Paper 1 Social- Research Exercise

391477539370005191125-8445500Research Exercise: -762011157605Spec Check!: One practical research exercise to gather data relevant to topics covered in social psychology. This practical research exercise must adhere to ethical principles in both content and intention. In conducting the practical research exercise, students must:? design and conduct a questionnaire to gather both qualitative and quantitative data to look for a difference in the data? consider questionnaire construction, sampling decisions and ethical issues? collect and present an analysis of quantitative data using measures of central tendency, bar graph and frequency table? collect and present an analysis of qualitative data using thematic analysis? consider strengths and weaknesses of the questionnaire? write up the procedure, results and discussion section of a report.?00Spec Check!: One practical research exercise to gather data relevant to topics covered in social psychology. This practical research exercise must adhere to ethical principles in both content and intention. In conducting the practical research exercise, students must:? design and conduct a questionnaire to gather both qualitative and quantitative data to look for a difference in the data? consider questionnaire construction, sampling decisions and ethical issues? collect and present an analysis of quantitative data using measures of central tendency, bar graph and frequency table? collect and present an analysis of qualitative data using thematic analysis? consider strengths and weaknesses of the questionnaire? write up the procedure, results and discussion section of a report.?A questionnaire to investigate cross cultural differences in attitudes towards people who are homelessBefore you start …have a read through the articles and links on psychologyrocks. As this will help you to decide what the aim of your questionnaire will be exactly. You should also do some research of your own into attitudes towards homelessness and the impact these can have.Your target population; Young people aged 16-19; we have chosen this population as you will not require parental consent which makes the data collection easier for you and also you have good access to lots of people from your own friendship/peer group. We are also able to send the questionnaire to our counterparts in schools across Europe and further afield via our Facebook. Countries where we have contacts include: Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Germany, Czech Republic, India and Vietnam. Your questions must be relevant to people in this age group and across the world. You should think about how to ask a range of closed and open question which will explore for example. The articles provides lots of ideas for questions about beliefs, feeling and behaviours that people may or may not have enacted towards those who are homeless. It will also be interesting to find out how much of a problem people perceive homelessness to be where they live. Working in small groups (3-4)Each group will work on a small subset of question for the final questionnaire which will also include some personal data questions allowing for the cross cultural comparisons that are relevant to our hypotheses but also we will collect information about gender and age as well as country of residence and nationality.Each group should come up with around 5-6 closed questions and 2-3 open questions. You need to create a very short presentation for the class to present the questions that you have chosen and discuss how you have worded your question to improve the validity of the responses. It is important not to include leading questions and to vary the direction of likerts to avoid response bias/set. You should attempt to come up with closed question using an number of different formats including ranking statements, likerts and semantic differentials. Each group will feedback to the class about their choices and the class will discuss the questions and any consequent problems they perceive, groups will then modify their questions and send them to the designated leader in your class in irder that they can be inputted into survey monkey.Group presentations should also include information about …The desired sample size and sampling techniqueEthical considerationsStandardised instructionsData analysisYou need to practice a range of mathematical skills and therefore I want you to ensure that the questionnaire comprises some questions which collect…interval/ratio level data so that you can calculate the means/standard deviations and present these on a bar graph where each country can be compared against the others.ordinal data so that we can work out some medians and ranges; these will come from likert/ratings scalessome forced choices questions where Pps tick a box meaning we can count up the number of responses in each category (nominal data) that can be summarised in a frequency table and modes/percentages calculated and shown on pie charts for example.You will need to conduct a thematic analysis on your qualitative data; we will do a practice exercise in class so that you can see what you have to do. You will need to watch the presentation on grounded theory before we practice this technique. I will put this on google classroom for you.The write upYou need to present a report with the following headings:Aim/research question (2)Introduction; this section will include a brief literature review where you outline studies that have already been completed on this topic and give some context regarding problems with homelessness in our own city for example. Use the articles on google classroom as a starting point and any other research you care to conduct. (5)Method:Design: what are the groups that are being compared (IV), what are you measuring in your various questions (DV), what participant design are you using. (5)Participants: what sampling technique is being used and why; how many Pps were in each group; give some specific characteristics of the Pps (e.g. first language,you may want to contact the teacher for the school that you have chosen to compare with and find out a bit about their school ) (6)Materials: here you will discuss the design of the questionnaire regarding how questions were formulated and modified, some information about the standardised instructions and ethical statement (8)Procedure: Some information about how the questionnaire was distributed and how the data was collated and coded. (3)Results: this section should include appropriate descriptive statistics to summarise the findings for a selection (or all if you feel brave!) of the questions; you must analyse some interval, some ordinal and some nominal quantitative data resulting in at least one set of means and standard deviations (4), one set medians and range (4) and one frequency table with modes and percentages (4). You should also have at least one bar-chart (3), one histogram (3) and one pie chart (3) you should also do a thematic analysis on the answers provided to at least one open question comparing the answers of the Pps from the UK and at least one other country. (6) Your results should be expressed in words as well as tables and graphs and this should be true of both the qual and the quan analysis. (3)Discussion: Here you will write a paragraph examining…the strengths and weaknesses of your data collection (using your generic information about the method of questionnaires, qual. and quan. data, open and closed questions etc. but making it specific it your study by using specific examples); (4+4)you should discuss how any problems that you have identified could have been solved (4)your findings in comparison with those outlined in the two articles on psychologyrocks and any other studies you mentioned in your introduction. (4)Conclusions (3): Where you look back at your aims and summarise what can be inferred from the data you have collected.References: Where you provide full academic references for any book, articles and websites used in your report. Please use the referencing sheet from psychologyrocks to ensure you have done this properly. (2)Total = 80 ................

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