Grammar exercise 1 - Weebly





|Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: IN, ON, AT. |

|1. He will see his friend _____ the evening. |

|2. Several people visited my school _____ Friday. |

|3. Our language class usually begins _____ 8 o'clock. |

|4. The best part of Halloween begins _____ midnight. |

|5. Mr. Coye's undergraduate education ended _____ 1971. |

|6. The English Placement Test will be given _____ Dec. 13 and December 15. |

|7. They will leave late _____ the afternoon. |

|8. The weather is usually warm _____ August. |

|9. The weather is colder _____ the winter. |

|10. I picked up my mail _____ 1:45 p.m. |

|11. He woke up _____ 2 o'clock _____ the morning. |

|12. Her brother's birthday is _____ March 13. |

|13. They arrived at Gallaudet _____ August 18th, _____ 11:50. |

|14. His plane arrived in Chicago _____ June, 1954. |

|15. After Christmas vacation, I will see you again _____ Jan. 17, 1977. |

|16. Did they start the show _____ noon? |

|17. This will probably come true _____ the future. |

|18. Did you mail the letter _____ the fifteenth of the month? |

|19. We will start the sunrise service _____ dawn. |

|20. Can you come to the class meeting _____ Friday night? |

|21. The new English Class will start _____ February. |

|22. The other pep rally began _____ dusk _____ July 29. |

|23. Try to meet me here _____ Saturday morning _____ 9:45. |

|24. We will leave there _____ Saturday _____ the afternoon _____ 3:00. |

|25. _____ the past, we always went to school _____ Monday _____ the morning _____ 8:30. |

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|Choose the correct preposition. |

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|26. The policeman ran (over, after, against) the thief. |

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|27. I won’t do anything (without, against, for) your wishes. |

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|28. He spoke (against, towards) me. |

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|29. I told him (against, on, in, to) his face that he was a liar. |

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|30. She looks short (beside, besides) her sister. |

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|31. I eat (by, of, with) my mouth. |

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|32. We can’t depend (upon, in, with, by) his promise. |

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|33. Thieves broke (in, at, into, by) my room. |

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|33. He is not interested (on, in, for, ,to) learning English. |

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|34. We reached home (at, in) last. |

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|35. The policeman are (after, on) him. |

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|36. Don’t lean (against, at) the wall. |

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|37. The future is (beyond, over) our knowledge. |

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|38. He was bitten (by, with) a snake. |

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|Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions, IN, ON, AT. |

|1. All my friends live _____ North Lincoln Street. |

|2. Ashton visited her parents _____ South America last year. |

|3. John works _____ 576 26th Street. |

|5. Terry bought his first car _____ New York. |

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|6. German students will be _____ this country next year. |

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|7. Charles has lots of friends _____ Denver. |

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|8. Do you think you will stay here _____ Gallaudet? |

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|9. Gallaudet is _____ Kendall Green, N.E., Washington, D.C. |

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|10. While I was watching, the police arrived _____ the school. |

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|11. I no longer reside _____ 7329 Forrest Road. |

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|Fill in blanks with the correct prepositions at/on/in |

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|I get up …….. 7 o’clock every day. |

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|I was born ……….. 21 May. |

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|Mary likes to go to the seaside …………… summer. |

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|Steve reads the newspaper …………. The morning. |

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|We are going to the picnic ………… the weekend. |

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|My mother is ……….. home now, but I’m ……….. work. |

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|My friend was born ………… 1975. |

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|I will be back ………… 5 minutes. |

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|His brother is going to get married ….. the age of 25. |

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|We have English lessons ………. Monday and ……….. Wednesday. |

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|They are busy …….. the moment. |

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|Olga and Nick arrived …….. the same time. |


|Choose the most appropriate preposition: |

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|She’s very interested …………… politics. |

|Morocco is famous …………… its touristic sites. |

|They were satisfied …………. The performance. |

|I’m not sure ………… the time of the final match. |

|She was dresses …….. black. |

|He’s jealous …….. my career and position. |

|They are very keen …………… Andalusian music. |

|Are you pleased ………… your new car? |

|It was silly ……………. You to treat her like that! |

|I’m really fed up …………. The telly these days. |

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|Top of Form |

|The winner of the competition was ___ the drawing-room. |

|a. on |

|b. in |

|c. at |

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|Everybody sat ___ the floor, but Mr. Spencer sat ___ a chair ___ the corner. |

|a. over - in - on |

|b. about - on - at |

|c. on - on - in |

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|The judge poured champagne ___ the glass. |

|a. into |

|b. on |

|c. inside |

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|The elderly lady was always ___ home ___ night. |

|a. at - at |

|b. in - at |

|c. into-inside |

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|The elderly lady was always ___ home ___ night. |

|a. at - at |

|b. in - at |

|c. into-inside |

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|0. During the week I get up early ___ the morning and go to bed late ___ night. But normally ___ |

|weekends I sleep until midday. |

|a. on - at - at |

|b. in - at - on |

|c. in - in - at |

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|Peter lives ___ Boa Viagem Avenue, now, but he lived ___ 109, Amizade Street ___ 1980. |

|a. on - at - in |

|b. in - at - on |

|c. on - at - on |

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|He was born ___ 8:15 ___ the morning ___ June, 18th, 1928 |

|a. in - on - at |

|b. at - in - on |

|c. on - on – in |

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|The hanging light is ___ the table. |

|a. in |

|b. over |

|c. at |

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|"I'm staying ___ the Jangadeiro Hotel. It's ___ Boa Viagem Ave. ___ Recife". |

|a. at - in - on |

|b. in - on - at |

|c. at - on - in |

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|Thomas was born ___ January 9th ___ Buenos Aires. |

|a. in - on |

|b. on - in |

|c. at - on |

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|He's arriving from Europe ___ Wednesday. |

|a. at |

|b. on |

|c. of |

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|Complete the sentences with the prepositions from the box. Sometimes more than one answer is possible and you can use each preposition more than |

|once. |

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|in |

|to |

|as |

|at |

|out |

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|like |

|of |

|on |

|along |

|into |

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|Example: |

|We often go out ……………. a meal. |

|Top of Form |

|Watch ………… ! We're going to crash! |

|I have never seen your husband. What's he ……………? |

|My mother is abroad, so my dad is taking care ……………… us at the moment. |

|Did you know that Paul is married ……………. Susie? |

|The bus stop is just around the corner. It'll take you five minutes …………. foot to get there. |

|I am not good …………… cooking. Fortunately, my husband really loves cooking. |

|My girlfriend works …………. a receptionist in a hotel. |

|I don't get …………. with my new neighbor. He is so rude! |

|I'd like to speak …………… the manager, please.* |

|I got …………. my car and drove home. |

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|Bottom of Form |

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|Write in the correct word:: IN, ON, AT. |

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|It can get extremely hot here ___ Summer. |

|  |

|Magda doesn't have a job ___ the moment. |

|  |

|Both cars stopped ___ the same time. |

|  |

|Piotr left at 9am. He's probably ___ Kraków now. |

|  |

|Would you like to go to the cinema ___ Saturday night? |

|  |

|Roman's always tired. He's ___ bed now! |

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|Bye! I'll see you ___ the morning. |

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|Were you ___ Hania's party last night? |

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|I'll see you ___ three weeks time. |

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|Simon was born ___ 1966. |

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|The dentist will see you ___ 11:15. |

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|___ the age of eight I wanted to be a train driver. |

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|My boyfriend gave me a fantastic present ___ my birthday. |

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|The sugar is ___ the shelf. |

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|Your car keys are ___ your pocket. |

|  |

|Ela's gone to work. She's probably ___ work now. |

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|My uncle lives ___ Skwierzyna. |

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|___ my opinion you should buy the black polo shirt. |

|  |

|___ second thought, the dark green one is nicer. |

|  |

|I'll see you ___ Wednesday. |

|  |

|I'll be taking my holiday ___ Easter this year. |

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|Buy some biscuits ___ your way home. |

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|What will you be doing ___ New Year's Eve? |

|  |

|___ the end of a course students usually get drunk! |

|  |

|That new bench ___ your garden is very nice. |

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|There weren't many cars ___ the road today. |

|  |

|Jacek and Kasia always go out to dinner ___ their wedding aniversary. |

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|I got up ___ 11am today! |

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|Are you doing anything ___ the weekend? |

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|He lives ___ this address. |

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|Fill in the blanks with these words: against, at, by, for, from, in, like, near, of, on, to, up, with. |

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|1. She is doing a degree course _____ a university.  |

|She is doing a degree course at a university. |

|2. His trousers were washed _____ the washing machine. |

|His trousers were washed by the washing machine. |

|3. We had to climb slowly _____ the hill. |

|We had to climb slowly up the hill. |

|4. His house looks _____ a temple. |

|His house looks like a temple. |

|5. How many _____ the members will join the trip? |

|How many of the members will join the trip? |

|6. Don't lean that ladder _____ the wall. |

|Don't lean that ladder against the wall. |

|7. I don't usually feel tired _____ the morning. |

|I don't usually feel tired in the morning. |

|8. Have you heard anything _____ him yet? |

|Have you heard anything from him yet? |

|9. My house is quite _____ to your school. |

|My house is quite near to your school. |

|10. Put this _____ your drawer and do not let anyone see it. |

|Put this in your drawer and do not let anyone see it. |

|11. A university is where you study _____ a degree. |

|A university is where you study for a degree. |

|12. Which of these roads will lead _____ the church? |

|Which of these roads will lead to the church? |

|13. He sometimes quarrels _____ the neighbour. |

|He sometimes quarrels with the neighbour. |

|14. I think there is a salesman _____ the door. |

|I think there is a salesman at the door. |

|15. Her next birthday will be _____ a Sunday. |

|Her next birthday will be on a Sunday. |

|16. Even the new drug could not cure him _____ his illness. |

|Even the new drug could not cure him of his illness. |

|17. He was given a ten-year prison sentence _____ armed robbery. |

|He was given a ten-year prison sentence for armed robbery. |

|18. The cat likes to rub its head _____ my legs. |

|The cat likes to rub its head against my legs. |

|19. The store was robbed because there was no guard _____ duty. |

|The store was robbed because there was no guard on duty. |

|20. My father has a car _____ yours. |

|My father has a car like yours. |

|21. His sister holds a degree _____ physics _____ Oxford. |

| His sister holds a degree in physics from Oxford. |

|22. The new factory is expected to come online _____ May. |

|The new factory is expected to come online by May. |

|23. If you go _____ a river you go towards its source. |

|If you go up a river you go towards its source. |

|24. Many of us eat _____ fork and spoon. Many of us eat with fork and spoon. |

|25. The mob stoned her _____ death. |

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