Aim: Why are pronouns important

Aim: Why are pronouns important?

Do Now: Read and annotate the article, below, on pronouns. Then answer the three questions.

• What is a pronoun? _____________________________________________________________________

• What is an antecedent? __________________________________________________________________

• Why is it important to use pronouns clearly? _________________________________________________

Pronoun Exercise #1

Correct the pronoun errors.

1. At some schools, you have to take the courses they tell you to take.

2. Marie and me will go with you and she to the craft fair.

3. On the ten o'clock news, they announced that Pete and her will be the new delegates.

4. My barber and his boss are always arguing. He told me they may never make peace.

5. You and me are best buds. This makes me very happy.

6. When they drove to California, they were surprised at how fast it went.

7. The photograph certainly did justice to the scenery; its quality was excellent.

8. When writing a paper, a person has to revise. Otherwise, you will have many errors.

9. Mike, Susan, and I washed the floor ourself this morning.

10. Joe is afraid of dogs, and he is allergic to cats. That is why he doesn't have a pet.

Pronoun Exercise #2

INDEFINITE PRONOUNS: The following paragraph contains several pronouns that do not clearly refer to definite antecedents. Read the paragraph and fix the pronoun errors.

In the file report, it says that many victims of rape do not speak out. A list of ways to help them is included with the orientation kit. For example, they suggest speaking to the survivor in calm tones. In some places, you don’t have to look far to find long waiting lists for counseling.

AMBIGUOUS PRONOUNS: The following paragraph contains several pronouns that have two or more possible antecedents. Read the paragraph and fix the pronoun errors.

Harry called to David while he was coming down the stairs. David told Harry that he should not talk for long since he had laryngitis. Harry said that it wouldn’t take long. He said that he had made a big mistake and regretted his decision. This made David angry. David asked what he had done wrong. Harry replied that everyone that looked closely could see his mistake.


Using Pronouns Clearly

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Because a pronoun REFERS BACK to a noun or TAKES THE PLACE OF that noun (also known as the antecedent), you must use the correct pronoun so that your reader understands which noun your pronoun is referring to. Therefore, pronouns should:


If the pronoun takes the place of a singular noun, you have to use a singular pronoun.

If a student parks a car on campus, he or she has to buy a parking sticker.

(NOT: If a student parks a car on campus, they have to buy a parking sticker.)

REMEMBER: The words EVERYBODY, ANYBODY, ANYONE, EACH, NEITHER, NOBODY, SOMEONE, A PERSON, etc. are singular and take singular pronouns.

Everybody ought to do his or her best. (NOT: their best)

Neither of the girls brought her umbrella. (NOT: their umbrellas)


If you are writing in the "first person" (I), don't confuse your reader by switching to the "second person" (you) or "third person" (he, she, they, it). If you are using the "second person," don't switch to "first" or "third."

When a person comes to class, he or she should have his or her homework ready.

(NOT: When a person comes to class, you should have your homework ready.)

3. REFER CLEARLY to a specific noun.

Don't be vague or ambiguous.

NOT: Although the motorcycle hit the tree, it was not damaged. (Is "it" the motorcycle or the tree?)

NOT: I don't think they should show violence on TV. (Who are "they"?)

NOT: Vacation is coming soon, which is nice. (What is nice, the vacation or the fact that it is coming soon?)

NOT: George worked in a museum last summer. This may be his life's work. (What word does "this" refer to?)


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