Foundation For Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation ...

Rush Oak Park Inpatient Room-Based Exercise ProgramResting in a bed without movement can decrease your muscle mass by 2% a day and increase your risk of blod clots. The following exercises are designed to be done while sitting in a chair and on your own. Remember to sit up, maintain good posture throughout these exercises, tighten your stomach muscles, and keep your feet flat on the ground. Any exercise that seems too hard to do can be modified. Please attempt to do these at least three times every day. It should take you about 7-10 minutes. The goal of this exercise regimen is to help maintain muscle mass and endurance. If you find yourself really working to breathe or having chest pain, please stop immediately and let your nurse know. These exercises may elevate your heart rate and breathing rate, but you should be able to speak a sentence easily without feeling “too winded”. Please see the figures for clarification if written instructions are unclear. Set goals for yourself: (for example, try to make it through the whole worksheet twice a day)Goal 1: _____________Goal 2: _____________Goal 3: _____________Upper body movements1.Neck stretch – 2 sets to the right, 2 sets to the leftTilt your head to the right, attempting to touch your right ear to your right shoulder. For a deeper stretch, put your right hand on the left side of your head and pull. Hold the stretch for 15-20 seconds. Repeat twice to each side. 2.Shoulder rolls – 1 set forward, 1 set backwards Rotate your shoulders in a forward direction, as if making big circles, for 15-20 repetitions (reps). Rotates in a backwards direction for the second set for 15-20 reps. 3.Triceps stretch – 2 sets with the right, 2 sets with the leftRaise your right arm with your bicep near your ear, and place your right hand on your upper back. Place your left hand on your right elbow and pull your elbow down. Hold for 15-20 seconds. Complete twice on each side. 4.Shoulder raises – 2 setsStraighten your arms out with your palms facing forward and thumbs towards the ceiling. Raise your arms up until your thumbs meet then bring them back down. Repeat for 10-15 reps for 2 sets.5.Bicep curl – 2 sets on the right, 2 sets on the left.Make a fist with your right hand and curl your fist towards your right shoulder. For an additional challenge, place your left hand on your right forearm, and push down against your forearms while performing the curl. Repeat for 10-15 reps. Repeat twice on each side. This can be done with no weight if desired. Can also be done with a can of soup or something similar. Lower body6.Toe tap – 2 sets with the right foot, 2 sets with the left footRaise your toes as high as you can while keeping your heel planted on the ground and then tap down. Repeat for 15-20 reps with each foot for 2 sets.7.Gluteal Squeezes – Sit upright and make sure stomach muscles are tight. Squeeze your rear end together. You should feel your hips rotating very slightly if you are properly turning on your muscles. Hold for 30 seconds, then release. Repeat 5-10 times.8.Leg extensions – 2 sets with the right leg, 2 sets with the left leg While keeping your left foot planted, extend your right leg forward until it is parallel with ground, then return to starting position. Repeat for 10-15 reps for 2 sets with each leg.9.Leg marches – 2 sets with right leg, 2 sets with left legLift your knee towards your chest, then return to sitting position, as if marching up and down the stairs. Repeat for 10-15 reps for 2 sets with each leg. 10.Calf/hamstring stretch –2 sets with the right, 2 sets with the leftStraighten one leg out, placing that heel on the ground. Bring your toes back towards you. For a deeper stretch, lean slightly forward. Hold this stretch for 10-15 seconds. Repeat twice on each side. ................

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