Chapter 36 - Circulation

?Multiple Choice1.?Which statement is true about sudden cardiac arrest???a.??It happens about 20,000 times annually in the United States.?b.??It is usually caused by a birth defect when it happens in people aged 36 or younger.?c.??Its survival rate can be increased by performing a tracheotomy?d.??It occurs only in the elderly.?e.??Its survival rate increases about 10% through the use of CPR.ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.1 A Shocking SaveLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.1 - Examine the life-saving uses of CPR and automated external defibrillator.2.?Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) _____.??a.??are not as effective as CPR for starting a heart stopped by sudden cardiac arrest?b.??are not as effective as CCR for starting a heart stopped by sudden cardiac arrest?c.??require medical personnel to administer?d.??are not yet readily available in public places?e.??improve survival from sudden cardiac arrestANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.1 A Shocking SaveLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.1 - Examine the life-saving uses of CPR and automated external defibrillator.

?Figure 36.2A3.??Circulation in the above diagram functions primarily as a(n) ____.?a.??closed circulatory system?b.??open circulatory system?c.??semi-closed circulatory system?d.??system of exchange using capillaries?e.??continuous system of vesselsANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.2 Circulatory SystemsPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 36.2ALEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.2 - Compare open and closed circulatory systems.?Figure 36.2B4.?Circulation in the accompanying diagram functions primarily as a(n) ____.??a.??an open circulatory system?b.??system consisting of mostly of tissue spaces?c.??closed circulatory system?d.??interstitial fluid system?e.??three-directional systemANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.2 Circulatory SystemsPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 36.2BLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.2 - Compare open and closed circulatory systems.???Figure 36.3?Use the figure above to answer the following questions.5.?A fish circulatory system is indicated by the letter (s) ____.??a.??A only?b.??B only?c.??C only?d.??both A and B?e.??both B and CANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.2 Circulatory SystemsPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 36.3LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.2 - Compare open and closed circulatory systems.6.??A circulatory system that allows some mixing of oxygenated and oxygen-poor blood is indicated by the letter(s) ____.?a.??A only?b.??B only?c.??C only?d.??A and B only?e.??B and C onlyANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom’s: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.2 Circulatory SystemsPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 36.3LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.2 - Compare open and closed circulatory systems.7.??In the human pulmonary circuit, blood passes through which of the following??a.??liver?b.??limbs?c.??lungs?d.??digestive organs?e.??brainANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.2 Circulatory SystemsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.2 - Compare open and closed circulatory systems.8.?In an open circulatory system, the fluid pumped is called ____.??a.??hemoglobin?b.??lymphatic fluid?c.??hemolymph?d.??blood?e.??capillary fluidANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.2 Circulatory SystemsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.2 - Compare open and closed circulatory systems.9.?Red blood cells are also known as ____.?a.??erythrocytes?b.??neutrophils?c.??lymphocytes?d.??eosinophils?e.??macrophagesANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.5 Vertebrate BloodLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.5 - Describe the components of blood.10.??Most of the oxygen in the blood is transported by ____.?a.??erythropoietin?b.??prothrombin?c.??platelets?d.??hemoglobin?e.??leukocytesANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.5 Vertebrate BloodLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.5 - Describe the components of blood.11.??____ are phagocytes that engulf bacteria and cellular debris.?a.??Eosinophils?b.??Leucocytes?c.??Monocytes?d.??Platelets?e.??NeutrophilsANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??36.5 Vertebrate BloodLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.5 - Describe the components of blood.12.?Hemostasis involves which blood component??a.??basophils?b.??platelets?c.??phagocytes?d.??monocytes?e.??neutrophilsANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.5 Vertebrate BloodLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.5 - Describe the components of blood.13.?A heart with three chambers, one atrium, and two ventricles is shared by _____.??a.??reptiles and mammals?b.??reptiles and amphibians?c.??amphibians and mammals?d.??birds and mammals?e.??birds and reptilesANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.2 Circulatory SystemsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.2 - Compare open and closed circulatory systems.14.?All vertebrates except ____ have a two-circuit circulatory system.??a.??fish?b.??mammals?c.??birds?d.??amphibians?e.??reptilesANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.2 Circulatory SystemsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.2 - Compare open and closed circulatory systems.15.?Which hormone, made by the kidney, is necessary for red blood cell production by bone marrow???a.??erythropoietin?b.??hemoglobin?c.??insulin?d.??erythrocytes?e.??leucocytesANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.5 Vertebrate BloodLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.5 - Describe the components of blood.?Figure 36.6?Use the figure above to answer the following three questions.16.?The anatomical structure identified with the letter "H" in the accompanying figure is the ____.??a.??myocardium?b.??pulmonary veins?c.??inferior vena cava?d.??right atrium?e.?heart apex?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.4 The Human HeartPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 36.6LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.9 - Examine the relationship between the structure and the functioning of the human heart.NOTES:??replace with 36.617.?The anatomical structure identified with the letter "D" in the accompanying figure is the ____.??a.??myocardium?b.?pulmonary veins??c.??inferior vena cava?d.??right atrium?e.?heart apex?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.4 The Human HeartPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 36.6LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.9 - Examine the relationship between the structure and the functioning of the human heart.18.?The anatomical structure identified with the letter "R" in the figure above is the ____.??a.??pericardium?b.??cardiac muscle?c.??inferior vena cava?d.??right atrium?e.?heart apex?ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.4 The Human HeartPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 36.6LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.9 - Examine the relationship between the structure and the functioning of the human heart.19.?The human heart ____.??a.??contracts as a result of electrical stimuli from the sinoatrial node?b.??contracts only as a result of nerve stimulation from the central nervous system?c.??is activated primarily through the autonomic nervous system?d.??contracts as a result of electrical stimuli from the atrioventricular node?e.?is independent of all nervous control?ANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.4 The Human HeartLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.9 - Examine the relationship between the structure and the functioning of the human heart.?Figure 36.6B?Use the figure above to answer the following questions.20.?Oxygen-poor blood circulates through the component(s) labeled as ____.??a.??A?b.??B?c.??C?d.??D?e.?A, C, and E?ANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.4 The Human HeartPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 36.6BLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.9 - Examine the relationship between the structure and the functioning of the human heart.NOTES:??replace with 36.621.?The valve between "C" and "E" is the ____.??a.??right AV valve?b.??pulmonary vein?c.?left AV valve??d.??pulmonary valve?e.?aortic valve?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.4 The Human HeartPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 36.6BLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.9 - Examine the relationship between the structure and the functioning of the human heart.22.?_____ is known as a cardiac pacemaker.??a.??Diastole?b.??Systole?c.??Cardiac muscle?d.??SA node?e.?AV node?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.4 The Human HeartLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.9 - Examine the relationship between the structure and the functioning of the human heart.23.?Blood usually continues on from arterioles to ____ in its travel through the human body.??a.??other arterioles?b.??venules?c.??arteries?d.??veins?e.?capillaries?ANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??36.6 Arteries and ArteriolesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.10 - Discuss the structure and functions of the different kinds of blood vessels involved in blood circulation.24.?Blood in arteries ____.??a.??travels to arterioles?b.??travels away from the heart only if it is oxygenated?c.??always travels toward the heart?d.??travels from the lungs?e.?is always oxygenated?ANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.6 Arteries and ArteriolesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.10 - Discuss the structure and functions of the different kinds of blood vessels involved in blood circulation.25.??Blood pressure is highest in the _____.?a.??arterioles?b.??capillaries?c.??arteries?d.??venules?e.?veins?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.7 Blood PressureLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.11 - Examine how blood pressure is measured and regulated.26.?A typical systolic pressure for a normal adult is ____.??a.??60 mm Hg?b.??80 mm Hg?c.??100 mm Hg?d.??120 mm Hg?e.?140 mm Hg?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.7 Blood PressureLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.11 - Examine how blood pressure is measured and regulated.27.?Blood velocity is fastest in the ____.??a.??arteries?b.??arterioles?c.?capillaries??d.?venules??e.?veins?ANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.7 Blood PressureLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.11 - Examine how blood pressure is measured and regulated.28.?Small molecules can move between capillaries and interstitial fluid by _____??a.??passive transport?b.??active transport?c.?endocytosis??d.??diffusion?e.?exocytosis?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.8 Exchanges at CapillariesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.12 - Examine how materials are exchanged between the blood and interstitial fluid.29.?Blood is moved efficiently through the veins and back to the heart is by ____.??a.??one way valves to prevent backflow?b.??sphincter muscles to prevent backflow?c.??contraction of the ventricles?d.??contraction of the atria?e.?blood pooling in the capillary bed?ANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.9 Back to the HeartLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.10 - Discuss the structure and functions of the different kinds of blood vessels involved in blood circulation.?Figure 36.1730.?The anatomical structure shown in the accompanying figure is of ____.??a.??venous valves?b.??pulmonary veins?c.??the inferior valve?d.??the right myocardial sac?e.?the heart apex?ANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.9 Back to the HeartPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 36.17LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.13 - Discuss the important functions of veins.NOTES:??replace with 36.1731.?At rest, veins hold about ____ percent of the body’s blood.??a.?40??b.??50?c.??60?d.??70?e.?80?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.9 Back to the HeartLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.13 - Discuss the important functions of veins.NOTES:??new?Figure 36.18?Use the figure above to answer the following questions.32.?The anatomical structure identified with the letter "C" in the accompanying figure illustrates ____.??a.??sickle-cell anemia?b.??leukemia?c.??atherosclerotic plaque?d.??bone cancer?e.?polycythemia?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.10 Blood and Cardiovascular DisordersPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 36.18LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.14 - Examine the causes that affect the normal functioning of the circulatory system.33.?The anatomical structure identified with the letters "B" and "E" in the figure above is the ____.??a.??arterial wall?b.??lumen?c.??venous wall?d.??capillary wall?e.?connective tissue?ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.10 Blood and Cardiovascular DisordersPREFACE?NAME:??Figure 36.18LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.14 - Examine the causes that affect the normal functioning of the circulatory system.34.?Reduced quantity of red blood cells results in ____.??a.??ventricular fibrillation?b.??hypertension?c.??leukemia?d.??anemia?e.?a stroke?ANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.10 Blood and Cardiovascular DisordersLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.14 - Examine the causes that affect the normal functioning of the circulatory system.35.?Which of these statements about hypertension is true???a.??Blood pressure is less than 120/80.?b.??Poor diet and lack of regular exercise puts one at increased risk.?c.??Sickle-cell anemia often accompanies this condition.?d.??Most Americans with the condition seek treatment.?e.?Atherosclerosis is another name for this condition.?ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.10 Blood and Cardiovascular DisordersLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.14 - Examine the causes that affect the normal functioning of the circulatory system.36.?Irregular heart beat is known as _____.??a.??tachycardia?b.??arrhythmia?c.??bradycardia?d.??atrial fibrillation?e.?hypertension?ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.10 Blood and Cardiovascular DisordersLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.14 - Examine the causes that affect the normal functioning of the circulatory system.37.?The _____ drains the upper part of the body.??a.??right lymphatic duct?b.??spleen?c.??tonsils?d.??thoracic duct?e.?lymphocyte duct?ANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.11 Interactions With the Lymphatic SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.15 - Examine the components of the lymphatic system.38.?One important function of the lymphatic system is to _____.??a.??move bile from the gall bladder to the small intestine?b.??drain plasma proteins and deliver them to the kidney to be excreted?c.??deliver fats absorbed from food in the small intestine to the blood?d.??produce red blood cells?e.?produce white blood cells?ANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.11 Interactions With the Lymphatic SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.15 - Examine the components of the lymphatic system.MatchingRespond to the following statements in reference to the five components of mammalian blood listed below.?a.??erythrocytesb.??erythropoietinc.??neutrophilsd.??albuminDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.5 Vertebrate BloodLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.5 - Describe the components of blood.39.??This blood component engulfs bacteria and cellular debris.ANSWER:??c40.??This blood component contains hemoglobin.ANSWER:??a41.??This blood component helps to transport steroid hormones.ANSWER:??d42.?This stimulates red blood?cell production by bone marrow.ANSWER:??b43.??Oxygen is transported throughout the body by this blood component.ANSWER:??a?Respond to the following statements in reference to the four structures of the heart listed below.a.??right atriumb.??left atriumc.??left ventricled.??right ventricleDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.4 The Human HeartLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.9 - Examine the relationship between the structure and the functioning of the human heart.44.??Blood from the superior and inferior vena cava enters the heart via this structure.ANSWER:??a45.??Blood passes to the lungs from this structure.ANSWER:??d46.??Deoxygenated blood exits the heart from this structure.ANSWER:??d47.??Oxygenated blood enters the heart via this structure.ANSWER:??b48.??Blood is pumped to the majority of the body by this structure.ANSWER:??cCompletion49.?__________ fills spaces between cells.?ANSWER:??Interstitial fluid?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.5 Vertebrate BloodLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.12 - Examine how materials are exchanged between the blood and interstitial fluid.50.?The __________ circuit carries blood from the heart to body tissues, and then returns it to the heart.?ANSWER:??systemic?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??36.2 Circulatory SystemsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.10 - Discuss the structure and functions of the different kinds of blood vessels involved in blood circulation.51.?__________ is mostly water in which diverse ions and molecules are dissolved.?ANSWER:??Plasma?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.5 Vertebrate BloodLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.5 - Describe the components of blood.52.?Red blood cells, also known as __________, contain the hemoglobin that functions in rapid transport of oxygen.?ANSWER:??erythrocytes?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.5 Vertebrate BloodLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.5 - Describe the components of blood.53.?The SA node, also known as the __________ spontaneously generates the action potentials that set the pace for cardiac contractions.?ANSWER:??cardiac pacemaker?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.4 The Human HeartLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.9 - Examine the relationship between the structure and the functioning of the human heart.54.?The __________ gland produces hormones and is the site where __________ (a kind of white blood cell) mature.?ANSWER:???thymus; T-lymphocytesDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??36.5 Vertebrate BloodLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.5 - Describe the components of blood.Subjective Short Answer55.?Do arteries always carry highly oxygenated blood? Explain your answer.?ANSWER:??No! The prominence of the systemic circulatory system sometimes creates the misunderstanding that arteries carry highly oxygenated blood. But the characteristic of arteries is that they carry blood away from the heart. Thus, in the pulmonary circulatory system they actually carry low oxygen blood.?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??36.2 Circulatory SystemsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.10 - Discuss the structure and functions of the different kinds of blood vessels involved in blood circulation.56.??An individual has an issue with their red blood cells. Are they most likely to have an issue with their immunity, oxygen transport, or hemostasis? Explain your answer.ANSWER:??As the red blood cells house the hemoglobin that transports the vast majority of the oxygen, they are most likely to have an issue with oxygen transport. The immunity would be more the providence of the white blood cells, while hemostasis would be controlled by components of the plasma.?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??36.5 Vertebrate BloodLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.9 - Examine the relationship between the structure and the functioning of the human heart.57.?Why is the number used to demonstrate total cholesterol not sufficient for describing one’s cardiac health risk??ANSWER:??Although risk is demonstrated by a high level of LDL (low-density lipoproteins), other lipids, such as HDL (high-density lipids) are used make bile, which is eliminated from the body through feces.?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??36.10 Blood and Cardiovascular DisordersLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.14 - Examine the causes that affect the normal functioning of the circulatory system.58.?Chart the path of blood through the heart, including the valves passed.?ANSWER:??Blood enters the right atrium via the superior and inferior vena cavae. It then passes the right atrioventricular valve and into the right ventricle. It is pumped from the right ventricle through the pulmonary valve to the lungs. Blood returns from the lungs to the left atrium, and passes through the left atrioventricular valve to the left ventricle. It is pumped out to the body through the aortic valve.?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??36.4 The Human HeartLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.36.9 - Examine the relationship between the structure and the functioning of the human heart. ................

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