PeopleSoft - Vanderbilt IT

PeopleSoft APPOFor assistance with any of the installations, contact run PeopleSoft full client for Accounts Payable/Purchasing, you will need:PeopleSoft Access & InstallationGuardian Pulse Access & InstallationOracle InstallationPeopleSoft Access Navigate to . Scroll down and click either:Accounts Payable/Purchasing Human ResourcesGuardian Pulse Firewall AccessAccess will be granted automatically at the time PeopleSoft access is granted. No additional form is necessary. Navigate to Click the Guardian Pulse link to retrieve the installation instructions. Mapping the Drive Map \\\psoft to the letter “P”. The documentation will reflect using the mapped drive of “P”. If not mapped to the P drive, the Oracle tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files will have to be changed to reflect the appropriate drive letter.Open Windows ExplorerClick Tools – Map Network DriveSelect P as the drive letter.Type \\\psoft as the path.Verify that Reconnect at Logon is checkedClick OKOracleNavigate to and click the Oracle link to retrieve the installation instructions. Installing PeopleSoft (see next section also)Note: PeopleSoft must be installed under the user’s login. If the installer is logged into the machine under an admin login, he/she must log out and allow the user to log in using his/her credentials. From \\\psoft, Click Step 7C – Install PeopleSoft for Accounts Payable/Purchasing (FNPROD)or Click Step 75C – Install PeopleSoft for Student Applications (SUPROD) Enter the users VUNet ID in the Operator ID: box.Click Install. Hourglass does not appear. Wait. The following dialog box will appear:4857758001000Click OK.PeopleSoft is installed.?Installing PeopleSoft on Windows 7 OSIf the installation process in the section prior to this one does not work, please follow these instructions. Setting the ConfigurationNavigate to p:\\\ps7\fin\Test\bin\Client\WINX86Right-click pscfg.exe, click PropertiesClick the Compatibility tabClick Change settings for all users command buttonCheck the box next to Run this program in compatibility mode for: Select Windows XPCheck the box next to Run this program as an administratorClick OKClick OK againDouble-click pscfg.exeClick RunEnter the information above in the Configuration Manager box if it does not already appear. Use your VUNet ID.Click the Process Scheduler tabUnder the Temp Directory (TEMP) section, click the … and navigate to the Temp folder installed under your profile on your PC (C:\Users\gloverjg\AppData\Local\Temp)..Under the Database Drivers(DBBIN) section, click the … and navigate to the Oracle Client bin folder installed on your PC. (C:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN. Select Apply to save and OK to exit.Client InstallMake sure User Account Control settings are off (in Control Panel )Navigate to \\\psoft\Util\ and copy the “PSStartup.exe – Shortcut” to user’s desktopRight click on the shortcut and select PropertiesClick the Compatibility tabClick Run this program as an administratorClick the Shortcut tab.? Check that the settings look exactly like this:Click OKDouble-click the icon and proceed to log in (make sure firewall is running) ................

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