Personal Journal

Personal JournalName: FORMTEXT ?????During this course, you will often be asked to journal responses to specific questions and topics—some of the journal assignments will include examples to follow. The ongoing journal will provide a way to keep track of your results and allow you to continuously review how the results can blend together in making a career decision. The journal will also enable your instructor to review the results of your activities in order to make comments and suggestions.Instructions: Save this document and use it as your template to create a new entry for each Journal exercise when indicated by the Learning Unit’s Activities. Read carefully through the specific instructions for the unit assigned, and add your response in the blank provided. Then, submit your document to the appropriate area provided within the specified learning unit.LU01 – Strong Interest Inventory Assessment Results Respond to the following questions, based on your results from the Strong Interest Inventory. 1) At the bottom of page 2 of your results, you will find the six Holland codes listed. The top three listed are your personal top three codes. What are they? 2)?From page 3, list “Your Top Five Interest Areas.”3)?From page 4, list “Your Top Ten Strong Occupations.”4)?Do the results mentioned on pages 3 and 4 include any ideas that you’ve already been thinking about? If so, what are they?5)?Do you feel any of the career ideas listed are related to your hobbies or leisure interests? If so, which ones and explain why.6)?After looking at your results is there anything that surprises you?7)?Are there any new ideas mentioned that you might start considering?8)?Do you have other comments or questions about your results?LU01 – Strong Interest Inventory Assessment Results Response: FORMTEXT ?????LU02 – Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment Results After you have reviewed your Myers-Briggs assessment results from the previous exercise, submit your journal entry in response to those results. Make sure to include your reported type and whether or not you believe it suits you.LU02 – Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment Results Response: FORMTEXT ?????LU03 – Thinking Styles Study ResultsBased on the content you have been exposed to on Thinking Styles, submit your journal entry listing the Thinking Style you feel is your best fit and share two or three examples from your life that you feel prove the fit. If you feel closely tied between two styles, go ahead and list both.Example: “I think that I fit both the Feeling Thinking and the Control Thinking descriptions. Concerning the Control Thinking, I actually consider planning, organizing, and attention to details to be enjoyable especially when I have enough time to devote to those activities. An example that which comes to mind happened a few years ago when I served as a juror and we were sent to the jury room to decide the verdict. No one wanted to volunteer to be the jury foreman, and everything was so disorganized that finally, I volunteered to be the foreman just to get things moving. I wrote down a step-by-step approach on how we might proceed and everything went smoothly. I remember being concerned that everyone would think I was being too forward or bossy since I volunteered for the job, but everyone was relieved, and I actually ended up with several thank yous and compliments.”LU03 – Thinking Styles Study Results Response: FORMTEXT ?????LU03 – List Career Options Based on your study of Thinking Styles and the style you feel best fits you, select two careers of interest to you that you feel also match your Thinking Style. Submit a paragraph about each career, including your thoughts on how you feel the duties of that career match the description of your preferred Thinking Style. Example: “I have an interest in being an Occupational Therapist, and I can see where that fits my thinking style of “feeling.” Working with people who may need to re-learn skills for life or their job gives me a chance to be caring and compassionate. I also enjoy encouraging people and there would be daily opportunities to practice that skill. I am a good listener and often patients need someone who will take a genuine interest in what has taken place in their life.”LU3 – List Career Options Response: FORMTEXT ?????LU04 – List of Occupational Alternatives Based on your ideas when starting this course, as well as, your results from the Strong Interest Inventory, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, and the Thinking Styles model, read, compile, and submit your journal responses to the questions below. 1) Brainstorm and list all possible career ideas you are considering.2)?List the topics for your three research papers.LU04 – List of Occupational Alternatives Response: FORMTEXT ?????LU05 – Labor Market Summary of Personal Career Choices List the job outlook of the three careers you have chosen for your research papers. If you find research materials differing on this topic, go ahead and mention that. Also, list the job outlook for two other careers that somewhat interest you, but you are not choosing as a research paper topic. Here is an example of what you might write.Dental Assistant- Growing faster than average- Possible 36% growth from 2008-2018 LU5 – Labor Market Summary of Personal Career Choices Response: FORMTEXT ?????LU06 – Bragging Essay Compile and submit your journal responses to the questions below. 1)?Choose three (3) of your strengths and discuss why you feel those strengths are characteristic of you.2)?Include examples of when you have demonstrated each of those strengths and consider times when others have complimented you or appreciated those strengths.Here is an example of what you might write for one (1) strength being discussed.I feel that thoughtfulness is one of my strengths. Sometimes I don’t even realize this until someone comments on something thoughtful I have done. When I showed the Strengths Checklist to two relatives they mentioned something I had completely forgotten about. Several years ago I could tell that my grandmother needed some special encouragement. I sent her a note to arrive on a Monday that said “The coming week has been declared ‘Grandma J’ week. Be prepared for special treats and surprises!” I sent her a card everyday and I lived close enough to stop by each day with a special surprise such as a single rose, a candle, or some favorite candy. At the end of the week we went out to lunch. And I’ve discovered along the way that being thoughtful makes life more fun! LU06 – Bragging Essay Response: FORMTEXT ?????LU7 – What If You Won the Lottery? Now it’s time for a little daydreaming! Journal about what you would do if you won the lottery. Write at least two (2) paragraphs; in the first, write about how you would enhance your life. Then in the second, write about what you can do to make your life look more like this NOW.LU07 – What If You Won the Lottery Response: FORMTEXT ?????LU07 – Bucket List Have you seen the movie The Bucket List? Jack Nicholson plays cranky billionaire Edward Cole and Morgan Freeman plays Carter Chambers, a mechanic, who meet as terminally ill cancer patients who both have a long list of goals they’d like to accomplish before they “kick the bucket.” Edward’s Eulogy contains this quote: “Even now I cannot understand the measure of a life, but I can tell you this. I know he died with his eyes closed and his heart open. And I’m pretty sure he was happy with his final resting place, because he was buried on the mountain. And that was against the law.”Journal about twenty-five (25) things you hope to accomplish. LU07 – Bucket List Response: FORMTEXT ?????LU08 – List Your Skills Compile and submit your skills list. 1) Functional skills are aptitude-related potentials that you inherited. List ten (10) of your functional skills. 2)?Self-management skills are literally, the ways you manage yourself. List ten (10) of your self-management skills. 3)?Transferrable skills are the skills you’ve learned from a particular job, education, leisure activity or other life experiences. List ten (10) of your transferrable skills.LU08 – List Your Skills Response: FORMTEXT ?????LU10 – Sharing Entrepreneurial Ideas Choose a career that you are especially considering and journal a paragraph discussing how this career could relate to entrepreneurial ideas. Here is an example of what you might write.My main career choice is an elementary school teacher. Right now I want to be employed in a traditional teaching job, but it has been interesting to think of how I could relate this field to some entrepreneurial ideas. Children often have challenges with reading and math. I could develop a math camp or reading camp to be held during the summer. The camp could help students to continue working toward their grade level, as well as help them maintain skills during the summer break. I could also invent new games to teach reading and math concepts and give special attention to creative ideas for the camp.LU10 – Sharing Entrepreneurial Ideas Response: FORMTEXT ?????? No?l Foster Gordon, Sheri Ziegler and Indian Hills Community College ................

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