Deaf People of Portugal - Joshua Project

People and Language Detail Report

Profile Year: Language Name: ISO Language Code:

2012 Portuguese SL Community psr

Photo Unavailable

Primary Religion: Christianity


Disciples (Matt 28:19): None


Churches: 1


Scripture Status (Matt 28:20): No Scripture


Population (date): 11,500 (2012)


Deaf People of Portugal

Portuguese Sign Language Community

The deaf population of Portugal is proud of their language and culture. According to the European Union of the Deaf, the deaf population using sign language is approximately 11,500 (European Union of the Deaf). The largest deaf populations are located in Lisboa and Porto, with Lisboa being the larger of the two. Deaf people meet together on a regular basis for sports activities, association meetings, and other social gatherings.

An unsuccessful attempt to make Lingua Gestual Portuguesa (Portuguese Sign Language, LGP) an official language of Portugal was made in 2004. (Portuguese Assembly of the Republic 2012) Hope remains strong to make LGP an officially recognized language in the future.

Most deaf students are mainstreamed while other deaf students attend deaf only schools. Public schools either include deaf students in otherwise hearing classrooms or have separate classrooms for deaf students where an interpreter is provided most of the time. Within the past 4-6 years a few Universities have opened their doors more readily to deaf students.

Professionally trained interpreters are available in Portugal but more are needed. Some interpreters are available to assist students in the classrooms but many deaf students have to pay for their own interpreters. Interpreter certification is available and has two main requirements according to a code of ethics included in legislation passed in 1999. The two requirements to be certified as an interpreter in Portugal are: training in a sign language, and completion of a collegelevel interpreting program using an approved curriculum

Some materials have been produced in LGP including dictionaries, children's stories and educational materials. The deaf community indicates that their greatest needs are for more educational materials of all kinds to be produced, for more hearing people to learn sign language and for deaf people to take an active role in politics, government, creating awareness and leading within the deaf community.

The Sign Language Community of Portugal_________________________________ Have They Heard The Gospel?

Hindrances to Scripture Use

Response to the Gospel Bilingualism Are Cross-Cultural Missionaries


Number of Churches Number of Congregations Using

the Local Language

No Portuguese Sign Language Bible exists. One deaf church exists on the Madiera Islands. This church has expressed the need for the Bible in LGP. A few churches offer interpretation for deaf people in attendance. The deaf population of Portugal in general has a lower literacy rate than the hearing population.

Church growth for the deaf community in Portugal is slow. Many deaf people are indifferent to church because most services are only offered in Portuguese

The Deaf population uses LGP and Portuguese every day. A small percentage of the Deaf population also knows another signed language such as American Sign Language.

Cross-cultural missionaries are present in Portugal with the goal of deaf ministry and planting a deaf church. They are in their second year of ministry. The deaf community could benefit greatly from the production of educational materials of all kinds.



The Sign Language Community of Portugal_________________________________ Group Description

Language and Linguistic Primary Language Attitude Towards MT Second Languages Other People Groups Using

This Language as Their MT Linguistically Related Neighbor Languages Corrections to Ethnologue entry Literacy Adult Literacy Literacy Attitude Active Program

Publications in MT


Economics Avg. Annual Income Unemployment Rate Occupation Modernization/Utilities

Lingua Gestual Portuguesa (LGP); Portuguese Sign Language Very receptive Portuguese (por); American Sign Language (ase)

None Swedish Sign Language Portuguese (por), Mirandese (official, but locally used)

93.3% Very receptive Children are taught to read and write Portuguese as part of the education program. Multiple dictionaries, children's literature, instructional and educational DVDs as well as other educational materials. The CIA World Factbook claims that 93.3% of the total Portuguese population over 15 can read and write. This number would be expected to be much lower for the deaf population. The deaf population as a whole has a positive attitude towards learning to read. They feel it is very beneficial.

$8,000 US (2010 est.) 10.8% Teacher, students and various other occupations TV, Electricity, running water, phones (texting), computer use (although many do not own one)

The Sign Language Community of Portugal_________________________________

Community Development Clothing

Transportation Infant Mortality Rate Life Expectancy


Society Family Structures Social Habits/Groupings

Identification with Nat'l Culture

Self Image Attitude to Outsiders Attitude to Change Cultural Change Pace Local Lang Broadcasting

Education/Youth Primary Schools Primary School Enrollment Secondary Schools Secondary School Enrollment Language of Instruction Language of Textbooks Unmixed Schools Problems/Needs


Men: Jeans or dress pants, polo shirt; women: jeans, dress pants, dress or skirt with modest shirt or blouse Walking, bus, taxi, motorcycle, bicycle, train, car, metro Total: 4.66 deaths/1,000 live births Total population: 78.54 years The infant mortality rate and life expectancy are based on the total population of Portugal not just the deaf population.

Patrilineal Deaf groups get together for association meetings, to play sports, other clubs, or just social time. They interact socially based on proximity. Distinct Culture when it comes to deafness, but they are well integrated into the Portuguese culture Depressed Somewhat receptive to very receptive Somewhat receptive Slow At least one television station broadcasts with an interpreter or offers captioning for select programs.

Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Portuguese Sign Language (psr) and Portuguese (por) Portuguese (por) Unknown There is a need for the production of more educational materials of all kinds. Most deaf students are mainstreamed in the public education system.

The Sign Language Community of Portugal_________________________________

Religion Religions 1. Catholic 2. Other Primary Religion


# of Adherents 84.5% 15.4% Christianity Percentages from CIA World Factbook


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