Aristotle Reading List

A Level Philosophy of Religion

Reading List

The books on the list are not exhaustive nor are they listed with the suggestion that you should or even need to read them all. They are there for you to use as a reference point if you feel you would like or might need further reading on a topic. Try and look at the book before you get hold of a copy as the books are at a range of different levels and it is important to find a book you a comfortable with if you are to make much progress.

Books are available in the school library and the department; departmental books can be borrowed with my agreement (there is a sign out sheet for books to keep track of them). If you find a good book that is not on the list, please let me know and I will add it to the list and if you would like any more reading on a certain topic you need only ask. Those books highlighted as bold are those which are highly recommended for this course.

Introduction to and General Philosophy

• Philosophy: The Basics - Nigel Warburton.

• Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction - Edward Craig.

• What Does It All Mean? - Thomas Nagel.

• A Little History of Philosophy – Nigel Warburton

• Think - Simon Blackburn.

• The Problems of Philosophy - Bertrand Russell.

• Sophie's World - Jostein Gaarder.

• Philosophy: The Essential Study Guide - Nigel Warburton.

• Thinking from A to Z - Nigel Warburton.

• Philosophy: The Classics - Nigel Warburton.

• Western Philosophy: An Anthology (Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies) - John G. Cottingham

• Doing Philosophy: A Practical Guide for Students - Clare Saunders et al.

• Moral Philosophy: A Guide to Ethical Theory - Gerald Jones et al.

• An Introduction to Political Philosophy - Jonathan Wolff.

• The Philosophy Gym: 25 Short Adventures in Thinking - Stephen Law.

• 101 Philosophy Problems - Martin Cohen.

• 101 Ethical Dilemmas - Martin Cohen.

• The Pig That Wants to be Eaten: And Ninety-nine Other Thought Experiments - Julian Baggini.

• The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins

• Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder - Richard Dawkins

General Philosophy of Religion

• Philosophy of Religion: A guide and Anthology – Briand Davies (ed.)

• An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion – Brian Davies

• The Puzzle of God – Peter Vardy

• Philosophy of Religion: The Big Questions – Eleanor Stump

• The Philosophy of Religion: An Historical Introduction - Linda Zagzebski

• The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion - Paul Copan and Chad Meister


The Republic - Plato (Penguin Classics)

• Plato: A Very Short Introduction - Julia Annas

Plato: Complete Works - D.S. Hutchinson

Coffee With Plato - Donald R. Moor

• Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Plato and the "Republic" - Nickolas Pappas

• Introduction to the Philosophy and Writings of Plato - Thomas Taylor


• Introducing Aristotle - Rupert Woodfin

• Aristotle: A Very Short Introduction - Jonathan Barnes.

• Basic Works of Aristotle - Aristotle and Richard McKeon.

• Coffee With Aristotle - Jonathan Barnes.

• Aristotle for Everybody - Mortimer Adler.

• Aristotle: An Introduction (Audio CD) - Hugh Griffith.

Attributes of God

A History Of God - Karen Armstrong

The Thinker's Guide to God - Peter Vardy and Julie Arliss

What God Knows: Time and the Question of Divine Knowledge - Harry Lee Poe

The Case for God: What religion really means - Karen Armstrong

Arguments for or Against the Existence of God

• The Existence of God - Richard Swinburne

• Is There a God? - Richard Swinburne

• God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything - Christopher Hitchens

• The Thinker's Guide to God - Peter Vardy and Julie Arliss

• Hume: A Very Short Introduction - Alfred Ayer

• Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume and J. C. A. Gaskin

• Introducing Darwin and Evolution - Jonathan Miller and Borin Van Loon

• God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science - Neil A. Manson

• The Six Ways of Atheism: New Logical Disproofs of the Existence of God - Geoffrey Hugh Lewis Berg

• New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy - Robert J. Spitzer

• Godless Morality - Richard Holloway

• The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins

• There is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind - Antony Flew

• God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? - John Lennox

• God and Philosophy - Antony Flew

• Against All Gods: Six Polemics on Religion - A. C. Grayling

The Problem of Evil

• The Problem of Evil - Peter van Inwagen

• The Problem of Evil & the Problem of God - D. Z. Phillips

• Problem of Evil In Western Tradition - Joseph F. Kelly

• Reality of God and the Problem of Evil - Brian Davies

• The Problem of Evil - Marilyn McCord Adams and Robert Merrihew Adams

• Providence and the Problem of Evil - Richard Swinburne

• The Problem of Evil: Selected Readings - Michael L. Peterson

Religious Language

• The Philosophy of Religious Language: Sign, Symbol and Story - Dan Stiver

• Language, Truth and Logic (Penguin Modern Classics) - A.J. Ayer and Ben Rogers

• Logical Positivism - Alfred J. Ayer

• The Logic of Scientific Discovery - Karl Popper

Religious Experiences and Miracles

• Miracles - C. S. Lewis

• Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, and the Natural History of Religion - David Hume and J. C. A. Gaskin

• Religious Experience - Libby Ahluwalia

• The Varieties of Religious Experience - William James and Martin Marty

• The Psychology of Religious Experience, Belief and Behaviour - Michael Argyle and Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi

• Leaps of Faith: Science, Miracles, and the Search for Supernatural Consolation - Nicholas Humphrey and D. Dennett

Life After Death and Body and Soul

The Immortalization Commission: The Strange Quest to Cheat Death - John Gray

• Immortality Defended – John Leslie

• The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy, and Human Immortality - William James

• Soul Dust: The Magic of Consciousness - Nicholas Humphrey

• Philosophy of Mind: A Beginner's Guide - Edward Feser

Mind - Eric Matthews

Consciousness Explained – Dan C Dennett

The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul - Daniel C. Dennett and Douglas R. Hofstadter


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