CalTime for Exempt Employees


Schedule Editor


Supervisors of Non-Exempt Employees (RDP)

Table of Contents 1

Accessing Schedule Editor 5

Schedule Editor’s Tabs 5

By Employee 5

By Group 6

Schedule Editor’s Menus 6

Actions 6

Shift 6

Pay Code 6

View 7

Save and Refresh 8

Columns 8

Right-Clicking 9

Double-Clicking 10

Entering Time Data 10

Scrolling Through Dates 11

Scheduled Hours 11

Printing and Exporting Schedules 12

Pattern Editor 13

Assigning Schedules 14

Scheduling Split Shifts w/Friendly Name Transfers 20

Modifying a Schedule 25

Out-of-Pattern Schedule Change 33

Deleting a Schedule from a Given Point, Forward 39

Deleting a Schedule Altogether 41

Accessing Schedule Editor_____

Supervisors must use RDP to access CalTime’s Schedule Editor.

RDP access tools can be found at .

If you have any problems accessing CalTime, please contact the CalTime Help Desk:

←, which will automatically enter your request into the CalTime ticketing system

CalTime Home Screen for Supervisors

After CalTime log in, you will see the Non-Exempt Pay Period Approval Genie.

To get to Schedule Editor, click the Scheduling tab, and then select Schedule Editor.


Once you are in the Schedule Editor, click the Show drop list, and select All Non-Exempt Home to view only your non-exempt employees.


Schedule Editor’s Tabs_____


By Employee

Allows you to create, edit, delete, and view employee schedules.

By Group

(This option allows you to load employee groups but not to modify them in any way. Supervisors are not allowed access to create or modify employee groups; so for all intents and purposes, this is not a functional tab for supervisors.)

Schedule Editor’s Menus_____



|Select All |selects the entire table of employees and their schedules |

|Cut, Copy, Paste |cuts, and copies selected data, pastes cut or copied data |

|Restore |restores shift data deleted from a shift, if the insertion point is in the correct shift cell and |

| |you haven’t saved yet |

|Print Screen, Export to Excel |sends the table’s contents to printer or exports the table of employees and their schedules to a |

| |Microsoft Excel file |


|Add, Edit, Delete |add, edit, or delete the contents of a shift cell |

|Add Pattern, Edit Pattern, |allows you to insert a predefined pattern of shifts and days off into a span of shift cells, from a |

|Delete Pattern |list of pattern templates |

|Insert Template |allows you to insert a predefined shift into a shift cell, from a list of shift templates |

Pay Code

|Add, Edit, Delete |add, edit, or delete the contents of a cell that contains a Pay Code |

|Add Pattern, Edit Pattern, |allows you to add, edit, or delete a pattern that employs Pay Codes |

|Delete Pattern | |


|Daily Interval, 4-hour |[pic] Daily |

|interval, 1-hour interval, |[pic] 4-Hour |

|15-minutes interval | |

|Shift times, Shift Labels |allows you to view shifts either by times or by their labels (e.g., 11:00am-4:00pm vs. 11A-4P or |

| |Vacation 8.0 vs. VAC 8.0) |

|Totals, Accrual Amounts, |shows you total hours for all employees and how many employees are working in a given day |

|Breaks | |

|Schedule Outline |shows you any schedules in effect for a selected employee |

|Audits |shows an audit of actions performed on your employees schedules, over a designated period of time, |

| |such as Current Schedule Period or Range of Dates |

Save and Refresh_____

After making changes to a schedule (using any of the scheduling tools), click Save to store your changes.


When you click Save, SCHEDULE EDITOR will turn from orange to black, and the asterisk will vanish.


Click Refresh after clicking Save, so the data displayed on the shift table will be updated.


Columns can be resized horizontally, if you need to see all that is stored in a cell. Simply place your mouse pointer on the line that divides the columns. The pointer shape will change to a double-headed arrow. When you see this, click and drag the separation line to the right until your view of the cell’s contents is satisfactory.



Right-clicking on an employee’s name will cause the following menu to display:


Use this right-click, especially if you want to add, edit, or delete a pattern of shifts assigned to the employee over a period of time.

Right-clicking on a shift cell will cause the following menu to display:


Use this right-click, especially if you want to add, edit, cut, copy, paste, or delete a shift.


Double-click on an employee’s name to open the Pattern Editor.



Double-click on a shift cell to open the Edit Shift dialog window.



Entering Time Data_____

Time can be entered in a 12-hour or 24-hour format. The following table shows various ways time can be entered into a shift cell or range of cells:

|AM |9a |9:00a |9 |9:00 |9:00am |

|PM |9p |9:00p |9pm |21 |21:00 |

Scrolling Through Dates_____

You can scroll to the left or the right through a range of dates by clicking on the arrows shown below. A single arrow (( () scrolls you a week at a time; a double arrow ((( (() takes you to the beginning or the end of the range.


Scheduled Hours_____

There are two locations on the Schedule Editor screen that display scheduled hours for the Time Period you are viewing.

|One shows scheduled hours |The other shows scheduled hours for all employees: |

|for each employee: | |

[pic] [pic]

Printing and Exporting Schedules_____

Call up a schedule period. Resize the window to display all the shifts for each employee.

Choose Actions > Print Screen.


You can also export the scheduling data for the schedule period or range of dates to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, by choosing the last menu item, Export to Excel.

This will create and allow you to download an Excel version of the schedules for your employees.

Pattern Editor_____

The Pattern Editor appears when you double-click on an employee’s name. The Pattern Editor allows you to assign a pattern of shifts to an employee. These patterns can include worked hours, transfers, and pay codes. Below you see the Pattern Editor dialog window:





[pic] [pic]

A schedule is a pattern of workdays, hours, non-workdays and pay codes over a period of time, applied to one or more non-exempt employees, such as 4:30–8:30 PM, Tuesday and Thursday every week, or Monday–Friday, 7:00 AM–3:30 PM. To create and assign schedules to your employees, do the following:

|Log in to CalTime using RDP. (See instructions on how to log in via RDP at . |

|Click the Scheduling tab, and then click |[pic] |

|Schedule Editor. | |

|If necessary, choose All Non-Exempt Home from the Show drop list. |

|[pic] |

|The Time Period defaults to Current Schedule Period, which is a week long. In the illustration above, we are looking at the schedule period |

|section from Sun 7/27–Sat 8/02. |

|The following example creates a schedule for non-exempt employee, Carl Haggerty. It will be 7:30 am–4:30 pm Monday–Friday, starting in the |

|Current Schedule Period. His first work day is 7/28/2014. |

|We must decide if we want to apply a shift for individual workdays, or apply a preset schedule called a Pattern Template. Because Carl’s |

|schedule will repeat daily, from week to week, we choose a Pattern Template. |

|Right-click on Carl’s name. |[pic] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Left-click Add Pattern > Shift or Pay Code.| |

|Click the Insert Pattern button. | [pic] |

|Carl’s schedule will begin at 7:30 am and |[pic] |

|end at 4:30 pm, so we choose: |NOTE: If you do not see the pattern you need, contact a CalTime system administrator and request it|

|M-F 07301630. |be added to the list. ( You can also manually add it in the Pattern Editor |

|NOTE: The Description on the right uses |window. |

|12-hour time to label the template unlike | |

|the Name, which uses 24-hour time. | |

| | |

|Click OK. | |

|Next we enter the Work Start Date (which |The Monday–Friday schedule is automatically |

|begins on Mon 7/28/2014) and Pattern Start |filled with the hours 7:30 AM–4:30 PM. |

|Date (Sun 7/27/2014). |[pic] |

|After that, we enter the End Date. This |[pic] |

|pattern is Carl’s permanent schedule, so we| |

|need no end date in this example. | |

|(Skip Step 10 if there IS an end date.) | |

|If not active, click the Forever radio | |

|button. | |

|(Skip Steps 11–13 if there IS NO end date.)|[pic] |

|If there is an end date, click the End Date|[pic] |

|radio button. | |

|Click the End Date drop-list arrow. | |

|Select a date from the pop-up calendar. |[pic] |

|Last, we consider whether or not this |[pic] |

|pattern should override other patterns. | |

|We plan on inputting a seven-day vacation | |

|pattern at the beginning of August. That | |

|will take precedence over his regular | |

|schedule, so, no, we do not want the | |

|schedule we are creating here to override | |

|his vacation days. | |

|Leave the Override other patterns checkbox | |

|blank. | |

|Click OK. |[pic] |

| | |

| | |

|Click Save. |[pic] |

| |[pic] |

| |[pic] |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Click OK. | |

| | |

| | |

|Click Refresh. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|When you are done with Schedule Editor | |

|and viewing the employee’s timecard, | |

|click on one of the Genies, click | |

|Reports, or click Log Off to end your | |

|CalTime session. | |

Scheduling Split Shifts with Friendly Name Transfers

|From within Schedule Editor, | |

|double-click on the employee’s name. | |

|Click the Insert Pattern button, and |[pic] |

|choose a pattern template, such as M–F | |

|8AM–1630PM. (You could also enter a | |

|custom pattern on the schedule, such as | |

|you see on the right.) | |

|Key in the Work Start Date. |[pic] |

|Key in the Pattern Start Date (the first| |

|day of the Pay Period in which the work | |

|schedule starts). | |

|Designate that it goes on Forever or key|[pic] |

|in an End Date. | |

|Most likely, you will not want to set it|[pic] |

|to Override Other Patterns, in case | |

|there is a temporary pattern you’d later| |

|input that you want to take precedence. | |

|Double-click on the Tuesday shift. |[pic] |

|This opens up the Shift Editor, in which|[pic] |

|you will build the split shift. | |

|First, note that the Type of shift is | |

|Regular. This indicates this part of the| |

|split shift is the employee’s primary | |

|assignment. | |

|Next, click the Insert Row button. |[pic] |

|Start Time on the second row is: 13 (or |[pic] |

|1p). End Time is 1630 (or 430p). | |

|Type is Transfer. (Click the type | |

|drop-list arrow, and select Transfer.) | |

|Click the Search option under the |[pic] |

|Transfer menu. | |

|From the Available Entries list window, |[pic] |

|choose the employee’s primary job. | |

|Click the OK button. | |

|Repeat the process for the second shift,|[pic] |

|chossing a secondary assignment. | |

|Click the OK button. | |

|You can see the results of your work |[pic] |

|back in Scheudle Editor’s homebase | |

|window. The “(x)” indicates that there |[pic] |

|is a friendly name transfer for that | |

|workday, and it you hover your mouse | |

|over that day, it displays both its | |

|shifts. | |

Once you have created and assigned a schedule to an employee, you may need to edit a portion of it to accommodate changes to his/her schedule, such as vacation leave. For this, you will edit individual shifts, rather than applying a pattern template, as you may have done when you first created the employee’s schedule. The following example modifies a schedule for non-exempt employee, Carl Haggerty, to accommodate a seven-day vacation leave.

|Log in to CalTime using RDP. (See instructions on how to log in via RDP at . |

|Click the Scheduling tab, and then click |[pic] |

|Schedule Editor. | |

|If it isn’t visible in the Show field, choose All Non-Exempt Home from the Show drop list. |

|[pic] |

|To the right you see Carl’s schedule, |[pic] |

|which continues Forever. |[pic] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|To confirm this, right-click on Carl’s | |

|name, and click on Schedule Outline. | |

|The Schedule Outline displays Carl’s |[pic] |

|schedule details. When you are done | |

|reading them, click OK. | |

|In order to place his vacation leave into | |

|the schedule, we will add a Pay Code into | |

|each day Carl will be on vacation. | |

|From the Time Period drop list, choose the|[pic] |

|last option, “Range of Dates”. |[pic] |

|Make sure you can view a range of dates | |

|that will at least display the time frame | |

|in which Carl’s vacation falls. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|For this example, the Start Date should be| |

|7/28/2014 with an End Date of 8/15/2014, | |

|so I can view his vacation leave and the | |

|schedule that surrounds it. | |

|Click OK. | |

|Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the |[pic] |

|Schedule Editor to scroll to the right and| |

|bring the second week into view. | |

|Right-click in the cell for the first day |[pic] |

|of Carl’s vacation (in this example, | |

|8/04). | |

|Click Add > Pay Code. | |

|Make sure the Effective Date the first |[pic] |

|date of the vacation. |[pic] |

| |[pic] |

| |[pic] |

| |NOTE: If you repeated for 7 days, it would include Saturday and Sunday. To tag the following Monday|

| |and Tuesday as the last two days of vacation, input the Pay Codes for them separately. |

| |[pic] |

|The Pay Code should read “Vacation Leave | |

|Taken”. (Other Pay Codes are available on| |

|the drop list.) | |

|Type “8” for the daily Amount. (You could | |

|enter “8” or “10” or “12”, depending on | |

|what constitutes a full workday.) | |

| | |

|Click the Override Shift check box, and | |

|select the Whole Shift option (so the | |

|entire shift is replaced on the schedule, | |

|and the employee is not expected to work | |

|on that day.) | |

|Make sure the Start Time is the normal | |

|beginning time for Carl’s shifts. | |

|Repeat for 5 days. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Click OK. | |

|Below you see the second week of Carl’s schedule, plus the first two days of the third week. We will edit those two day so they are storing the|

|Vacation Leave Taken Pay Code. After that, Carls’s 7:30 am–4:30 pm schedule will resume. |

|[pic] |

|[pic] |

|Right-click in the cell for the second Monday of Carl’s vacation. (In this example, we right-click Monday 8/11/2014. |

|Click Add > Pay Code. |

|[pic] |

| |

|Make sure the Effective Date is the date for that Monday. |

|Use the same settings as above for Pay Code, Amount, Override Shift, Whole Shift, and Start Time. |

|Repeat for 2 days. |

|Click OK. |

|[pic] |

| |

|Note that the last week has two vacation days, then the pattern of Carl’s shift resumes on Wednesday (and will continue Forever.) |

|[pic] |

| |

|Click Save to store your changes. |

|NOTE: The words, Schedule Editor, change from orange to black, once the schedule changes have been saved. |

|[pic] |

| |

|If you view Carl Haggarty’s Timecard after saving the schedule, you will see his Mon–Friday, 7:30 am–4:30 pm schedule plus his vacation days. |

|[pic] |

| |

|When you are done with Schedule Editor and viewing the employee’s timecard, click on one of the Genies, click Reports, or click Log Off to end |

|your CalTime session. |

|[pic] |

| |

Once you have created and assigned a schedule to an employee, you may need to edit it to accommodate short-term changes to his/her schedule (say, 4 or fewer days that are not part of a pattern). For this, you will edit individual shifts.

The following example modifies a schedule for non-exempt employee, Carl Haggerty, to accommodate a two days of short shifts on which he has doctor’s appointments.

|Log in to CalTime using RDP. (See instructions on how to log in via RDP at .) |

|Click the Scheduling tab, and then click |[pic] |

|Schedule Editor. | |

|If it isn’t visible in the Show field, click the Show field drop-list arrow and choose All Non-Exempt Home. |

|[pic] |

|From the Time Period drop list, choose the|[pic] |

|last option, “Range of Dates”. |[pic] |

|Make sure you view a range of dates that | |

|displays the time frame in which Carl’s | |

|short shifts fall. | |

| | |

| | |

|For this example, the Start Date should be| |

|8/17/2014 with an End Date of 8/23/2014. | |

|Click OK. | |

|Schedule Editor opens to the range of |[pic] |

|dates you entered. | |

|Right-click in the cell for the first day | |

|of Carl’s short shift (in this example, | |

|8/18). | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Click Edit. | |

|Click Shift. |[pic] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Make sure the Start and End Dates are | |

|8/18/2014. |[pic] |

|Select the End Time, and type 1130a. | |

|The shift should only Repeat for 1 day. | |

|The Type of shift is Regular. | |

|Click OK. | |

|Click Save to store your changes. |[pic] |

|NOTE: The words, Schedule Editor, change | |

|from orange to black, once the schedule | |

|changes have been saved. | |

|The second doctor’s appointment is on Fri |[pic] |

|8/22 | |

|Right-click in Carl Haggarty’s cell for | |

|Fri 8/22. | |

|Left-click Edit. | |

| |

|Click Shift. |[pic] |

|Make sure the Start and End Dates are the| |

|date for that Friday. |[pic] |

|Input the Start Time and End Time of the | |

|shift. | |

|The Type of shift is Regular. | |

|Repeat for 1 days. | |

|Click OK. | |

|Click Save to store your changes. |[pic] |

|NOTE: The words, Schedule Editor, change | |

|from orange to black, once the schedule | |

|changes have been saved. | |

|Return to Mon 8/18, and right-click. |[pic] |

|Left click on Add > Pay Code. | |

|Verify the Effective Date is the date for|[pic] |

|that Monday. |NOTE: It is not necessary to override any part of the shift, since the shift has been shortened to |

|Select Sick Leave Taken from the Pay Code|7:30a–11:30a |

|drop list. | |

|Type 4.0 in the Amount text box. | |

|Set the Start Time to 12:30. (His shift | |

|normally lasts 8.0 hours with a one-hour | |

|lunch break. His shift would then resume | |

|and continue until 4:30.) | |

|Repeat for 1 day. | |

|Click OK. | |

|Click Save. |[pic] |

|Return to Fri 8/22. |[pic] |

|Repeat Steps 26–33, making sure that in | |

|the Pay Code Editor, the Effective Date | |

|is 8/22. | |

|The finished result is | |

|shown at right: | |

| | |

|When you are done with Schedule Editor, |[pic] |

|click on one of the Genies, click | |

|Reports, or click Log Off to end your | |

|CalTime session. | |

If you find that a schedule does not reflect an employee’s actual work day, you may choose to delete his/her assigned schedule. This job aid includes two sections: Deleting a Schedule from a Given Point Forward and Deleting a Schedule Altogether (see page 37).

|Deleting a Schedule from a Given Point, Forward______ |

|Log in to CalTime using RDP. (See instructions on how to log in via RDP at . |

|Click Scheduling tab, and then click |[pic] |

|Schedule Editor. | |

|Choose All Non-Exempt Home from the Show drop list. |

|[pic] |

|Ensure that the Time Period selected includes the dates to be deleted. Use the Time Period drop list to select the appropriate timeframe: |

|Current Schedule Period, Next Schedule Period, or Range of Dates. |

| |

| |

|Right-click on the employee’s name. (In |[pic] |

|this case, it is Carl Haggarty.) | |

|Left-click Edit Pattern > Shift or Pay | |

|Code. | |

|Click the End Date option button. |[pic] |

|Click in the End Date text box, and type |NOTE: From 8/13/2014 on, Carl will no longer have a schedule. |

|the last day of the schedule you want to be| |

|in effect. (In this case, it is 8/12/2014.)| |

|Click OK. | |

|Observe that Carl no longer has a schedule |[pic] |

|after 8/12/2014: | |

|When you are done with Schedule Editor, | |

|click on one of the Genies, click Reports, |[pic] |

|or click Log Off to end your CalTime | |

|session. | |

|Deleting a Schedule Altogether______ |

|After logging in to CalTime, click the |[pic] |

|Scheduling tab, and then click Schedule | |

|Editor. | |

|Choose All Non-Exempt Home from the Show |[pic] |

|drop list. |[pic] |

|Right-click on the employee’s name. (In | |

|this case, it is Carl Haggarty.) | |

|Click Delete Pattern > Shift or Pay Code. | |

| | |

|Select the pattern to be deleted (if more | |

|than one pattern is present), and click | |

|Delete. | |

|Click OK. | [pic] |

|Observe that Carl’s schedule no longer |[pic] |

|exists: | |

|When you are done with Schedule Editor, |[pic] |

|click on one of the Genies, click | |

|Reports, or click Log Off to end your | |

|CalTime session. | |


Pattern could continue forever or could have an end date.

This pattern could over楲敤愠祮漠桴牥瀠瑡整湲⹳഍摁⁤⁡潒⁷畢瑴湯഍癡楡慬汢⁥桳晩獴഍潈⁷慭祮搠祡⁳牯眠敥獫愠敲椠桴獩猠档摥汵㽥⠠潙⁵慣汣捩桴⁥灵慷摲瀭楯瑮湩⁧牴慩杮敬‬牯挠楬正琠敨䄠摤愠删睯戠瑵潴⹮ഩ圍牯瑓牡⁴慄整଺楦獲⁴潷歲摥搠祡椠慰瑴牥൮倍瑡整湲匠慴瑲䐠瑡㩥昍物瑳搠祡漠⁦捳敨畤敬瀠牥潩൤䤍獮牥⁴桓晩⁴楤污杯眠湩潤⹷⠠潃瑮捡⁴潹牵猠獹整摡業楮瑳慲潴⁲晩礠ride any other patterns.

Add a Row button

available shifts

How many days or weeks are in this schedule? (You can click the upward-pointing triangle, or click the Add a Row button.)

Work Start Date:

first worked day in pattern

Pattern Start Date:

first day of schedule period

Insert Shift dialog window. (Contact your system administrator if you need other shifts added to this window.)

Select Pattern dialog window. (Contact your system administrator if you need other patterns added to this window.)

The Name field displays 24-hour time. Description displays 12-hour time. Either can be entered in CalTime.

type of shift

Shift Editor dialog window. (Friendly name transfers are included in shifts in this window.)

custom Shift Label

End Time

Start Time

Pay Code Editor dialog window. (Vacation leave, sick leave, and so forth, can be entered into a shift from this window.)




















































(Monday and Tuesday)






















































Supervisors of Non-Exempt Employees:

Using Schedule Editor

Supervisors of Non-Exempt Employees:

Using Schedule Editor

Supervisors of Non-Exempt Employees:

Assigning Schedules

Supervisors of Non-Exempt Employees:

Modifying a Schedule

Supervisor[pic][?].>DEFWXYŒ?Ž¨©ª«¬­øéøÛÐøÅøÅøŽŹ«¡—’—‚wd‚Y‚JhTflhªB*CJaJphÿhTflhb0»B*phÿÿÿ$[?]?j‡*[pic]hTflhªB*U[pic]phÿÿÿhTflhªB*phÿÿÿs of Non-Exempt Employees:

An Out-of-Pattern Schedule Change

Supervisors of Non-Exempt Employees:

Deleting Schedules


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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