Parts of Speech - Pearson

Identify Active and Linking Verbs

Underline the active verbs and bold the linking verbs.

1. The view from the top of the CN tower is spectacular.

2. Do you have time to take this to the post office for me?

3. It is difficult to find good help these days.

4. Owning a franchise is a big responsibility.

5. The economy has been growing steadily in Canada.

6. In business it is essential to know your competition.

7. The word downsizing has the capability of making employees nervous.

8. Taking responsibility for one’s choices is not a popular idea.

9. Passing the buck or making excuses is the more popular choice.

10. There was a letter to Eaton’s in the desk in the old house.

Write Active Prose

Where desirable and possible, change linking verbs to active verbs in the following sentences.

1. Are you going to send the package by courier?

2. The view from the top of the CN tower is spectacular.

3. It is difficult to find good help these days.

4. Owning a franchise is a big responsibility.

5. The economy has been growing steadily in Canada.

6. In business it is essential to know your competition.

7. The word downsizing is capable of making employees nervous.

8. There was a letter to Eaton’s in the desk in the old house.

9. The internet can be a tool for good or for evil.

10. Thinking and writing are two inseparable communication skills.

Write Active Prose

In the following passage, make the phrasing more active, more concise, and more emphatic by converting linking verbs to active verbs.

I am in agreement with your proposed solution to the overtime problem, which seems increasingly vexatious to both management and the union, because the current way of allocating overtime work is unfair to employees and is not in keeping with overall management policy. However, I am not enamoured with the projected costs of your proposed approach, which appears burdensome for our company. Therefore, it is my considered opinion that a reworking of the overtime pay scale will be necessary, particularly because we are in a heavy debt load situation at the moment.


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