces that Shape your Strategy. Forbes blog, 2012. . Nachum, Desi Going Global: Are Indian firms taking a right route to Global Presence? Business World India, 2 November 2011 (by invitation). Nachum, Why Finance Professionals Need International Business Strategy. Forbes blog, 2011. Nachum, International Business Strategy: A Journey of its Own. Forbes blog, 2011 Mark Milian, Wiki Leaks cables detail Apple's battle with counterfeits in China. CNN Tech 2011 York Round Table, Trade Makes New York Strong. 2006 direct investment in New York City, Upper East Side Magazine, May 2005 on foreign direct investment and economic development, World Bank, The Development Gateway Community, January 2005 Dharam Shourie, Offshoring: US companies satisfied by outsourcing initiatives. The Press Trust of India, Hindu Times, February 6th, 2004In J. Pravin, City must mend its ways. Reinsurance Magazine, March 2002, pp. 24-25In R. Banks, The London market and the effect of foreign ownership. Insurance Day, January 24th 2002, p. 5In S. Crainer, The Valley in the Fens. The Industry Standard (Europe), March 28th 2001, pp. 62-64In A. Beattie, Let’s gather at the Groucho. Financial Times Creative Business supplement, December 19th 2000, p. 14 Conference ParticipationAs Discussant/Chair/Key notePanel Member, AIB History Project Launch, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Copenhagen, 2019Host, AIB Fellow Café, The disturbing gap between opportunities and investments in Africa and what to do about it? Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Copenhagen, 2019Chair/organizer, Panel on Theory Development for Africa. Academy of International Business -Africa chapter, Accra 2019 Key note speaker, Emerging Market and Russian Multinational Enterprises. GSOM Emerging Markets Conference, St. Petersburg State University, 2015Chair, Internationalization of emerging market firms. Strategic Management Society, Santiago, Chile 2015.Chair, The legitimacy challenge and new means to address it. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston 2012.Discussant, Strategy and management. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston mentator, The 2011 JIBS Decade Award for the most influential paper published in the 2001.Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Nagoya, 2011.Discussion Leader, University of Pittsburg, The Katz Graduate School of Business: Does physical location still matter? Collaborative Forum on Global Technological Innovation. 2011.Moderator, Panel on Women in Management: Academy of International Business – Middle East and North Africa Chapter (AIB-MENA), Dubai, 2010Facilitator, JIBS workshop, Academy of International Business – Middle East and North Africa Chapter (AIB-MENA), Dubai, 2010Facilitator, Innovation and knowledge acquisition in a global context. Strategic Management Society, Rome, 2010.Discussant, Comparative strategy session, Global Strategy Journal Launch Conference, McDonald’s University, Oak brook, IL, 2010.Facilitator, Reputation, social capital and localization. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Rio-de-Janeiro, 2010 Facilitator, Institutions, institutional distance and the liability of foreignness. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Rio-de-Janeiro, 2010 Lead Discussant, How does the global crisis affect FDI? Fourth Columbia International Investment Conference: FDI, the global crisis and sustainable recovery, Columbia University, New-York, 2009.Discussant, MNC interaction with institutions. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago IL, 2009Facilitator, Location issues in international business. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, 2008Discussant, MNC subsidiaries in the spot light, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2007Chair, Networks and intra-firm knowledge transfer, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, 2007 Chair, Adapting to international environments, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2005Discussant, Exploration across border, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Hawaii, 2005Discussant, The shift towards services, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Quebec City, 2005Discussant, International locational strategies, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Quebec City, 2005Discussant, Empirical studies of global services, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Quebec City, 2005Discussant, Clustering: Innovation and performance, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Quebec City, 2005Discussant, International competitiveness, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 2000As Presenter/Panel memberL. Nachum, S. Rajeev, A. Panibratov, Political capital as a spatially-bounded asset: Location Specificity, mobility and firms' internationalization. Research Conference on Corporate Governnace and Global Strategy. Michigan Ross School of Business, Ann Arbor, 2018 (by invitation) L. Nachum, Panel Member, Knowledge creation in international business. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago 2018L. Nachum, What is different about Sub-Saharan Africa and how should global companies take advantage of it? AIB-SSA Chapter, Kigali 2018L. Nachum, Value creation and value appropriation in the global garment supply chain. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Minneapolis 2018L. Nachum, Panel Member, Panel on IPR protection in a digital global world. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Minneapolis 2018L. Nachum, Panel Member, UNCTAD panel on sustainable development/SDGs. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Dubai 2017L. Nachum and C. Ogbechie, Where have Foreign Banks in Nigeria Gone? The Impact of Local Competitors on MNEs Strategic Choices and Outcomes. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Dubai 2017L. Nachum, H. Hong and G. Livanis, When near is far and far is near: FDI, geographic location and connectivity. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Dubai 2017 L. Nachum, S. Rajeev, A. Panibratov, Political capital and firms’ internationalization: Russia exports and FDI. AIB-SSA Chapter, Lagos 2016L. Nachum, How much social responsibility should firms assume and of which kind? Strategic Management Society, Rome 2016S. Rajeev, A. Panibratov, L. Nachum, M. Latuha, Global mobility of political power? The internationalization of Russia MNEs. Strategic Management Society, Santiago, Chile 2015.S. Rajeev, A. Panibratov, L. Nachum, M. Latuha, Global mobility of political power? The internationalization of Russia MNEs. AIB Inaugural SSA Chapter, Nairobi 2014.L. Nachum, Distance without direction: Restoring credibility to a much loved construct. ‘Distance in International Business Research: Moving beyond Critique’ panel. AIB Annual Conference Vancouver 2014. Plenary session.L. Nachum, Governments and MNEs as CSR Providers. ‘Assuming Corporate Responsibilities in Emerging Markets: Challenges and Prospects’ panel. AIB Annual Conference Vancouver 2014.L. Nachum, M. Carnevale and H. Korn, Not all competitors are created equal: Competitive intensity and variations of MNE competitive advantages. AIB Special Conference, Moscow 2013.S.N. Abdullah, K.N.I. Ismail and L. Nachum. Women on boards of Malaysian companies: Impact on market and accounting performance. Strategic Management Society Special India Conference, Mohali 2013.S.N. Abdullah, K.N.I. Ismail and L. Nachum. Women on boards of Malaysian companies: Impact on market and accounting performance. Academy of International Business – Middle East and North Africa Chapter (AIB-MENA), Cairo 2013.S.N. Abdullah, K.N.I. Ismail and L. Nachum. Women on boards of Malaysian companies: Impact on market and accounting performance. Academy of Management Africa Conference, Johannesburg 2013L. Nachum, What is different about MNEs? It depends on the local sample with whom they are compared. ‘Foreignness beyond liability’ Panel, Academy of Management, Boston 2012.L. Nachum, M. Carnevale and H. Korn, Not all competitors are created equal: Competitive intensity and variations of MNE competitive advantages. 5th Annual International City-Break Conference, Athens 2012.L. Nachum, But how does distance affect FDI? And why does it matter? Academy of International Business, Nagoya, 2011.L. Nachum, But how does distance affect FDI? And why does it matter? Academy of International Business – Middle East and North Africa Chapter (AIB-MENA), Dubai, 2010.L. Nachum, MNE Location Choices. Panel ‘Global Knowledge Sourcing: Modes, Locations, Processes and Outcomes’, Academy of International Business, Rio de Janeiro, 2010.L. Nachum, M. Carnevale and H. Korn, Not all competitors are created equal: Competitive intensity and variations of MNE competitive advantages. 3rd Israel Strategy Conference, Beer-Shiva, 2009L. Nachum and S.Y. Song, The MNE as a portfolio: Interdependencies and path-dependence in MNE location choices. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2009L. Nachum and S.Y. Song, A portfolio approach to the modeling of MNE international expansion. 2nd Israel Strategy Conference, Tel-Aviv, 2008L. Nachum and S.Y. Song, A portfolio approach to MNE location choices. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, 2008L. Nachum, What explains the performance differential between foreign and local firms and why does it matter? Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, 2008L. Nachum, What explains the performance differential between foreign and local firms and why does it matter? Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Milan, 2008L. Nachum, When is foreignness an asset. Symposium ‘Far reaching problems of being foreign: Exploration of where and how liability of foreignness is being felt’, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2007L. Nachum, S. Zaheer and S. Gross, Does it matter where countries are? Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2007L. Nachum, The impact of nationality of ownership on the networking intensity of firms. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2007 L. Nachum, Conducting international business research. Panel ‘Publishing strategic management research’, Special Strategic Management Society China Conference, Shanghai, 2007L. Nachum, The impact of nationality of ownership on the networking intensity of firms. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 2006L. Nachum, What constitutes the liability of foreignness? Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 2006L. Nachum, Why do foreign affiliates network? Foreign and local professional service firms in London. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2005L. Nachum and S. Zaheer, Does it matter where they are? The geographic location of countries and MNE location choices. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Hawaii, August 2005 L. Nachum, Location as a strategic variable: Location portfolios and MNE internal and external networks. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, San-Juan, Porto-Rico, 2004L. Nachum and D. Keeble, Networking of foreign affiliates as a distinctive alternative for markets and hierarchy: Foreign and local professional service firms in London. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, New-Orleans, Louisiana, 2004 L. Nachum, The home-based advantages and a hierarchy of location resources: Foreign affiliates in the London wholesale insurance market. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, New-Orleans, Louisiana, 2004 L. Nachum and C. Wymbs, Foreign firms in New York City: A key source of business growth and investment. Carnegie-Bosch International Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2003L. Nachum, Location as a strategic variable: Economic-geography and the MNE internal and external networks. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 2003L. Nachum, The home-based advantages and a hierarchy of location advantages: Foreign- and British-owned firms in the London wholesale insurance Market. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Monterey, California, 2003 L. Nachum, The local embeddedness of foreign affiliates and MNE organizational structure:Professional service affiliates in London business clusters. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Monterey, California, 2003 L. Nachum, Liability of foreignness and the superior advantages of MNEs: Financial service MNEs in the City of London. Fox School of Management 4th Annual International Business Research Forum, Temple University, Philadelphia, 2002L. Nachum and D. Keeble, External networks and geographic clustering as sources of MNE advantages: Foreign and indigenous professional service firms in Central London. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 2002L. Nachum, Nationality of ownership and MNEs’ international strategies: Professional service MNEs in global competition. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 2002L. Nachum, Liability of foreignness in global competition? Foreign and indigenous financial services firms in the City of London, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Sidney, Australia, 2001 L. Nachum and S. Zaheer, MNEs in the Digital Economy? Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Sidney, Australia, 2001 L. Nachum, Local and global linkages of insurance organizations in the London wholesale insurance market: Findings of a field survey. PROGRES seminar on the Global Insurance Industry, The Geneva Association, Geneva, 2001.L. Nachum and D. Keeble, MNE linkages and localized clusters: Foreign and indigenous firms in the media cluster of Central London. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 2001 L. Nachum, International business in a world of increasing returns. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 2000L. Nachum, Competition in global financial centers: Implications for financial service affiliates in the City of London. PROGRES seminar on Global Financial Services, The Geneva Association, Geneva, 2000L. Nachum and D. Keeble, Neo-Marshallian nodes in Global Networks: The global and the local in the international competitiveness of media firms in Central London. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, 1999L. Nachum, Foreign ownership in the City of London: Some policy implications. PROGRES seminar on Global Financial Services, The Geneva Association, Geneva, 1999.L. Nachum, J. Dunning and G. Jones, UK FDI and the comparative advantage of the UK. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 1998L. Nachum, J. Dunning and G. Jones, The international competitiveness of the UK: Is it eroding or rather changing form? la Sorbonne International Conference, Paris, 1998 L. Nachum, Winners and losers in professional services: What makes the difference? European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, Belgium, 1994L. Nachum, The competitiveness of firms and the comparative advantage of their home countries: US, UK and French advertising agencies. European Association of International Business, Madrid, Spain, 1994L. Nachum, Ownership advantages and location advantages: Some associations applied to professional service firms. European Association of International Business, Reading, UK, 1993 ................

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