Revised March 20, 2002

Carolyn Masterson, Ed. D.

Associate Professor

Montclair State University,

College of Education and Human Services

Exercise Science and Physical Education

1 Normal Avenue



Degree Institution Date Major

Doctorate in Education Columbia University 1999 Curriculum and Teaching

Teachers College


Masters of Arts Columbia University 1987 Physical Education

Teachers College


Bachelors of Science College of Mt. St. Joseph 1966 Health and Physical

Cincinnati, OH Education


2001 – Present Associate Professor – Montclair State University - Department of Exercise

Sciences and Physical Education

- Coordinator of the Department’s Masters of Arts and the Initial Teaching

Certification Program

- Initial and Advance NCATE Department Coordinator

Courses Taught:

PEMJ 131 Fitness Activities

PEMJ 235 Movement Experiences in Elementary Schools

PEMJ 244 Initial Physical Education Field Experience

PEMJ 356 Management of Physical Education, Athletics, and Fitness Programs

PEMJ 457 The Teaching of Physical Education

PEMJ 556 Advanced Motor Learning

PEMJ 557 Administration and Supervision of Physical Education

PEMJ 565 Reflective Teaching in Physical Education

PEMJ 577 Human Motor Development

1999-2001 – Assistant Professor - William Paterson University

• Coordinator of the Teacher Certification Program including placement of field experiences and student acceptance procedures

Courses Taught:

PEMJ 311 Early Childhood Movement Education

PEMJ 395 Teaching Elementary Physical Education in the Schools

PEMJ 396 Teaching Secondary Physical Education in the Schools

PEMJ 495 Seminar in Physical Education

1985-1999 - Health and Physical Education Supervisor – Elisabeth Morrow School, Englewood, NJ


Books, monographs and edited volumes

Masterson, C. Panicucci, J., Hunt, L., Prouty, I. (2008). Achieving fitness – An adventure activity guide. Beverly, MA: Project Adventure, Inc.

NASPE. (2005). Physical best activity guide: Elementary level. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Editor

NASPE. (2005). Physical best activity guide: Secondary level. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Editor

Journal articles and book chapters

Masterson, C. (2009). Chapter one: Health-related fitness education and physical activity: Physical activity and sport for the secondary school student, 6th Ed. AAHPERD Publications: Reston, VA. 21-34.

Masterson, C., Adams, J (2009) Developing rules, regulations and club activities for your future professional club. Update AAHPERD Publications: Reston, VA. February 2009.

Masterson, C., Adams, J. (2008). Developing a future professional club in your school’s department. Update AAHPERD Publications: Reston, VA. December 2008.

Masterson, C., Flynn, S. (2006). Teaching fitness concepts in tough situations. Journal for the teaching of elementary physical education (TEPE). July, 32-37

Masterson, C., Walkowski, J. (2004). FITNESSGRAM: critical elements and cues. Strategies. Vol. 18, 2. November/December 2004.

Masterson, C., Walkowski, J. (2004). Developing Health-related Fitness: It Takes More Than a Week. Strategies. Vol. 18, 3. January/February 2005.

Masterson, C. (2003). Go for the gold – teaching educational gymnastics. Journal for the teaching of elementary physical education. Vol.14, 6, 6-11.

Chin M.K., Masterson C., Yang, J (2003). Connections between physical education and physical best in Hong Kong. Journal of the international council of physical education, recreation and dance. Vol.39, No.3.

Masterson, C. (2002). Chapter one: Health-related fitness education and physical activity: Physical activity and sport for the secondary school student, 5th Ed. AAHPERD Publications: Reston, VA. 21-34.

Masterson, C. (2000). Professional development practice of physical education teachers in New Jersey. The Reporter. Spring 2000. 24-28.

Masterson (1999) A school-based interventions improve heart health in children with multiple cardiovascular disease risk factors. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 102, 2, 371-380.

Masterson, C. (1999). A descriptive study of the professional development practices of physical education teachers. ERIC: Dissertation Document Reproduction Service No. ED 993952.

Scholarly presentations (refereed or invited)

Masterson, C. (2009). Two schools’ coordinated approach to student health. Asia Pacific Conference on

Exercise and Sports Science (APCESS) & 8th International Sports Science Conference (ISSC), July 15-17, 2009.

Masterson, C (2007). Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School’s Coordinated Approach to Children’s Health. Asian Pacific Conference on Exercise Science and Sport. Hiroshima, Japan, December 5-8.

Masterson, C., Sun, Y., Henry, M., (2007). Implementing e Portfolio among preservice teachers and interns. International Blackboard Conference: Boston, MA July 9, 2007.

Masterson, C., Sun, Y. (2007) Using the Teacher Portfolio in Physical Education. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference Book, San Antonio, 2006.

Masterson, C. (2006). The Development and Use of Electronic Portfolios Conference on Physical Education and Teacher Education. Boston, MA. October 12-14.

Masterson, C. (2004) The Physical Best and FITNESSGRAM Program. II International Conference on Physical Education: Global Perspective in the Integration of Physical Activity, Sports, Dance, and Exercise Science from Theory to Practice Committee: Hong Kong Institute for Education, Hong Kong, China. July 3-7, 2004.

Scholarship and Grants

Making Connections: The LaGuardia e Portfolio Mini-Grant & Seminar Program. (2009).

This grant was awarded to demonstrate the work I have done with our ESPE Department’s future professionals’ e Portfolios and their linkage to the NCATE Standards, NCATE Assessments and data collection. $5000.

Global Education Grant (2008). A Coordinated approach to improve the health and wellness of

students in two model elementary schools in China and Singapore. Montclair State University’s Global Education Center. ($2500)

Faculty Scholarship Program (2006-20011)

Research that investigates various school’s approach to coordinating their students’ health and wellness:

o Old Bridge Township Public School District’s coordinated approach to student’s health to improve physical activity, physical fitness levels and nutritional practices of students in school settings.

o An investigation into the Lui Ming Choi Primary School’s (Hong Kong) coordinated approach to children’s health, their PE Program and PE Curriculum.

o North Vista Primary School’s (Singapore) coordinated approach to student health.

o New Brunswick High School’s (New Jersey) coordinated approach to student health.

Quality Education Fund Grant, Hong Kong Schools. (2004). This grant incorporated the CATCH and the Physical Best and FITNESSGRAM resources. The grant enabled teachers to be trained in fitness education knowledge and practices, to buy equipment for the school, and to develop a coordinated approach to children’s health within the framework of the school. The school became a model for other elementary schools in Hong Kong to follow.

Faculty Scholarship Incentive Program Grant. (2004) The Heart Smart Project. The Grant enabled teachers in school districts to learn about fitness education (Montclair, South Orange/Maplewood, and Parsippany). It enabled my Teaching of PE students to learn about the Physical Best and FITNESSGRAM Program and work with teachers to implement fitness education in their PE Programs.

Carol M. White Physical Education Program Grant (2002) The Paterson Fitness Education Project. Awarded $383,271 for the Paterson School District’s Physical Education Department to improve their health and physical education program. Principal Investigator

Montclair State University’s Global Education Grant. (2001). Enhancing Teacher Preparation in Physical Education from a Global Perspective. ($3000)

Hong Kong Institute of Education Physical Education Program Research Grant. (2001).Grant to train teachers at the Hong Kong Institute of Education.

William Paterson University First Year Tenure Track Release Time Grant. (1999) The Grant enabled research to be conducted on New Jersey State Supervisors of Physical Education and their beliefs about the professional development experiences of their physical education teachers.


Academic Presentations


Masterson, C (2009). Developing fitness through cooperative activities. European Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance: Stuttgart, Germany. February 24-26.

Masterson, C (2009). Coordinating your approach to student health and wellness. European Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance: Stuttgart, Germany. February 24-26.

Masterson, C. (2008). Coordinating an approach to student health and wellness in the North Vista School, Singapore May 16 – May 30.

Masterson, C. (2008). Coordinating a Student Health and Wellness Program in the Lui Ming Choi Primary School, Shatin Wai, China: May 31 – June 7.

Masterson, C., Panicucci (2008). Achieving fitness: An adventure activity-based fitness workshop.

European Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance: Aviano Airforce Base, Aviano, Italy. March 19-21.

Masterson, C. (2007). Physical education consultant workshop series- The new PE in Hong Kong. Lui Ming Choi Primary School, Hong Kong: Lui Ming Choi Primary School, Shatin Wai, China. May 30 – June 15.

Masterson, C. (2007). CATCH the Fever. European Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance: Ramstein Airfare Base, Germany. March 2.

Masterson, C. (2007). Class management in the PE classroom. European Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance: Ramstein Airfare Base, Germany. March 3, 2007.

Masterson, C. (2006). Consultant workshop series: Coordinated approach toward children’s health. Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School, Shatin Wai, Hong Kong, China. June 5 – 9.

Masterson, C. (2005). Survivor –project adventure at its best. European Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance: Bamberg Army Base, Germany. November 19.

Masterson, C. (2005). Teaching fitness in tough situations. European Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance: Bamberg Army Base, Germany. November 18.

Masterson, C. (2004). Sport education in physical education. European Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance: Kaiserslautern Army Base, Germany. November 18-19.

Masterson, C. (2004). Urban students’ feelings about physical activity, physical fitness and physical education. II International Conference on Physical Education: Global Perspective in the Integration of Physical Activity, Sports, Dance, and Exercise Science from Theory to Practice: Hong Kong Institute for Education, Tai Po, China. July 7.

Masterson, C. (2003) Physical best activities and FITNESSGRAM, European Alliance of

Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance: Vilseck Army Base, Germany. November 21.

Masterson, C (2003) Educational gymnastics, European Alliance for Health, Physical

Education, Recreation and Dance: Vilseck Army Base, Germany. November 21.

Juniu, S., Masterson, C. (2003) Use of heart rate monitors. 19TH Pan American Congress of Physical Education Presentation: Mexico City. Mexico. July 16.

Masterson, C. (1999) Physical best and FITNESSGRAM specialist workshops, Hong Kong

Hong Kong Institute of Education: Tae Po, China. June 10.


Masterson, C (2008. The organization of a future professional club. Eastern District Student Leadership Conference. Stroudsburg, PA. October 11-13.

Masterson, C (2008). The call to leadership for future professionals. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Student Leadership Conference: Boulder Colorado. October 19-23.

Masterson, C., Sun, Y., Henry, M., (2007). Implementing e Portfolio among preservice teachers and interns. International Blackboard Conference: Boston, MA July 9.

Masterson, C., Kowalski, E. (2007). National Association for Sport and Physical Education Pipeline workshop: Fitness for life. Long Island, NY, Adelphi University: July 9, 2007.

Masterson, C. Kowalski, E. (2007). Pipeline: Technology in PE workshop. Long Island, NY, Adelphi University: July 10.

Masterson, C., Sun, Y. (2007).Implementing e Portfolios into a teacher education program. International Conference for the Society of Information and Technology in Teacher Education: San Antonio, TX. March 28.

Masterson, C., Flynn, S., Hope, S. (2007).Take two: Making the physical best of tough teaching situations. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention. Baltimore, MD. March 18.

Masterson, C. (2006). Pre service teacher education professional e-portfolios. National Association for Sport and Physical Education’s Physical Education Teacher Education Conference. Long Beach: California: October 23.

Masterson, C., Flynn, S., Hope, S. (2006). Teaching fitness in touch situation. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention. Salt Lake City, UT. April, 26.

Masterson, C., Humann, J., Le Masurier, G. (2006) Fitness for life in action. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention. Salt Lake City, UT. April, 26.

Masterson, C. (2006). Fit for life training. Boston, MA, April 1.

Masterson, C. (2006). CATCH workshop. Austin, TX, January 18-20.

Masterson, C. (2006). Physical best leadership workshop for PB instructors. NYBOED Workshop. New York City, NY. January 6-8.

Masterson, C (2005). The call to leadership for future professionals. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Student Leadership Conference: Charleston WV. October 19-23.

Masterson, C., Humann, J. (2005). Physical best leadership workshop for PB Instructors. NYBOED Workshop. New York City, NY. July 6-8.

Masterson, C. (2005). Physical best and FITNESSGRAM specialist workshop(s). NYBOED workshop. New York City, NY. June 20 - 25.

Masterson, C. (2005). Physical best and FITNESSGRAM specialist workshop. NYBOED Workshop. New York City, NY. May 14.

Masterson, C. (2005). Physical best fitness instructor workshop. NYBOED Workshop. New York City, NY. May 7.

Masterson, C. (2005). Physical best and FITNESSGRAM specialist workshop. NYBOED Workshop. New York City, NY. April 28.

Masterson, C., Humann, J. (2005). Fun fitness activities from the “new” physical best activity guides. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention, Chicago IL. April 14.

Masterson, C., Flynn, S. (2005). The three C’s of leadership. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention, Chicago IL. April 14.

Masterson, C. (2005). Physical best fitness instructor workshop. NYBOED Workshop. New York City, NY. April 9.

Masterson, C. (2005). Physical best and FITNESSGRAM specialist workshop. NYBOED Workshop. New York City, NY. March 12.

Masterson, C., Humann, J. (2004). Physical best and FITNESSGRAM specialist workshop. NYBOED Workshop. New York City, NY. Chicago IL. November 2.

Masterson, C (2004). The call to leadership – Become real. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Student Leadership Conference: Montgomery AL. October 17.

Masterson, C., Carpenter, J. (2004) Physical best and FITNESSGRAM’s instructor workshop, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention: New Orleans, LI. March 31.

Masterson, C., Walkowski, J. (2004) Fitness education-No matter the numbers. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention: New Orleans, LI. April 2.

Masterson, C (2003). Answering the call- Leadership from within. Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Student Leadership Conference, Montgomery AL: October 10.

Masterson, C., Walkowski, J. (2003) Fitness assessment- Not for the weak. American Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention: Philadelphia PA, April 6.

Masterson, C., Abbaddessa, E. (2003) Physical best instructor’s workshop National Alliance for Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention, Philadelphia PA, April 6.

Masterson, C. (2001) Physical best instructor’s workshop, American Association for Health,

Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention. Cincinnati, OH. March 26.

Masterson, C. (2000) Physical best instructor’s workshop American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention. Orlando, FL. March 21-25.

Masterson, C. (2000) Physical best and FITNESSGRAM specialist workshop, Minnesota Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. St. Thomas University, St. Paul, MN. April 9.

Masterson, C. (2000) Physical best fitness instructor workshop. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Convention American: Baltimore, MD. July 20.

Masterson, C. (1999) Physical best and FITNESSGRAM specialist workshop. New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Syracuse, NY. March 5.

Masterson, C. (1999). Physical best fitness instructor workshop. Minnesota Association Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance: Brainerd IX, Brainerd, MN. June 1.

Masterson, C. (1999). Professional development practices of physical education teachers American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention: Boston, MA. April 2.

Masterson, C. (1998). Physical best fitness instructor workshop. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention: Baltimore, MD. April 2.

Masterson, C., Grossman, P. (1997) The teacher professional portfolio. National Association of Independent Schools Convention, San Francisco, CA.April1997.

Masterson, C. (1995) Teaching developmentally appropriate games, National Teaching of Elementary Physical Education Conference, National Association for Sport and Physical Education (AAHPERD). July 16.


Masterson, C (2008. The organization of a future professional club. Eastern District Student Leadership Conference. Stroudsburg, PA. October 11-13.

Masterson, C., Walkowski, J. (2006) Physical best and FITNESSGRAM specialist workshop, Eastern District Association (AAHPERD) Convention: Hartford, CT. March 1.

Masterson, C. (2001) Physical best and FITNESSGRAM specialist workshop, Eastern District Association (AAHPERD) Convention: Newport RI. March 6.

Masterson, C. (2001) Enable your students to go for the gold- Teaching educational gymnastics. Eastern District Association (AAHPERD) Convention, Newport RI. March 8.

Masterson, C. (2000). Fitness education workshop. Columbia University. New York, NY. June 15.

Masterson C. (1996) Authentic assessment strategies: Incorporating the national physical education standards. Eastern District Association (AAHPERD) Convention. March 1.


Masterson C. (2009) .New jersey student division workshop. New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Annual Convention. February 22.

Masterson C. (2008) A coordinated approach to children’s health (CATCH). New Jersey Education Association Convention. November 14.

Masterson C. (2008) .New jersey student division workshop. New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. November 2.

Masterson C. (2008) Fitness is fun. New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. September 26.

Masterson C. (2007).Physical best gets fit workshop. New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Annual Convention. February 25.

Masterson C. (2007).New jersey student division workshop. New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Annual Convention. February 26, 2007.

Masterson C. (2007).CATCH is fast. New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Annual Convention. February 27.

Masterson C. (2007). Assessment and FITNESSGRAM: Parsippany: Parsippany Troy Hills School District. January 26.

Masterson, C. (2006) CATCH is fast. New Jersey Education Association Convention. November 8.

Masterson C. (2006).New jersey student division workshop. New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Annual Convention. February 27.

Masterson C. (2005).New jersey student division workshop. November 5.

Masterson C. (2005). Integrating fitness into the physical education curriculum. AAHPERD Pipeline Workshop. Neptune, NJ. July 7.

Masterson, C. (2004) Achieving good health the FITNESSGRAM way. New Jersey Education Association Convention. November 5.

Masterson, C. (2004) Sport education for PE classes. Bayonne School District: October 8.

Masterson C. (2004). Physical best and FITNESSGRAM test and software overview. New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. February 9.

Masterson, C. (2003) Physical best and FITNESSGRAM overview, New Jersey Education Association Convention. November 6.

Masterson, C. (2003) Physical best and FITNESSGRAM specialist workshop, New York City Department of Education. October 25, 2003.

Masterson, C. (2003) Physical best and FITNESSGRAM in-service, Bayonne School District

September 25.

Masterson, C. (2003). FITNESSGRAM software in-service, Newark School District. March.21.

Masterson, C. (2000). Physical best and fitness education in-service East Orange Bd. of Education: East Orange, NJ March 20.

Masterson, C. (2000). Physical best fitness instructor workshop. Ocean School District,

Ocean, NJ, May 24.

Masterson, C. (2000). Physical fitness education in-service Passaic Vocational Technical High, School Wayne, NJ. December 11.

Masterson, C. (1999). Physical best and FITNESSGRAM specialist workshop. William Paterson University (110 local physical education teachers), October 18.

Masterson, C (1997) Being your physical best, NJAHPERD State Convention, February 3.

Masterson C. (1996) Educational gymnastics. NJAHPERD State Convention, February 4.


Masterson, C., McCall, J. (2007). Keynote: A coordinated approach to school health in New Jersey. Center of Pedagogy’s January Advance Conference, January 15.

Masterson, C., Henry, M. (2006) e Portfolios in teacher education. Montclair State Technology Conference. November 10.

Masterson, C. (2005) Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal Summer Conference. June 29.

Masterson, C., DiChairo-Getlan, J. (2005). A journey from methods to movement.

Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal Summer Conference. June 29.

Masterson C., Desideriosceoli, D. (2004) Learning and moving- A pre-K conference. NJAHPERD: October 30.

Masterson, C. (2003) Fitness education in the physical education curriculum. Spring-mini courses, New Jersey Network for Educational Renewal. MSU Campus April 6.

Masterson, C., Desideriosceoli, D. (2003) Dance in the physical education curriculum. Spring-mini courses, New Jersey Network for Educational Renewal. April 3.

Masterson, C. (2003) Space, effort, and objects – A movement education approach to teaching young children. ECELE’s Annual Spring Conference – Educating All Our Children. March 27.


American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance’s Outstanding Mentor of the Year Award Nomination (2009)

Honor Award Nomination. (2008) This nomination reflects the highest honor for service rendered by the Eastern District Association for the American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

The Honor Award (2006). The highest honor rendered by the New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

College of Health and Human Services Recognition Award (2205). Awarded by the College of Education Dean for services rendered to the ESPE Department.

Montclair State University National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Annual Image Award (2005)

New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance’s College Educator of the Year Award (2004)

Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society

The Elisabeth Morrow School’s Richard A Davies Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award (1996).

New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Outstanding Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year Award (1992)

Eastern District Association Acknowledgement Award (American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1990)


National Level

National Physical Education and Sport Association’s National Student Leadership Committee (2008-Present).

Physical Best and FITNESSGRAM Steering Committee, National Association for Sport and Physical Education: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD). (1995-2007). Chairperson 2003-2005

District Level

Awards Chairperson for the Eastern District Physical Education Division, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) (2001-2003).

Vice-President Eastern District Physical Education Division, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) (1998-1999).

State Level

New Jersey Health and Physical Education Higher Education Consortium Committee (2000-Present).

NJAHPERD Student Division Advisor (2000-Present).

NJAHPERD Student Division Workshop (Coordinator) (2003-Present)

NJAHPERD Early Childhood Conference: Learning and moving. Montclair State University. (Co-Coordinator) October 30, 2005.

New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. President. (1994-1995).

University Level

Office of Information Technology Search Committee (2008 - Present)

College of Human Services Assessment Committee (2008 – Present)

Exercise Science and Physical Education Summer Chairperson (2008)

College Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. (2003-2007).

College of Education and Human Services (CHES) Teacher Education Program’s Professional Sequence Committee (2002-Present).

College of Education and Human Services (CEHS) Assessment Committee (2005-Present).

Exercise Sciences and Physical Education NCATE Committee (2004-Present) Chairperson

Montclair State University’s NASPE/NCATE Initial Physical Education Teacher Education Rejoinder. Coordinator/Author. Formally recognized on February 4, 2005.

Exercise Sciences and Physical Education Department Personal Advisory Committee Chairperson (2006 – Present)

Exercise Sciences and Physical Education Department Research Committee (2006 – Present)

Exercise Sciences and Physical Education Department Facilities Committee Chairperson (2006 – Present)

Exercise Sciences and Physical Education Curriculum Committee. (2001-Present) Chairperson (2003-Present).

Exercise Sciences and Physical Education Teacher Education (ESPE) Committee (2001- Present).

Exercise Sciences and Physical Education Department’s Panzer Student Association Advisor (2002-Present)


▪ American Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. (AAHPERD)

▪ New Jersey Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Education Association (NJAHPERD)

▪ New Jersey Education Association

▪ American Educational Research Association (AERA)

▪ Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)

▪ Kappa Delta Pi (Honorary Educational Society)

▪ National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (NAPEHE)

▪ Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education


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