Mrs. Helms Health Science

HS II-INFECTION CONTROL REVIEW If a patient is in isolation due to staphylococci, which PPE’s should the healthcare workers wear?Following the chain of infection, a scrape on the elbow would provide for _________________________.A staph infection may be transferred to other through ______________________ contact.Bacterial infections are treated with ______________________.What precautions should be followed when cleaning up spills and splashes?Define susceptible.______________________ precautions should be followed if a patient has MRSA or scabies.Define systemic infection.Describe the environment that protozoa prefer.What are the symptoms of a protozoan infection?Which of the PPE’s should be worn if the patient is isolated due to a respiratory infection?Define blood borne pathogens.Define antisepsis.Which aseptic method would be used to DESTROY pathogens on surgical instruments?List the symptoms of a fungal infection of the skin.List the parts of the chain of infection.Define opportunistic infection.What part of the chain of infection is mycobacterium tuberculosis?Define disinfection and give examples of what would need to be disinfected.Define local infection.What is the main purpose of vaccinations?How are rickettsiae infections transmitted?Define contact precautions.Define non-pathogens.Which aseptic technique should every healthcare worker do before and after every procedure?What are anerobic microorganisms?Define nosocomial infections.What are the symptoms of a rickettsiae infection?Define exogenous infection.Define endogenous infection. Define aerobic microorganisms.Define standard precautions.What is normal flora? Give an example.What does it mean when someone gets a microorganism from “indirect contact”? Which method used to control the spread of infection will kill all microorganisms if used correctly? ................

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