Review Exercise for Section 44 Use correct word order and ...

Review Exercise for Section 44 Use correct word order and sentence structure.

Correct any errors in word order or sentence structure.

Many people fear in China and Japan the number four. Is a good reason for this fear: in Japanese, Mandarin, and Cantonese, the word for four and the word for death are nearly identical. A study in the British Medical Journal suggests that cardiac patients from Chinese and Japanese backgrounds they may literally die of fear of the number four. According to the study, which looked at U.S. mortality statistics over a twenty-five-year period, Chinese and Japanese hospitalized for heart disease patients were more likely to die on the fourth day of the month. Although Chinese and Japanese cardiac patients across the country were all statistically more likely to die on that day, but the effect was strongest among Californian Chinese and Japanese patients. Is not clear why Californians are more at risk. However, one researcher suggested that because California’s large Asian population includes many older people, the older generation may therefore teach to younger generations traditional beliefs.

Chinese and Japanese patients with other diseases they were no more likely to die on the fourth of the month than at any other time. White patients, whether they had heart disease or any other illness, they were no more likely to die on the supposedly unlucky thirteenth of the month than on any other day. Psychiatrist Jiang Wei of Duke University Medical School said, “She still didn’t know the biological reason for the statistical effect” on Chinese and Japanese cardiac patients. David P. Phillips, the sociologist who conducted the study, said that the only explanation that makes sense is that the number four causes extra stress in Chinese and Japanese heart patients. More research may someday prove whether or not the stress on the fourth of the month it can be enough to kill.


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