REPTILE LIST - Boston University


Andry, M.L., Luttges, M.W., & Gamow, I. (1971). Temperature effects on spontaneous and evoked neural activity in the garter snake. Exp. Neurol, 31, 32-44.

Ayala-Guerrero, F. (1985). Sleep in a chelonian reptile (Kinosteron sp). Sleep Research, 14, 83.

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Flanigan, W. F., Wilcox, R. H., & Rechtshaffen, A. (1971). The EEG and Arousal Continuum of Crocodilian, Caiman scleops [abstract]. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol, 34(5), 521-538.

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Gamundí, A., Roca, C., Bernácer, R., Nicolau, M.C., & Rial, R.V. (1998). Behavioural sleep and environmental factors in reptiles (Gallotia galloti). Journal of Physiology, 509, 88.

Gaztelu, J.M., García-Austt, E., & Bullock. T. (1991). Electrocorticograms of hippocampal and dorsal cortex of two reptiles: Comparison with possible mammalian homologs. Brain Behav Evol, 37, 144-160.

Gómez, T., Bolaños, A., López-García, J.A., Nicolau, M.C., & Rial, R.V. (1990). A case report of spontaneous electrographic epilepsy in reptiles (Gallotia galloti). Comp Biochem Physiol, Series C, 97(2), 257-258.

Gónzalez, J., & Rial, R.V. (1977). Eletrofisiologa de la cortez teleceflica de reptile (Lacerta galloti): EEG y potenciales evocados. Rev Esp Fisiol, 33, 239-248.

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Hartse, K.M., & Rechtschaffen, A. (1974). Effect of atropine sulfate on the sleep related EEG spike activity of the tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria). Brain Behav Evol, 9, 81-94.

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Huntley, A., Friedman, J.K., & Cohen, H.G. (1977). Sleep in an Iguanid lizard (Dipsosaurus dorsalis). Sleep Res, 6, 104.

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Medina, L., Smeets, W.J.A.J., Hoogland, P.V., & Puelles, L. (1993). Distribution of choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity in the brain of the lizard Gallotia galloti. J Comp Neurol, 331, 261-285.

Meglasson, M.D., & Huggings, S.E. (1979). Sleep in a crocodilian (Caiman sclerops). Comp Biochem Physiol, Series A, 63, 561-567.

Parsons, L., & Huggins, S.E. (1965a). A study of spontaneous electrical activity in the brain of Caiman sclerops. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 119, 397-400.

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Peyreton, J., & Dusan-Peyreton, D. (1967). Etude polygraphique du cycle vieille sommeil chez trios genres de reptiles. C R Soc Biol (Paris), 163, 181-186.

Powers, A.S., & Reiner, A. (1993). The distribution of cholinergic neurons in the central nervous system of turtles. Brain Behav Evol, 41, 326-345.

Rial, R.V., & Gónzalez, J. (1978). Kindling effect in the reptilian brain: Motor and electrographic manifestations. Epilepsia, 19, 581-589.

Rial, R.V., Almirall, H., Gamundí, A., & Nicolau, M.C. (1994). Delta EEG in active reptiles: A key in the evoltuin of waking and sleep states. J Sleep Res, 3(1), 219.

Rial, R.V., NIcolau, M.C., Gamundí, A., Tomoner, G., & Akaârir, M. (1998). The problem of the amplitude in the reptilian EEG. J Selep Res, 7(2), 224.

Romo, R., Cepeda, C., & Velasco, M. (1978). Behavioral and electrophysiological patterns of wakefulness-sleep states in the lizard Phrinosoma regali. Bol Estud Med Méx, 30, 13-18.

Rose, B. (1981). Factors affecting the activity in Saloporus virgatus. Ecology, 62(3), 706-716.

Sato, M., Okano, Y., & Inoue, S. (1989). Polygraphic correlates of rest-activity behaviour in turtles. In J. Horne (Ed.), Sleep: 88 (pp. 225-226). New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag.

Servit, Z., Strejkova, A., & Volanschi, D. (1971). Epileptic focus in the forebrain of the turtle (Testudo graeca). Triggering of focal discharges with different sensory stimuli. Physiol Biochem (Bohemoslov), 20, 221-228.

Servit, Z., & Strejkova, A. (1972). Thalamocortical relations and the genesis of epileptic electrographic phenomena in the forebrain of the turtle. Exp Neurol, 35, 50-60.

Susic, V. (1972). Eletrographic and behavioral correlations of the rest-activity cycle in the sea turtle Carette caretta L. (Chelonia). J Exp Mar boil Ecol, 10, 81-87.

Tauber, E.S., Roffwarg, H.P., & Weitzman, E.D. (1966). Eye movements and electroencephalogram activity during sleep in diurnal lizards. Nature, 212, 1612-1612.

Tauber, E.S., Rojas-Ramirez, J., & Hernandez Peón, R. (1968). Electrophysiological and behavioral correlates of wakefulness and sleep in the lizard (Ctenosaura pectinata). Electroencephal & Clin Neurophysiol, 24, 424-433.

Ten Donkelaar, H.J., & Nieuwenhuys, R. (1978). Cells of origin of pathways descending to the spinal chord in a lizard (Gallotia galloti). Neurosc Lett, 9, 123-138.

Ten Donkeleear, H.J, & Nieuwenhuys, R. (1979). In R.G. Gans, Northcut, & R.S> Ulinski (Eds.), Biology of the reptilian (Vol. 10, pp. 133-200). London: Academic Press.

Van Twyver, H. (1973). Polygraphic studies of the American alligator. Sleep Res, 2, 87.

Vasilescu, E. (1970). Sleep and wakefulness in the tortoise (Emys orbicularis). Rev Roum Biol Zool, 15(3), 177-179.

Walker, J.M., & Berger, R.J. (1973). A polygraphic study of the tortoise (Testudo denticulata): Absence of electrophysiological signs of sleep. Brain Behav Evol, 8, 453-467.

Warner, B.F. & Huggins, S.E. (1978). An electroencephalographic study of sleep in

young caimans in a colony. Comp Biochem Physiol A, 59, 139-144.


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