Aluno: ________________________________________ _____6o Ano: ____

Disciplina: Inglês Professor(a): Carol Data: ___/___/____.


Senhores pais,

Pedimos sua parceria especial no sentido de ajudar, apoiar e ACOMPANHAR os estudos do aluno para que possamos alcançar grandes resultados.

Fiquem atentos para os dados a seguir:


• Conteúdos (G2 DO 3º CICLO)


At\ in ...... p.55

Simple Present (affirmative)..... p.57 and 59

Simple Present (negative)….. p. 67

Simple Present (yes\no questions)….. p.69

Vocabulary: Clothes …..p. 68 and W43

Going out….. p.73 e mais


• Conteúdos (Prova final e/ou Recuperação Especial)


Adjectives ...... p.19

Be ( affirmative)..... p.15

Be (negative) ...... p.31

Be (questions)...... p.33

Sports activities ...... p.47

Can (ability) ...... p.49

School Subjects……p.58

Simple present (Wh- questions) ..... p.75

Expressions of frequency ….. p.77


( Esta é uma atividade de estudo para aprimorar seus conhecimentos. Faça-a com esmero e muita atenção.



1 Read the interview. Answer the questions. Use short answers.

|Free time softball |

|Charlie lives in Ottawa, Canada. Every weekend, he plays softball in the park with his friends. Charlie’s mom and dad play, too. |

|“It’s great fun. We practice with my mom and dad. Dad throws the ball, and we hit it. Softball is fun, and it’s good exercise.” |

|“How often do you play?” |

|“I practice after school three times a week, and we play in the park every Sunday. We start at eleven o’clock, and we finish at one o’clock. I |

|have lunch in the park. After that, we go to the skate park.” |

|“Do you play in the park in the winter?” |

|“No, it’s cold here in winter. We play softball in the sports center, or at the youth club!” |

1 Does Charlie live in Australia?

No, he doesn’t .

2 Does Charlie play softball?

_______________________________ .

3 Does Charlie play in the park on Sundays?

_______________________________ .

4 Does Charlie play softball every day?

_______________________________ .

5 Does Charlie have lunch at home?

_______________________________ .

6 Does Charlie play softball in the winter?

_______________________________ .

2 Read the profiles. Answer the questions with short answers.

I love …

Kelly loves tennis, and she loves school! She goes to a tennis school in Florida. She lives with her parents and two brothers in Tampa, near the school. She wears her favorite cap and her favorite T-shirt with a tennis slogan. She has tennis lessons and then math and science classes every day. After school, she reads tennis magazines.

Austin lives on a big farm in Australia with his parents and his three sisters. He doesn’t go to school because it is 500 kilometers from his house. He studies at home with the TV, radio, and a computer. Austin loves school. “I don’t wear a uniform, it’s cool. I wear my old sweatshirt and sweatpants every day. After school, I listen to rock music.”

1 Does Kelly wear a school uniform?


2 Does Kelly have a sister?


3 Does Austin study at home?


4 Does Austin have a teacher in his school?


3 Read the article. Circle the correct answer.

|City or country? |

|My best friend Arthur lives with his parents in the mountains in Wyoming. He loves the country, but there’s one thing he doesn’t like: it’s |

|difficult to go out with friends on the weekends. He lives 35 kilometers from the city. So, how often does Arthur go to the city? |

|“Well, I go to the city once a month, and I stay with my friends in the city.” |

|“What do you do in the city?” |

|“I go to the movie theater with my best friend, Peter. We love the movies. After the movie theater, we go to the bowling alley. We meet all |

|our other friends there. In the evening, we go and eat in a fast food restaurant.” |

|“I like the city, but I love the country!” |

1 Arthur … the country.

a loves  b doesn’t like  c hates  d likes

2 Arthur goes to the city … .

a once a week b once a month  

c once a year d every weekend

3 Arthur stays with … in the city.

a his grandparents b his parents  

c his friends   d his sister

4 Match the sentence halves.

1 ____ Do you eat

2 ____ Do they listen

3 ____ We speak

4 ____ Mr. White teaches

5 ____ I like

6 ____ Sara always wears

a science at school.

b black jeans.

c to hip-hop music?

d sushi? It’s Japanese fish.

e Kanye West. His music is awesome!

f English, but not French.

5 Fill in the blanks with the verbs below.

hate live love read speak wear

1 I _____________ a uniform to school every day.

2 Do your grandparents in _____________ Quito?

3 We don’t _____________ Chinese.

4 They _____________ Lady Gaga. They think she’s cool!

5 I _____________ rap music, but I love rock music.

6 My sisters _____________ books after school every day.

6 Complete the questions with Do or Does. Write short answers.

1 A: Do you______ you watch TV? ([pic])

B: Yes, I do______.

2 A: _____________Monica wear sneakers

to school? ([pic])

B: _____________.

3 A: _____________you go to the mall with

your friends? ([pic])

B: _____________.

4 A: _____________they read

newspapers? ([pic])

B: _____________.

5 A: _____________your brother speak

Spanish? ([pic])

B: _____________.

7 Complete the clothes words.

1 T-s __ __ __ t

2 j __ __ n __

3 c__ __

4 s __ __ __ k __ __ s

5 sw __ __ t __ __ n __ s

6 s __ __ r __ s

7 j __ __ k __ t

8 s __ __ __ t __ h __ r __

8 Fill in the blanks with the simple present negative form of the verbs in parentheses.

1 They _____________ books. (read)

2 He _____________ TV. (watch)

3 My uncle_____________ to concerts. (go)

4 Natasha_____________ fish. (eat)

5 My sisters_____________ drama. (like)

6 We_____________ soccer. (play)

9 Look at the chart and complete the sentences with the simple present affirmative or negative form of the verbs.

|Preferences |Hiro |Maribel |

|wear jeans |[pic] |[pic] |

|listen to rap music |[pic] |[pic] |

|play basketball |[pic] |[pic] |

|read newspapers |[pic] |[pic] |

1 Hiro wears_________ jeans.

2 Maribel _____________ rap music.

3 Hiro _____________ basketball.

4 Maribel _____________ jeans.

5 Hiro _____________ rap music.

6 Maribel and Hiro _____________ newspapers.

10 Fill in the blanks. Use the simple present form of the verbs below.

not eat not go not listen not wear play speak

1 We _____________ a uniform to school.

2 My father _____________ to rock music.

3 I _____________ Japanese. Konichiwa!

4 My brother _____________ basketball.

5 They _____________ to school on the weekend.

6 Nina _____________ chocolate.

11 Complete the questions with Do or Does.

1 _____________ Akiro listen to rap music?

2 _____________ you like school?

3 _____________ Marta wear T-shirts with slogans?

4 _____________ Miki read books?

5 _____________ your friends live in Orlando, Florida?

12 Fill in the blanks with the words below.

How How often What When Where


1 A: _____________ do you spell your


B: H-I-R-O-S-H-I.

2 A: _____________ do you do on


B: I go out with my friends.

3 A: _____________ do you do your


B: In the evening.

4 A: _____________ do you like rap music?

B: Because it’s awesome!

5 A: _____________ do you go to the


B: Every week.

6 A: _____________ do your grandparents


B: In San Francisco.

13 Complete the expressions of frequency.

1 Mondays and Thursdays twice _____________

2 February and October twice _____________

3 9 a.m., 12 p.m., and 4 p.m. _____________ a day

4 June 1st, June 8th, June 14th, and June 28th four times _____________

5 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, … _____________ year

14 Complete the words.

1 th __ m__ p __ __ k

2 d __ n __ __ sc __ __ __ l

3 s __ __ c __ r g __ __ __

4 s __ __ r __ s c __ n __ __ r

5 b __ __ l __ ng __ ll __ y

6 c __ __ c __ __ t

15 Complete the sentences.

1 I don’t live in a city. I live in the c____________.

2 You use your skateboard at the s_____________ p_____________.

3 Universal Orlando and Walt Disney World are t_____________ p_____________.

4 You play tennis at a s_____________ c_____________.

5 I go to the y_____________ c_____________ at school twice a week with my friends.

6 On your birthday you have a p_____________.

16 Complete the leisure activities with the verbs below.

go go go out go to play read talk watch

1 _____________ shopping / swimming

2 _____________ computer games

3 _____________ the library

4 _____________ TV

5 _____________ on the phone

6 _____________ with friends

7 _____________ online

8 _____________ books

17 Match the words to make places to go out.

1 soccer a alley

2 dance b center

3 sports c school

4 bowling d game

18 Complete the sentences with places to go out.

1 We go to the y __ __ th cl __ b after school.

2 On your birthday you have a p __ rty.

3 Universal Orlando and Walt Disney World are th __ m __ p __ rks.

4 I play basketball at a sp __ rts c __ nt __ r.

5 I don’t live in a city. I live in the c __ __ ntry.

6 You use your skateboard at the sk __ __ e p __ rk.

19 Circle the correct verb.

1 go / go out with / go to shopping

2 play / read / watch TV

3 talk / go / go out with swimming

4 do / talk / watch on the phone

5 go / go out / go to the library

6 read / do / go books

7 go to / go out with / go online

8 do / go out with / read friends

9 go / do / play computer games

20 Circle the correct question words in the dialogue.

Pilar: Hi, Joe.

Joe: Hi, Pilar.

Pilar: (1) When / Where do you play soccer?

Joe: I play soccer in the afternoon.

Pilar: (2) Where / What time do you finish?

Joe: We finish at five thirty.

Pilar: (3) Why / How do you play soccer?

Joe: Because it’s fun! (4) What / When sports do you play?

Pilar: I play tennis and basketball.

Joe: (5) How / Where do you play basketball?

Pilar: At the sports center.

21 Choose the correct answer.

1 Mondays and Thursdays

a twice a week  b once a day

2 February and October

a twice a month  b twice a year

3 9 a.m., 12 p.m., and 4 p.m.

a three times a day  b every day

4 June 1st, June 8th, June 14th, and June 28th

a twice a month  b four times a month

5 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, etc.

a twice a year  b every year

22 Complete the sentences. Use can or can’t.

[pic] [pic]

1 He _________ ski. 2 It _________

jump high.

[pic] [pic]

3 She _________ 4 They _________

dance. swim.


5 We _________ surf.

23 Look at the chart. Write questions and answers.

1 Yuki / ice-skate

A: Can Yuki ice-skate ?

B: Yes, she can  .

2 Felipe / dive

A______________________________ ?

B:______________________________ .

3 Yuki / dance salsa

A: ______________________________ ?

B: ______________________________ .

4 Felipe / ride a horse

A: ______________________________ ?

B: ______________________________ .

24 Fill in the blanks with the simple present form of the verbs below.

1 We __________ breakfast at 7 a.m.

2 My parents __________ to work.

3 Hideaki __________ basketball after school.

4 Our English class __________ at 9 a.m.

5 Ana __________ high in P.E.

6 You __________ the ball with your foot in soccer.

7 I __________ TV after school.

8 Victor __________ his homework in his room.

9 School __________ at 3:30 p.m. today.

10 Ana-lin __________ fast in the water.

25 Match the verbs (1–5) with the pictures (a–e).

1 dance ____

2 ski ____

3 ride a horse ____

4 surf ____

5 dive ____

26 Find the school subjects in the wordsearch.

|M |U |S |I |C |E |A |C |M |C |

|U |H |C |V |E |O |S |T |A |I |

|S |I |I |G |N |Y |I |B |T |F |

|M |G |E |O |G |R |A |P |H |Y |

|L |I |N |G |L |L |R |C |S |G |

|O |S |C |H |I |S |T |O |R |Y |

|R |I |E |E |S |I |W |C |H |A |

|T |V |H |S |H |S |J |D |B |R |

|S |I |I |G |N |Y |A |C |G |F |

|T |E |C |H |N |O |L |O |G |Y |

27 Circle the correct answer.

1 I get up / gets up at seven thirty.

2 My friend play / plays soccer.

3 I does / do my homework in the evening.

4 Pablo and Lola sing / sings in a band.

5 They do / does their homework after school.

6 José take / takes his cell phone to school.

28 Circle the correct answer.

I (1) get / watch up at 7:15 a.m. I (2) do / go

to school at eight thirty (3) in / at the morning. The first class is usually math or English. I have (4) lunch / dinner at 12:15 p.m. I

(5) finish / start classes (6) at / of three o’clock, and then I come home. I have

(7) lunch / dinner with my parents, and then I (8) go / do to bed at nine thirty.

29 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1 Alicia reads magazines at lunch time. (read)

2 My sister _____________ a lot of TV. (watch)

3 Andrea _____________ high in basketball. (jump)

4 Tom _____________ to school at 8 a.m. (go)

5 Ximo _____________ French at school. (study)

30 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.

1 My sister _____________ tennis.

2 Ana and Cleo _____________ to my school.

3 My classes _____________ at 3:30 p.m.

4 Sérgio _____________ fantastic pictures.

5 I sometimes _____________ in a band.

6 Maria _____________ lunch at 1 p.m.

31 Put the words in order to write sentences.

1 art / paint / We / our / in / class

We paint in our art class  .

2 the / go / Fridays / park / They / on / to

_____________________________________________________ .

3 cybercafé / friends / I / at / the / my / meet

_____________________________________________________ .

4 lake / We / in / the / swim

_____________________________________________________ .

5 our / in / We / our / do / bedroom / homework


32 Write the he / she / it forms of the verbs in the correct column.

finish go have like meet read take watch

|Add -s |Add -es |Irregular |

| reads____ |__________ |__________ |

|__________ |__________ | |

|__________ |__________ | |

|__________ | | |

33 Fill in the blanks with the words below.

Are I’m is She’s They’re

1 Hello. _____________ John.

2 Mei is from China. _____________ Chinese.

3 Emily and Michael _____________ British.

4 Hi. I’m Jeff. Lyn _____________ my friend. We’re from the United States.

5 Elaine and David are Australian. _____________ fourteen.

34 Look at the information. Put the words in order to make sentences or questions.

1 A: What’s / Hi. / name / your

What’s your name_______________?

2 B: Carl Van de Merwe / name’s / My


3 A: are / old / you / How


4 B: old / thirteen / I’m / years


5 A: are / you / from / Where


35 Match sentences (1–5) with sentences (a–e).

1 The computer is from the United States. ____

2 Julia and Nicolas are from Brazil. ____

3 We’re British. ____

4 Maria’s from Mexico City. ____

5 My name’s Takako. I’m Japanese. ____

a They’re Brazilian.

b She’s Mexican.

c I’m from Kyoto in Japan.

d I’m Liz. My friend is Jake. We’re from the United Kingdom.

e It’s American.

36 Write sentences with the correct form of am, is, or are.

1 Daniel / thirteen years old

_______________________________ .

2 His sneakers / black

_______________________________ .

3 I / from Texas

_______________________________ .

4 It / hot

_______________________________ .

5 We / Japanese

_______________________________ .

37 Fill in the blanks with the correct short form of be.

1 You _____________ bored.

2 Sam _____________ angry.

3 They _____________ expensive.

4 I _____________ cold.

5 We _____________ hungry.

38 Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with the correct short form of be.

1 She _____________ sad.

2 I _____________ thirsty.

3 They _____________ happy.

4 He _____________ cold.

5 We _____________ scared.

39 Put the words in order to make sentences.

1 Jon / sad / is

_____________________________________________________ .

2 hungry / are / We

_____________________________________________________ .

3 from / United States / They / the / are

_____________________________________________________ .

4 am / I / happy

_____________________________________________________ .

40 Write the sentences with the negative short form of be.

1 My teacher / not angry

My teacher isn’t angry  .

2 I / not thirsty

_____________________________________________________ .

3 Ana / not a singer

_____________________________________________________ .

4 We / not cold

_____________________________________________________ .

5 Jon and Chris / not artists

_____________________________________________________ .

41 Match the questions (1–5) and answers (a–e).

1 Is he an actor? ____

2 Are you dancers? ____

3 Is your computer new? ____

4 Am I your student? ____

5 Are they your brothers?____

a Yes, it is.

b Yes, you are.

c No, they aren’t.

d No, we aren’t. We’re actors.

e No, he isn’t.

42 Complete the questions with the correct form of be.

1 ___________ they fifteen years old?

2 ___________ he from the United States?

3 ___________ you Daniela’s sister?

4 ___________ she your grandmother?

5 ___________ your brother at your school?

43 Put the words in order to make sentences.

1 isn’t / doctor / She / a

She isn’t a doctor  .

2 not / dancer / a / I’m

______________________________________________ .

3 sisters / aren’t / They

______________________________________________ .

4 an / He / artist / isn’t

______________________________________________ .

5 singers / We / aren’t

______________________________________________ .

44 Write the school subjects.

[pic] 1 ___________________ [pic] 2 _________________

[pic] 3 ___________________ [pic]4 _________________

[pic] 5 ___________________ [pic] 6 _________________

45 Fill in the blanks with at or in:

a- We start classes _____________ eight o’clock.

b- You go to bed _____________ ten thirty.

c- They get up at five o’clock ____________ the morning.

d- I go to school ___________ eight thirty.

e- I finish classes at three o’clock __________ the afternoon.

46 Match the opposite adjectives.

1 cheap a old

2 long b small

3 big c expensive

4 new d short

47 Write sentences. Use can or can’t.

1 I / dance ([pic])

____________________________________________ .

2 Sasha / ride a horse ([pic])

____________________________________________ .

3 My parents / ski ([pic])

____________________________________________ .

4 You / run fast ([pic])

____________________________________________ .

48. Complete with the correct option:

Mahatma Gandhi Freud Gandhi Amn Reinaldo Domingos

Com o 4º passo da DSOP, conhecemos o líder político espiritual _____________________ (1869 – 1948), nascido na Índia, que nos apresentou sua famosa frase : “Seja você a mudança que deseja ver no mundo”,que resume bem a importância do empenho para realização daquilo que desejamos para nós e para os outros, inclusive para quem deseja ter mais equilíbrio na vida financeira e realizar seus sonhos e os da família.

Read and answer the question:

Não é preciso gastar para se divertir

Para se divertir não é preciso gastar dinheiro. Brincar de pega-pega, jogar bola ou confeccionar os próprios brinquedos com produtos recicláveis não têm custo algum. Esse tipo de atividade ajuda a exercitar o corpo e a mente, além de proporcionar novas amizades.

Se tiver muita vontade de comprar alguma coisa, guarde a mesada ou o dinheiro que ganhar dos adultos. É preciso se planejar e ter a paciência de juntar o valor necessário.

Qual foi o passo DSOP trabalhado no trecho acima? Justifique sua resposta.


50 Complete in English:

Obs.: Caro aluno, além da atividade que acabou de fazer, sugerimos que estude através de seus livros e anotações, cadernos, exercícios trabalhados em sala, registros no quadro e na lousa eletrônica.

Releia as teorias, os conteúdos. Faça pesquisas na internet e em outros livros. Estude fazendo registros em forma de resumos, resenhas, fichamentos, perguntas e respostas baseadas no que foi trabalhado em classe. Traga suas dúvidas por escrito para saná-las em sala de aula. Empenhe-se! Estude muito!

Conte conosco!

A Coordenação



do finish have jump kick play start swim walk watch






finish go have paint play sing

Name: Carl Van de Merwe

Age: 13

Country: South Africa

Nationality: South African


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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